10-03-2004, 10:25
This is me, declaring a patent on my Ionic Tether weapons. I've been on this game for half a year, and have seen no other country with these, so I am now PATENTING them, Out-Of-Character.
This was built back in November, and I had three threads to research, test, and launch these satellites.
Ionic Tethers: How I Use Them (The Short, Equation-Free Version!):
-A small stream of particles, guided by cold plasmas, is fired from a satellite chain (one main, two sub-satellites on tethers) in high orbit. This stream travels through the ionisphere, and comes to the earth's surface. This makes the connection, and the ionisphere "grounds" onto the surface, in a tremendous lightning-like blast. The particle stream is cut, the connection breaks, and the damage is revealed. This has a powerful blast of thermal energy, like a nuclear bomb, the shockwave of the air exploding would level entire regions, and the EM effects would be incomparable. (Also good to shoot into Navies... makes nice STEAMY effects.)
Ionic Tethers: How They Work, Abstract (Little Longer, Some Equations Provided):
-New applications of space tethers are discussed in relation with the idea of an active experiment, in the Earth's radiation belts. Two long (about 10 km long each) well conducting strings are supposed to be tethered in opposite directions between the main satellite and two small subsatellites, flying through the ERB in equatorial plane. High potential difference p0 ~ 1 MV is applied between the tethers, by means of a high voltage generator carried by the main satellite. The tethers can effectively scatter the high energy particles into loss cone, providing a control of particle life time in ERB. The high energy particles are scattered due to the sheath layer formed around the tethers by relatively cold plasma (n ~ 102 cm-3, T ~ 100 eV) existing in ERB. The rigorous theory of the layer is developed, yielding the electric current collected by the tether and a potential profile which is then used for treatment of the scattering and diagnostics problems. The scattering cross-section is found to reach s ~ 2LsRc, where Ls is the length of the tether, Rc ~ 1 km is the radius of sheath. Consequently the high energy component life time can be estimated as t ~ V/sv ~ 107 s, where V ~ 2.5 x 1012 km3 is a characteristic volume, occupied by the high energy particles in ERB, v ~ 1.5 x 107 m/s is the average particle velocity. This life time proves to be much shorter than the proton life time (109 - 1010 s) inside the ERB. The above high-voltage satellite system can be used for precipitation of charged particles from man-made radiation belts, affecting the ozone layer depletion and active experiments in space such as ARAKS, CRRES, etc.
Ionic Tethers: How They Work (THE HUGE SCIENCE VERSION):
-www.estec.esa.nl/wmwww/wma/External/Conf_Proceedings/scc1998/proceedings/Papers/Danilov_Tether.pdf+satellite+particle+tethers+&hl=en&ie=UTF-8]I ([url) hope you like physics.[/url]
Source of Idea
NASA demonstrated the power-harnessing effects with STS-75 (TSS-01) and TSS-01-Reconstructed. The results from these experiments were to a power of four greater than expected, and burned out the cables, snapping them. DoD has since taken over tethered satellite research. (hmm...) From this, I created my "baby", the Ionic Tether, or Particle Tether.
Similar Ideas:
IceFire Book (Almost like mine)
Command & Conquer Ion Cannon (Looks similar, works differently)
This is me, declaring a patent on my Ionic Tether weapons. I've been on this game for half a year, and have seen no other country with these, so I am now PATENTING them, Out-Of-Character.
This was built back in November, and I had three threads to research, test, and launch these satellites.
Ionic Tethers: How I Use Them (The Short, Equation-Free Version!):
-A small stream of particles, guided by cold plasmas, is fired from a satellite chain (one main, two sub-satellites on tethers) in high orbit. This stream travels through the ionisphere, and comes to the earth's surface. This makes the connection, and the ionisphere "grounds" onto the surface, in a tremendous lightning-like blast. The particle stream is cut, the connection breaks, and the damage is revealed. This has a powerful blast of thermal energy, like a nuclear bomb, the shockwave of the air exploding would level entire regions, and the EM effects would be incomparable. (Also good to shoot into Navies... makes nice STEAMY effects.)
Ionic Tethers: How They Work, Abstract (Little Longer, Some Equations Provided):
-New applications of space tethers are discussed in relation with the idea of an active experiment, in the Earth's radiation belts. Two long (about 10 km long each) well conducting strings are supposed to be tethered in opposite directions between the main satellite and two small subsatellites, flying through the ERB in equatorial plane. High potential difference p0 ~ 1 MV is applied between the tethers, by means of a high voltage generator carried by the main satellite. The tethers can effectively scatter the high energy particles into loss cone, providing a control of particle life time in ERB. The high energy particles are scattered due to the sheath layer formed around the tethers by relatively cold plasma (n ~ 102 cm-3, T ~ 100 eV) existing in ERB. The rigorous theory of the layer is developed, yielding the electric current collected by the tether and a potential profile which is then used for treatment of the scattering and diagnostics problems. The scattering cross-section is found to reach s ~ 2LsRc, where Ls is the length of the tether, Rc ~ 1 km is the radius of sheath. Consequently the high energy component life time can be estimated as t ~ V/sv ~ 107 s, where V ~ 2.5 x 1012 km3 is a characteristic volume, occupied by the high energy particles in ERB, v ~ 1.5 x 107 m/s is the average particle velocity. This life time proves to be much shorter than the proton life time (109 - 1010 s) inside the ERB. The above high-voltage satellite system can be used for precipitation of charged particles from man-made radiation belts, affecting the ozone layer depletion and active experiments in space such as ARAKS, CRRES, etc.
Ionic Tethers: How They Work (THE HUGE SCIENCE VERSION):
-www.estec.esa.nl/wmwww/wma/External/Conf_Proceedings/scc1998/proceedings/Papers/Danilov_Tether.pdf+satellite+particle+tethers+&hl=en&ie=UTF-8]I ([url) hope you like physics.[/url]
Source of Idea
NASA demonstrated the power-harnessing effects with STS-75 (TSS-01) and TSS-01-Reconstructed. The results from these experiments were to a power of four greater than expected, and burned out the cables, snapping them. DoD has since taken over tethered satellite research. (hmm...) From this, I created my "baby", the Ionic Tether, or Particle Tether.
Similar Ideas:
IceFire Book (Almost like mine)
Command & Conquer Ion Cannon (Looks similar, works differently)