Further Blasphemy in the automobile industry!
Kia is the all-powerful ruler of the universe. As Derka, I am his representitive here on Earth.
I am saddend to announce that not only does they automobile industry manufacture automobiles, of which the use or manufacture of was prophesized and declared a sin by Kia when he was a mortal on Earth, but they do it under HIS NAME!
For proof of this ultimate blasphemy, I refer you to the below URL:
Emperor Derka Zandt VIII
Derka, Ruler, and Emperor of the Holy Theocratic Empire of Kia-Derka
Steel Butterfly
21-03-2004, 04:01
Kia is a god? Strange...
why does Kia give his/her name to such shitty cars then?
Kia is a god? Strange...
why does Kia give his/her name to such shitty cars then?
shitty god?
NO! These heretical whores stole the name of the ruler of the universe for a sinful product! I shiver at the blasphemy!
Emperor Derka Zandt VIII
Derka, Ruler, and Emperor of the Holy Theocratic Empire of Kia-Derka
21-03-2004, 04:07
I would assume that maybe this Kia fellow just isn't much of a God. A "God" is generally something that is a thing called "omnipotent". If this Kia thing is a "God" he could just go back in time and prevent the Kia car company from ever starting, or maybe starting with a new name? :wink:
"kia" is made up. this guy is a cult.
jeez, thats like the 7th time i said that
Hockey Falls
21-03-2004, 04:17
The young country of Hockey Falls will voice this opinion: HONDAS ARE BETTER THAN THE REST.
That is, of course, until we come up with our own car company. The SUVs will be called "Mooses", the sedans "Beavers" and the sports cars "Wolverines".
Everyone: A small correction: I meant heretical blonde-haired whores. You see, Kia allows prostitution, as long as the hair of the prostitute is dyed bright pink. Why? So you can tell if the person you are picking up into your llama cart needs a ride, or wants to give you one. I've got nothing against blonde hair, in fact, I have blonde hair myself. But the opposite of dyed hair is hair with little color, i.e. blonde hair. Although mine is more of a dirty blonde. Hmm.
Defectiveness: But here's the thing: Kia, the diety, cannot change Kia, the heretical blonde-haired whores, because the diety that chose him to replace him before he commited suicide set up a natural law of the universe beforehand that a god cannot change a god. Since this natural law thingy cannot distinguish between things with the same names, Kia, the diety, cannot change the name of these heretical blonde-haired whores.
Bumplords: NOT A CULT! What evidence can you provide that the Church of Kia is a cult? I have spoken to Kia myself!
Hockey Falls: Automobiles are sinful. Kia loves you! Love him back!
Emperor Derka Zandt VIII
Derka, Ruler, and Emperor of the Holy Theocratic Empire of Kia-Derka