NationStates Jolt Archive

Lamas of NS (OOC)

Daistallia 2104
30-03-2004, 14:45
OOC: With the Roman Catholics getting their pope sorted out over on another thread, I thought it might be interesting to list the known Lamas and Buddhist leaders of NS.
As Daistallia a predominately Tibetian Buddhist nation, we have a Whilan Lama - HH Kae Mar.
Anyother declaired Lamas?
30-03-2004, 15:34

Christian BUMPS into Buddhist thread
Swordmasters of Ginaz
30-03-2004, 15:48
Although there is no state religion for the Five Civilized Nations, at least 5% of my population are Buddhists. They are led by their leader, the esteemed He Hao, a descendant from one of the Buddha's original disciples. He is widely believed to have achieved near Nirvana, but opted to remain within the human world to assist others.
30-03-2004, 15:52
Daistallia 2104
30-03-2004, 15:56

Christian BUMPS into Buddhist thread
30-03-2004, 17:14
Daistallia 2104
31-03-2004, 03:13