02-04-2004, 03:54
The capital square of the Socialist Republic of Xanthal is packed with thousands of people, members of the nation's military lining the edges. It is not apparent, but security is extremely high. Two Andromeda class starships in orbit keep transporter locks on the key participants in the ceremony to come, and discreet snipers lean from the windows of the tall buildings surrounding the Capital Square, which lies in the center of the newly rebuilt Xanthalian government HQ. A 200-story tall building stands in the center of the square, the central government's home and the location of the Council chambers. Surrounding the square, which extends outward for 200 meters in every direction, are the thirteen Xanthalian ministry buildings, designed outwardly in ancient Roman style. Elaborate arches fill the gaps between the ministry buildings and create the public gateways into the square. All of these entrances are heavily guarded. The square itself is paved with concrete and decorated throughout with simple fountains and statues of prominent figures from Xanthalian history. Benches are scattered about but only a few elderly people sit in them today, this is a standing-room only event. Twenty meters from the front entrance of the central highrise is a gigantic statue standing almost fifty meters high of the nation's founder and national hero, Zeke Zabertini. Just in front of that statue is a midsized platform raised about three meters off the ground. On it, towards the back, stand ten armed Xanthalian soldiers in full red uniform. At the front of the platform is a pedestal with a microphone affixed to its surface. To the right of the pedestal (looking from behind) are three tall, throne-like seats; to the left of the pedestal are thirteen shorter, more common chairs lined up about a meter from the platform's forward edge. Affixed to the front of the platform, directly in its center, is a large Xanthalian flag. It can only be seen by those with a clear view though, as it is mostly blocked by the mass of people standing in front of it, even though a railing and more soldiers keep them back a good five meters. To either side of the giant statue behind the stage flies another Xanthalian flag. The crowd is parted by fourteen red carpets, each of which is lined by more soldiers to keep the path clear. Thirteen of the carpets extend across the square in a radial pattern, each one beginning at a seperate ministry exit and ending at one of the platform's two sides. The final carpet leads from the central building itself, splitting into two paths to reach around either side of the statue, each prong meeting with opposite sides of the platform. The areas around the main entrances of all the ministries and the central highrise are also fenced off, providing a clear area for the starting points of the carpets. Despite the high security surrounding the occasion, the mood of the crowd is celebratory and enthusiastic. The people had experienced a Senate, but were repulsed by its bureaucracy. They had elected a dictator, but were put off by the consolodation of power. This was to be the final compromise to create a perfect, balanced, and efficient government that would last the Socialist Republic for centuries and supervise the social and economic experiments planned for the next decade. A set of three Triumvirs checked and balanced by a Council made up of the leaders of all thirteen Xanthalian ministries. Just inside the ministry buildings each respective Minister stands in full uniform, waiting. Inside the central building wait the Triumvir Elects and the current dictator, Zelda Zabertini. A beautiful female Xanthalian of young middle age, she is dressed in her usual attire for public appearances, flowing white robes that endow her with an appearance of mystery and majesty. The Triumvirs are dressed in the somewhat more colorful aristocratic uniforms designed for them as their official garb. Two male Xanthalians and a female Than wait patiently. The ceremony is about to start.
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OOC: If you'd like you may insert a representative of your own nation or simply a citizen on a visit here. No violece though please.