NationStates Jolt Archive

Bloody hands, fallen soul, loving heart

06-03-2004, 01:43
(OOC: Bear with me, this here is just to describe what you are dealing with here, Isharnil will appear a lot through this series, this was Murdered, Disembodied, Allive)

Thelas is a nation of darkness and intrigue, disguised under a cloak of order. Isharnil nös Galadriel knew this, and she thrived on this. She was a Tirn, or a Watcher. The Watchers were a special branch of Thelas Military Intelligence. While most of the oldest elves used their age and knowledge to gain wealth and political power, the elves who were Watchers did something with their wealth that was completely different. They gained power, not for their personal gain, but for the gain of their nation.

The Watchers were both spies and commandos, both mages and warriors. With the best training that Thelas could afford and with weapons that were seamless mergers of technology and magic, the Watches are the best of the best in Thelas, capable of matching many mages in a combat of magic, and also capable of engaging conventional forces in a gunfight.

Right now, Isharnil stood silently, balanced in the door of a dropship. The shuttle is flying low, less than ten feet above the water, the wind is buffeting the twelve soldiers through the open doors of the cargo space. Right now, Isharnil was thankful for the battle armor that she and her team were wearing, the armor was protecting her from the fierce winds. The shuttle came closer and closer to the shore, finally speeding over the short beach. The craft banked to the left over the beach, lining up to make a standard bottom up landing. The twelve soldiers jumped out, even before the shuttle landed on the sand.

Isharnil waved her hand, signaling her team to move out. They moved in a half run, half crawl, towards the jungle. Not looking back, Isharnil heard the shuttle lift off behind them. As she reached the jungle, she signaled her team to stop and rest for a second. The soldiers remained crouched, not wanting to present a target to any enemy snipers that might be watching.

After a minute of scanning the jungle and finding their position, Isharnil ordered her team to move out. They were hunting a group of rebels, recently found on an island to the east of Thilis. The rebels were humans who had fled the Thelasi rule on Thilis. They had technology now, good technology. Using Pulse Particle Weaponry, they now were a threat. Isharnril’s job was to find the spaceport that the rebels had built, and then to capture it and to “hold until relieved”.

As the team moved silently through the jungle, Isharnil continued to scan the dense jungle. As she moved, she realized the gravity of her mission. She had spotted the Thelasi fleet offshore, and she knew that if the rebels escaped, that the lives lost capturing this small rock would be in vain.

With a movement, she halted her forward scout, signaling the troops to move to the edge of the jungle. There she saw something that made her heart sink, over one hundred guards stood around the base. Knowing that time was short, she gave the order to attack. Three of her squad dropped to the ground, aiming at the base, the other nine crouched, ready to move forward under the cover of the other three.

One of the three on the ground, a sniper, fired, killing an officer. Within seconds, another officer dropped dead. Then another, before the enemy realized what was going on. And they only realized it when the other two, machine gunners, opened fire. Spraying burning hot plasma across the air-field. While the enemy were stunned, the other nine, including Isharnil rushed towards the cover of the buildings. Isharnil fired off an energy grenade, sending a group of enemy soldiers sprawling, covered in third degree burns.

After reaching the buildings, the group of soldiers moved through one building at a time, eliminating any enemies they found. After clearing the buildings, while the sniper moved up to the top of the control tower and shot any soldiers who exited the buildings, the troops gathered at the control tower, and Isharnil noted that not one of her soldiers were dead, and only one was wounded and even then, he was only lightly scratched.

After sending off a message to the fleet, they waited, withing minutes a group of five hundred Morchant Tirith arrived, the job of a Tirn group was only to seize an area, it was the job of the “regulars” to hold the area.

Shortly after that, Isharnil was on the way back to Thelas, to see her husband and her two kids. As the civilian jet she was on landed, Tirn troops are shuttled around in civilian ships, their identities kept secret, she noted the fact that not too far away, a Thelasi Military Cruiser sat on the run way. Her insignia showing that she was a supply ship, but her many bulges showed, to the knowledgeable person, that she was a Thelas Military Intelligence ship, probably part of operation Dragnet.

Isharnil drove back to her home, a nice middle income house in one of the nicest sections of the Crystal City. That evening, laying next to her husband, she realized something else about her mission earlier the day before, those enemies that she had killed, probably also had families, kids, husbands and wives. It was a shocking thought, that those targets were just a sentient as she was. She also realized that indirectly she had contributed to the deaths of thousands. Something else came to mind then, the fact that those rebels had wanted to kill of her entire race including her husband and her kids that thought, to her, justified the entire events of the day before, well, except for that human Lieutenant on the Thelasi battleship trying to make a pass at her….

In the morning, she was gone before her husband had even woken up, and he also was in the army. She had gotten a call, to report to the White Tower immediately, the White Tower being the unofficial name to the Government Center. When she arrived, she found out that she was going to do guard duty for Commander Kentherin, something that was almost as prized as being ordered to guard the Empress.

She was on station as ordered, and spent the day following the Commander around, moving in tandem with the other three soldiers. It was turning out to be an ordinary day, not having to wear full armor, only having to carry around a pistol and her “Ceremonial Katana”, actually ceremonial is not the right word, the Katana served as her magical focusing point.

It was normal, until something that happened at approximately 1900 Hours. She was escorting Kentherin near the Shadow Tower, in the center of Thelas (The Shadow Tower was the mage tower that belonged to Theallas, it was the most powerful of the six Thelasi mage towers.) When Kentherin decided to take an unusual walk, “I’m going into the tower, Isharnil, stay here if you want.”

Isharnil was somewhat taken aback by this, “Sir, what type of bodyguard would I be if I stay here.”

”Good point”

Kentherin walked up to the doors and opened them. He walked into the room, disappearing into the darkness of slim and tall tower. Isharnil followed, not wanting to be reported as in some way deficient. Once her eyes adjusted to the dark light, she saw Kentherin standing at the stairs that led down below the tower, slowly, he walked down. Isharnil followed.

After the stairs stopped, Isharnil looked around to see Kentherin standing in the center of the room, looking around in confusion, :”Isharnil, he is here, he is here, Theallas is in this room…” “Sir, Theallas has been dead for months, he killed himself on the Aelosian Craftworld.” “His Spirit is here, in this room.” “WHAT! We have to get out of here”

Isharnil paused as Kentherin seemed to blanch for a second, “GET OUT OF MY HEAD” It was obvious to Isharnil that Kentherin was fighting something, but this was the stuff of movies. She searched for magic, she could feel Theallas in the room, she could feel his soul anguished and worried, more frightened than it had been ever before.

The air crackled with power, energy sparking among the metal veins and crystals that circled around the room. Isharnil realized why Theallas brought Kentherin here, this was the home of his power, the center of his magic.

Suddenly, the battle ceased, and for a second it seemed that Kentherin had won, that hope was dashed in a second, as the elf looked up. “I’m back”

Isharnil stopped for a second, then in a flash she drew her Katana and attacked, hoping that somehow her attack would break through. As she attacked, she started wondering, “He is my leader, why am I attacked him?” As she had expected, her attack was batted away with out even causing Theallas to draw his blade.

Isharnil stopped, dropping to the ground on one knee, she raised her sword to Theallas, offering him her sword, “I offer my blade to you, my Emperor”

Days later, Theallas was back in Thelas. Apparently, Kentherin had allowed Theallas to inhabit his body, as soon as he realized that Theallas would release his body as soon as a clone of Theallas’ old body had been created.

Theallas had relinquished the Thelasi throne for good, he would never return to it, he would leave Ithenril and Kentherin to ruling his nation. Now the third stage of his life to begin. And after this stage was finished, and he had proved himself, he would die, and return to the Halls of Mandos to face the judgment of the Valar.

After his body had been remade, and his soul had first been exorcised, and then when he had re-inhabited his new body. Theallas had one more thing to do, he had an item to retrieve, and to get it he would have to go to Aelosia, and if he went there he would be unmasked…. If Sirithil knew that he was alive… well she would raze hell to turn his head into a salad bowl, that was something he was going to avoid.

(To explain something, I will now post an excerpt from a site on elfish death:
“The fate of the Elves: The Elves see themselves as two different parts: the Fëa (spirit) and the Hroa (body). The two parts are not bound to each other, but without the Hroa, the Fea is powerless, and with no spirit, the body is dead and will soon dissolve.

Thus the elfish Fëa tend to "consume" the Hroa, until all that is left of it is a vague shape and it is indeed indestructible. Also, the Elves may die of grief or wounds (but not by disease) and then the Fëa will leave the Hroa. Then the "houseless" Fëa will be summoned to the Halls of Mandos, and it may go there of its own free will. Most Fëa do this, but those who have been influenced by Melkor and are corrupt often dread the punishment they will receive in Mandos and stay in Middle-earth, trying to take over some other Hroa that already contains a Fëa. Those who follow the summons may, if they wish, be incarnated in a new-born body, identical to the previous. The others stay in Mandos until the end of the world. For the Elves are bound to the world, and cannot leave it. All Fëar, whatever way they choose, must wait in Mandos for a time; how long depends on the individual. If the Fëa has done evil in its previous life it must often wait longer until allowed to return to life. But sometimes it has to stay for good. Fëanor was for instance never allowed to leave Mandos.”

In short, when Theallas died, he did not return to Mandos, fearful of the wrath of the Valar, Theallas possessed Kentherin for a short time, before a mage “forced” him to leave Kentherin’s body, he then possessed a clone. In short Theallas is back)
06-03-2004, 03:00
06-03-2004, 16:25
I see no one cares...
06-03-2004, 16:39

Interesting. Like good old Sauron?
06-03-2004, 17:41
The words crackled over the intercom hastily, "Sir, you'd better come look at this."

Agent Four stepped into the command wing for the LocHunt network. There plainly on one of the screens, was Theallas' profile. In block green print were the words, BIOELECTRIC PROFILE: ACTIVE.

"No..." He murmured under his breath.
06-03-2004, 18:02
tag untill I can come up with some clever idea to join in..
07-03-2004, 02:37
07-03-2004, 13:43
Cyber which agent is that? Is that the oe that Theallas met?
07-03-2004, 17:46
((Indeed it is.))
The Ctan
07-03-2004, 18:26
[Tag. I suppose.]
07-03-2004, 19:07
OOC: No wonder he is not happy...

More to come later, stay tuned...
09-03-2004, 04:22
Well, of course I'll be actively IC in this thread, yet I need to know IC what happened first...

For now, just TAG!
09-03-2004, 15:40
Slowly, the small Thelasi shuttle landed on the flight deck of the Aelosian Craftworld. Out of it stepped four Morchant Tirith, and four other figures. The first was Empress Ithenril, the Second Commander Kentherin, and the third was Commander Isharnil. The last figure was in ways the most noticeable and the most forgettable. The figure was hidden in a black cloak, the katana that he carried was seemingly un-adorned, unlike the other three (Isharnil’s red and black long sword had a single eye on it, the pupil of the eye a beautiful sapphire, Ithenril’s long sword had a large blue diamond in the hilt (reminiscent of one of the Simarils) and Kentherin’s katana was adorned with a single ruby on the pommel). The last thing about the figure was the paleness of his skin, and speaking of skin, the only skin visible were his hands, a pale white, almost the color of a dead corpse.

Ithenril stepped forward, looking to see who (if any one) had been sent to greet them.

(OOC: Aelosia, consider the fact that the ship asked for landing permission and that the Aelosian government knows about the visit.
09-03-2004, 18:15
A connection was linked to the Craftworld from Cyberutopia, reportedly from Agent Four.

"I have some information the Princess Aliria might be interested in." The armor clad Agent began urgently, before he looked off screen, and faint talking could be heard. "Oh, um, nevermind, he's already there..."
09-03-2004, 19:52
The Duchess Celestrianna Paelisi was already there, standing in the landing dock, surrounded by a guard of a dozen of Howling Banshees, and a pair of strange figures entirely covered by black, hooded cloaks flanking her.

"Be welcome to the Craftworld, Empress Ithenril, May the Valar protects you and your people. We have meet before, in Taurenor, I hope you could remember me. What kind of business brings you to our home?", said the Duchess, with a suspicious tone of voice.


The controller approached the Duke Marshall Mablung with a message in his hand "Sire, a communiqué from Cyberutopia, the one who sent it said that it was important to the Princess".

The huge and bulky elf took the message in his hand, reading it carefully. "Who has arrived to the Craftworld lately?", he asked in a grim voice.

"The Thelasi Empress and her companions Sire"

"Send a warning to the ShadowPrince, we're going to be in troubles very, very soon", answered the Marshall, "Theallas is here".
09-03-2004, 19:52
The Duchess Celestrianna Paelisi was already there, standing in the landing dock, surrounded by a guard of a dozen of Howling Banshees, and a pair of strange figures entirely covered by black, hooded cloaks flanking her.

"Be welcome to the Craftworld, Empress Ithenril, May the Valar protects you and your people. We have meet before, in Taurenor, I hope you could remember me. What kind of business brings you to our home?", said the Duchess, with a suspicious tone of voice.


The controller approached the Duke Marshall Mablung with a message in his hand "Sire, a communiqué from Cyberutopia, the one who sent it said that it was important to the Princess".

The huge and bulky elf took the message in his hand, reading it carefully. "Who has arrived to the Craftworld lately?", he asked in a grim voice.

"The Thelasi Empress and her companions Sire"

"Send a warning to the ShadowPrince, we're going to be in troubles very, very soon", answered the Marshall, "Theallas is here".
09-03-2004, 21:23
Empress Ithenril smiles in a friendly manner, “May Eru bless you. We are here to extend several diplomatic offers to the Aelosian Government, and Kentherin is here on… personal business.”

She turns around to the others, “This is Commander Kentherin, who you know. This is Commander Isharnil of the Tirn.” Isharnil bows “and this is Kezenti of Thelas Military Intelligence” The cloaked figure bows.

Kentherin speaks, “For right now, there is one place that me and my companions wish to visit before anything else happens, we would appreciate being allowed to visit to tomb of Theallas Noss Dagnir.”
10-03-2004, 00:36
"The Theallas' Tomb?, such place doesn't exist, my Lord Kentherin, Sire. At least not here in this Craftworld. What about those diplomatic offers?, I'm sure we the aelosian courtiers are very interested in those offers", said the ArchDuchess, a little puzzled by the strange request.
10-03-2004, 00:38
"The Theallas' Tomb?, such place doesn't exist, my Lord Kentherin, Sire. At least not here in this Craftworld. What about those diplomatic offers?, I'm sure we the aelosian courtiers are very interested in those offers", said the ArchDuchess, a little puzzled by the strange request.
10-03-2004, 04:52
The Thelasi look between each other, from behind the TMI agent speaks, "His body is located on an Aelosian ship, not on a craft world maybe. To know for certain, you would have to ask Princes Aliria D'Hyru, or Kithail Hyral..."

"Of course Commander, of course."

Ithenril nods, "As for the diplomatic offers, they have to do with the Impirium of Morgoth.... a possible intellegence lead that may help the Aelosian people."
11-03-2004, 00:03
"The title is ShadowPrince, dear Thelasi friend, at least inside this Craftworld, the least you can do is to refer to him with respect if you're going to ask him for a favor. The only person who really knows where the Theallas' body is Princess Aliria D'Hyru, you shuold ask her, yet she promised to never reveal that information. And if you want Theallas' sword, is well kept under the ShadowPrince's care", said the ArchDuchess, visibly upset by the Thelasi's words, yet without losing her usual tender and glad attitude.

"Yet of course, any information related with the Imperium of Morgoth, our most bitter enemy, will be received gladfully. I'm listening. Please follow me to show you a comfortable and peaceful place to talk and rest from your trip"
11-03-2004, 00:04
"The title is ShadowPrince, dear Thelasi friend, at least inside this Craftworld, the least you can do is to refer to him with respect if you're going to ask him for a favor. The only person who really knows where the Theallas' body is Princess Aliria D'Hyru, you shuold ask her, yet she promised to never reveal that information. And if you want Theallas' sword, is well kept under the ShadowPrince's care", said the ArchDuchess, visibly upset by the Thelasi's words, yet without losing her usual tender and glad attitude.

"Yet of course, any information related with the Imperium of Morgoth, our most bitter enemy, will be received gladfully. I'm listening. Please follow me to show you a comfortable and peaceful place to talk and rest from your trip"
11-03-2004, 00:42
The TMI officer hised "watch your tounge commander!"
11-03-2004, 06:32
The ArchDuchess guided the Thelasi delegation until they arrived a holotrain station, heading to the Paelisi Palaces in the surface of the Craftworld. "Please occupy your wagon, dear friends. We will arrive in two hours to the beauty of the Paelisi Palaces, the lands of my family, relax until then, we will talk about your offer there", said Celestrianna with her always present smile.
13-03-2004, 12:59
TAG for later post, sorry, my network has been shaky...
14-03-2004, 12:49
The Thelasi borded the crafts. Waiting for the vehicals to start moving.
17-03-2004, 00:34
The holotrain traveled fast, using Gravitic tech and magnetic forcefields to move through the interior of the Craftworld as a great worm opening its path. When finally they arrived after two hours to the Paelisi Palaces, the sight was awesome.

A group of palaces carved in the most exquisite of the marbles rested over a green plain, their towers defying the sky with their tops covered in mithril and gold. It was an amazing view, almost as beautiful as the D'Hyru holdings, yet different, more artificial.

A table for negotiation was already settled in one of the lushful gardens, surrounded by gardens and a laberynth of delicate taste. As the door of the wagons opened, a group of paiges was already there, helping the passengers to get out of the train and offering them refreshments.

The Duchess came out of the first wagon and greeted the Thelasi delegation again. "Can we take a seat and discuss about our friendship, about your requests and the information that you honestly came to give us about the Imperium of Morgoth?"
19-03-2004, 19:25
The Thelasi nodded and sat down, Empress Ithenril sitting in the center, Kentherin to her right, Isharnil to her left. The TMI commander sitting behind them, Ithenril spoke,

“To be precise, we have no solid evidence. We have the potential for great gains though.” She paused, “You see, recently Thelasi researchers made a breakthrough in Sub-Space technology. This breakthrough was only theoretical at first, the ability for a solid object, to safely enter sub-space, and stay in sub-space.

The Thelasi labs in the asteroid base made a similar brake through at the same time. A group of scientists developed a shielding unit, the shield was designed to protect a ship, and its’ crew from the… unusual forces of sub-space.”

She stops, and the TMI commander takes up the explanation, his voice odd, it sounded as if it was from a point far away, not decreased in volume though, “You see, Thelas Military Intelligence was obviously interested in this development. We ordered the construction of a test probe. When it was launched, we lost contact, apparently, our sensors and communications gear cannot breach the barriers of sub-space.

We assumed the probe lost, but recently, it re-appeared, it’s reactor having run out of fuel. You see, we cannot gather Hydrogen in sub-space. After finding out that it was possible for ships to survive sub-space, we modified an older ship, made before the Thelasi disarmament. The TMV Zephyr, an old destroyer, was modified, stripped of her small torpedo tubes and all of her mass-drivers, she was equipped with massive tanks for the hydrogen needed for her Fusion core.”

The commander stops and Ithenril starts again, “Our designers were shocked though when they found out that our standard energy cannons and mass drivers were useless in sub-space. They looked back in history to pick up ideas. They decided upon using massively large torpedoes. Because an object will naturally rise through sub-space until it reaches real-space, large slow torpedoes will be quiet effective, you see, the enemy target will be un-aware that the weapon is targeting them.

Now, to why we are telling you. Thelas has ten of these ships, and only five more are on in the construction yards. These ships are un-godly expensive to maintain. I do not know if you are aware of the Thelasi Palantir project (OOC: The upper echelons of the Aelosian government would have been informed), in basics, it is a massive network of Thelasi computers, designed to de-code enemy transmissions.

With a good number of these vessels, Thelas and Aelosia would have a massive intelligence advantage over the Enemy. Now I know you are not a military person, but imagine, we could strike against Impirium ships, with out being detected, mines could be laid near Io with out Impirium forces even knowing that we were the cause. In fact, as we speak, the Zephyr is heading towards Io, we plan to sneak her into the center of the Io base, were she will deploy a small probe, no larger than a human foot-ball (OOC: Soccer Ball to you fellow Americans), connected to the Zephyr be a cable. The Zephyr will then gather intelligence, recording Impirium messages and transmissions, she will take pictures of Impirium ships under construction, take deep penetration scans of the ships, take pictures of the defense net, and make detailed maps of that same defense net.

I am sure you see that if Aelosia and Thelas work together with this project, we could easily take mastery of space.”

She takes a sip from a glass of water,

“On another note, I would like to also propose a sharing of intelligence. Thelas has the computers and people needed for decoding the messages, and also the network, Aelosia is itself a moving space colony, and the Aelosian intelligence service probably intercepts hundreds of thousands of messages, many of which, no doubt, are left alone, do to the fact that Aelosia does not have the amount of equipment, or trained personnel, to handle this message load.”

She takes another sip of water, “We also propose, that we integrate our computers, Thelas already has the massive Palantir network, if Aelosia was to link it’s own computers in, both nations would benefit, Aelosia would not have to construct a massive new intelligence service, and Thelas would gain a new addition to the already formidable network.

Now I am not proposing that we share our own codes, we already share many of them, but both nations no doubt have their own secrets.”
19-03-2004, 22:13
"That idea is interesting, Thelasi friends, and appealing. Although I'm not a military commander or a capable tractician, even I can see what your offer could do for our country. Although I would need to talk with the highest military leaders, I'm sure we could arrange that. But What do you want in exchange for that?", said the ArchDuchess, smiling with a mischievous expression.
20-03-2004, 13:37
Ithenril nods, “You see, recently, I have realized that Thelas has let our relations with Aelosia slide. And you see, I think we also owe the Aelosian people a favor for saving us from starting a war with Menelmacar.

Also, Thelas is lacking a major technology, you see Thelas still uses Mass Driver weaponry in our starships, blatantly, we wish for Eldar weapons technology.”
The Ctan
20-03-2004, 17:40
((Eldar weapons tech eh? 'Interesting.'))
25-03-2004, 15:02
*BUMP, while wondering where Aelosia has gone...*
25-03-2004, 16:04
"Indeed you're leaving our relationship slide. And that makes me sad. We Aelosians still see you as friends, kin and brothers. You're our closest family in this universe, Thelasi people. And finally I'm reaching an understanding with you, Most Beloved Lady of the Thelasi", said the ArchDuchess nodding slowly to Ithenril.

"Eldar weaponry. Again that's not my field of expertise, yet I can tell you something. We promised to our friends of Tor Yvresse of not selling or sharing the arcane secrets of the eldar technology to noone, not even our own allies. I'm afraid that can't be done, we must respect our word"
26-03-2004, 14:33
Ithenril nods, “We will have to talk with the Eldar ourselves in that case… we were hoping to go around them….” She cuts off as her holo-phone starts beeping, she turns it on, on the screen is a young (by elven standards) TMI officer, “Yes Lieutenant?”

“We have intercepted a transmit from… Roania to the Impirium of Morgoth, we strongly suggest that you get back here.”

“Agreed, the Commander will be staying for a time”

Empress Ithenril turns off the holo-phone, “Duchess, I am sorry, but I and Commander Kentherin will have to leave, it seems that those Roanian dogs are about to betray Menelmacar, and of course the Thelasi are going to help. Commander Kenzeti and Isharnil are going to stay behind however.

The hooded Kenzeti nods, “Indeed, I wish to talk to the Princess D’Hyru about a somewhat private matter”
26-03-2004, 20:58
"An interview with the Princess?. That could be arranged", said the ArchDuchess. "She'll be here soon, she has nothing else to do today"
26-03-2004, 21:30
The officer nods, "Is there a place where I can wait, preferably alone?"
26-03-2004, 21:34
"You see that little palacet over there?. You can wait there until the Princess arrives. Inside it has all the accomodations that an honored guest would need", said the ArchDuchess pointing at a little cabin near the gardens, an exquisite building.
26-03-2004, 23:17
Kenzeti nodded, "Thank you" He walks out. Walking into the building. Isharnil followed him.
27-03-2004, 15:37
Five minutes later, the shock troops of Dire Avengers Troops and Striking Scorpions Aspect warriors entered the Paelisi Palaces surrounding the cabin in the middle of the gardens. The courtiers withdrew from the place quickly, out in fear of the cohort of warriors emblazoned with the symbol and heraldry of House Hyral.

The ArchDuchess was outraged, this was a violation of several rules of the Paelisi House privileges and the status of the Palaces as a Elysium free of violence. As she directed her first words to the Captain of the Guard, a tall and grim Striking Scorpion Exarch, another tall figure stood before her...

She knew who he was even before seeing his face, only one man in Aelosia wore that cloak and that silvered armor...

"I'm sorry to disturb the peace of this place Celestrianna, please accept my apologies. You know how much I respect the traditions of your House. But we're here to handle an affair involving the security of the entire Craftworld, the Empire and even the entire elvenkind. The person you have inside that cabin is Theallas Nos Dagnir, the Kinslayer. And you know damn well that I can't let him escape", said the calmed and emotionless voice of Kithail Hyral, the ShadowPrince, standing just in front of the ArchDuchess, wielding his long and gleaming blade in his hand as he directed the troops personally, the Duke Marshall of Aelosia standing next to him, maybe the bulkiest elf alive.

"But you know that Theallas is dead, Aliria helped him to enter the Halls of Mandos, and you have his body stored here!", said Celestrianna, her cheeks turning into a deep crimson color.

"Then he found a new one, or Aliria just dealt with a puppet, believe me, dear Celestrianna, we have proofs of this, and even our Cyberutopians friends are aware of it. Please lock the docks, Empress Ithenril and the rest of the Thelasi delegation will have to answer to me about this too. All the Thelasians inside the Craftworld are under arrest, and kill all of them that resist", said the Prince turning to the Captain of the guard.

With a graceful pace he approached the door of the cabin, still holding his sword in his hand. "General Theallas nos Dagnir, you're surrounded and there's no chance to escape. Surrender in good trim or you'll be dead. Again!. And this time I'll chop your head off all by myself", he yelled to the inside of the cabin.


Near the arrival point of the holotrain to the docks the huge machine stopped, the wagons floating inmobile over the gravitic rails. A voice thundered just outside of the wagons containing the Thelasi delegation. "Under the orders of the Aelosia's ShadowPrince you're under arrest, by Aelosian law you must surrender and follow us. Please comply and you will be treated with justice, charity, good will and kindness. Now we will open the doors, please leave the wagons".
27-03-2004, 15:58
From inside the building Theallas’ voice answered, “Order your men to stand down Hyral. I have nothing against the people of Aelosia, but you are another matter. I was deeply hoping to be able to destroy my old sword and leave, with out having to fight you.

Let Ithenril and Kentherin go, they have nothing against you or your people. The only reason they were here was because of that little agreement that they told the Duchess about. Now, if you would care to not sate your blood-thirsty yet, I can explain my presence in the world, and my presence in the Sindarin Empire of Aelosia.”
27-03-2004, 16:15
"They will leave this Craftworld once the little situation here regarding you is solved, Theallas. I don't want to hurt them, and they will be treated as honored guests until they will be released. It all depends in your own behaviour. I'm an elf, and as such I don't take hostages or uses blackmail. Not lkike other elven leaders than I have known", said the ShadowPrince with a wry grim and an ironic tone of voice.

"Big words you're talking, mostly because you're the most bloothirsty elf in this part of the universe, but maybe a little chat with Mandos made you change your ways of thinking. Come out of the Palacet, unarmed, and maybe we can talk about this", he continued, looking towards the inside of the cabin.
27-03-2004, 16:25
Theallas’ laugh could be heard by all the troops, “Do you think I lost my senses when I left our plane?!” The door opens and Theallas steps out, his sword sheathed, “Kithail, Kithail, Kithail… we are equal warriors, surely you do not fear me? Can we not talk alone with out fear of our lives?”

Theallas stood there quietly, leaning against the door frame, “And by the way, don’t even think about threatening Ithenril, I do not care what happens to her, and all I can say is that it is your diplomatic head.”
27-03-2004, 16:27
Theallas’ laugh could be heard by all the troops, “Do you think I lost my senses when I left our plane?!” The door opens and Theallas steps out, his sword sheathed, “Kithail, Kithail, Kithail… we are equal warriors, surely you do not fear me? Can we not talk alone with out fear of our lives?”

Theallas stood there quietly, leaning against the door frame, “And by the way, don’t even think about threatening Ithenril, I do not care what happens to her, and all I can say is that it is your diplomatic head.”
28-03-2004, 00:35
"You should care, anyway. She's your Empress, you like it or not. I thought that some honor was still inside your heart, Theallas, and would like to protect those that helped you to return to life", said Kithail, his stare becoming harder and colder.

"Well, I'm not going to give you back your sword, is a damned and dangerous artifact, and must remain guarded. That sword was consuming you, Theallas. If you want to forge a new one, then do it, but by no means I'll give back that one to you"
28-03-2004, 12:51
Theallas nodded, “You speak as you always have ShadowPrince. In truth, I do feel gratitude… yet they have less to loose than I do. Come if you wish.” Theallas turned around and walked back into the building, waving for Kithail to follow.
28-03-2004, 21:35
The ShadowPRince entered the building, his sword prepared for anything as he left his soldiers at the entrance.

"Should anything happens to me....That man should not leave this place alive. Is that understood?", he said to the Marshall of the Craftworld, who just nodded...
28-03-2004, 21:53
Sitting by one of the windows was Isharnil, a phase rifle cradled in her arms, she peered at Kithail with something resembling disgust. Theallas was standing in the middle of the room seemingly at ease. He guestures to a chair on one side of a table. Theallas sits on the other side.

With a tone that was surprisingly casual, "So, what do you want to know?"
28-03-2004, 22:40
"No, Theallas, What do you want to know?" said the ShadowPrince looking at the rifle with a spiteful stare. "you were the one that came from the Halls of Mandos and stopped here, in my realm, again. I'm the owner of the House, so I'm the one going to ask the questions. I repeat. What do you want?. Why are you here?"
28-03-2004, 23:49
Theallas smiled slightly, “Why am I here? Repentance. Repentance Kithail, something that you who have always fought for the will of the Valar would never understand. I came here to your land to destroy the sword that I once wielded. To make sure that no one ever would wield the sword that destroyed my soul.

I come for other reasons, yet they remain veiled for the time. I am back in this world to repair some of the damage that I caused here. I saw the fact that if I went to Mandos as I was, I would never be released, my name would always be synonymous with evil and blatant destruction. Now I have another chance ShadowPrince, a chance to redeem myself.”

He leans back, thinking, “When I was a child, I heard the stories of Fingolfin, and the other great heroes of the elves. I dreamed of being a great warrior and hero, and for a time I was. You see Kithail, I have never had good luck with my love life… Myself and my apprentice were captured while in Angband. We were separated. And when I escaped in one hundred years, I found to my dismay, that she had been turned to Morgoth’s side.

She tried to turn me, and succeeded to a point. She planted in me that small seed of darkness that would later turn me into the Theallas that you know, the Kin-Slayer. We fought, and I won. As she died, she placed a curse upon me, that I would forever be forced to kill my kin, until the day I died.

Well, her down fall was that she had just been created. Never before had she held a body. And thus, the ending on that curse was horribly unspecific, although to her credit, she was about to die… You see, I have died, and I am now freed from that curse, freed from the darkness that almost destroyed me.

I probably sound somewhat like I am looking for your pity, but I am not, in fact I could care less whether you have pity. I only look for forgiveness from one person in Aelosia, and even then, I do not even ask for a second chance, just closure.
29-03-2004, 03:20
"I do understand, Theallas. More that you can imagine, as my heart is also swollen with an unforgivable guilt. Yet...if you want to destroy your sword...Do you know how to do it?, because the damn artifact has resisted all the efforts of the mages and psychics of Aelosia", said the Prince, adopting a more soft glance.
29-03-2004, 16:10
Theallas smiled, his new sword, “Yes, it is powerful… only the magic needs to be destroyed. I have come up with the theory, that the only way to destroy that blade, is by means of another sword. This one.” Theallas slowly draws his blade, right handed, it seems to spark with energy. “My essence, and the essence of the land of Thelas itself bound into this blade.” He sheaths the sword, “It was forged after I returned… by myself and the other five of the Thelasi Mages. You see, around Thelas there are six mage towers, Fire, Water and Air, Earth/Nature, Light, Darkness. In the center of those five, is the Tower of Shadow, the tower that I inhabit. Each of those towers controls a specific part of the magic that is inside the land of Thelas.

My theory is that my blade can destroy it, simply because my blade is magically neutral, neither Light nor Dark. The sword will resist a blade like yours because your blade is enchanted with Light magic, while it will give way to mine.”

Theallas turns toward Isharnil, “I would take out the battery on that rifle dear.”

Theallas turns toward Isharnil, “I would take out the battery on that rifle dear.” Isharnil takes out the battery out of the weapon and rests it on a windowsill.
29-03-2004, 20:36
"I'll believe you this time, Theallas, I'll lead you to the place guarding the sword. It's not needed to say that it's heavily guarded and if treason is inside your heart, you're not going to escape that place, at least not alive", said the ShadowPrince leaving the Palacet. "Follow me, I'll take you there"
29-03-2004, 20:49
Theallas nodded, “Thank you ShadowPrince.” He stands, and follows the ShadowPrince.
29-03-2004, 20:50
Theallas nodded, “Thank you ShadowPrince.” He stands, and follows the ShadowPrince.
01-04-2004, 06:59
After a long trip in Holotrain to the Head and Heart of the Mablung House, the Golvarn core of the Aelosian Craftworld, the main base of the defense forces of all the Aelosian Empire, the ShadowPrince and Theallas took another train, this not public, and of high security, into the secret base of intelligence of the Aelosian forces...

Being followed by an enormous amount of troops, not anymore the standard Eldar equipped and trained soldiers, but the secret sicariots of the Aelosian ruling House. Armed with needle rifles, and dressed entirely in black, they were the elite forces of the Empire, even better trained than the units of Aspect Warriors that were the best of the army. The SadowPrince and Theallas entered the huge subterranean building made entirely of the black metal of the sindarin, contrasting with the white walls of wraithbone of the surrounding eldar structures.

After using three elevators and crossing several entirely black hallways, the elves reached a door, adorned with the blazon of the Hyral House. A sorcerer was standing next to the huge door, entirely covered by a black cloak.

"Your sword is inside there Theallas, go and destroy it, if you dare", said the ShadowPrinces to Theallas, pointing at the door...
02-04-2004, 14:07
Theallas walked to the doors, placing his hand upon them. For a second he paused, seeming to debate whether this was truly a wise idea. Then, with renewed confidence, he opens the doors, peering ahead to what is inside.
05-04-2004, 14:05
05-04-2004, 23:18
Inside the room was a shrine, in the other side of a very long bridge of black stone (think of the bridge of Khazad-Dum). And in the shrine the ancient Theallas' sword was resting, flanked by a pair of guards with elongated and feathered helmets. The abyss below the bridge was a deep hole of just darkness.
05-04-2004, 23:46
Theallas strode forward, his cloak sweeping behind him. He crossed the bridge quickly, yet with grace and care. As he reached the shrine, he seemed to change slightly in his manner, it was more fluid, much more like a great predator stalking it’s prey. As he reached the shrine where his sword rested, he extended his hand to grasp the sword.

As he hand reached the sheathed weapon, a spark of black energy launched from between his hand and the sword. As he grasped it, the blade began to glow with a black aura, the weapon awakening in it’s wrath at realizing the intentions of it’s former owner.

Theallas grabbed the blade, lifting it from the shrine so that he held it in front of him. With one fluid movement he threw the sheathed sword into the air. Dropping into a battle stance, he sliced in front of him, drawing directly from the scabbard. Seconds later, the two halves of the dark blade fell on either side of him, neatly cut across the middle.

Theallas sheathes his sword as the two parts of the weapon disappear into a mist that itself dissipates.
06-04-2004, 22:52
In front of Theallas, a huge mirror polished of Dark Glass appeared, almost two meters high...
09-04-2004, 01:08
Theallas stepped up to the mirror, looking at it quietly.
14-04-2004, 07:34
An image of the same Theallas, but clad in a black full plate armor carved with symbols in the Dark speech appeared in the mirror, holding the sword that was lying at the side of Theallas, the same sword that he destroyed just a moment ago...

Well, not anymore, as the pieces of the sword dissapeared as the image, in his features depicted a wry grin, moved his finger calling Theallas to the other side of the mirror.
09-06-2004, 21:04
Theallas reaches forward touching the black class surface. As soon as he touches the mirror, the his image reaches out, grabbing his arm and pulling him in. Theallas tries to pull away but as he pulls harder, more harder the reflection pulls him inside, with the same strength as the Thelasi General
Theallas sighs, letting himself be dragged into the mirror
Aliria appears from the other side of the mirror, standing just in the same place as before
The mirror stands right now behind him, and the strange walls now are glowing with a bluish light
Theallas appears from the other side of the mirror, standing just in the same place as before, he looks down at himself, and then around, trying to sense any difference
The walls seems to be...moving, like beating, like a huge heart was working inside that room...
Theallas senses for magic, besides that of an Aelosian craftworld
There's no magic out there, although all of the place trembles with an intense psychic force
Theallas feels for the... feeling of the ship, anger, sadness, hate
Theallas feels....surprise the ship and its inhabitants are...surprised
Theallas walks towards the door, loosening his katana from it's sheath a little, just enough to defend himself is he is attacked
Theallas is just standing there, alone, when the mirror suddenly disappeared
Theallas growls as he reaches the door, "Just my luck... just my luck
As Theallas opened the door, thee figures clad in the usual armor of the Fire Dragon Aspect warriors looked at him, and stepped back
One of them started to talk, in an uncompressible language
Theallas looks at the warriors, "Can you talk in Sindar please? "
The figure keeps talking not seeming to understand Theallas
Theallas clears his throat, repeating then in Quenya, Common, Black Speech, and even several human tongues
The figures shakes their heads and prepares their long flamethrower weapons
Theallas sighs again, thinking, then, very slowly he says 1 "Shadow Prince"
The troopers step back and say something in their strange, fluid language
sounded like an order
Theallas again pronounces very slowly, "I want to talk with the Shadow Prince..."
"Who?", said one of the guards after he pressed a button in his helmet
"Get out of here, slave, you don't belong here"
"the Shadow Prince.... Kithail Hyral?"
"Move out slave, or we will shoot you!"
Theallas seems to catch on, 1 "Who is the leader of Aelosia?!"
"What are you talking about?, stupid, move out or I'll turn you into an elven torch, you Sindarin rabble!"
Theallas looks at the elf, his eyes flashing to a bright blue, almost seeming as if they were backlit, "Damn it, who is the leader of Aelosia?!
Aliria shout the order one more time "Throw yourself to the ground or I'll kill you, Sindarin scum. NOW!"
The captain of the guards shouts the order one more time "Throw yourself to the ground or I'll kill you, Sindarin scum. NOW!"
Another guard speaks. "This guy is insane. What is he talking about?. Did he said Aelosia?"
Theallas closes his eyes, hoping that Thelas actually exists in this timeline, 1 "Do you recognize this?" he draws out his Thelasi Imperial ID, tossing it to the guards
One of the guards shoots at the Id with a lasgun, making it fly away without hurting him.
"Should we kill him Sire?" asked one of the guards
"Call the Farseers, they will punish this slave and put him where he belongs", answered the captain "for now, just bind him"
Theallas looks at the soldiers silently, he is thinking rapidly, "my blade will slice through their power armor..." He speaks in a quiet tone "Sirs allow me to a at least state my name, my name is Theallas if you want it"
"Who wants to know the name of a slave?. Place him with the others!"
Two guards approach Theallas, holding some type of handcuffs
Theallas sighs, lowering his head, "I do not suggest you do that"
The captain prepares his flamethrower. "If you resist, I'll obliterate you"
Theallas looks up, "What race are you?"
"We're your masters, you puny intent of an eldar, surrender now!"
"Eldar, you are an eldar, listen to me, may I talk with a Farseer?"
"Of my own free will"
"Shut up, Sindarin scum, you'll talk with the Farseer when we decide it. Now take him with the rest of the prisoners!""
The two guards now are standing next to Theallas, and try to grab his wrists
Theallas launches forward, seeming to disappear as he draws his sword, aiming to slice the flamethrower of the commander into two non-functional pieces
The elven warrior succeeds, although he feels something like an anvil striking his chin from beneath him, as the two parts of the flamethrower fall to the ground
Theallas lands behind the commander in a crouch, he whispers to himself "Psyonics
The commander smiles, rubbing his left fist a little. "You're fast, salve, although not fast enough. Now I'll need to tech you a lesson about who's the true ruler here"
Theallas stands, "My good friend, I was just warming up... I haven’t had a good duel since I last fought the Shadow Prince... in my diminution" by now Theallas is catching on, something strange happened here, and Theallas has not intension of being prisoner to some Eldar
Several more guards appeared, now dressed in the armor of the Striking Scorpions Aspect Warriors
"Aspect... damn" he launches forward again, darting in and among the warriors, moving like lightning as he delivers piercing blows to then, aiming for the neck, and the joints of the armor
Most of Theallas blows are deflected by their energy swords, and suddenly Theallas starts to feel more and more weak as we weight of the battle start to take its toll
the eldar warriors, highly trained and prepared, wasn't attacking him, just trying evade and dodge his attacks. As if they were trying just to tire him up
*Theallas decides to forget the sword fighting, he draws out an energy pistol and runs like hell, firing at the soldiers
There's no place to run, the soldiers occupy the bridge, and behind him it's just the mirror
The former General looks at the soldiers, attacking them again, this time, merely trying to brake through
Suddenly a wave of force sends him bouncing backwards, to the other side of the bridge, with the force of a high-speed train.
11-06-2004, 19:56
The soldiers back off, pressed by Theallas' onslaught, just as a wave of impressive and invisible force pushes Theallas backwards
Theallas skids back, dropping to one knee. He sheathes his sword, watching the Eldar, "I hate farseers”
Another eldar approached, the soldiers opening a path in front of him, bowing a little with their heads
Theallas looks up, "I assume you are either a leader, or a Farseer, one of the two, now, because I doubt that this place is Aelosia, where the hell am I?
The Eldar was dressed with a long, ghostly robe covering an armor of eldar runes, his face covered by a delicate mask
Theallas stands slowly, bowing his head in respect, at least, a form of respect to one he considers a worthy opponent
"You're in Tor Avielys, the Craftworld. And yes, I'm one of the Farseer's Council. Why did you escape from your confinement?"
"We're not here to harm you, but to help you, but this area is restricted, restricted only to the Farseers. You must leave"
"Do I know you by any chance? I know that the Aelosians attacked an Eldar craftworld... but they won..."
"What are you talking about. Aelosians?, Are you talking about that pitiful queen?, she was killed during an uprising years ago"
"And I don't think I know you, Sindarin, now please let the soldiers send you back to your cage without placing any resistance"
Theallas looks up, shoving his emotions into a small corner of his mind, 1 "What is that mirror back there?"
"That's not any of your business"
"Listen, my name is Theallas Noss Dagnir, I am from the nation of Thelas, whether it exists or not, I just destroyed a certain sword, and then got pulled through that mirror, I now find myself in a world where the Eldar rule one of my allies, can you explain this?!"\
"What are you talking about?, oh I see"
"Everything is going to be ok, just stay quiet"
Theallas looks up, 1 "Please explain?"
"There's no need for fear, you're safe now"
(The Farseer is indeed thinking that Theallas is insane)
* Theallas sighs, sheathing his sword, 1 "And to put it in basics, I am perfectly sane. I have a question, is there a nation called Menelmacar in this world? Or Thelas? Heck, or the Impirium of Morgoth?"
"Now please drop that sword, and I'll help you, with the rest of the council, we'll cure you"
At the name of Menelmacar the Farseeer seemed to be a little uncomfortable
“Is there a nation called Menelmacar?!”
"I don't know any Morgoth, I suppose you're talking about Master Melkor"
"Yes indeed. I see, you're one of those Noldorin right?"
As Theallas looks at the eyes of the Farseer, he feels a little dizzy
Theallas shakes his head, 1 "No, I am not, I am Sindar... well, sort of, I dropped my clan name, now can you explain this business calling Melkor. Master? he averts his eyes, focusing his magic but his magic does not seem to work inside of the Craftworld
Theallas averts his eyes
Theallas looks up, "What are you doing?"
"I'm trying to put you on sleep, although your mind is not helping me, please don't force me to hurt you, I don't want to"
"Let me talk to you for a second, I can explain some things, and I want to ask some questions about this land, while NOT in a cage"
"I'll send you with the rest of your kind, don't worry, we call it cage because we lack the proper word, but you'll find it exquisite and very comfortable. Believe me, I'm not lying"
* Theallas focuses his mind upon NOT falling asleep, 1 "I want to talk to you for a couple minutes please, I need to know more about this world"
"You'll have your chance, I promise you, now please rest"
*Theallas growls, "Just a minute Farseer, just a minute, I want you to explain one thing, is Menelmacar still around?
"Yes, they are, a shame I should say"
Lady Sirithil nos Feanor, what happened to her?
"Stop saying bad words, now fall sleep like a good boy. All your questions will have answers"
*Theallas grips his sheathed blade, "One more thing Farseer, if you take my weapons, keep the safe, very, very safe, because if they are damaged when I get out..." he stops, "I will not be amused" he lets himself fall asleep
"I will, don't worry"
Theallas falls asleep
11-06-2004, 20:41
Theallas wakes up, looking at himself, and around him
Several elves walks around him, they are pale and with dark hair...he's lying on a street of a monotonous neighborhood
One guy kicks his side, "Hey you, stand up!"
Theallas stands slowly, looking down at himself
Theallas looks back up at the elves and smiles amiably, "Hello"
"Who are you?"
"Hi, sorry, but you're in the middle of the street"
"Are you a vagabond or something?"
"Long story, may I ask your name?"
"Atheril, but...I really need to get this sacks through"
Theallas looks at him, "Can I be of assistance Atheril?"
"Heh, Can you carry sacks of broken pieces of wraithbone?"
"Then you can help me"
Theallas holds out a hand and takes one of the sacks, "I want to ask you a favor, everything that I am about to tell you, listen to it and weigh it as if it were real"
The elf arches an eyebrow. "And...?", he asked as he picked another sack
"The reason I was sitting in the middle of the road was that I was captured by a Farseer, after a somewhat brief battle with a group of Scorpion troops and Phoenix soldiers. I had been pulled through a gate into a room, there I was greeted by people who I thought were allies, but instead I was greeted by Eldar warriors, who considered me a slave"
"We work for the eldar, mostly for the Farseer”
"I figured that, I asked them whether they were Aelosians, they were stunned, talking about a dead queen. I figured that I had somehow stumbled into a separate world, one quiet different from my own
"Aelosian?, different world?. I don't know anything about another world, but Aelosia was in fact our former queen, assassinated by the eldar years ago"
"Interesting, do you know anything of the outside world?"
"She was the daughter of Elúred, son of Dior, son of Lúthien"
"outside world?, not after we fled from Middle Earth, chased by the sons of Feánor, who were serving the will of Master Melkor, after we fell from grace"
"MASTER MELKOR?! You must mean Morgoth, and falling from grace? He is the enemy of all elves!"
"Melkor created the elves, Melkor created us"
"Eru created the elves..."
Theallas is confused
"We fought for the rebel queen of the Noldor, and Melkor punished us for that"
"Rebel Queen?"
"Eru?, you're talking like those Noldor rebels!"
"The Queen of the Roots"
"You mean Sirithil, of the kin of Feanor"
"Sirithil?, she's of Feänor's kin, but she's not Sirithil, she's Nerdanel"
Theallas is now REALLY confused, "In my world, she is called Sirithil nos Feanor, Queen of the Stars, leader of the Noldorin Empire of Menelmacar, Protector of All Elves, along with several other titles"
"Then you're not talking about Nerdanel nos Feänor, Queen of the Roots, leader of the Noldorin Rebellion of Chaos, Enemy of the Protector, Bane of the Vala"
"As I said, this world is FAR different, everything is reversed.... You see, in my world, the refugees were the ones to conquer the Eldar
"I don't know from which world you came from, all I know is this"
Theallas shrugs as he carries the sack, "About this world, is there a nation called Thelas?"
"Thelas?, no, Do you mean the followers of Theallas?"
Theallas smiles slight, 1 "Yes"
"They're part of the army of the Light Lord. Theallas is his favored lieutenant. He and Alkanphel are the most trusted Paladins of good"
Theallas nearly drops the sack, his eyes flaming their pale blue, his face is cold, yet enraged, 1
"I am working with Alkanphel?"
"Oh, you?, What do you mean?"
"My name is Theallas, in my world, I am one of the most noted of the Kin-Slayers, I was, and still am, an assassin. In my world, Melkor is the enemy of all elves, he is known as the Dark Lord, Alkanphel is his right hand, a being of evil. It just shocked me. So, what is this Theallas like?"
"Are consuming Obscura or something?", asked the elf, clearly as confused as Theallas
Theallas shrugs, "Everything seems to be flipped here...”
11-06-2004, 21:13
What is my double like?'
"Your double?. I haven't seen him. I'm just a humble worker"
"I suppose you're his double"
"Are there any stories about him?
"Yes, he conquered the Dark nations of Knootoss, Lavenrunz and Ruhr, all by himself with his blessed companies of Vanyar warriors"
"This is different from my world... there, Thelasi troops were decimated in the nation of Knootoss, I really must meet this world's Theallas"
I don't know nothing about him, I need to get this sacks home or Kithail will be angry"
"Kithail, as in Kithail Hyral?"
"Yes, Kithail Hyral, my friend and partner. Do you know him?"
Theallas nods, "Oh yes... I want to meet this worlds Kithail... he was the Shadow Prince in my world, we never really got along, we always ended up dueling when ever we met"
"Well, I'm sure he'll recognize you"
"Shadow Prince?, strange title"
"Sort of a regent, until the Princess Aliria D'Hyru marries, and becomes the queen of Aelosia"
"Uh? Dude, Are you sure you're ok?"
"Never mind, long, long story"
"Remember that stuff about another world?"
"Oh, I see, but if it's the same Aliria D'Hyru I know, considering her a Princess is...bizarre"
"Never mind. Do you have a place to stay?"
"Nope, as I said, I fought a Farseer, and wound up on that street"
"Well, then you can stay in my home until the eldar finds you a new home and a new work, is that ok with you?"
Theallas shrugs, "Sure"
"Maybe you'll be lucky and you will avoid the work in the warp reactor, as we did"
"I never did too much research about the Warp, but being used as a path for a chaos being does not appeal to me”
"It's not good, not everyone who goes there comes back"
Theallas nods and looks at the elf, "How far is your home?"
"Ten blocks ahead, are you tired already?"
Theallas shakes his head, "Not by far, so, where is Nerdanel's strong hold?"
"In a planet called Carnil"
Theallas nods, "Carnil, let my guess, in Carnil she horribly tortures people?"
"Carnil, the place of eternal suffering. I do prefer not to talk about it. She has this ring, you know..."
"A ring? As in a magic ring?" He almost laughs, finding this amusing in a twisted way
"Yes, a ring, a stupid hobbit gave it to her thousands of years ago"
Theallas nearly dies laughing, "Frodo Bagins?"
"Yes, Frodo Bagins, How the hell you know...?"
"In our world the same thing almost happened, Frodo Bagins and the fellowship completed their quest, and destroyed the One Ring, here apparently, things are different"
"Fellowship?. Here we was only working with Saruman to destroy the ring, until that Nerdanel betrayed Saruman and took the ring for herself"
"And the Istari? What did they do?"
"Istari?, I already told you of the fair Saruman, and the other one, the wicked Olórin, counselor to the Queen of the roots"
"Wicked? Gandalf? VERY interesting, in my world, Saruman of Many Colors betrayed the order, and Gandalf defeated him, tell me, are there Balrog in this world?"
"Balrog?, the sacred Archons?, all people praise them, they're like what humans call angels"
"Alkanphel the Saint is their leader"
Theallas nods, "Interesting, things are very different in my world."
Theallas has run out of questions, and is still observing the environment around him, forming a map of the city
After a while, the other elf said "This is my humble home, please enter and rest for a while, I need to find Kithail so he can pick up this stuff"
Theallas nods and walks in looking around
It's a very simple house, without any adornments on it
Theallas walks over to a chair and sits down to wait
A girl, a blonde and simple elven maiden with a brown and dirty dress approaches him and looks at him with surprise "What are you doing here?"
Theallas turns, reaching inside his cloak for where one of his daggers should be, "Do I know you?"
The girl jumps back, visibly scared
"No, You don't, at least I don't know you"
"My name is...well, you don't need to know that, I met (forget his name) on the road, and seeing as I have not place to stay, he invited me here, may I ask your name?"
"My name is Celestrianna, I'm Atheril's girlfriend. But, Are you helping him or just trying to get any advantage of him. Why are you dressed like a Prince?"
"Long story, and Atheril met me on the road, literally, as in, I was lying unconscious in the street"
"Damn, dude"
"You'ooking like some ol' aristokrat"
Theallas sighs, 1 "There is a reason for that... tell me, can some one get their hands on a good pair of Mithril blades?"
Theallas raises an eyebrow, "What is it?"
"Shut up, that word is forbidden. You said two of them!"
"Shu' up, tha word 's forbidden. Yu sai twu of 'em!"
Theallas sighs in exasperation... "Damn, looks like a really have to have a talk with my double..."
12-06-2004, 10:58
Theallas looks at Celestrianna, "On another note, where were you born?
Theallas nods, "I was wondering because I did not recognise your accent"
"I wa' born in Eregon, befo' the sheidow fell"
"In tha taime wer' the ivil and malevolen Celembrimbor craft'd the rings of powah"
Theallas nods, "at any rate... what is Kithail like?"
"Kith, he's a strung workin' man. And he's kinda frank, if yu knuow what I'm sayin'"
Theallas nods, "Do you have a job? And what are most peoples jobs like here"
"I'm a jousekeepe', yu know?. I kook, do laundry and stuff"
Theallas nods, waiting quietly, wondering when Kithail will show up
Finally Atheril came back, with another elf, tall and strong, dressed in gray trousers and a ragged shirt
His black hair grew long and unkempt, and in his face stains of grease were covering some really fair features
Theallas rises, nodding to Atheril, he turns to the other elf, "I assume you are Kithail?"
"Yes I am, Who are you?"
Theallas sighs, deciding that using his "title" would be a good idea, he also looks out of the corners of his eyes from any staves or pieces of wood he could use if things got interesting, "My name is Theallas..." he pauses for a second
"Yeah, and you know, my family name is Melkor, I'm Kithail Melkor"
"Hyral is your last name actually, and I am Theallas Noss Dagnir."
12-06-2004, 11:06
Kithail continued to look at Theallas like he was insane, “Jeez man, are you on Ubscura?”
"Ubscura? A narcotic from the sound of it" Theallas turns to Atheril, "Can you explain? If this Kithail is anything like the one in my world, he is going to get me committed to a mental asylum
"Huh?, a mental asylum?, those are in charge of the Farseers around here, we're just simple workers, we can't get you in one of those"
Atheril smiled "Yes, the Obscura is a narcotic, it helps us to forget the dark times we live in"
Theallas sighs, "As you can tell, I am not from around here..." 6 he shakes his head, "Damn I miss my swords..."
"Swords?, long time I've not seen one of those"
"I used to have, two Mithril Katana, Two Mithril Ko-Dachi, One Mithril Wakizashi, Two energy pulse pistols and Two Mithril whip blades." he shakes his head, "As if you cannot tell, I was an assassin..."
"Then how you ended here?"
"I got pulled through a dimensional portal, into a room in the center of the craft world, had a battle with a Farseer a couple Phoenix and Scorpion troops, and got put to sleep, my weapons confiscated"
"You're lucky to be alive then"
Theallas shrugs, "Well, I do want to meet my double... how different we are, this one is a soldier of light, and I am a Kin-Slayer
Theallas sighs
"I don't know what are you talking about"
Theallas sighs, "Is there a way to get off this craft-world?"
"Yes, you can jump from the docks to the outer space, if you can breath vaccuum, that's is"
I mean a way to get to Arda
"Arda?, you can talk to the Farseers. They're the Bright Lord Allies"
Theallas sighs, "maybe I can get my weapons back..." the elf begings to think about his situation a little, "Do you have any other... allies?"
"Allies, yes...the green skins usually helps us, to carry stuff and things like that"
"green skins?"
"Orcs, our cousins"
Theallas nearly dies, "ORCS?! ALLIES?!"
"Pleeze, dear, no need fo' screamin', my jead hurts", says Celestriana
"they have treat us better than the eldar or our noldor cousins, that's why they're friendly to us"
"Many of us are marrying orcish women and vice versa, to enforce our blood with their strength"
Theallas sighs, 1 "This place is weird... let me tell you some things, then tell me what happens here. One there is a Princess named Aliria D'Hyru, next, there is a nation called The C'tan, composed of Necrontyr." 6 he thinks for a moment
"Princess?, dude, you have consumed too much"
"And the only necrontyr that I know are the eldar harlequins"
"Okay, what is wrong? And I have not taken any sort of narcotic..."
"Well...What can I say?, then you're insane"
Theallas sighs, "I am not insane.... but at any rate, can you explain why you reacted so oddly about my piece about Princes D'Hyru?"
"The only D'Hyru I know is a good friend of mine, but she's no Princess"
"What do you mean?"
"Nothing, she's not a Princess, that's all"
"Maybe our orcs friends could help you to escape, but..."
"but what?"
"You don't seem to like them"
"I could deal with it"
"Then come with me tomorrow"
Theallas nods, 1 right, any place I can sleep
"We sleep in the floor, here we don't have so much cold. I think Celes here can find you a blanket"
Theallas shrugs, 1 "I am used to using my cloak
"Perfect then"
Theallas found an empty spot on the floor, he laid down, wrapping his cloak around himself, and went to sleep
The next day...
Theallas was up before daylight, he had found a piece of wood that vaguely resembled a sword, and was practicing his sword skills
"Here, wake up, we're leaving for the orc neighborhoods"
Theallas turns from his practice, "I am awake."
Kithail leads Theallas through the streets, until they reached the orc neighborhood
Theallas looks around, he has the wooden blade on his back, under his cloak
A Big 'Un approaches him, a huge mass of green flesh...
"what you wanna, lads?"
Theallas raises an eyebrow
"Hey, I like your brooch, lad, Gimme that to me"
the orc approaches Theallas and extend his hand towards Theallas' cloak
Theallas looks at the orc, "My friend, please don't bother me"
"Gimme tha brooch!"
Theallas sighs, reaching in under his cloak and taking out his wooden sword, "please, back off"
The orc draws a huge wooden wooden trunk, with a nail in top of it. "gimme that"
Theallas drops close to the ground, then, suddenly shooting forward, seeming to disappears. He launched a Kuzu Ryu Sen, changing the final attack to hit the orcs neck, and to collapse his windpipe, the orc gasps, his neck broken, and collapses to the floor, dead
Kithail shakes his head.1"Now, that's bad, the guy is dead. We should run before more of them arrive. You're kind of rash don't you?"
Theallas puts the wooden blade on his back, moving his cloak to conceal it, 1 "I hate Orcs" he moves towards a side ally, his dark black cloak concealing him, Kithail could only see him because he knew that Theallas was there
“Ok, lad, but that guy was going to help us, you know? You need to control your temper"
"I am annoyed as hell, and he was going to help us?! The bastard was trying to rob me"
"He wanted the brooch, you should have given it to him"
"We usually give the orcs whatever they want to, that avoid problems with them"
Theallas sighs, "For some one like myself, I don't give orcs anything... long story, and if I told you half of it, you would think that I am insane"
"Well, then you lost the chance of escaping the Craftworld"
Theallas sighs, "Trust me, no one saw me, at least, not my face..."
"Well, I saw you"
"If nothing else, I wait for a little while, I have time..."
"You were looking"
"Yes, but now I need to tell the Orcs that you killed one of their leaders, or they'll try to harm us"
Theallas spins around, "Listen, I am an assassin, I did this for my job. I am just going to frame some poor bastard, and then get out of here.