** Star Control **
This is the regional thread for the region "The Star Control", which is loosley based on the old PC/3DO game of the same name.
Any nation is free to join providing their nation has a Star Control related name and is played 'in-character' this region was created for light roleplay only and is not designed to be any kind of 'heavy' simulation.
Please contact either myself UrQuan KohrAh or the UN delegate, currently Burvixese for the password.
Oh and region-crashers (you know who you are) the Delegate does not have regional powers so don't even try!!
UrQuan KohrAh
I hope that this fresh new forum will be of use to you all. Please use this forum for storing messages of interest, and OOC posts regarding any aspect of Star Control and this region.
After the many trials and problems we have faced over the last few weeks, we can all now take a breath and celebrate the fact that our region has reached stability once more.
I'd like to thank everyone who expressed their support for me as Founder and to current UN Delegate Burvixese.
The following are simple roles & responisibilities that I think we could benefit from in the region. No one is under any obligation to participate but any volunteers would be appreciated.
The Founder (UrQuan KohrAh) - The gateway between "The Star Control" and the rest of nationstates. Responsible for maintaining and regularly changing the password. Responsible for providing access to new members and ejecting nations who behave in a manner not fitting with the region.
The UN Delegate (Burvixese) - The actual voice of the people. Responsible for voting on the Nationstates forum in accordance with the will of other "The Star Control" members. Responsible for gauging the suitability of new applicants and passing their details to the Founder to be granted access. Responsible for the day-to-day requirements of the region with regard to policy.
Hyperspace/Quasispace Monitor (ORZ) - Responsible for providing up to date "weather" reports in this sector of space.
Recruitment Diplomat (None as yet) - To travel outside this sector of space looking for Star Control related nations who may wish to join our motley crew.
Please PM me with any other roles you think we would beenfit from within the region.
Death 101
UrQuan KohrAh
Regional Protector
I had to record these for posterity....
The Colony of Deep Children
We are the Mycon Deep Children, we (by popular consent) seethe. To our fathers the Elder Mycon of Eggerhexe, we thank you for your spores which we have infused within us. It has aided our balance and we are content. Strange memories still haunt us from time to time but we have learned to adapt.
I am King Creole & the Coconuts, I died 812 years ago of dance fatigue, Annie..I'm not your daddy...
Purity monitor King Creole
The Colony of Deep Children
We thank all nations for their support.
Our fathers fathers who are us welcome this new era of understanding with the non who are, perhaps, not void.
I am Colonel Mustard. I died 1098 years ago, killed in the drawing room by Mrs Peacock with the candlestick. I am brused...
Colonel "Mushi" Mustard
13-03-2004, 01:00
:o OOC:
Ok, so we have a NEW thread... Is the constitution thread still in existence? If it's still pending, could there be a link in the Regional Description?
This new forum will be used by the senate for constitutional propositions as well as OOC postings and messages that need to be recorded.
And the original regional thread, which actually contains a historical record of the doings in the region, is at http://dynamic.gamespy.com/~starcontrol/board/YaBB.pl?board=off_topic;action=display;num=1078646359;start=0.
Please note that the above link provided by Smok is now invalid. This is now the only active thread at the moment. As soon as we have a better more reliable regional thread I will let you all know.
I'm sure the Arilou indictated they might be able to provide this. If so we would all be very grateful.
UrQuan KohrAh
I have prepared what should be the final draft of a constitution for the region, incorporating suggestions from everyone who expressed interest in the process. It basically provides a framework for democratic governance of the region, allowing interested nations to vote on who should be admitted and who should be banned, rather than leaving those decisions up to the Founder. There are also provisions to allow the constitution to be amended and laws enacted.
In order for this constitution to have the mandate of the people, 10 of the 19 nations must vote "yea" for Kohr-Ah to hand over the reigns of power to the Senate. Rest assured that no nation will be forced to participate in the Senate, so the effects for those who do not wish to participate will be more or less nil.
Please vote to approve this constitution so that those of us interested in governing democratically this region may do so. Thank you for your attention.
The text of the constitution follows:
We The Nations
of The Star Control
in the interests of fostering improved international relations and cooperation, do ratify this constitution.
Article I:
All nations ratifying this constitution are eligible for representation in the Senate, and are bound by this constitution and laws enacted through the procedures outlined herein. Ratification of this constitution is optional for all nations, with the exception of the Founder, who must be bound by these laws for democratic government to function. Participation is strictly voluntary and any nation, excepting the Founder, may withdraw its ratification at any time, and must immediately withdraw its representation from the Senate as well. No nation which has ratified this constitution may be forced to participate in any role-playing activity, with the exception of this constitution and laws passed using the procedures outlined within this document. Nations which have not ratified the constitution cannot be forced to comply with these laws, but can still be expelled from the region by a majority vote in the Senate.
Article II:
Any nation represented in the Senate may vote, and each nation has one vote. Nations may change their votes up to the end of the voting period, at which time all votes are tallied and are considered final. All votes are either "yea" or "nay," abstention is not permitted. No quorum is needed. In the event of a tie, the outcome will be determined by random number selection, performed by a computer.
Article III:
Any nation wishing to be admitted into the region must be sponsored by a nation already in the region. The sponsor nation must create a new temporary thread where discussion and voting take place and announce the sponsership in the main Regional Thread. They state the case for admitting the prospective nation. Twenty-four hours of discussion will take place, followed by twenty-four hours of voting. No nations may be sponsored between 12:00 AM GMT Saturday and 12:00 AM GMT Monday. If the vote is affirmative, the Founder will provide the password to the prospective member nation.
Article IV:
Any nation represented in the Senate may motion for the expulsion of any nation in the region. If at least one other nation seconds the motion, a vote will take place. A new temporary thread must be created and the case made for the nation's expulsion. Forty-eight hours of discussion will take place, followed by twenty-four hours of voting. No motions for expulsion may be made between 12:00 AM GMT Saturday and 12:00 AM GMT Monday. If the vote for expulsion is affirmative, the Founder will expell the nation immediately.
Article V:
Any nation represented in the Senate may introduce a bill to be signed into law. A new temporary thread must be created and the bill introduced. Forty-eight hours of discussion will take place, followed by twenty-four hours of voting. No bills may be introduced between 12:00 AM GMT Saturday and 12:00 AM GMT Monday. If the bill is signed into law a copy of the bill will be stored in the congressional library and all nations in the region will be bound by said law.
Article VI:
Any nation represented in the Senate may introduce an amendment to this constitution. A new temporary thread must be created and the amendment introduced. Forty-eight hours of discussion will take place, followed by twenty-four hours of voting. No amendments may be proposed between 12:00 AM GMT Saturday and 12:00 AM GMT Monday. If the amendment is signed into law the constitution will be amended. All nations in the region will be bound by this constitution.
Article VII:
The Founder may not admit or expell any nation unless that action is in compliance with a vote by the Senate, with the following exceptions. Any nation which has entered the region illegally (i. e. without approval by the Senate) must be expelled immediately by the Founder. Any nation which left the region voluntarily (i. e. was not expelled) may request the regional password directly from the Founder, which is required to divulge it. In all cases, after a nation has moved into the region, the Founder must immediately change the password to protect regional security. At the time this consitution is approved by a majority of the nations in the region, all nations currently in the region will be considered to be legal residents of the region.
I vote "yea" for this constitution, and urgently request everyone else to do likewise.
-Delegate Franklin
I have read the proposal and to clarify, no-one HAS to joint the senate, they can roleplay as normal. They will NOT be kicked for not wishing to participate (although they could still be kicked as normal like everyone else by a majority vote should that nation be 'griefing', 'flaming' or other negative activity). However I, as the Founder, am bound by the will of the senate, so it is in peoples interests to join. Even members do not HAVE to vote on everything if you don't want to so really there's no added commitment if you don't want it.
Also as founder I retain regional control (i.e. joining/kicking/passwords) but I will only use these as a result of a mandate from the Senate OR in a crisis where action is required (e.g. region crahsing/griefing by non approved members)
I therefore vote "Yea" for the constitution.
Death 101
We Orz have read your *Happy Menu*. We think this is good for *Happy Campers* and we say "Hello" again which is "Yea" which is so funny yes? I thought so!
Splishi Splashi
We Vux have always been against the constiution generally as we had serious problems with Clause 1. However, provided that no nations will be forced to participate or be ejected for not wanting to participate then that's fine. I insist though that all matters regarding the constitution are discussed here and not in the main game thread!
I will therefore vote yea on that condition.
Rear Admiral Vox
The Free Land of Falayalaralfali votes Yea for the constitution.
wouldn't it be easier if we created a poll instead of gathering replies like that.
If that is impossible on the NationStates forum we could make o poll in one of those Make-Your-Own-Online-Poll sites and just give the link here...
Bloody good idea mate!!
With a poll, there's no way to prevent people from voting more than once, or preventing people who aren't members of the Senate (or the region!) from voting. As crappy as these forums are, they are relatively secure and identify the nation orignating the post.
Oh... I haven't thought of that...
well... I know javascript a little bit, maybe I could program a voting site where everyone would have an account with a password. It shouldn't be too hard. I guess time would be the only problem (I don't have too much of it)... we'll see. For now forget I've said anything
Ah well keep those ideas coming! :-)
We are the Mycon Deep Children. We are pleased that the non have such an interest in our thoughts and memories. We are content. Perhaps we could inplant spores directly into your brains so you could become one with Juffo-Wup?
We Deep Children vote Nay. We would prefer that the Ur-Quan maintain control of offensive and defensive fleets for this sector. We cannot think of a race more suitable for this role. We would hope though that they would consult the region on matters of great importance.
I am Sherlock Holmes. I died 1912 years ago. I fell off a waterfall whilst in single combat with Professor Moriarty. I am a fiction.
Sherlock "Mushi" Holmes
The Holy Republic of UrQuan KohrAh
He has PM'd me several times regarding admittance and his even commented on events recently. His messages are attempting to get me to 'back door' him in without a vote, which I shall not do.
I vote Yea for "Ilwrath Vengeance" and Nay for DakTakLakAttackPack. Avatars have voted Nay for DakTakLakAttackPack. Anyone else?
UrQuan KohrAh
Fleet Admiral
The Republic of O r z
<Translation Provided by Atomic Kittens>
KohrAh. Thanks for PM'ing me the messages. I am inclined to agree that it is highly suspicious. So I vote "Nay" for DakTak but "Yea" for Ilwrath Vengeance.
I am also changing my constitution vote to "Nay". I have thought long and hard over the weekend, and my reasons are as follow:
1. If It "'aint broke don't fix it". I think this region is fine as is. Not all members have the time to be be involved. As such we risk all decisions being made/ratified by a relative few.
2. The point has been made before (by myelf and others) we can always vote with our feet. i.e. if we are not happy with the Founders decisions re 'hiring & firing' then we leave.
3. Having UrQuan KohrAh weild power ensures our security. it is impossible for Region Crashing to happen now, and KohrAh is well placed to jump in in a crisis. If he misbehaves in any way the see point (2) above.
I therefore repeat my statement and I vote "Nay"
<Transaltion ends>
The Insidious Dark Lords of Dogar And Kazon
We DoGar aND KaZon AppReCiaTe ThE BeNeFiTs oF a HeirCarcHy aND haVe BeneFittEd BefOre FrOm uRqUan LeaDersHip.
We AlSo vOtE Nay foR thE ConsTitUTIon. We WiLL vOtE Yay foR thE adMittaNce of IlwraTh VenGeanCe! The MorE IlWraTh thE BettEr...I hOpE theRe aRe eNougH jUbbIes tO gO AroUnd...
The Rather Attractive Peoples of The Vux
We Vux have been generally bored with the whole thing. I have voted Yea previously (after being opposed originally) but ORZ statement has reinforced my previous concerns.
It's Nay for me too now. I'm not sure about DakTakThingy so I'm neutral on that point, but the Ilwrath are fine by me.
Rear Admiral Vox
The Nomadic Ur-Quan of Kzer-Za
We always greet and welcome potentially new slave races. We vote Yea on both nations wanting to settle in our region.
We have not heard the HyperWave transmissions yet, but regarding the power our brethren, the UrQuan KohrAh, have in their tentacles, we do not feel threatened in any way.
Lord 001
The Incinerated World of Burvixese
The Community of Vlik has contacted us and wishes to join our community. He has already applied using the UQM or the Star-Control board, but the passw. has changed since.
Going with the general policy, we hereby open the vote if the community of Vlik will be allowed to join our region.
We vote Yea, as we do with the Daktaklakattackpak.
We vote Nay regarding the Ilwrath Vengeance, especially since there are already two Ilwrath-nations residing in this region. More Ilwraths means more agression and even more civil wars.
Furthermore we thank you for your trust in us and promise to to our best to represent you all in the UN.
If there are UN-proposals which you'd like to see as resolution in the vote, please contact us and we will support the resolution.
King by God's Grace
The Dogar And Kazon Nation of Dill-Rats
Dwe Vote Yea On All Requests.
The Black Spathi Squadron of Fwiffi
We vote nay to all requests until after the resolution has been agreed or dismissed. We vote nay to the constitution as loyal Hierachy members. Please don't hurt us if this offends!!
The Holy Republic of UrQuan KohrAh
Okay so far the votes count as follows:
Admit Ilwrath Vengeance - 6 to 1 in FAVOUR
Admit DakTakLakAttackPack - 4 to 2 AGAINST
To introduce the new consitution as tabled by Smok - 5 to 2 against
I will give another 6 hours and then I will call the results officially.
Regarding the community if Vlik, unfortuately they are not a Star Control themed race and I think the vast majority of us agree that this should be a purely SC region.
Thank you
UrQuan KohrAh
Regional Protector
The Holy Republic of UrQuan KohrAh
Apologies I was incorrect in my previous posting regarding time.
The time of debate for the Consitution has expired.
Time for admission of Ilwrath Vengeance has expired.
There are still another 5 hours for votes regarding memberhsip for DakTakLakAttackPack
Results are as follows
Final votes are:
"Aye"'s in favour of Smoks Proposed constitution (3)
"Smok, Falayalaralfali, Lost Avatars"
"Nay"s against the consitution (6)
"Deep Children, Orz, Dogar & Kazon, Kzer-Za, Fwiffi, Vux"
Given the "human" factor of membership it would seem that the majority of 'players' voted with the vast majority of nations not expressing a preference being puppet nations.
As such I declare the vote over with the result being a defeat for the proposal.
I now intend to make a statement regarding the roles within "The Star Control"
The Founder - The gateway between "The Star Control" and the rest of nationstates. Responsible for maintaining and regularly changing the password. Responsible for providing access to new members and ejecting nations who behave in a manner not fitting with the region*.
The UN Delegate - The actual voice of the people. Responsible for voting on the Nationstates forum in accordance with the will of other "The Star Control" members. Responsible for gauging the suitability of new applicants and passing their details to the Founder to be granted access. Responsible for the day-to-day requirements of the region with regard to policy.
I think that the above statements are reasonable and echo some of the better parts of Smoks constitution. I appreciate the vote of confidence you have displayed in my ability to protect the region, and I wish the Burvixise well as new Regional Delegates and am confident in their ability to be your elected leader.
I shall copy this statement and the above posts as soon as possible in the foru outlined in the regional description.
I now go to skulk menacingly over my trophy pit.
UrQuan KohrAh
Regional Protector
*NB I will not arbitrarily eject any nation without some kind of general support from other Nations.
<skulks back>
With regard to admission for Ilwrath Vengeance, as the vote was in favour I shall send him the password by PM.
Regarding admission in general, as the Founder now retains regional control, it is impossible for anyone to region crash, so we are relatively safe. As such I think that anyone who asks for admission and has a Star Control themed nation should be allowed access, providing no-one has any objections on the grounds of them being a potential 'problem' nation.
<skulks away again>
UrQuan KohrAh
Regional Protector