NationStates Jolt Archive

The Gladiator Arenas- Sword, Magic and Honor (recruitment)

21-03-2004, 12:16
Post any questions, comments, advice, troubles, opinions, and lastly and importantly, characters you want to enter and I will allow you in this rp.

The actual thread is here (
23-03-2004, 01:20 Gx8QDSn0TGEEi!unfGXSC1hcAcNYX/deistyina.jpg?dc=4675458798536403902

Name: Rikan Tansho (pronounced: "Ree-kan Tan-sho")
Age: 21 years old
Race: Human
Nationality: Tarlachia
Weapons: Dual arm attached sword, made of an extremely durable and worthy metal. Identity of metal is kept confidential. Adaptable to other weapons as well.
Magic?: None
Skills/Abilities: Well capable with various weaponry, having trained in the Rahka Kin No mercenary group. Profieciently and expertly a user of martial arts

Rikan Tansho, a name feared by many within the borders of Tarlachia. A name that was whispered in the dark corners of every pub and even then, only by the bravest. She was orphaned by brutal vampires as a child, having watched her very parents murdered for the beasts' thirst for blood. She had escaped to the deep and thick forests in the East, where she was picked up by several sentinels of the Rahka Kin No mercenary group. At the young age of 11, she began her training with martial arts, and the deadly combination of various weaponry, ranging from blades to slingshots. She quickly learned her skills, and rose rapidly through her new family in rank. At 18 years of age, she became head of her own platoon of mercenaries, and was assigned to fight the many vampires that still roamed hungrily for blood. She forged a weapon of her own, a dual arm bladed weapon, that was retractable when not used, and easily expanded when needed. In time, she faced against the very ones who had murdered her family so coldly, and fought greatly with them. In the end, she had the head of each vampire in her sack, and delivered to her master. Upon seeing this, the master recognized the vampires as having been elders in the vampiric world, and immediately resigned his position to her. She became known as the Viper, and the nickname fitted her well. It seemed that she was invincible, for time after time, the vampires were slewn before her blades. Now, she had found a new sport in the world. Gladiator. She took only her weapons of choice, and a dual bladed sword (imagine a version similar to Darth Maul's from Star Wars) as backup. She brought with her several different remedies for the various types of injuries that she might incur, ranging from physical wounds to magical wounds. Never was she unprepared, never would she be caught unaware...
23-03-2004, 02:43
Can someone enter more than one character? If so, I'd like to enter three of diffferent power levels.
23-03-2004, 10:03
Tarlachai- Accepted.

Dar-Kavryn, it might become slightly unmanageable for you to have more than one character, they might be fighting at the same time you see, or worse, against each other. A team however, that would work. There are specific games for teams, if you wanted to join those you could create a team of three and enter them into the same power level you want, or have one character and join with other players in a team game. I will be posting the number of games, and what type there are so you can manage it.
23-03-2004, 10:10
Thanks...will get working on my intro post right away! :D
23-03-2004, 10:15
Alright. I think having three people in a team might become unmanagable, although there could be special events for that kind of thing.

There are four catagories.

Combat- Warriors take part in duels, tests, endurance feats, races etc. Possibility for chariot races etc, horse racing or something like that should players want.

Magic- Magic-users (inclusing preists should you feel inclined). FFA (free for all for the uninitiated), endurance tests, survival (everyone working as a team against creatures), races (that will be interesting, I can work that one out)

Teams- This branches into two catagories of its own. Again, Combat and Magic. It includes the same kind of thing as each one would dictate, but with other combaticants. There could be great variation here, but I would like to keep teams down a number of two. More managable and easier to work relationships you see. There *could* be an option to have a fighter and a mage working together in special events, but that would be in Special Catagory.

Special- This includes any remarkable challenges. Specific duels against different members, challenging members of staff (don't even think of challenging the owner of the arena, unless you are feeling very lucky). FFA blood bowl for example, where everyone is placed into a massive arena and the last man/woman standing wins. Of course, there would be such intersting things like monsters popping up, or terrain rising. And there is naval combat as such, or aieral combat for those who want it. I will be implimenting the games which I feel will do well, but at first, keep to the ones I set please. Suggestions are highly welcomed.

As a note, this is NOT to the death. Or at least, characters will nto die permanently. Everyone will be equip with a pendant which allows combaticants to "respawn" in their cells, although very wounded, possibly unconcious for a time. This allows people to make a "killing" blow, without actually killing as such. But there would be blood etc, the person would simply fade away, but all will be explained to the characters in full when they enter, by staff and the owner of the arena.
Swordmasters of Ginaz
23-03-2004, 16:00
Name: Amistad Crusade
Age: 29 years old
Race: Human
Nationality: None
Weapons: Sword of Cala (Chinese sword carved with intricate dragons)
Magic: Draconic and Healing Magic
Skills/Abilities: Infinity Swords Skill (defensive technique, surrounding the fighter in a wall of swords), Mirror Sword Skill (utilized the power of the Sun and the Moon combined with the reflective nature of the Sword of Cala), Eighteen Techniques of the Xiang Long (utilizes Amistad's draconic magic to form "dragons")


Check here ( for more information.

Amistad Crusade is the son of the legendary couple, Lance Crusade and Amelia Eiken Crusade. When his father was killed in fighting a rearguard action to protect him and his mother, Amistad was trained from youth by his mother, who taught him the intricate nature of magic. When his mother died when he was eighteen, Amistad became a wanderer. On one of his wanderings he was taken in by the famed Omnus Stormrider, the last of the dragonlords...

Taught for eight years at the home of the dragonlords, Mt. Skyfire, Amistad became a powerful user of draconic magic and sword fighting. When his master departed to battle an evil in the west, Amistad left Mt. Skyfire and began his wanderings...
Fetid Fens
23-03-2004, 16:23
Fetid Fens would like to add Da'Nathtal to the mix
Da' Nathtal illusionist.
Intelligence: Unknown refuses to be tested has turned every Inquirer into a blubbering idiot when they tried to do an unauthorized probe.
Agility: barely mobile at best
Dexterity: infinite
Strength: frail
Speed: is able to move
Age: unknown appears to be 90 years old probably 3 times that
Only known weapon: Thin bladed Fillet Knife usually used behind the ear for instantaneous death.
Armor: Battle suit with electro-mechanical assists in speed, movement, agility, strength, and visual and audio assists with Heads -Up-Display in visor.
N'Dahnimh Sub-Altern for the Plateau region of Fetid Fens will be glad to get rid of this menace for an indeterminate time.
Favorite saying "If an illusion is so realistic that when a victim is bound by illusionary ropes he can't escape even if he knows it is an illusion --Maybe it is not an illusion after all."
23-03-2004, 17:10
Ginaz, your accepted. Although be highly careful of your abilities. I do not want people who can fight endlessly etc etc, although I am sure you know how I mean. And....remember that all characters can be beaten. The reason why I am asking people not to use characters they know and love because no body likes to see thier main character taken down early in a fight wihtout some heroic struggle you know?

Fetid Fens, afraid not. A couple of gripes. Dexterity: infinate? What is that supposed to mean? And battle suits are not allowed. In case you have not realised, this is a fantasy enviorment, hence the title. I need detail if he is human etc, just for clarification.

And, just another point, put what power level you are. Low, medium, high. For example, Low- Tierli, the human paladin, eager to prove himself, been in a few combats and not completely wet-behind the ears. Medium- A lizardman who is a vetern of many conflicts. Has seen war before, a footsolider in them. Uses a spear effectively, and has collected a few magical items over the years. High- A mage who has an extremely wide repitore of spells, and magical items at his desposal.

You get the idea.
Low = pretty new person, with some experiance.
Medium = an experianced person in his or her feild. Possibly has a few magical items. Knows how to handle themself, and has been in combat etc
High = Owns many magical items, been in many conflicts. Near a master in thier feild.

High does NOT mean however, characters like Ravelyn Shentavo. For those who don't know who she is, she is a half angel half vampire (for simplicity sake and example here) who has all sorts of abilities, sired children, magical powers, buildings etc etc. They would be too powerful for this, and it would be beside the point.
Swordmasters of Ginaz
23-03-2004, 17:15
:lol: , you mean also like Omnus Stormrider and Nez'gah right?
23-03-2004, 17:22
:lol: , you mean also like Omnus Stormrider and Nez'gah right?

Correct in that one. Although there is one exception to this rule, the owner of the gladiator ring. But he will not be fighting, unless of course, you wanted to. :D
23-03-2004, 17:58
Hm... shame, I was going to post Varya, but she's 20th century stuff...
Fetid Fens
23-03-2004, 19:10
OOC: Ok the old guy will stay home. How about this guy:
IC: Raven Srvassian
Race: Human Yeti mix, Yeti Father, Human mother
Strength: very strong
Agility: Above average
Dexterity: Average
Speed: Fast
Age 18 1/2
Intelligence: Below average, knows it, prefers to follow except in the heat of battle wants to charge in.
Weapons Claymore; two handed sword, long bladed knife, short dirk, various close-in fighting weapons, black jack, brass knuckles...
Skills Excellent with Claymore, intimate practical knowledge of offensive and defensive manuevers.
Experience: Medium to low medium, fought in the Yeti wars but saw little action. Covered 500 miles in the back and forth war killed 8 yeti and one human.
23-03-2004, 19:12
Fetid- Accepted. Just a point, and to everyone, do not make your character 2d please :)

And if you character uss swords but knows about guns, that is fine. As long as you are willing to face a fireball if it comes :)
23-03-2004, 21:17
Hum hummedy hum...weyl, anyways..

Name: Kiernan il-Karai (Pron. Kyeernahn Eel Ka-rI)
Age: 75-ish
Race: Fhellant'im
PoB: Fhellantir, Northfell
Height: 6' 4"
Weight: 200 lbs
Hair Color: Silver
Eye Color: Silver
Skin Color: Dark
Weapons: Fhellanti Swords
Fighting Style: Fhellanti(Rank: Sub-Master)


Kiernan is a young-ish Fhellant'im, the Desert Warriors of the walled city of Fhellantir, located out in the wastelands of Northfell's southern desert. He wears the usual clothing, loose black slacks and shirt, broad sash-belt, white hooded cloak, veil. He fights with the twin blue-bladed curved swords of a Fhellanti warrior, and his style is that of, surprise surprise, a Fhellanti swordsman.
23-03-2004, 21:30
Vorpalis Cúthalion

Name: Vorpalis of the Noble House of Cúthalion

Age: 3,350 years

Race: Sindarin Elf

Nationality: Once born in Doriath, she's now an Aelosian

Weapons: Memenphil, her Golvarn sword. She's always clad in an exquisite Mithril armor and uses a medium mithril shield in battle. Beloghrid, one of the great bows of the Sindarin, is in her possesion too, as a long and light Anleth Spear.

Magic?: Just barely a basic level. She can help herself with a few battle spells that improve her speed, her accuracy and her strength. Although she has a natural ability with healing magic, as any Sindarin elf has.

Skills/Abilities: Unearthy speed and agility, even clad in her ultra light armor she's capable of moving, jumping and attacking with an amazing celerity. She's a fairly capable fencer, expert in parrying blows and dodging attacks.

(I'll post it later ok?)
23-03-2004, 22:22
Aelosia accepted. No need for a biography, not really esencial. I assume that you are going in for a high level yes? This should be good. Welcome aboard.

Revenia, I amsure I can accept you, can I have some information on the race you are using? Better mental image then. And what power level do you think, low, medium or high?
23-03-2004, 22:45
One character, eh? OK... which of these two sounds better to you?

T'zark T'kahndir (spelling is rough, as his native language uses a different alphabet):
A member of a reptilian race that dwells in the deepest caves of Dar-Kavryn, where pools of molten stone are common, T'zark has a natural affinity for fire. He has some skill with flame related magic, and a slight ability to work with stone, but he is primarily a warrior. He has good training, but very little combat experience. He uses a Rualtese saber and a bladed arm guard in battle. His race is virtually impossible to harm with fire, but they are more susceptible to cold than most. They tend to be quicker than humans, but not as strong.
Verton Dijaal:
A donari warrior-mage, apprentice to Kaldor. He focuses mainly on magic, but is a competent hand-to-hand fighter with a short, double bladed spear. Kaldor recently judged him sufficiently experienced to get real world experience. He has fought several groups of bandits and a dark mage, and is at the stage when he doesn't understand, in the back of his mind, that he can be beaten. (This might be a good place for him to learn...). He is a fairly powerful sorceror (medium-high), and a good enough fighter to deal with several low-level minions at once (probably medium-low power).
23-03-2004, 23:08
T'zark T'kahndir sounds like a better one. That will prove more interesting with the line up of other warriors.
23-03-2004, 23:16
Name: Darzatu the Censor

Age: Over two thousand years, quite possibly a lot over.

"Race": Undead human. Leathery body with no vital organs.

Nationality: Originally the Holy Empire of Ermor. After its fall, the Ashen Empire of Ermor.

Weapons and armor: His weapon of choice is a Wraith Sword. It is a two handed sword and it leeches life force when it hits. Its blade is deep purple in color. He dons a rusty plate hauberk and he wears a red cape over it.

Magic: None, unless you count the sword.

Skills/Abilities: He was a Censor before Ermor fell. He was one after it fell. He is a rarity within the ranks of Censors, a swordsman, but he has no "abilities" as such. His leathery body is his greatest strength.

Background: Long forgotten. The punishment the Censors were given was harsh, and they only remember bits and pieces of their original, human life. The only thing that makes this one different from most of the rest is that he is still, in a way, sane. Partially because he was able to find a way out of Ermor.
23-03-2004, 23:17
Hmm, oh, well, I guess he'd be the lower end of the high area, most likely.

As to what the Fhellant'im are...well...

First off, Northfell is a planet. It happens to have a 2g standard gravity, which results in rather high bone densities, in general. Also, its people tend to be rather strong.

The Fhellant'im are from the southern part of Northfell, which is your typical desert. They hunt the ever so dangerous desert creatures, and do all the things that mysterious desert dwellers do.

They are perhaps most infamous for the Fhellanti fighting style, of which there are 11 circles, signifying skill and progression through the style.

It is primarily an armed style, of which traditionally one would use twin blue-bladed swords that appear to be something like a Katana, but are more alike a curved form of a European longsword.

The higher levels of the Fhellanti styles (Beginning at the seventh circle, or the 'Adept' level) begin to use various mental disciplines and begin to train the mind as well as the body.

But, regardless, Fhellant'im tend to be stronger, and faster than your average human. They also have some inborn psionic aptitude.

Soo...We're talking Warrior-Monks. Something like that, anyways.
23-03-2004, 23:24
Pushing it there Ermor. The power level I think is too high to be in this. The lower the power level, the better you see. Something less powerful please. :)
23-03-2004, 23:28*zv50ZF0RlEGMa5h3XwnntlEwuMpM5tVs!Zd0I1BoF3xOwgzvXLYh95fVifbH*MPAvY Yf2TbsSE/Varya.bmp?dc=4675444177876470394

Name: Varya (no last name as they are too human

Age: Looks to be mid-twenties, actually 45

Race: Vampire (was Human)

Nationality: Nomadic, orginally Miserabalia when human.

Weapons: Anything she can get her hands on. Usually carries around a ornate Japanese Katana (stolen) as well as various hidden weapons varying from knifes to razor blades crudely hidden around soles of her boots.

She is also highly adept with her throwing knifes, but owns a "piece" like everyone else in her pack...

Magic/Powers: Varya has spent alot of time around humans and has developed a certain level of domination over weaker willed individuals... it takes a strong human to resist but it isn't impossible. She also has power over the darkness, being able to make it have actual substance...

Racial Weeknesses:Like all vampires from her region of the world Varya cannot go out in sunlight, however due to her clan (Lasmobra) she is especially vunerable to sunlight, mear moments under it's touch will bring final death upon her.

Like the rest of her kin her "inner beast" fears fire, however due to Sabbat rituals (jumping over a pyre to signify their strength of will) she will only really fear fire if she feel threatened... Fire is one of the substances which can cause final death to Varya and she will make a point of avoiding it.

A stake through the heart will immobilise her completely if it goes through her heart... but it not kill her in herself. Beheading will also cause final death. Otherwise normal damage is unlikely to kill her but will force her into torpor (regenerative state in which she will look like a corpse) for some time... blood speeds up this process.

She casts no reflection due to a curse on her clans line and their connection to the darkness within... this also works as an advantage becaucse mechanical devices cannot see her.

While religious icons themselves have no physical effect on Vampires, Varya has a complex which makes her beleive that they do due to her lost humanity.... as such crosses can repel her because she thinks they can.

Skills/Abilities: Varya is un-naturally strong and tough for a woman of her size, she has also fought on the tough streets most of her un-life in the never ending war between the Camarilla and the Sabbat and as such is cabable of defending herself very well despite her lack of martial training... despite apperances she is quick on the uptake but often fiegns ignorance for the slight edge...

She will take any and all oportunities to gain an advantage. However she has lost alot of her humanity.


OOC: Probably not suitable but I'm posting her just in case.
23-03-2004, 23:28
Alright, thanks for that infomation Revenia. Your accepted.
23-03-2004, 23:40
Pushing it there Ermor. The power level I think is too high to be in this. The lower the power level, the better you see. Something less powerful please. :)

"Too powerful"? In what way? The others have healing powers, battle magic, special abilities and what not. I said that my character can't cast spells, has no special abilities, unless you count being able to use a two handed sword as such. The only things he has that're out of the ordinary is his sword, basically, his rusty armor and the fact that he's undead. Big deal. You have accepted draconians, elves, lizardmen and some strange Revenian thingies already. In fact, I'd call my character underpowered in this group, not overpowered.

And I thought the idea wasn't to fight to death anyway.
24-03-2004, 00:01
I'm going to think up another character just in case...
24-03-2004, 04:43
Name: Laine Cudan



Weapon: Various. Her weapon of choice is a dual bladed Sword-Staff. Other weapons includes Tofana, a hachet, a Saber, and dual knives.

Magic: Somewhat limited. She can cast only light spells, and most of these are defensive, such as magical shields and life spells and whatnot. She is, however, quite skilled with Lightning magic.

Skills: The ability to fly, obviously. She also has increased speed and power. Also, as an angel, she can heal small wounds quickly.

Bio: Laine is a free-lance assassian, and not much else is known about her. (Or mabey i just cant think of anything to post right about now.)

OCC:I suppose i should write an intro post.
24-03-2004, 08:49*Uc65ztSAjlR!gKbQGy50Dby68x!sBx8DUYKdat6*1JEJCuuqFTWc!hgSfGdevsh0HciP*!atEqAYDDSVt09a5UOvq4 n4kSoFGz9*pzZdlE9hvi0*AN*pQVdRq5BwHO3pvE/Strike%2520lores.jpg?dc=4675464970192036437

Name: Jinna Yoshi aka Januth Yoshi
Age: 120 years old
Race: Possessed Human
Nationality: Valientinian
Weapons: The "Yin" Samurai Sword. Two Hiroshi-Forged Dura-steel daggers.
Magic?: Stop Time
Skills/Abilities: Augmented healing and physical attributes. Samurai Master. Enhanced speed.

Biography: N/A. Any and all records of Yoshi dissappeared from DEO files shortly after he resufaced under the alias Januth. DEO officials believe he has been possessed by the spirit of the sword "Yin" and now must complete his journey to find his sword "Yang."
24-03-2004, 10:08
24-03-2004, 12:37
Pushing it there Ermor. The power level I think is too high to be in this. The lower the power level, the better you see. Something less powerful please. :)

"Too powerful"? In what way? The others have healing powers, battle magic, special abilities and what not. I said that my character can't cast spells, has no special abilities, unless you count being able to use a two handed sword as such. The only things he has that're out of the ordinary is his sword, basically, his rusty armor and the fact that he's undead. Big deal. You have accepted draconians, elves, lizardmen and some strange Revenian thingies already. In fact, I'd call my character underpowered in this group, not overpowered.

And I thought the idea wasn't to fight to death anyway.

A few things. Your magial item. Your undead for a fact. You are hardly underpowered, undead have certain advantages over others don't you think? How exactly can you kill undead? Very hard indeed, you are going to have to have a silver weapon or something. And also, your age. Over two thousand years, quite possibly a lot over; this would be a heck of a lot of time to get knowledge and practice! This is my decision, and you are not accepted.

I am not accepting undead due to these compliations of having specialised equipment to beat them.

Valient- One thing I am worried about- Stop Time. That could mess around with combat mechanics etc, if you can just stop time and cut someones throat you know? And how do you mean by augmented healing? I am curious.

Ravea- A angel huh? And only 32 years old.....the thing which I am confused about is her being an assassin. You could, if you wanted, make her an evariel, a flying elf. But I am happy with the power level, just flying with raise some problems of its own. And bear in mind, that she must remain light in regards to weapons due to her flying. The more weight ou have, the more tierd she is going to get flying, and mroe effort she is going to have to put in. I am happy to have a flying character, just the implications to other players....I think I will allow it though, if you clear those things up with me.

Iuthia, I am afraid I cannot accept a vampire really due to complications. When are the majority of fights going to take place? During the day. I can't have every fight you are in during the night time, espically the big tournaments. This is being watched by an audiance, they don't want mnight vision goggles or something to watch it :P And it would cause all kinds of messy problems with other characters who don't have silver weapons. But I like the character, and it is worthy for other rps. But I am afriad, no :(
24-03-2004, 12:42
Alright, those who have been accepted can make thier introduciton posts. You are not allowed in due to the great doors being shut until the arena is ready. So take this oppertunity to explain who your character is in the thread and interact with other players, or ones which you cna mae up (NPCs who will talk to your character. I am quite happy for you to do so, just so you can show what your character is like. I will implimenting my own ones.)
24-03-2004, 13:04
How exactly can you kill undead? Very hard indeed, you are going to have to have a silver weapon or something. And also, your age. Over two thousand years, quite possibly a lot over; this would be a heck of a lot of time to get knowledge and practice! This is my decision, and you are not accepted.

Very well. But I will still say something in my defense.

You accepted an elf who was over 3 000 years old, and you had nothing to say of her most likely very high skill level. You thought it was good. Although Darzatu is old, he's just a mediocre swordsman with no abilities. The Censors don't really train in Ermor anymore. Some of them just stay in the Citadels and do nothing. Do you want to know what the rest do? They walk around Ermor doing nothing. Patrols in Ermor are practically pointless, since no one ever goes there. They have almost no ambition after Ermor fell to the undead.

He's undead, yes, but that doesn't make it any harder to get rid of him. You can't hit him *critically* to kill him, but you can remove his limbs or even decapitate him. He does not regenerate. At all. Nor does he heal. That is why he needs the sword, to even the scores a bit. He'd need to go on a killing spree in some farm to even fix the cuts and bruises he gets from fights. In Ermor things are a bit different.

You said in your thread that the idea is NOT to fight to death, so unless you lie there already, it shouldn't even be a problem. Losing is a completely different thing than dying. Even an undead knows when he has lost in a fight.
24-03-2004, 15:08
Understood, I'll think of something else... though I'm involved in no less then many threads of importance right now (allies being threatened, celebrations at Aelosia, academy, Iuthia being bombed...) so I'll see if I can make time.
24-03-2004, 15:49
How exactly can you kill undead? Very hard indeed, you are going to have to have a silver weapon or something. And also, your age. Over two thousand years, quite possibly a lot over; this would be a heck of a lot of time to get knowledge and practice! This is my decision, and you are not accepted.

Very well. But I will still say something in my defense.

You accepted an elf who was over 3 000 years old, and you had nothing to say of her most likely very high skill level. You thought it was good. Although Darzatu is old, he's just a mediocre swordsman with no abilities.

Correct. I accepted an elf. She is highly skilled, but elven people have long life spans, and thier aging is different from humans. If you have an 80 year old elf, that is around 18? Or something like that. Admitted, she is old and experianced, but an undead person would have no aging process like this. But this is not the heart of the reason why.

The Censors don't really train in Ermor anymore. Some of them just stay in the Citadels and do nothing. Do you want to know what the rest do? They walk around Ermor doing nothing. Patrols in Ermor are practically pointless, since no one ever goes there. They have almost no ambition after Ermor fell to the undead.

And you expect me to do research upon every characters past, society, nation and everything that they went through? This is why I need this infomation when you enter a character in.

He's undead, yes, but that doesn't make it any harder to get rid of him. You can't hit him *critically* to kill him, but you can remove his limbs or even decapitate him. He does not regenerate. At all. Nor does he heal. That is why he needs the sword, to even the scores a bit. He'd need to go on a killing spree in some farm to even fix the cuts and bruises he gets from fights. In Ermor things are a bit different.

But, you are ignoring something. Undead will not feel pain (or at least, not be phased about losing an arm etc. They will keep coming, and coming and coming. And the sword, fair enough on that on to heal him, but it is simply not managable. If someone starts hacking into your character, and your character is getting only scratches (remembering that they have to do something great like chop off a arm, which I imagine is VERY hard with armour on etc, unless you have massive strength or huge weapon etc etc) on it, how would you like it if this undead thing which is not taking any damage which matters to his combat ability, just with any strike which hits heals him?

You said in your thread that the idea is NOT to fight to death, so unless you lie there already, it shouldn't even be a problem. Losing is a completely different thing than dying. Even an undead knows when he has lost in a fight.

This is to the death, but the not the final death as such. I have put down in either this thread (I should have done, if not, my apologies) that a character will die, but "respawn" as such with the pendants that the main owner will give out. Of course, you will still be hurt, and returned to yoru cells unconcoius or somehting of the like, but you still need to kill. And how can your undead character say that he has lost if the opponent would not be able to make a final blow?
24-03-2004, 16:31
Oh, NOW I understand. Somehow I would think that Censors feel pain, their existence wouldn't exactly be the worst possible punishment one could get if they couldn't. But there's the whole thing about not being able to "respawn" an undead anyway, so I guess I'll leave it at that. They are the lowest level sentient and battle capable undeads in Ermor, so there's nothing I could bring to this RP that would be low enough. The Ashen Empire is full of undead beings, no matter what.
24-03-2004, 16:53
Guess what? I cannot know everything about your character unless you tell me. Sorry if I go by the infomation by the word "undead" and assuming like most other undead as such, that they do *not* feel pain (and please note, vampries are not undead as such, not int he normal way). And youa re correct that the pendants would not work, and it would be difficult for me to get around it.

They are the lowest level sentient and battle capable undeads in Ermor, so there's nothing I could bring to this RP that would be low enough. The Ashen Empire is full of undead beings, no matter what.

Correct. It is not that fact that theya re low, is that they are undead.
24-03-2004, 17:43
Gotcha. Ill make Laine a 320 year old evariel. Her weapons will be limited to Sword-Staff, Saber, and a single knife. And ill take away that fast-healing ability and turn it into.....a slow healing ability! Is that good for now?

Ah, yes, and would you mind if i gave her a Bow?
24-03-2004, 18:30
Kain, Don't worry about the stop time. It's more of a last-ditch attempt. It's purely for story purposes only, like stopping time to talk to just one person. I will not use it to get any cheap kills. still, if you do not want it in, I will not use it.

As for the augmented healing, it just means that he has the ability to heal quicker. Like to stop bleeding or the like. Don't worry again: HE IS DEFINATELY killable.

If you want me to change it, let me know. But overall, thats what it is.
24-03-2004, 19:02
Gotcha. Ill make Laine a 320 year old evariel. Her weapons will be limited to Sword-Staff, Saber, and a single knife. And ill take away that fast-healing ability and turn it into.....a slow healing ability! Is that good for now?

Ah, yes, and would you mind if i gave her a Bow?

Thats good, that is perfectly acceptable. You can give her a bow, but as always, the more weapons, the heavier you are.

Ravea- Accepted.

Valient- Accepted

That is fine, I am glad your abiolity is like that then. You can understand why I was concerned :wink:
24-03-2004, 19:51
Thanks for the invite man, but I'm gonna pass. Too bust as it is.
25-03-2004, 16:21
Seeing as you can never have too many, how about I throw a human in? And a team-mate, seeing as no-one else has!

Names: "Shadow" Umbronican and "Blade" Gladiarn
Ages: 17 and 18
Races: Human (Both)
Nationalities: Shadostanian
Occupations: Both are new recruits to the riders of Shadostan, the famous calvalry unit of Shadostan
Weapons: Both carry Shortswords, shields and bows
Skills: Horseback fighting/archery
Magic: None
Power levels: Low (both)
Background: After joining the riders of Shadostan together, Shadow and Blade were immediately assigned a task to prove their worth as riders: a gladiatorial competition. Well-trained but unexperienced, both are not new to fighting, but are new to gladiatorial combat. They will most likely only enter non-life-threatening competitions, unless provoked. :wink: Blade has a pretty short fuse, and is stronger than his friend, but Shadow is the more skilled of the two, in swordplay, bowmanship and horse-riding.
25-03-2004, 18:11
I am afraid you cnanot have two characters. The main reason I do this is for management, and also, if you want to do a team battle, you will have to go with another person character which makes it more fun. Alternatively, if you cannot find one, you can use one of my NPCs which I will be presenting. (that way i get to fight too :wink: )
26-03-2004, 08:50
((Oh good, someone else who isn't a mystic hero capable of defeating a small army single-handed... I waas wondering if my character would have a chance against anyone! :wink: ))
26-03-2004, 10:28
That's cool, but could I bring Blade along as sort of a trainer-type guy? These guys kinda go together, but he wouldn't be participating. If not, Shadow's quite happy to go solo!
26-03-2004, 17:02
i would prefer you tog o solo, although you could have the other person offering support in the audiance (which is coming soon.)

If you have not entered in your character into the actual rp, do so now. Just walk into the actual arena. If you want to enter yourself after this point, you will be slightly late, you can just fit yourself in as being late.
26-03-2004, 17:02
i would prefer you tog o solo, although you could have the other person offering support in the audiance (which is coming soon.)

If you have not entered in your character into the actual rp, do so now. Just walk into the actual arena. If you want to enter yourself after this point, you will be slightly late, you can just fit yourself in as being late.
26-03-2004, 17:10
Hmm... I'll just leave Blade at home this time. Right-o, I'm on my way there now! Thanks!
26-03-2004, 20:29
We need more wizards people!
28-03-2004, 01:36
Name: Zakeri Dauth
Age: 44
Race: Human
Nationality: Muktari
Occupation: Exile / Mercenary
Weapon: Serrated Curved Longsword
Skills: Brute Strength, Swordplay
Power Level: Moderate
Backround: History books of Muktar not this mercenary was exiled from his home city of Mendeli after killing ten men in self defense. He wandered the world, looking for a way to salvage his life, then fought in a gladiatorial arena. Although how he faired wasn't recorded, the experience inspired him to return to his homeland. Later he founded the city of Dauth.
28-03-2004, 11:47
Muktar- Denied.

Due to low quality of the introduction. I go by what I see.
Yamata no Orochi
29-03-2004, 07:19
Name: Chuda Yagami

Ages: 35

Races: Human/BloodSpeaker

Nationalities: used to be Rokugani, now Orochi

Occupations: Acolyte of Blood on The High Temple of The Fifth Head

Weapons: Akai Namida (a magical Dark-Red Dagger carved with strange runes that looks as if were always bleeding. Mostly used to invoke the Power of maho)

Magic: The Dark Power of Maho. This is a kind of magic based on the conjuration of the Taint, the dark energies that give form and life to the Jigoku (a.k.a. Hell). It's something like the Necromancy, but it used blood as the material component of All the spell (could be from the caster, another person or even from the enemy), and his effects are a lot more wide than the simple raising of the undead and its. It can be use to boost your own physical abilities, to summon powerful creatures from the depths of Jigoku, corrupt peoples's souls (in any scale, from tainted them with ilusions of power and inmortality, until obliterate them with a spectacular display of Black fire, lightning or something like that), etc. This, of course, depends always on the level of the user (better know as Tsukai), this can be Warlock, Adept, Cultist, Acolyte, Priest, High Priest or Hierophant.

But The blessing of jigoku has always a price, and this is not cheap. The Tsukai, as any other in contact with the maho influence, is always at risk to fall to the corruption of Jigoku, filling him with the corrosive energies that can turn him into a purulent mass of sickness and madness. Usually, all Maho-users are dragged into him already tainted by his power, But the BloodSpeakers, as specialised Tsukai, reach to the dark power in an mostly practical way, seeing it as a tool to gain power and not as power itself. For this reason, and for the air-traveller nature of the taint, they always wear Amulets and Charms made of Jade, Sun-Crystal and Lapis-Lazuli, magical stones that can purify the taint. However, this does not mean that the Tsukai it's inmune to The Taint influence, as he always have to battle for the control of his souls against the will of Jigoku.

Skills/Special Abilities: Mostly the Powers of Maho, Although he is very capable to defend himself with ghis dagger, He prefers to attack from range with his offensive spells or confuse his enemies with the malevolent and corruptive nature of his powers, if he find them worthy. He always wear a protective jade pendant with the shape of a snake, the symbol of his name, and two Sun-Crystal Bracers carved with protective runes.
Power level: Moderate . After all, he's a Acolyte of Blood, and runs a little Cultist Pack in the High Temple of The Fifth Head (The Oni Lord Yamata no orochi Has Eight Heads, each of one has his own high temple)

Background: Former Ookami Saiga, he was onces a proud shugenja (priest of The kami or God-Spirits of Everything) of The Wolf Clan in the Emerald Empire of Rokugan. In a failed attack to a Foul Bloodspeaker Cult near the Borders of The Shadowlands, he was captured and imprisioned by Chuda Tametsu, an Infamous Maho-Tsukai and Leader of the Snake Sect. After five years of torture and rape, he gave up his soul to the will of Jigoku and take the name of Chuda Saiga (Snakes'Fang). During eight years he work for Tametsu, until he became a powerful and famous tsukai among his comrades. Then he took his oportunity of revenge against his former leader, betraying and sacrificing him in a Rite for the summoning of a Akuma no Oni, a Powerful Spawn of one of the Oni lords. With this action, he protect the High Temple from the massive attack of a Rokugani Imperial Army, and get promoted as Acolyte of Blood, a very High Rank among the temple. Now, he's send to the Tournament by The High Priest Sugihara, in order to collect information about the other Empires around the Cosmos, and his capabilities to join to the ranks of Yamata no Orochi.... even if they don't want to...
29-03-2004, 08:15
We need more wizards people!
I'd sign up, but K-T is almost certainly too powerful...
Wandering Argonians
29-03-2004, 08:21
Name: Shadowscale Swiftblade
Race: Dark Argonian
Age: 1260 years
Standing: Blademaster of the Swiftblade style
Weapon: 'Pal'Thek' or 'Eye-of-Thunder' in English
Style: 'Fas-Lathi' or 'Swift-Razor' in English
Armor: Shalk Chitin (light)
Height: 6'2"
Weight: 197 lbs
Build: Muscular, toned
Condition: Fit, athletic
Scale Color: Charcoal black
Eye Color: Blue
Magic: Basic understanding
Spells: Fireball, Jolt
Overall Power Rating: Medium

Blademaster Swiftblade is a skilled warrior, having had many years of practice in the solitude of the innermost sections of the Black Marsh. He is a quiet and reserved individual, keeping to himself. On occasion, he will take on a set of four pupils to train them in the use of the sword. Swiftblade maintains a basic understanding of the 'Earth-Magicks', and is capable of casting a fireball spell, as well as a simple 'jolt' spell that archs electricity out around him. Both are highly draining on his endurance. Swiftblade treats magic as something of a taboo, he prefers the clean cut & crisp strikes of a well-forged blade to any magical artifact or incantation.
In recent years, Swiftblade has suffered a defeat at the hands of Whiptail Longtail, a renegade Dark Argonian hunter. His pride and honor tarnished by this incident, Swiftblade has set out to participate in the dance of flesh and steel in the gladiatoral areas of Redeemed Heroes.


Dark Argonians: Immortal in the sense that they do not age further from the age of twenty-five. Dark Argonians can be slain in combat, like any other mortal being, without any fancy strikes or decapitations. Their unusual body chemistry produces abnormal amounts of halon, and as such they have some natural resistance to fire-based attacks. The scales inherent to all Argonian people provide a barrier against glancing strikes, but do not prevent slashing or puncture wounds of a direct nature i.e. Arrows or sword stabs. Argonians of both species are amphibious reptiles, at home on land or in water, and are capable of extracting oxygen from said water when submerged, although in smaller quantities than is normal when normal function of lungs is used.

Shalk Chitin: The Shalk are a specie of large, fire-breathing beetles that inhabit the interior portions of the Black Marsh. Their chitinous shells provide a barrier against flame-based attacks. The crystilline makeup makes the shells a superb semi-conductor, and as such armor made from this material is vulnerable to electrical attacks. The suit Swiftblade wears weighs around ten pounds, and is a quarter-inch thick in most places, a half inch in the cuirass area. Swiftblade does not wear a helmet. The texture and duribility are similar to that of industrial plastic.

Eye-of-Thunder: A katana-style blade forged from Mithrill for a light weight & clean cut. The material makes the sword durable, as well as light & sharp. Nothing really fancy here. Mithrill will conduct electricity, as well as heat, but far slower than electricity. The blade weighs around four pounds, and is three feet, six inches in length. (Average katana is around six pounds, I believe.)

Swiftblade style: A style of katana-style sword combat that incorporates kicks & simple grapples into the attack combinations. The ready stance is one of a high guard, the katana held in both hands to the right of the wielder's head, point outward & edge facing away from the practicioner. Strong offensive style, weak with defense due to the open ready stance.

Glancing Strikes: Strikes that would cut the epidermus of a human, but cause no other damage. Scales resist such damage, but do not guard against direct impacts from swords, arrows, etc.


Electrical Damage
Direct Strikes
Blunt Force Trama

Fire Damage
Glancing Strikes
Uniformed Officials
29-03-2004, 10:59
If you need any uniformed officials for anything, I'll be glad to help....
31-03-2004, 18:05
Yamata- Accepted

Wandering Aragonians- Accepted :D
03-04-2004, 04:42
Just a couple of questions. How long will you be accepting new characters? and, if the answer is "not much longer": Will there be sequels to this thread?
03-04-2004, 08:42
Sorry, I cannot really allow more chartacters in, have a wizard, because we are low on them. And there might be a sequal. Maybe.
03-04-2004, 19:12
Name: Cyril Allen
Race: Half-elf
Age: 42 [when converted to ‘human’ years]
Hair: Silver-blue
Eyes: Green
Height: 5’8”
Weight: 155lb
Build: Average
Class: Windwaker
Origin: Eastport, BorderRealms
Clothing: Faded azure-blue robe and hooded cloak; loose brownish trousers and light cotton tunic; old travel boots; belt with pouches containing basic substances aiding in his magick.
Armor: none
Weapons: Jet-black staff bound with four rings of iron.
Magick: Elemental
Power: Middle, leaning towards Low. [He is not very good, since casting large amounts of magick causes him to quickly loose energy.]

Some basic spells: He can arc static lightning, cast ice/fire bolts, and perhaps pull-off a wide-area heat flash; and make himself 'invisible', although a noticable warping of air will still exist. In open spaces, he can also call up a thunderstorm, although he cannot really control it and has a good chance of collapsing from the drain of manipulating the natural balance to such an extent.

Bio: Cyril hails from the city of Eastport, built on the western bank of the two-mile-wide river Raynol. [OOC: everything else is extraneous at this time, but will be posted if neccessary.]

General Background/Info:
Windwakers are mages specializing in the use of the ‘four prime elements’, expert at manipulating the ambient atmosphere. Although the once-powerful Order of the Wind boasted nearly five thousand Windwakers, only a handful Windwakers now remain in the world. Lesser Windwakers can create spears of ice, jets of flame, and walls of tone seemingly from nowhere. Greater Windwakers can change the weather patterns, aiding or ruining entire regions.
Windwakers, as all mages hailing from the Five Realms, must obey the Prime Law of Wizardry, originating from Leigh’s First and Second Laws of Magick.

First Law: Magick can neither be created no destroyed.
Second Law: For every action there must be an equal and opposite reaction.
Prime Law: Mages must always seek to observe the balance of nature. Thus, everything created must come from somewhere. Everything must be created from something of equal value and sharing similar base properties. Thus, steel can only be created from other metals, carbon from organics, hydrogen from water. If a mage does not respect this balance, he seeks destruction by the hands of a balance that will take what it needs to restore itself from the guilty party.

So . . . a Windwaker must take the ambient energies and manipulate them. If he creates a bolt of ice, he must send the heat taken from the water particles somewhere. He has to displace water and focus it. Otherwise, the balance will remove what it neds from him/her.


OOC: Hopefuly, this is acceptable. Cyril really can't compete with some of the chars I've seen here, since they would kill him before he could pull off any real spells.
03-04-2004, 22:20
OOC: Hopefuly, this is acceptable. Cyril really can't compete with some of the chars I've seen here, since they would kill him before he could pull off any real spells.
Not necessarily. Gladiators generally start opposite of each other in the arena, so the time to reach each other alone would already give him a little time.

Also, the Prime Law seems like a restriction, but I see a way he could use it to his advantage... But I'm not telling.
High Orcs
04-04-2004, 03:16
Thalevudd Chamas of the Dipping Fang

Race: High Orc
Age: 32 Palladium Winters (Conversion is impossible)
Hair: Orange with Red Streaks
Eyes: Red
Height: 7'3"
Weight: 275lbs, considerably low body fat
Buildp: Large, Muscular, otherworldly tough.
Class: Priest of Goddess Tark
Origin: The Old Kingdom, Palladium World
Clothing: Orcish Full Splint Mail (covers 80% of the body, and is form-fitting & light weight, minimizing movement and speed penalties) {pictured}, with armored plates on the shoulders, and Skell Gauntlets
Weapon: None
Magic: None
Power: Medium-High

Background: Thalevudd Chamas is of the Dripping Fang Clan, an odd clan that was second smallest in size next to the Clan of the Dark Circle. They were a wide variety of classes, and all were avid worshipers of Tark, the Spider Goddess. Though this god symbolizes treacher, the worship of these followers cenetered around the Orcs' disdain for other races. They glorified themselves as the poison that would destroy the world. Thalevudd himself mixes the art of Necromancy and Incantation Magic, as well as being the first Orc of the clan to Master Blade Law, the ancient Elven Technique to reverse a person's Blade on itself (only found on Palladium Elves [which are nonexistant thusfar on NS]).


How many can be on a single team?
04-04-2004, 05:05
Also, the Prime Law seems like a restriction, but I see a way he could use it to his advantage... But I'm not telling.
You mean like taking someone's constituent matter and transforming it? Can't do that. Or, at least Cyril can't do that. The problem with manipulating the stuff that makes up another living being is the life-force energy involved. Cyril'd have to get rid of that before he could do anything to directly affect the person. Maybe if he were a high-ranking priest of one of the more malevolent gods . . . Undead are the only exception, but even then there's SOMETHING holding them together.

Gladiators generally start opposite of each other in the arena, so the time to reach each other alone would already give him a little time.
I guess it depends on the size of the arena. I never really thought too much about that in these terms. It would still take Cyril some time to prepare a significant spell, however. The effects involved are such that he would have to manipulate the elements such that they would do what he needs, while at the same time making sure that the backlash doesn't kill him in the process. I don't use a system that allows Cyril to create fireballs at will, not without suffering the consequences of having an equivalent amount of frigid wind and ice blast Cyril in return.

Near as I can tell right now, Cyril would be able to create a basic shield spell that would prevent him from getting dismembered by blades, although it wouldn’t do much in terms of absorbing the force of the blows, then cast an ice bolt or two and hope that they hit something. After that, it would be him using his staff and hoping for an opening where he can cast something. A bubble shield, while it would work fairly well against spells, would take up all of his power to maintain against physical blows, and would ultimately cause him to collapse. And he wouldn’t be able to use his staff. Making a ‘hard’ shield that would work like armor is impossible for him.

As a rule, I restrict all my role-play spellcasters to rank one BattleRealm spells. This means that all spells they cast are dodgeable, and don't do a massive amount of damage. If Cyril creates a thunderstorm, chances are that he will be out of it for the rest of the battle.

I intended the first two laws to be restrictions on mages, since they appeared to be too powerful when I first started writing within the Five Realms universe.
04-04-2004, 10:13
Weyr, accepted.

I am afraid I cannot accept any more combaticants due to size restrictions. It would get too complex, and we need the wizards. Thanks for entering however.

Oh yes, and do not be concerned about fighting warriors etc. You will do fine, mages can fight warriors on equal ground. It is rather simple to do, you simply have to use intellegence, and get as much bang for your buck, so to speak. Not that you will be fighting warriors often, only in FFA matches, or in a team. And in team, you will have a fighter watching your back, won't you? :)
12-04-2004, 03:56
Erm, so no more applicants? Darn. I finally looked at this thread, and it looks like so much fun... You sure you can't squeeze just one more in there?

Name: Akar'rama
Race: Dragon. (sort of)
Size: 10' 2"

Appearance: Akar'rama is something of a misfit among dragons. He is the size of a large hatching, and can't breathe flame. His crimson scales show up horribly well against the sky, so he can't exploit stealth tactics.

Magic: Since Akar'rama is so much smaller than most dragons, he can't fight like one. He really had only one path left to him; learn magic.

Akar'rama wields Earth and Air magic with a fine lack of discrimination. He takes a "area kill" approach, like most dragons; he uses powerful spells, but he doesn't use them accurately. A spell powerful enough to flatten a house is impressive, sure, but only if you can hit the house with it. While Akar'rama isn't quite that bad, he still has trouble with accuracy. But when he scores a hit, he can wreak havoc.

Power: Medium-high.

Preferred Attacks: Shockwave attacks, direct Air attacks, focused earthquakes, decay, mauling.

Information about Khrrck, the Wyrms, and Khrrck's magic can be found here (
12-04-2004, 10:11
I am afraid not. Next time though.
12-04-2004, 20:09
Alas. :(

Well, have fun, everyone.
15-04-2004, 11:42
Something occurs to me... can K-T be in the audience? He'd certainly be willing to pay to see a group of assorted people that he might fight someday in action....
Of course, he wouldn't actually do anything unless someone happens to recognize him, and challenge him to a duel or something.
15-04-2004, 18:46
Actually, that is a good idea k-t! Go for it. Just don't cause hell, and the audiance will eb coming soon and I will tell you when you can come it. That ok? :)
16-04-2004, 18:31
Swordmasters of Ginaz
17-04-2004, 03:23
BTW, Kazar-Tiyon, your character should remain inconspicious, considering Amistad will tear his head off if he sees him, considering his master is Omnus Stormrider... (i.e. Darkness Falls)
27-04-2004, 05:51
So... how much is admission?

(You mean Amistad would try to tear Kazar's head of. Remember that I didn't enter him in the tournament because I felt he was more powerful than what Redeemed Heroes was looking for.)
Five Civilized Nations
27-04-2004, 15:25
Actually K-T isn't too powerful... If Amistad can join than so can K-T, considering Amistad is Omnus's disciple...