LRR seeks to further trade relations
Lunatic Retard Robots
30-03-2004, 01:38
In a quest to increase our relations with the international community, we have decided that trade in goods and knowledge would be the best way to further that goal.
As such:
LRR would like to open trade relations with other nations. We have a thriving economy which specializes in shipbuilding and trade, as well as robotics and also has a strong asteroid mining sector. We are very eager to begin official trade agreements with other nations.
To qualify for trade with us, the desiring country must have good civil rights and a respectable international position. We will not trade with oppressive nations, no matter how powerful their economy is.
Your nation's economy will benefit greatly with a trade agreement with us. Not only is there a strong manufacturing, mining, and trade sector, but there is also a very active scientific establishment in LRR. Opening up trade relations with us will make you eligible for news of scientific discoveries (such as the Karos graveyard) and access to new technology.
Spacer Guilds
30-03-2004, 02:07
The Guilds are always looking for new trading partners ( Would you perhaps have a respectable agricultural industry?
~Peisenor of Tripolis
Central Facehuggeria
30-03-2004, 02:08
The USSCF would like to open trade relations with your nation. However, our civil rights fluctulate with current sociological issues. As such, we cannot promise that our civil rights will stay at their current [good] level.
We do, however, have a powerful (frightening +) economy, and we have had one for many years (two months realtime.) Our chief exports are clean automobiles, although computer technology and uranium mining are also edging up.
OOC: Not that it really matters as I don't use the civil rights scale when I RP. So I tend not to pay too much attention to the civil rights. I just pick the funniest issue. 8)
30-03-2004, 12:45
The Community of Mafikeng would very much like to establish trade relations with The Anarcho-Syndicist Commune of Lunatic Retard Robots. We view all relations,trade,diplomatic and otherwise as being mutually beneficial to both parties.
Rt.Hon.Mervyn Connell M.P,
Secretary for Trade and Employment.
Daistallia 2104
30-03-2004, 14:30
While the government of Daistallia 2104 does not interfere with trade, a representative of the DCC (Daistallian Chamber of Commerce) would be interested in furthering trade.
Lunatic Retard Robots
31-03-2004, 03:10
Spacer Guilds- we do have a reasonable agricultural sector. We mainly grow grapes and rice in the southern plains area.
Central Facehuggeria- as long as you aren't some genocidal maniac, a trade deal would be good. Are you modern or futuretech, or both?
Mafikeng- sure. Set up an embassy. We can give you some older freighters and such.
Dalistallia- we would like very much for your representative to come to LRR. Would you like to provide transportation or me?
Central Facehuggeria
31-03-2004, 04:15
Central Facehuggeria- as long as you aren't some genocidal maniac, a trade deal would be good. Are you modern or futuretech, or both?
OOC: I am primarily Future tech with a [small] modern tech army to womp on any "OMG I GnOrE F&t/r NatTios" n00b who thinks them safe from retribution. But I am primarily future, with powered armor, plasma beams, the whole shabang.
IC: Genocide is dishonorable as well as inefficient. We do not espouse it.
Spacer Guilds
31-03-2004, 05:44
I see. Such is not quite what we had hoped; meat is most prized here. But rice and grapes may too be of benefit. Rice particularly is difficult to grow in microgee.
~Peisenor of Tripolis
The Federation of the New Bulgars is a small nation with excellent civil rights record and superb political freedoms.
In an attempt to improve the economic conditions the government is looking to extend its trade relations.
The Federation looks to boost its organic farming exports together with flowers, perfumes, silk, chocolate and pharmaceuticals.
Government looks to modernize its communications industry by applying digital technology and satellite earth stations. Modernization of civil airports and harbors is next on the agenda.
In the past decade the Federation's iron and steel industries have been completely shut down due to environmental concerns. Their re-opening is pending introduction of modern environmentally safe technologies for which currently there are no funds.
The Federation can provide highly trained civil engineers, excellent medical staff, and scientists in fields like mathematics, physics, chemistry, social sciences and humanities.
31-03-2004, 12:44
Funktabula is a small nation with Good Civil Rights, a decent economy and superb political freedoms.
While our focus is on the social welfare of our people, we also hold economic development as a priority. We are currently seeking to expand our trading relations with other nations, and as such, are greatly interested in your offer.
Our highly educated work force stands at the ready to assist in any way possible. Also, our liberal drug laws, beautiful landscape and world class house music make Funktabula the ideal vacation destination for people of all ages.
The Ctan
31-03-2004, 12:51
Trade is always welcome, and we would be happy to dicuss the matter at a later date, as unfortunately, due to domestic concerns, we are currently unable to arrange increased trade effectively. However, in the near future we are planning a major drive to increase our foreign trade, and, if you wish, your nation shall be included among those we will contact.
Lord Eric Roberts
Undersecretary of Trade, Economic Ministry, The Eternal Necrontyr Empire of the C'tan.
Lunatic Retard Robots
01-04-2004, 02:26
All nations- you can start trading with us any time.
There are freighters (both sea and space) headed to your nations with all sorts of goods.
C'tan especially- we would very much like it if you did that.
Lunatic Retard Robots
01-04-2004, 02:27
All nations- you can start trading with us any time.
There are freighters (both sea and space) headed to your nations with all sorts of goods.
C'tan especially- we would very much like it if you did that.