NationStates Jolt Archive

My Nation States: Political Sketch Comedy.

03-04-2004, 09:06
OOC: In the Spirit of Saturday Night Live.

The premise of the Sketch is Larry King meets Jerry Springer. Larry is interviewing Jay Reaven from Melkor Unchained, and Patrick Stewart from Tersanctus. both Diplomats for thier country.

"Hello and welcome to Larry King Live, I am your host Larry King! Today we have Jay Reaven,. from Morgoth, and Patrick Stewart from Tersanctus." said a Cast Member, looking vaguely like Larry King, he walks admist a Audience, much Like Jerry Springer would.

"Jay you wanna go first?" asked Larry. The Camera than changed too a Sattelite TV Image of another Cast member, obviously taller and lankier than the real Jay Reaven, with a noticeably bad latex scalp, giving him the Appearance of being bald.

He stares aggressively at the camera, or rather with his eyes wide open making a few member of the real audience chuckle.

"[bleep] yeah!" He said, followed by spitting off too the side.

"First off, these [bleep] can [bleep] my [bleep][bleep] [bleepa]!!" He starts, the audience begins to roar in laughter.

"Now. Im not saying that these [bleep], but Godamn they [bleep]!"

"[bleep] [bleep] ( he contiues for another thirty seconds, the audience laughing the entire time.)"he ended with a spit off into the corner.

"Ok...Patrick, how do you respond?" Asked Larry.

The camera than followed Larry's finger pointing, to another cast member sitting on the stage, also made to resemble Patrick Stewart.

"First off, May I suggest that the honorable diplomat from Morgoth seek counseling?" said Patrick.

"Aww! Go hump a rosebush!" Jay responded.

Patrick winced. "Thats nice, you kiss you mother with that mouth?" PAtrick asked.

"You talking [bleep] about my MOM? [bleep}!" he said. " I should kick your ass!" Jay said.

"Well too bad your in Morgoth,...Id take you ON, BITCH!" Patrick responded.

"Well Patrick, I have a suprise for you!" said Larry.

Patrick looked nervously at him.

"Jay is actually backstage, not in Melkor Unchained....Come on out Jay!!" Larry Exclaimed.

Patrick than became very Nervous, and looked comedically scared, as Jay came out with some people dressed in cheesy Orc Costumes approched him, Patrick got up too rush the comedic looking Jay, but Jay picked up a chair, and it easily broke on him, as it was a prop.

The audience began to chant, "Larry! Larry! Larry! Larry!

The orcs than began taking fake shots at him, with loud punching sound effects. Jay than puts Patrick in a headlock, and says:
"What do you say now, punk?"

The camera focused in close on Patricks Face.

"Live, from New Sanctus, its Saturday Niiiiight!!"

OOC: Feel free to add your own sketches.
03-04-2004, 09:17
How tasteless.....counterculture makes me cringe.
03-04-2004, 09:18
OOC: Oh dear Lets get this overwith.
03-04-2004, 09:19
That's nice.
03-04-2004, 09:28
OOC: What are you posting as, IC or OOC?....There are rules to follow, follow them please!!