18-03-2004, 04:42
General Lance Miller of the Democratic Unification Party made a suprise call to arms for the military of the Commonwealth of Erectobia. General Miller was quoted as stating the following:
"It is time for a change, our President is no worse than Saddam Husein himself. We need democracy and we need it now!"
General Lance Miller released the following constitution:
We the people of the Commonwealth of Erectobia, in order to change the way our government progresses, hereby do and ordain establish the official constitution of Erectobia.
Article One: Government
This article will focus on the establishment of a new government for Erectobia.
Sub-Article One: Departments
There shall be four departments for the government, the Legislative, the Judicial, the Executive, and the Civil Rights departments.
Sub-Article Two: Legislative Department
The legislative department shall be headed by a Parliamentary Congress consisting of four houses, The Senate, The House of Lords, The House of Deputies, and The House of Military Men. Each house will have a total of ten men with a voice of 2 for each house.
Sub-Article Three: Judicial Department
This department shall be headed by the Nationalist Court with 5 Royal Justices to sit on the panel. The nation will be divided into 5 districts which will contain a small Inferior Court. All small cases will be handled by the Inferior Court, all cases of homicide and above will be handled by the Nationalist Court.
Sub-Article Four: Executive Department
This department shall be headed by a Supreme Governor who will be limited in his affairs. He will be able to appoint a Cabinet of Presidents who will be responsible for sub-departments of his department. His rights are the following:
-To appoint a delegate or serve as a delegate to the United Nations
-To maintain a strong working communique with other nations
-To open treaties with other nations
-To veto or pass laws approved by the Parliamentary Congress
-To declare war on a nation for a period of 60 days, after that time the decleration will be voided and troops must return home.
Sub-Article Five: Civil Rights Department
The Civil Rights Department is responsible for making sure the other branches aren't infringing on the civil rights of the citizens, and will be headed by a Constitutional Commissioner who will have a panel of 5 other justices to serve with him/her to judge cases which may or may not infringe the constitution
That is only a brief portion of the "new" constitution that General Miller wants to adopt, the other 75 percent of it just includes ways on how national funds are handled, amendments, and so fourth. This reporter will be happy to support the General as with his move toward Civil War, I finally am able to voice free speech.
OOC: This is an actual decleration of independence in a way from my country, dictatorship will no longer be the way of our land as we are slowly progressing toward Democracy.
"It is time for a change, our President is no worse than Saddam Husein himself. We need democracy and we need it now!"
General Lance Miller released the following constitution:
We the people of the Commonwealth of Erectobia, in order to change the way our government progresses, hereby do and ordain establish the official constitution of Erectobia.
Article One: Government
This article will focus on the establishment of a new government for Erectobia.
Sub-Article One: Departments
There shall be four departments for the government, the Legislative, the Judicial, the Executive, and the Civil Rights departments.
Sub-Article Two: Legislative Department
The legislative department shall be headed by a Parliamentary Congress consisting of four houses, The Senate, The House of Lords, The House of Deputies, and The House of Military Men. Each house will have a total of ten men with a voice of 2 for each house.
Sub-Article Three: Judicial Department
This department shall be headed by the Nationalist Court with 5 Royal Justices to sit on the panel. The nation will be divided into 5 districts which will contain a small Inferior Court. All small cases will be handled by the Inferior Court, all cases of homicide and above will be handled by the Nationalist Court.
Sub-Article Four: Executive Department
This department shall be headed by a Supreme Governor who will be limited in his affairs. He will be able to appoint a Cabinet of Presidents who will be responsible for sub-departments of his department. His rights are the following:
-To appoint a delegate or serve as a delegate to the United Nations
-To maintain a strong working communique with other nations
-To open treaties with other nations
-To veto or pass laws approved by the Parliamentary Congress
-To declare war on a nation for a period of 60 days, after that time the decleration will be voided and troops must return home.
Sub-Article Five: Civil Rights Department
The Civil Rights Department is responsible for making sure the other branches aren't infringing on the civil rights of the citizens, and will be headed by a Constitutional Commissioner who will have a panel of 5 other justices to serve with him/her to judge cases which may or may not infringe the constitution
That is only a brief portion of the "new" constitution that General Miller wants to adopt, the other 75 percent of it just includes ways on how national funds are handled, amendments, and so fourth. This reporter will be happy to support the General as with his move toward Civil War, I finally am able to voice free speech.
OOC: This is an actual decleration of independence in a way from my country, dictatorship will no longer be the way of our land as we are slowly progressing toward Democracy.