30-03-2004, 22:59
I've been handed this issue:
The Issue
Far-right-wing Nazi supporters plan to stage a rally in the city center tomorrow, giving voice to their violent, racist views.
As is well known, Our Founder Lev Davidovich said the "Fascism is a phenomenon of the streets ... it must be beaten in the streets." We don't like either of the options our Workers' Government have been offered, either legalise the demo or try to suppress it with the police. We want the option to hang these coprocephalics from the lampposts. :evil:
The Issue
Far-right-wing Nazi supporters plan to stage a rally in the city center tomorrow, giving voice to their violent, racist views.
As is well known, Our Founder Lev Davidovich said the "Fascism is a phenomenon of the streets ... it must be beaten in the streets." We don't like either of the options our Workers' Government have been offered, either legalise the demo or try to suppress it with the police. We want the option to hang these coprocephalics from the lampposts. :evil: