NationStates Jolt Archive

Indiastan Declares Uranus Off limits.

United Indiastan
23-02-2004, 10:40
Due to a desire to maintain the operational security of Indiastan operation in and around Uranus, we have declared it off limits to new colonization and military traffic. All civilian traffic will continue, however we'd like commercial traffic and shipping to be made through sanctioned routes. Also, all present colonies/stations will remain unaffected, however we will ask taht in and outbound traffic go through said monitored trade routes. We apologize for any inconvience that this might create, but we feel that it is the right thing to do at the present time. We do plan, in the future, to reopen Uranus, but at present it is not possible. Thank you.

-Indiastan Foreign Ministry, Official Statement.
23-02-2004, 10:50
We fully support the Indiastani claim to Uranus. We will throw cute bunnies at any man, woman, child or worm-with-tentacles that denies their rightful claim.

~ Lame Comments Inc.
23-02-2004, 10:50
This is getting too close to Triton.....
Reploid Productions
23-02-2004, 11:05
At this time, the RPRA alliance has two small research bases in development on two of the planet's smaller moonlets. We sincerely hope that this temporary closing of Uranian space will not seriously impact the construction of these bases.

Perhaps it is time for RPRA and UI representitives to meet and set down some co-existance guidelines? If we are going to be neighbors, after all, it is generally wise to have an agreement not to come gunning down the other's door, after all.
~Tsume Dragonis
~Secretary of Foreign Affairs
~Immortal Shogunate and Affiliated Territories of Reploid Productions
Z ha dum
23-02-2004, 11:38
Floating in the red current of hyperspace, six ships wait. Indiastans 'wishes' are becoming fairly... extensive, however, at this time, they are easily able to fulfill them. Rebuilding continues, soon... soon, their time will come.

Still, they wait for the signal, for the preparations to be finished...

They wont wait forever.
The Imperial Navy
23-02-2004, 11:47
OOC: Several of us already aggreed that we would ignore anyone attempting to lay full claim on a planet or moon. You just can't control the entire thing.

IC: The Imperial Navy refuses to aknowledge UI's claim to Uranus. However as we have no need for Uranus, we don't care.
23-02-2004, 11:57
His Excellency the Grand Duke refuses to acknowledge any claim to the outer planets and satellites of the solar system. Although he does not lay claim to any of the aforementioned territories, he and the Consultative Council of Hoffenburg-Dominax reserve the right to do so in the future.
23-02-2004, 12:14
Dear Comrade Brethren Imperialistic Navy,

We never Fully Laid Any Claim To All of Triton, we only worry because we have a perminent Marine Base Colony acting as both a Base of Operations and Outpost, some other causes included. If one nation desides to build a base on Triton, please do it to where we have a good.......distance.....between us.
The Imperial Navy
23-02-2004, 12:19
Dear Comrade Brethren Imperialistic Navy,

We never Fully Laid Any Claim To All of Triton, we only worry because we have a perminent Marine Base Colony acting as both a Base of Operations and Outpost, some other causes included. If one nation desides to build a base on Triton, please do it to where we have a good.......distance.....between us.

I was talking to United Indiastan. :D

He shouldn't close off access to a planet of the solar system.
23-02-2004, 12:24
Dear Non-Imperialistic Navy,

We are Sorry, and No, we are not Communist. We are a Socialist Democracy, a TRUE Democracy, if I shall put it so.

Thank You.

P.S. Becoming a Comrade Brethren Ally, an Ally to the People, would be preferred. This would signify that you are both a Comrade Brethren Ally to the USSNR and The People, and an Ally of The People. Shall we consider so?
The Imperial Navy
23-02-2004, 12:28
The Imperial Navy is a nation of Conservative democratics. I'll have to say no to your offer of a communist alliance. We have nothing against communism, but we do not follow the same sort of politics.

(Althought the current leader of the opposition in parliament is communist-but the Emperor has the final say)
23-02-2004, 12:32
Dear Non Imperialistic Comrade Brethren,

We are Not Communists, for a Communist State or Nation does not Deal with True Socialism, True Democracy, such as our Socialist Democracy, Non-Communism. Besides, our Government is The People, the Citizens and Civilians whom have the Last Say and Final Say in ANY Matter of Their Nation.
Reploid Productions
23-02-2004, 12:35
((OOC: Uh... good to see you guys RPing away, but it is a wee bit rude to hijack UI's thread :wink: Perhaps a threadsplit is in order? 8) ))
The Imperial Navy
23-02-2004, 12:36
Well seeing as he's godmodding, why can't we do somthing sensible with the thread?
The Imperial Navy
23-02-2004, 12:44
The rule only applies to this solar system.

Several of us agreed on this to keep room open for more nations to set up home in the Solar system. anyone claiming full ownership of a Sol system planet is ignored by our little group.
23-02-2004, 12:44
I don't see why they can't claim an entire planet/ moon :?

Why we control an entire Star System.

What you do with a gas planet in the NS Earth Solar system doesn't concern us so long as the trade lanes are not disrupted.
Lady Jade Purrlinda
Ambassador to NS Earth
The Star Kingdom of Slagkattunger
Politics is war without bloodshed while war is politics with bloodshed.
My Nations GDP (
Slagkattunger Fact File (
23-02-2004, 12:47
OOC: Several of us already aggreed that we would ignore anyone attempting to lay full claim on a planet or moon. You just can't control the entire thing.

IC: The Imperial Navy refuses to aknowledge UI's claim to Uranus. However as we have no need for Uranus, we don't care.

Seems a little god-moddy when people do it, too.
I know that this is, relatively speaking, a fantasy world, but it seems a little childish when people do it, too. Like "I'm the bestest, we can do this and you can't", sort of thing.
Reploid Productions
23-02-2004, 12:51
((OOC: Playing devil's advocate here, but I think what he means is that since few people have a present interest in Uranus at the moment, he's temporarily requesting that people leave it be while he sets up shop. He's not claiming the whole thing for himself, merely putting up something akin to a "Please pardon our dust" sign over the area while he sets his bits up.))
Der Angst
23-02-2004, 12:52
Well seeing as he's godmodding, why can't we do somthing sensible with the thread?

ooc: Just to mention it, I generally disagree with claiming entire planets/ moons. However, afaik, this is temporary (And partly a joke regarding Sketch). Besides, this isn´t godmodding. Godmodding would be 'You can´t be here because I am here!!!11'

He says 'you are not allowed to come, right now.' You can easily RP enforcing your entrance in the Uranus system. Of course, If you do not have the necessary ressources...


No Angstian comments regarding the actions of their close ally United Indiastan were available.
The Imperial Navy
23-02-2004, 12:55
Okay, I don't realy care about Uranus anyway. I'll leave this for now, but if anyone tries to claim neptune and lock it down...
23-02-2004, 12:57
We fully support the Indiastani claim to Uranus. We will throw cute bunnies at any man, woman, child or worm-with-tentacles that denies their rightful claim.

~ Lame Comments Inc.

And we will burry them in plush teddy bears!

~ Stupid Repeating of "Lame Comments Inc." Ltd.

OOC: Goooooooooooooooooooooo Indy!!! :D
23-02-2004, 13:01
OOC: I'm amazed that anyone would try and claim parts of other planets when they can't even get Earth right! :lol:
Just my snarky post for the evening...

IC: Oh well...I suppose the space program does need to be worked on for the future of us all. I don't really foresee Earth lasting forever. I just hope that it becomes more open to everyone in the future.
23-02-2004, 13:02
I will never come CLOSE to Ur-Anus, anyway. So Gross, So Young....oh, you were talking about the PLANET Uranus? Sorry, mistaken.....

I have no idea why I am posting this, just that no one would say it and I did.....hopfully Humor shall come from it, not insultmence.
United Indiastan
24-02-2004, 07:22
As a result of the questions arising from our actions, we will attempt to clarify ourselves.

1) We are NOT claiming ownership of all of Uranus or all of its outlying moons.

2) We ARE enacting a temporary cease and desist order upon all nations regarding expandnig into the Uranus system while we are presently doing so.

3) Again, we wish to affirm that all projects/bases/colonies in the system will be free to continue their activities, thoguh we do ask that any regular traffic be so good as to obtain verification with Navy Command in the area in order to avoid any hassle.

4) All non-local traffic will, again, remaind unhindered, but we are requesting that all STL through-traffic be confined to certain lanes which we have designated. Failure to comply will result in seizure and detainment of offending vessels. We don't want a hassle, so don't try us.

5) While we are not claiming the entire system, we ARE claiming ownership of the following moonlets: Ophelia, Portia, Belinda, Caliban, and Puck, as well as a smallish portion of Miranda. Once our construction is complete, the bans will be lifted.

We thank you for your patience. This is only a short-term measure, and normal operational parameters will return as soon as possible.

-Indiastan Foreign Ministry, Offical Statement.

EDIT: Well, it's been an age and a half, so construction would have been long finished and whatnot. Guess this is all rather moot now. :P