Journal of a wanderer (Humor)
Atlantian Outcasts
03-04-2004, 18:08
"The NS Bunny. Forum 7. Maxtopia. These are all major urban legends on Nationstates. But I am after one in perticular. The Bible of the Max Barry Cult. Yes, we all know we can get copies from the local bookstore for $19.95 plus tax (5 bucks off if you call within the next 10 minutes), but the origianal is lost. This is why I have desided to leave behind everything I have ever known to go on a world wide tour thoughout NS's Regions. If anyone finds this book, it means that I have lost it. Please track me down and return it. Thanks"
To be continued.
Atlantian Outcasts
03-04-2004, 19:23 feedback....
"I wandered 1st into the well known region of the Pacific. Ok, 1st off, how many figgen Pacifics do we need? We got like 5, all of whome have OBCENE numbers of people. Talk about your metropolitan centers of NS. So this region is ruled by a well known guy named Francos Spain. Why is he well known? How should I know, I don't follow politics. Whoever he is, he seems fairly full of himself. I mean, "The Illuminated Path". WTF, is that like finding God? Anyway, as I walk down the streets, I see that fine guy Francos Spain cannabalize another member who just died from hunger. Suddenly I feel like I'm living Lord of the Flies. Oh, and to top it all off, there is a Hotdog stand just a few fet away. Thus is the crazy nature of City life. I figure this place is just too populated to hold the Bible, so I am on my way. I here Lazurus is fairly empty. At least, that's what the Umpa-Lompa told me.
Atlantian Outcasts
03-04-2004, 20:27
still no feedback....
"I made my way into the limbo known as "Lazarus". Much smaller than the Pacific. Just your normal region of 172 members. Well, except for the fact that people rise from the dead. I mean, literally, they rise from the dead. Your standing on a peice of land, and suddenly "SPROING!" your catapulted into the air. After awhile of serching, I found out that a region called the "Caribbean" is filled with Nazis and Pirates and Bears (OH MY!). Maybe the Bible is with the Pirates. Wouldn't suprise me. Well, I'm off the the Caribbean."
Atlantian Outcasts
03-04-2004, 23:13
"WTF? No UN delagate? I thought this was a Nazi place...and there's a power vacum. I walk down the beach where everyone is at, and I suddenly start hearing that the Nazis have left. That just leaves the Pirates. Goody. Well, at least I thought so...turns out the Mods have been here, and they ransacked the place...about 18 hours ago. Well, just before I desided to pack up and chase after the Nazis that left to see if they knew anything, I came across the founder--the almighty Blue Marlin. The guy is a filippen fish. A big one, I'll give you that...A nice...big jucy one....Anyway, it looks as though I'm headed for Conservicstan. but 1st I think I will go fishing."