Prelacy Announces Religious Identification Policy
Following the executions of various religious leaders in Aerion which had been ignored in the international community, the Religious Regulatory Agency of Aerion now issues a proclamation by order of the Prelacy (the leading 20 member body of the fascist party government of Aerion) that all citizens shall now have their religion recorded in their identification files. Already, many citizens had been barcoded on their wrist which would be scanned, pulling up a file identifying them. Now part of the information contained within this file will be the religion of the individual. Agents of the Religious Regulatory Agency will go from house to house in the next few days recording the religions of various citizens who are not part of the New Aerion Order, the fascist party of approximately 35% of the population
Western Asia
01-03-2004, 07:05
Western Asia offers open borders to those that flee unjust religious persecution, as it does to many other refugees.
This policy has now taken its actions, and approximately 70% of Aerion's people have been identified as well as their religious preferences. Many people are feareful of speaking out against the strong fascist government, if through casual comments. The government control the media, and every means of communication. Citizens have been known to have their "communication" rights removed simply for making off comments or being "suspected". Meaning their phone lines are cut off, they are not permitted to speak to any one, and must be escorted to work by an armed soldier. An (almost) unbreakable microphone neckband will be placed around the offending citizen's neck which will record their every speech, and a computerized system may identify subversive language or a human operator may listen in as well. Coworkers can, and do report those marked if they hear them speak against the government as well. This is often, of course, proven by what is recorded by the neckband. Further stipulations, and removal of rights can continue until the person chooses to come into line with government law.
07-03-2004, 09:40
The RCO condemns this hideous violation of rights against the citizens of Aerion. With Western Asia, we offer asylum to any nationals wishing to flee the country. We will provide ships, through our dominion of New Kirkwick, as close to their nation as international waters allow. We offer them safe haven in the Empire, or to transport them to Western Asia (with that nation's permission).
Furthermore, the RCO orders all of its businesses to cease and desist in any trade it may partake in with Aerion. The Parliament will consider whether any other economic measures should be taken.
We strongly condemn this vicious policy, and the government that orders such things.
Minister of Foreign Affairs Voegelin, Royal Commonwealth of Oakeshottland.
07-03-2004, 09:53
The Voldanian Corporation condemns foreign interference in another country's internal affairs. Religious affiliation is a matter of state security, as dangerous cults can rise to prominence and restrict the civil rights of the populace.
The Corporation offers loans and economic aid to Aerion to assist it in this time of triumph. The Corporation also expresses its interest in sub-contracting with the Government of Aerion to provide whatever information infrastructure is necessary.
(A video message sent to the CEO or leader of the Voldanian Corporation.)
We thank the Corporation for their support of our government, and helping to maintain state security. Most of this funding will be directed toward the Ministry for State Security, and Public Security to insure the stability of Aerion.
Ambassador Oin Den
(A news release on Aerion News and mesage sent to the other nations against this policy)
"Rest assured, the Ministry of State Security will not allow a single individual to leave the nation who has been identified as traiterous. We have only labeled those according to their religious identity, our government has taken no actions other than for state security. The only purposes of this are record keeping, and to prevent religious extremists from rising in our nation. We have, however, outlawed national religious associations. Small congregations may exist, but large national bodies of religious power will not be tolerated."
Kreo Dal
Minister of State Security
This policy continues into today, with a tighter grip, and more small anti-religious policies being put into place.