NationStates Jolt Archive

Regulusan Autarchy Established!

29-03-2004, 00:31
Commander Jukin Dawn, Captain of the GDB Xanthus, burts onto the bridge

"Status report! Now!"

"Final reports are in, sir. We're looking at a complete loss. The Council, the Executers, the Magistrates, everything. Our signals from Deneb are sketchy, but it looks like they were hit just as hard, if not harder. It's hard to verify, but I think the Duke is dead."

The Commander just stands there, not quite sure how to handle the news. Then, a smile slowly spreads across his face.

"So, the old bag finally caught it."


"About time, too. Somebody should have taken him out a long time ago. I just wish it had been me. He shuttles me off to this second rate star system, commanding a fleet not even worthy of the name, and then acts like he's done me this huge favor even keeping me in command."

His subordinates just stare at him, not even sure what the hell is going on

"Well, things are gonna change now. Helm, set a course for the Jump-Node, bring us to Deneb. I think it's time we restore the order."

The glint in his eye is unmistakeable, it is the look of a madman out for blood.

"Sir, I can't do that. We need to stay here. If the Duke truly is dead we'll need to make sure this system remains stable and safe. We need to"

His words are cut short, not even a scream escaping his mouth as the Thumb Gun's energy blasts his torso into nothingness

"You're right, lieutenant. We must stay here. Order needs to be restored. I trust everybody else here is fine with that?"

The crew don't even speak, remaining in a state of shock

"Excellent. Then give me shipwide."

When the communications officer doesn't even move the deranged man lurches forward and throws the switch himself

"Attention all crew, we have just received word that the Duke has been slain! The Regulusan Government has likewise been devastated. We are remaining here to......restore the order. We'll rendevous with the rest of the fleet above the North Pole. We'll proceed from there."

A similar signal is sent out to the rest of the Regulus System Fleet,and soon the entire fleet is in orbit around the colonised planet.

"This system, and the people in it, are without leadership. They are without a uniting voice. Well, we need to rectify that. As of now, I am assuming Directorate Control of Regulus (Directorate Control is an extreme protocol set by the dearly departed Duke, where if contact is lost with Deneb and the system government is rendered inopperative then the highest ranking military officer in the system assumes governmental duties). Do all concur?"

It was voice communication only, the other commanders couldn't see the expression on his face. If they had, may God have mercy upon the soul of whoever agreed.

"Very well. Then, as my first proclomation, Regulus is hereby withdrawing from the Klonor Empire!"

The rabble coming from the speakers would have disturbed a Banshee

"Silence! The next man to speak will be executed! I am aboard an Achilles class Battleship, and you know damn well that I could destroy your pathetic vessels without breaking a sweat! You will all speak when spoken to, and no more!"

The rabble slowly dies down, each Captain recognizing the truth of the statement

"Good, you aren't all idiots. Hopefully we will be able to make the transmission rather smoothly. Now, let's get down to work."

And he then begins to efficiently dismantle any say the people have in the way the system is run.

The Autarchy had been formed!

OOC: Essentially, this dude just made himself the dictator of Regulus