NationStates Jolt Archive

EUROPEAN UNION Court of Justice hearing (Sumasari v. Spain)

02-04-2004, 03:37
This is the thread for the EU CJ hearing Sumasari v. USSEU Spain. All arguments will be posted here, as well as suggestions for punishments and solutions. The elected court members will then read everything and decide collectively what is the best decision.
European Union Spain
02-04-2004, 06:06
Fellow European Nations,

I want to apologize for any trouble I might have caused the Union. But you have to understand what my reasons are; first of all, I do not think the Union was democratic in the way that it's Constitution was created by half the members or less than the current. The way members were categorized seemed unfair, me for instance, I was in a restricted status because the delegate did not consider my nation to be democratic even though freedoms and civil rights were above average. Also, other two nations joined and were kicked out before even being allowed to make any post or given a chance to change their governments if they were really interested in belonging to the Union.

What I already proposed is a new election and new amendments that will change those specific points which make the region seem despotic against new members.

This would greatly benefit the European Union... aiding dictatorial nations into becoming democracies instead of ejecting them. The European Union as a Political, Economical and Social force should help in the shaping of new free-world powers, that should be our duty along with being a peacekeeping region.

Thank You,
The President of The United Socialist States of European Union Spain,
Jorge Esteban Sadurní Ruán
02-04-2004, 11:14

You said:
But you have to understand what my reasons are; first of all, I do not think the Union was democratic in the way that it's Constitution was created by half the members or less than the current.

Thats not true no one did say anything against the constitution but still if all of you guys where against it why didnt you just say it and we could have talked about it, I admire that you tryed but its not enough you need more votes for a change.

You said:
The way members were categorized seemed unfair, me for instance, I was in a restricted status because the delegate did not consider my nation to be democratic even though freedoms and civil rights were above average. Also, other two nations joined and were kicked out before even being allowed to make any post or given a chance to change their governments if they were really interested in belonging to the Union.

Do you even know what democracy means, it come from the greek word, demo (means people) craty (means control or rule or something like that) ... But it wasnt the people there where in control in your nation and still isnt, you might have good rights and political freedom but it isnt a democracy, and it isnt me that say that just look what the UN catagorize you as. And the other two members, well the one of thoose dictatorships are the one that started all this, I was warned by a loyal member of democracy. But look here what the nation said:

The Supreme Regime of The Vega Constelation:
Well well... Hello......

It seemed my plan to take you of the power worked..... thanks to the colaboration of other nations, I was able to infiltrate you're community... and device a plan to get you out of there...

As you can see.. It worked... Thats what you get for banning me out!!.. and trying to stablish a dictatorship!!.. Thats right You idiot!! Im no more a dictator than you are.....


He say that all this only was made because he couldnt join as an dictator and continue with that :? if this is the Union you want then you are welcome Im just sad it had to be this.

Dictators should be told that they should improve there rights and become a democracy and then they are free to join...
03-04-2004, 18:35
It is true that not all nations joining this region were given the chance to vote on the constitution. However, they could have posted at any time their opinions. We could hold a referendum now on the constitution. At any rate, the joining nations should have to affirm their plans to follow the constitution. There has to be some order in the region.

I also have to say that Sumasari's actions in immediately kicking out nations with undemocratic rankings was very premature. I would suggest an introduction time of 7-14 days for joining nations to be able to change their rankings. Maybe after 7 days they are given a warning and then after 14 they are kicked out if rankings have not made SIGNIFICANT strides.

I do think, however, that the delegate position should not have changed hands so quickly. Any change in the delegate should occur only at specified election times. Even if the delegate seems to be overstepping his bounds, it should still take a vote of no confidence to have a non-regular election. THis would require someone calling for the vote, and then being seconded and finally a vote by the entire region.
European Union Spain
03-04-2004, 19:15
Ok, I agrew with you.

A probation time of 2 weeks for dictatorships seems fine. What should we do now? About the Delegate, Court, etc... the Union must go on.
03-04-2004, 21:50
Maybe you guys are right about that, but again I just followed our constitution, it said that they had to be a democracy to join so I had to ban them, you guys seems to blame me for doing what the constitution said about that... But wouldnt it have been smarter to try changing it I would have agreed if most of you guys meant that... I think its very unfair to say im a dictator of the Eu just because I was overholding the constitution... I can only say that the EU doesnt seems to understand democracy and thats why I have abanded the old Union and started the new, The new order, to a better world a world of democracy a world of one nation, that way we will come to peace and that way poverty will end.
Sence I aint a part of the EU I dont se I have to be her, but im willing to answer some more if you guys have something you want to point at me or agree with, that way our two union might get closer... And who knows we might become one union in the future. If we will come to some agreements on this points it will surly lead to some good.