NationStates Jolt Archive

The Rogue Nation of Dylanera

30-03-2004, 00:38
The Rogue Nation of Dylanera

Sincerely proposes,
The Order of the Black Market

Hereby Signing this Document you are agreeing to create an order against the United Nations.*
This order would be a league of Dictatorship bent on destroying the world.

- * This order will be led by I, and whoever signs this Document second.
30-03-2004, 00:46
An order against the UN is unneccesary. All the UN nations have fallen into anarchy due to the previous resolution. Section 5a allows murder, provided you sever the spinal cord, and 5c disallows taxation of any form. Thus, their nations are now murderous and bankrupt. The UN has commited political suicide.