More Bang for your Buck (Open RP)
New Empire
23-02-2004, 01:44
Lights. Metal. Energy.
This was Point Dasch, the largest trading port between the Oceanics and the mainland. A constant flurry of aircraft, freighters, tankers, passenger ships, submarines, warships, hydrofoils, and ekroplanes moved cargo and people to and fro the metropolis. Another thing flew through the air, information. Bytes flew on high speed datalinks as dollars and information exchanged hands in milliseconds, a river of power. And Jake Deppen was going to tap into it. He sat in a Telecom van, bribed from the owners. His data jacks were set in, and he stretched as he checked the time. 30 seconds. He clicked on an icon, the blue glow of the screen dimly illuminating the confines of the van. 10 seconds. His autosearch program found the bank account as the unsuspecting prepared to transfer money into it. With the account's "door" open, he inserted the thief program. With so many transfers on the Oceania Petrol Trade account, the fractions of pennies that came to and from it would be unnoticed, but very, very profitable. And then the watchdog hit.
Oh shit.
He should have seen the amount being transferred, a mere 1000 AC. A dummy transfer. Someone knew about this, someone within TeleCom, or UnderDigital, the private online security group he worked for, that did more than just provide firewalls and virus scans. The Feds? The other firms? He spun in his chair, trying to calm himself. He never noticed the man prying open the van door, until the muzzle of the silenced .40 pistol was shoved through, a red dot on his neck. Two brass casings jingled on the floor as a gloved hand retrieved them, red dripping down the walls.
Two days later, a massive pan-national hacking strike put nearly 100% of UCSNE CyberCrime in one place. A message surfaced on the nets.
(Next is the tick, the point. Next is the Powers. Next is the globe. Don't take too much stock in what you hear. I say this much to get by their dogs. 903255~Birdie.)
"We can't take this much bullshit. The Soccies, the Annies, and now this shit. We need more resources. People who think outside the box."
"I'll be on it, sir."
[All interested parties-
We are in need of your best hacks, programmers, net workers, and e-spooks you have to offer. A problem of Cyberterrorism has surfaced here, and there's too much for us all to take care of on our own. Send personell, you'll be paid well. All interested contact
-UCSNE CyberCrime Division]
OOC-This is an open RP, lot's of high tech, lots of guns and such. Eventually it'll get better.
New Empire
23-02-2004, 22:55
Lt. Patrick O'Donell leaned against the wall, trying to keep his breath under control. His fingers slid towards the extra magazine as his eyes darted over the hall, ears listening for motion. There was a soft click as the large 100 round magazine slid into place on his J9, and he pulled it to his shoulder. The Calico style weapon was considered too overkill for normal operations, but Patrick knew these anti-gun people had never worked with ESWAT*. He looked towards his partner, who was brandishing a similar weapon, both of them looking like sci-fi characters in their K-5 body armor, which was usually issued to military personnel. They moved forward, his partner, a newbie from the Nordfriesland quarter, was at point. He peeked around a corner, and flew back as the sound of a shotgun erupted. O'Donnell ducked back behind the quarter, listening to the slow footsteps. There were two of them. The first shape leapt out, his shotgun firing off a burst that failed to hit anything other than the walls. A burst of rounds walked up his chest and neck as the body-armored figure was riddled by the 5.7mm rounds of the J9. The second was quicker, pushing up the first as a shield as his rifle barked in semi-auto. An impact landed on the side of his neck, and his hand leapt instinctively to it. It came back with a red stain.
"Whatsa matter, O'Donnell? You're gone, sit down."
O'Donell sat in the locker room, packing up his armor and gear. His short cut red hair ran with sweat, and he was looking forward to a nice relaxing day. Then his cell phone rang.
He cursed under his breath as he picked up the phone.
"O'Donnell, breifing room B2, 1630."
Shit, only 15 minutes before they slap me with more shit. Isn't one debrief enough?
"I'll be there."
A click eminated from the phone, and he shut it off.
The Colonel stood tall in his uniform, eyes darting over a sea of faces as the last few people filed into the room. His gray BDUs were backdropped by a huge screen, the ESWAT symbol behind it, along with the Point Dasch Police Department Seal. The uniforms assembled all bore the ESWAT patch, save for a few suits and an Army officer. About half had the PDP patch, but many other cities as well, Sestadt, Berliston, Halisfavon, New Kerter, and various others. The room quited as he walked forward on the platform.
"Ladies and Gentlemen, your attention please. As many of you know, I am Colonel Krugen, head of the Point Dasch ESWAT detachment. You're here today because of this week's wonderful demonstration of Cybercrime and paranoia. Last night, "Birdie", after his location was traced, was found dead. This man was the author of the warning message connected with the Cyberstrike plots and hacker killings. That isn't our concern, that's CyberCrime's. But what is our concern is that this guy had connections with several Private Electronic Security firms, some E-Mafia, and a few other organizations. Some of which have connections to anti-government and anarchist movements. Now, the first stage of our operations are going to be purely electronic, snooping for these bastards. But from what we've seen in the past, these Net Terrorists often have access to high technology through their firms. I'm sure you all remember the Arcology incident."
The bust was a classic reason for the formation of ESWAT, after a Private security firm used their contracts with an Industrial Cybernetics company to gain access to a powered exoskeleton, and modified it with armor plate. A standoff at an office in the Fernacht Arcology lead to the deaths of several officers after their squad cars were thrown into each other, and armor piercing rounds failed to penentrate the exo as it used HMGs to blast anything in the area. An M-42 PA squad with anti-tank weapons had to be called in to move into the "killzone" and destroy it.
"The point is, we may have to bust some heads. Which is why I'm taking you to form the combat arm of this operation. You've all been selected for your excellence in the skills that got you into ESWAT, and your experience. We also have some assistants from the DIA and military, providing us with some new toys, mainly the Kettari Model 44, and all it's "accessories". I expect all of you to check your securemail tonight and report for our meetings shown in the schedule. Thank you for your time."
"So, anything more on the freelance?"
"Jack shit. Everyone here's scared as hell to do anything."
"Goddamn. What about the strike arm?"
"Well... We're undermanned. We need more experienced in what we need."
"Fuck, you've got anyone you want from SWAT and ESWAT."
"Again, we need guys who have military experience. I'm talking SF, cops from the hardass nations. You know, professional mercs, South Africans, Israelis, Liberty Fighters, Imitora, anyone. Pay them if we have to."
"... Do it. Send out another offer. We're gonna need all the help we can get."
"Anything else on the Birdie message?"
"We think it's the stock market. Tickertape, points, probably going for interreigonal trade first, then they'll hit global. Dogs refers to "Watchdogs", or filters. The guy knew he was being watched. No clue on what the number is."
"Keep working on it."
*ESWAT-Emergency Special Weapons And Tactics-National Combat Arm of National Defense Agency, BATF, Bureau of Exoskeletons and Cyborgs, and the Narcotics Enforcement Agency.
Isaac Blake, and expert hacker. He was cyborg, with data streams running through the matrix that made up his mind. He had a slot, hidden by his hair, and by a stocking cap, that he inserted chips into, computer chips. Downloading more info than any human could ever with a regular. He was an expert thinker, also he chould upload himself into the data streams of the city, able to see almost everything that went on. He was currently sitting in a van, a white van, that was parked on a street, beside some corporate facilities.
Code=3685. Information base-2817.
Security code required.
Enter Code_[97823]
Code Accepted...
Virus Dectected.
[Security Device Dound]
Security device deactivated.
Upload_Text. [Virus Deleted]
Text Uploaded.
Access files_Credits
Upload_Text [Thank you for your cooperation. The credits have all been uploaded. Have a nice day. :)]
Text Uploaded
Log Off.
Logging Off.
He snapped out of it. He looked in his secret deposit in his computer mainframe.
The number of credits were multiplyed by $1000. Making his current number of money, $100 million.
Something ran through his head.
[Security Device detected]
Message-[Sir, we have a reading of credits dropping in the bank, they appear to have been stolen.]
[Do we have location of origin?]
[Not good...]
[Sir, we found it!]
[Good! Send out a squad, lets get this man.]
Message Over.
Ten mintues ago.
A knock on the door. He slowly walked over to it, and opened it up. Five men were standing outside, dressed in cop armor, each one had a blaster gun in their hands, pointing at him.
"Good bye," He said. He hit a button on a controler that was attached to his wrist, and a sound wave blasted out, the sheer immensity of it knocked them all back. Temporarily deff.
He then hit another button, and another wave blasted out, this one was a neural disrupter. They wouldn't remember a thing that happened here. He then quickly ran into the van, and shut everything down, breaking the tracer from the police station. He got in the front of the van, and drove off. Heading back to his apartment.
Isaac Blake, and expert hacker. He was cyborg, with data streams running through the matrix that made up his mind. He had a slot, hidden by his hair, and by a stocking cap, that he inserted chips into, computer chips. Downloading more info than any human could ever with a regular. He was an expert thinker, also he chould upload himself into the data streams of the city, able to see almost everything that went on. He was currently sitting in a van, a white van, that was parked on a street, beside some corporate facilities.
Code=3685. Information base-2817.
Security code required.
Enter Code_[97823]
Code Accepted...
Virus Dectected.
[Security Device Dound]
Security device deactivated.
Upload_Text. [Virus Deleted]
Text Uploaded.
Access files_Credits
Upload_Text [Thank you for your cooperation. The credits have all been uploaded. Have a nice day. :)]
Text Uploaded
Log Off.
Logging Off.
He snapped out of it. He looked in his secret deposit in his computer mainframe.
The number of credits were multiplyed by $1000. Making his current number of money, $100 million.
Something ran through his head.
[Security Device detected]
Message-[Sir, we have a reading of credits dropping in the bank, they appear to have been stolen.]
[Do we have location of origin?]
[Not good...]
[Sir, we found it!]
[Good! Send out a squad, lets get this man.]
Message Over.
Ten mintues ago.
A knock on the door. He slowly walked over to it, and opened it up. Five men were standing outside, dressed in cop armor, each one had a blaster gun in their hands, pointing at him.
"Good bye," He said. He hit a button on a controler that was attached to his wrist, and a sound wave blasted out, the sheer immensity of it knocked them all back. Temporarily deff.
He then hit another button, and another wave blasted out, this one was a neural disrupter. They wouldn't remember a thing that happened here. He then quickly ran into the van, and shut everything down, breaking the tracer from the police station. He got in the front of the van, and drove off. Heading back to his apartment.
New Empire
24-02-2004, 00:29
OOC-I assume this isn't happening in my nation, because we don't have blaster guns (We use good old guns, with bullets.), and that would all be terrible godmodding. Oh, and I don't RP with ubertech, unless you can explain roughly how a "neural disrupter" would work.
[OOC: Umm... Blasting a few guys away isn't goddmodding is were I would kill Your guy, without your permission, I just simply blew back a few guys I created. Also I wasn't using ubertech, if you will take note, you said lots of hight tech, and the end of you first message. Plus if we all had to describe how things worked in RPs. no one would play them anymore. But to make them 'master' happy, I will try and describe it.
A neural disrupter sends out an invisible wave. Tjis wave is a match of high frequency sounds, unable to be heard of by mankinds ears. The sound waves go into the persons ears, and disrupt the brain from the earcanal. It hitches a ride through nerve cords into the heart of the brain, and from their it hits certain brain waves/brain cells. It only hits certain brainwaves because the frequencies are a perfect match for the certain brainwaves/cells, so that only some are damaged. The one Isaac used was designed to hit memory waves/cells, disabling them. After a short period of time the cells regenerate, but don't competely recover. Therefore a gap in memory is left. And yes I guess my guy is in Techon right now, but he will be comig to your port/city soon.]
New Empire
24-02-2004, 01:55
OOC-Well, I'm not a neurologist, but I'm pretty sure it'd only damage the sensory cells, if not all of them. I don't think you can specifically target different cells. I'll accept your sonic-thingy, but the neural-scrambler is just too iffy. Now keep in mind that my government has banned sentinent AI outside of the military, and borgs with onboard weapons are also illegal outside of the military.
And when I say high tech, I mean tech that's possible. The most far out thing is sentient AI and supercavitation, which won't be in this RP, but Ubertech is tech so far out it isn't likely to be found in the near future. UCSNE is running sometime around 2053.
New Empire
24-02-2004, 22:03
[So is he gone?]
The words flashed in the messaging box, which sat on the laptop screen. The white-blue glow illuminated the inerior of the boats cabin as it chugged along the bay. He leaned forward, fingers tapping on the cold keyboard.
[Yeah. We got him.]
[You know they're gonna monitor us once we make the next move.]
[No shit, they probably already are.]
<SAFECOMP 3.59 WARNING! Your IP is being pinged by Unknown Source!>
He slammed the button to refloat the IP as he shut down the computer, his breath coming down hard.
"What the hell?"
The huge multirotored cargo chopper had set down at the Training Range minutes ago, with strange forms rolling down under canvas sheets. They manuvered themselves into a line, about 20 under a hangar. When the strange things were under cover, the canvas was thrown off, revealing polished blue quadrupeds, UTQ Tachikoma if O'Donnell had his facts straight. The Colonel motioned for the crowd of ESWAT officers to approach them.
The spiderlike units were still, words like "Kaisa", "Wagner", "Jackrabbit", and "Greyhound" stenciled on their armored "abdomens".
"As you may know, this is the Tachikoma model Urban Tactical Quadruped, and a fresh shipment at that. Only a few of you will get to have these guys as your partners, but I guarantee they're going to be useful in these operations."
A lanky officer with a blonde buzz cut and southern accent poked his head forward.
"Uhh, you said partner? Sir, I've been working with LMs and exos, but I wasn't aware the Tachis possesed anything more than a Tactical AI."
The Colonel smirked. "These are UTQ-II, fully self aware cybernetic beings with personalities formed by themselves. They all chose their own names. Wagner, front and center."
"Yes sir." said a vaugely synthetic voice. The vehicle straightened up a bit, and rolled on it's foot mounted wheels. "Will it be the basic summary, sir?"
"I am UTQ-II 0138 Wagner. I was designed for use in Police and Counterterrorism warfare, and I am fully trained on your levels. I have full databanks on every New Empirian weapon, as well as Markovian, German, American, Russian, European, Asian, African, North and South American, as well as Australian built firearms. I have full access to the internet where I can perform downloads on any new information. I also am fully trained in cyber warfare, and can access Public Service Control and security systems to provide any advantage to my allies. I am equipped with a full Military grade sensor suite, as well as a 5.7mm Machine Gun, 20mm Grenade Launcher, and Flechette gun. I'm very pleased to be out of the testing ground and into the ESWAT forces, where I can perform the job I was built for. I look forward to serving with you."
"Thank you Wagner, you all may fall out."
The procession of robots wheeled down towards the maintinance bays, sun glinting off their paint.
"As you can see, this thing is a alot more than a four legged power armor or landmate. They're going to be vital, giving us the capability to track down hackers with their DataLink access, and they can provide enough punch to deal with anything short of a Main Battle Tank. I want the names on the list I forwarded to report to Maint and familiarize themselves with their Tachis, the rest of you report to your respective practice areas."
The crowd slowly dispersed, none noticing the large helicopter as it continued to disgorge cargo.
Isaac sat in his van. Watching the riot, it was a bright and cheerful day. The birds were chirping, but that wasn't heard by anyone thanks to crowd.
The stood in a circle, shouting this and that, holding up signs that said.
"Robots aren't harmful, let them live!" And things like that.
He sat with on arm resting on the wheel, and with the other he was typing away in his laptop. The police would be here soon.
He waited five more minutes of chanting, and then the police arrived.
Hovercopters soared overhead. They were basically helicopters without any blades, but intsead use oxygen+Chemilochide, which produced a gas that could run forever, as long as it was supplied with oxygen. The rear rutters were replaced with engines, that glowed blue.
The police saored down over the crowd with jetpacks. They had the traditional armor on, black, metalic, helmets with vizors that went over the face.
The vizors were cool actually, they were a constantly working X-Ray. The only person who could see it though was the weared. The x-ray would scan anyone that went across the center off the vizor, giving data, and background info about them also.
"Sir," A police said through a headpeice radio, the signal being picked up by the laptop in the van. "None of them are people, they are all robots."
"That is what we figured. Alright, lets get the tanks in." Came the reply.
Another few minutes, and two tanks strolled in. They didn't fire the massive cannnons, but instead started driving into the crowd.
The crowd itself started to scatter everywhere, only to be shot down by electro. tasers from the cops guns. SOme robots started a chain, but they were easly run down by the tanks, nuts and bolts, and other peices of metal scattered everywhere.
The guns the cops used were harmless, against humans. It just gave them a quick shot, but the on robots it fried them.
After ten minutes the entire riot was scattered across the ground.
"Now it is my time to leave, but one last trick." He said.
He pulled out a device from underneath his brown leather coat. A button rested on it, he pressed it.
Two blocks away a warehouse, completely abbandoned, exploded from the inside.
The cops all started running towards it, he hit a button on his laptop, and another warehouse blew up, two blocks in the other direction.
He drove the van away from the scene.
Parking it a mile away, he looked at the bank.
Searching the data banks, they still had no information on who robbed it.
"Good," He said, and he drove the van away. His next stop, Port Dasch.
New Empire
24-02-2004, 22:46
The two men walked on opposite sides of the street, dressed in different colored trenchcoats and pants, with fedora hats on their heads. They nodded to eachother past the traffic, and walked into an old cannery. They closed the door, and stopped in the lobby, silently discarding their clothes to reveal... Nothing. A blur filled the area where their bodies should have been seen, and the two pulled hoods over their heads, and opened their suitcases. A helmet and gas mask like face covering, gray in appearance, snapped over their faces, and then slowly faded away into obscurity. The only things clearly visible were the jet black lens of their goggles as they picked up the J9SD, and moved through the confines of the old building. Padded boots silenced their footsteps as they approached what used to be the head office. The door seemed to creak open on it's own as the men opened it, their submachineguns seeming to float in midair. The hum and whirr of computers filled the room, 4 screens showing gigabytes of information. After a quick inspection, they ducked as the thrum of a motorboat engine was heard at the docks. The boat floated next to the old pier as two men lashed it down, and another got off. One of them looked around, noticing something in his perhipereal vision, but unable to focus on him. Then it hit him.
The men drew silenced weapons, a .45 there, a Steyr TMP, and an Uzi.
"Alright, drop 'em."
The men broght their weapons up, but unable to pinpoint the speaker among the echoes.
"Turn of the Thermoptic shit, and we will."
"Put the weapons down unless you want to get hurt."
One of the men pointed his weapon towards where he thought the agent stood.
"How about I blow your brains out?"
"Suit yourself."
A splash was heard as a dark shape leapt out of the water, quickly landed on the boat, and leapt off onto the concrete dock, and rushed forward. The men turned, and began firing as sparks lanced from the impact points, and then one fell after a muffled phut.
The Tachikoma's arms leapt out and grabbed the other two, holding them up in the air.
The two agents de-Ghosted, their thermoptic camoflauge now a gray-green as the walked towards the fallen man, his arms clutching at a red hole in his thigh. The taller one looked over him.
"See, that's what we call an extremity shot. You'll be fine, but you're lucky I didn't go for your torso, or head, which I am completely capable of doing at these ranges with this weapon." He turned towards the suspended men, who were now being let down and cuffed by the other agent, and added, "Nice job, Greyhound."
"Thanks, sir. I was beginning to think you guys were gonna be late. Want me to file in the report via my Datalink?"
"No, thanks," O'Donnell remarked as his partner read the Miranda rights, "I'll do it myself. Get some rest, even robots last longer that way."
Isaac's van drove into Point Dasch. The city was very large. He had taken four days to drive here.
"Peice of cake," He said to himself. First order of buisness, turn three hundred thousand credits in for whatever currency is used here, second order of buisness, rent a hotel apartment. Third order of buisness, find out about the city.
New Empire
24-02-2004, 23:09
OOC-Long drive. Best way to get to Dasch is by boat. Here's some info.
-Point Dasch is home to about 13 million, 3rd Largest city in UCSNE.
Primary Industries
-Shipbuilding (Large Naval shipyard)
Large Commercial sector in north, good sized down town. Residential sectors include large amounts of hotels and apartments, more suburban areas along beaches.
Climate in winter is still sunny, Avg. temp 50-60 Degrees Farenheit, this year has been particularly rainy.
Small crime not a problem, although organized crime is fairly common, especially in terms of cybercrime and smuggling.
Gun Laws-
Pistols, Shotguns, Semi-Auto rifles under .50 Caliber legal. Due to smuggling, there is a fairly large concentration of illegal weapons here, including automatics and AMRs.
Ethnic Groups
-Primarily German and Irish
-Frisian, French and English make up most of the remaining population
A muscular man walked over to the counter at the police station. He was only around thirty six, but by all the scars he carried, you could tell that life disfavored him.
A tech stood behind the counter, typing on a cumputer. "Yes?"
"I was given a message that I was to come here?" The man said, looking at the tech.
"Brad Heth."
"Brad Heth...Brad Heth..." The tech said typing something into the computer. "Ahh here we are. Brad Heth.
"Arrested for murder at age eighteen, was released at age twenty six by favor of the judge. Was a SWAT member for five years, quit after partner was killed in gun fight. Is currently a bounty hunter."
"Yes, thatis me," Brad said, moving his hand down his face. "What do you want?"
"Well," The tech said. "A week ago, a hacker got into the bank on tenth street. He was spotted by us, and we sent men down to get him. They came back not knowing what we were talking about. In the cam. in the police car we saw the van, and the man. He has been reported as a cybor, many times. Last we heard of him was that he was going to Port Dasch, in New Empire."
"And you want me to track him down?" Brad asked.
"You are the best bounty hunter around, and it will take that to find him"
"Very well," Brad said. "I will need money."
"Fourty thousand credits have already been uploaded into your card."
"Goo, I will bring him back, dead or alive?"
"Alright," Brad said, he then walked out the door. He got in his van, which was white as well, it was a storage van. With the big backs. In the back, were racks upon racks of guns, ammunition, and grenades.
He started it up, and headed for Point Dasche.
OOC-Long drive. Best way to get to Dasch is by boat. Here's some info.
-Point Dasch is home to about 13 million, 3rd Largest city in UCSNE.
Primary Industries
-Shipbuilding (Large Naval shipyard)
Large Commercial sector in north, good sized down town. Residential sectors include large amounts of hotels and apartments, more suburban areas along beaches.
Climate in winter is still sunny, Avg. temp 50-60 Degrees Farenheit, this year has been particularly rainy.
Small crime not a problem, although organized crime is fairly common, especially in terms of cybercrime and smuggling.
Gun Laws-
Pistols, Shotguns, Semi-Auto rifles under .50 Caliber legal. Due to smuggling, there is a fairly large concentration of illegal weapons here, including automatics and AMRs.
Ethnic Groups
-Primarily German and Irish
-Frisian, French and English make up most of the remaining population
Boy I bet they will love Brad Heth then.
New Empire
25-02-2004, 00:15
OOC-Well, if you're traveling from your nation to mine by car (Somehow...), you must deal with the cops. This should be good.
The officer was tired, and his coffee was nearly out. He sat at the passenger seat of the squad car as his partner tried to make his way through the evening traffic back to the station. If this big ass van didn't get out of his way...
Then he looked at the plates. It wasn't New Empire native, and it sure as hell wasn't in the database... Smuggled foreign car? He prodded the officer to attention as the sirens came on. He was not in a good mood right now.
Brad looked at the side view mirror, a cop car was behind him.
"Great" he said, and he pulled over. He opened up the drivers side door, and hopped out.
New Empire
25-02-2004, 00:32
The driver got out of the car, pulling a black field cap over his head. His partner sat in the car, looking at the man. He'd seen faces like that on Wanted posters for Mercs and ex-soldiers. His mind went to the J9 under the dashboard, and Semi-auto magazine fed shotguns on the car roof.
The driver approached Heth.
"Sir, your liscense plate doesn't comply with Federal law, and I'd like to take a look inside the vehicle, if you don't mind. I'm afraid this vehicle will have to be towed for further inspection."
"Ok," Brad said. "One thing, your right, I am not a citizen of the Nex Empire, I am a tourist. So therefore you can't tow my van. Second, were is your search warrant?"
He put his arm on the van, and smiled.
New Empire
25-02-2004, 00:48
"Listen, buddy. One, because you're not a citizen, and have non-regulation plates, and we have the smuggling issues here, I can do damn well anything with your car, save killing you with it. And maybe you aren't familiar with National Security Act 54.91, enacted after foreign spies were caught supporting a Socialist rebellion, enables me to search any foreigner and their belongings in the nation on the spot."
Officer Tom Bordely was definetly not in a good mood.
"Hmm, no wonder this place is strictly buisness," Brad said still smiling, and looking around. "OK, here is the deal. I am from another planet, called Betulgeuse 7, I am not human, I look like one. Another thing is, I am tracking down another of my race. He has hid here, and I am a bounty hunter sent to find him. In the back of my van is an odd assortment of laser guns, little circular gernades, and mind erasing devices. So if you don't want me to blow your brains out with my laser sight, you better just give me a warning. Oh yah, I am not familiar with act 54.336 or whatever."
He continued to smile, not a smile that was saying he was lying, but a smile showing he was pissed off, but not wanting to show it.
New Empire
25-02-2004, 02:37
"Alright Mr. Spaceman, I'm gonna take you to my leader. Now, after we check this van, we're gonna take you to the station and verify your identity."
The officer moved towards the back.
"Open it. Now."
Back in the car, Officer Herman Aloise pulled the J9 from its compartment under the dashboard, still out of view. It was loaded, with 100 5.7mm Anti-Personnel rounds that could pierce military body armor in it's cylindrical magazine. He turned off the safety, and held the gun out under the dashboard, eyes trained on the man's hands.
"Ok, but I am telling you," Brad said. " aren't going to like wha you see."
He started walking to the drivers door. "The back doors are locked, I got to crawl back there and open them."
He crawled into the front of the van, secretly put the van in reverse. He then immediately sat in the seat, and pounded his foot on the pedal. The van's wheels creeached for a second before the van soared at a fast pace towards the officers, and cop car.
"Ok, but I am telling you," Brad said. " aren't going to like wha you see."
He started walking to the drivers door. "The back doors are locked, I got to crawl back there and open them."
He crawled into the front of the van, secretly put the van in reverse. He then immediately sat in the seat, and pounded his foot on the pedal. The van's wheels creeached for a second before the van soared at a fast pace towards the officers, and cop car.
"Ok, but I am telling you," Brad said. " aren't going to like wha you see."
He started walking to the drivers door. "The back doors are locked, I got to crawl back there and open them."
He crawled into the front of the van, secretly put the van in reverse. He then immediately sat in the seat, and pounded his foot on the pedal. The van's wheels creeached for a second before the van soared at a fast pace towards the officers, and cop car.
New Empire
25-02-2004, 02:57
Bordley jumped to the side, drawing his laser sighted 10mm as he rolled on the dirt and began firing into the cab. Aloise grabbed a shotgun and jumped out of the car via the open side door, tossed the shotgun to Bordley, and began riddling the window of the van with deadly accurate AP fire, and then the engine block. Bordley, now better armed, began firing into the cab in a withering hail. As the cruiser was hit, it sent out an emergency beacon. In 5 minutes, a Patrol Helicopter would be on the case.
All the bullets seemed to just bounce off the windows and the sides of the van.
Inside Brad put the van back into regular, and he soared forward. He soared down the street, dodging traffic as much as he could. He then turned onto the other side of the road, and cars weaved past him hinking horns the whole time.
He watched as one car swerved out of his way, and slammed into another. He then looked up ahea, and his eyes widened, a semitruck was heading straight for him.
"Holy shit!" He yelled, the truck swerved to get out of the way, but it toppled over right in front of him. He swerved as well, and the side of the van carrened into the upturned truck. An alleyway just big enough for the van was straight in front of him. He slammed on the gas and the van soared down the little ramp, and hit the ground, two parked cars that were in front of him were smashed out of the way as he went through the alley.
He came out the otherside, right into more traffic. He swerved, and turned and dodged.
He was heading down a road when he saw, another white van, parked in parking lot by the beach. It was the one from the video, the one he was after.
"Things are looking up," He said to himself. He pulled the van into the parking lot, he pulled a scarf thing that covered up his nose, down to his neck. He pulled on a stocking cap, gloves, and sunglasses.
He went into the storage of the van, and pulled off a XJK-387 class repeating blaster. He packed a power cell into, and put two extra on his belt.
He ran over to the other van, and quickly opened the back doors. Nothing, just computer equipment.
He looked on the beach, and there was the man, just walking along.
Brad did what he had to do, he ran onto the beach, and fired at the man.
Mass pandemoneum erupted. People screamed and ran everywhere.
The man he was searching for turned and saw him shooting, and began to run.
The man ran towards the edge of the beach with amazing agility. The target jumped over a wall.
Brad followed, and he found himself in an alleyway. He ran to the end of it, and saw the man running in the parking lot.
He ran into the parking lot as well, and saw the other van driving off.
With lightning agility he jumped into his van, and grabbed a RPG. He aimed it, and fired. The grenade flew and hit right behind the other van's back right wheel. The explosion sent the van off its back wheels, but then it came back down. Nothing on thw van showed any sign of anything.
"Blast," Brad said.
He climbed into his van, closed the back doors, and drove off onto the street, following the other.
New Empire
25-02-2004, 12:35
OOC-Bounce off? Even the twenty or so Armor Piercing rounds? Even the M-16, which fires 5.56mm, can go through an engine block and out the other side of a car, and still have enough velocity to kill. I dunno how this'll work out, I was hoping you'd actually give me a chance to RP the chase, but now you're in the city with no interference whatsoever, and blowing shit up.
The helicopter had been trailing the vans the entire time, darting through the buildings and over the 'burbs. After the alarm went off when the Cruiser was hit, and the two cops radioed in, the rescue chopper was switched with a chopper equipped with two stabilized 15.5mm Sniper Rifle mounts, as well as Thermal imaging and FLIR.
"LOAD AP! The fucker's armored, and we think one of them's a 'borg."
The X-Ray Pulse burst, which lasted milliseconds, gave a snapshot on their scopes, and a computer projected the movements on the screen, along with a combination of EM Spectrum and Thermal scans to give an accurate picture of the armor and living things through the scope. The helicopter flew paralell to the vans, the left side sniper lining up his shot on the engine of the first. He fired.
Up the road, Tachikomas Wagner and Kaisa, their "operators" sitting inside their armored abdomen, were setting up a roadblock. Spike Strips had been laid along the intersections, and the two Tachis were laying a projected kill zone as they perched on the rooftops of the opposing two story buildings. Their Grenade Launchers were loaded with a mix of High Explosive and Fragmentation, and their Flechette guns and 5.7mm HyVeloc MGs were aimed down the street.
"Shit!" Isaac called out as he saw the spike strip. He did a U-turn, and a bullet pierced his van. "What the hell is going on!"
Brad saw the other van do a U-Turn. "I will let the cops deal with you first!" He yelled. He didn't notice the spike strip up ahead, he went right over it, and his vans wheels burst. The van scrapped across the street, before toppling over.
"Fuck!" He yelled. He had nothing to do, he ran along the side of the van, into the back, and pulled out a grenade. "Let them get me!"
New Empire
26-02-2004, 20:47
Both the Tachikoma and operators felt a short sense of satisfaction at how well the plan had worked out. Both vehicles now lay in the "Kill Zone" as Wagner leapt from his position in the roof, his manipulator arms loading a compressed air gun as his four legs cushioned his landing. The Tachi reared up, his belly weapons pod scanning the area for targets. He located the grenade-armed driver of the second van, and aimed his Compressed Air gun.
Kaisa identified the lead van driver as a cyborg, possibly combat, and had loaded her weapons to Armor piercing. Instead of a compressed air gun loaded with tranq, hers was loaded with polymer coated "Sticky" rounds that could activate magnetic fields after they landed, good for incapacitating Landmates or Cyborgs for shorter periods of time. The sniper helicopter hovered overhead, facing so that both snipers could line up their stabilized rifles.
"You never getmcause am blowing this van to Hell!!!!" Brad said. With out any hesitatian, he hit the button, and dropped the grenade. It fell onto the floor, he closed his eyes and looked up.
The van exploded, and all the ammo and grenades int the back went as well, the explosion was massive, it completely tore the van apart.
And something flew out the front window, it was Brad's body, he was still alive, and if he was concious, he would have killed himself. He needed emergency help A.S.A.P. He would probably need cybernetic implants to live.
"What the!!" Isaac yelled from inside his van, which was unable to move.
New Empire
26-02-2004, 21:42
Wagner braced his frame, trying to angle the cockpit away from the blast.
"Shit, Wagner, run your medical subroutine on this guy. All units, we need a Paramedics here Mike Foxtrot Papa!"
The Tachikoma opened up a compartment, and a first aid kit dropped out. The kit contained a sprayseal canister, the Tachi pulled off the back of the tattered shirt and began applying the foamy coagulant to his back and arms. Another set of rotors was heard as the MedEvac chopper landed, and his body was taken in.
Kaisa trained her weapon on Isaac as Lt. Rick Allard activated the external speakers.
"Exit the van, leaving your weapons inside. We KNOW where they are, and that you are a cyborg. This weapon is loaded with EM anti-cybernetics rounds, and should any attempt to escape be made, you will be fired upon and be dissassembled to our content. Now step out, and walk towards the front."
"Weapons? What the fuck..." He looked at his arm band. "It isn't a weapon, but they don't know that I guess."
He took it off, asnd set it on the seat. He walked out of the van, hands in the air. "I mean you no harm!" He yelled.
How did they find me?
It must have been that other guy.
Techon police must have sent them
He stood ten feet away from the van, hands still in the air.
New Empire
26-02-2004, 22:21
The Tachikoma rolled over, withdrawing a pair of futuristic-looking handcuffs, and began putting them on Isaac's wrists.
"Don't try breaking free, the more pressure, the more the electric shock and EM field it generates is."
Two standard police officers lead Isaac towards the back of an armored van as news crews began to flock towards the area.
As the officers attempted to hold the line against swarms of curious, the two Tachikomas' abdomen opened and the operators got out, and walked into a large ESWAT APC as the Tachikoma rolled in.
(What the Tachikoma and APC would look like-, in case you were wondering.)
[So we last Berker?]
[Yup. Dumbfuck forgot to run his search patterns, got wasted by the cops.]
[Speaking of cops, what the hell was that thing this afternoon. Had a couple of those spiderthings, a Sniper-chopper, spike strips...]
[Two guys in a chase, one of them pulls out an RPG. Rumor has it the one with the rocket tried to kill two officers.]
[Well, who are they?]
[Not a f*cking clue. We still gonna go tonight?]
[Yeah, we are. You have your team ready?]
[Ready as ever.]
[See you then.]
Looking around at all the cops in the van Isaac said. "Yah know, just becuase I might be a cyborg, doensn't mean I have super natural strength."
He tried to forge a smile, and a rather weak one came out.
I thought this would be cake
New Empire
26-02-2004, 22:53
"Maybe you foreigners have never seen a 'Busy Child'. And most of the force here wasn't for you, it was for that little wanker with the guns, who couldn't even kill himself correctly."
The reference to the 'Busy Child' was one known very well in all services dealing with cyborgs. During a counter terrorist op, a Military "Doberman" cyborg got hit with a scrambler round, causing it to go insane, losing it's GPS and IFF programming, which lead to the deaths of 2/3rds of the CTSF, and the terrorists as well. Another Doberman with an AMR had to take down the berzerker Cyborg, aka "Bravo Charlie", aka "Busy Child." And having that kind of situation was not very appealing to anyone on the Police Force.
[OOC: Hey don't make fun of Brad, there is a bigger story behind why he lived.]
Isaac searched his memeory banks, he found the information he was looking for. His plan on robbing the counrty. He immediately deleted it, and all other thoughts related to it. He would remember it, but he left a trapdoor, a term used in the technical feild. It means escape route, or backup plan. He would remember it, but no matter what, no one would ever find it. Because it was protected by an Eternity Code.
New Empire
26-02-2004, 23:24
OOC-It isn't my personal views, but to a cop here, if you get in an armed standoff with ESWAT, blow up a van full of weapons in an attempt to kill yourself, fly though the window and live, you are either lucky, or an idiot.
The van pulled up at the ESWAT Facility, and Isaac was again lead out of the van, with two police officers brandishing AP loaded Seburo M88s. He was lead straight past the interrogation room, and into a technical area. They found adapters for Isaacs "Jacks", and lead him once more past the interrogation area, into a maintinance bay. Model 44 Landmates stood in their stalls, along with smaller powered armor, and the Tachikomas. One of the Tachikomas would have been familiar to Isaac if he had checked it's label, it was Kaisa, a mass of men electronically debriefing her as the guards forced Isaac along.
"Please tell us where you jack in, and if you don't, we'll run this wireless."
The forward white turret on the hull of the Tachi flicked forwards, it's 3 small eyes focusing on Isaac.
"Jack in?" Isaac asked politely.
New Empire
26-02-2004, 23:55
"We assumed you had some kind of connection port for the internet or some such thing."
The cop wondered why he was the one dealing with this. As soon as this was over, he decided to find the techies and give them a piece of his mind.
"No," Isaac said. "I don't."
New Empire
27-02-2004, 00:29
"Any slots for chips?"
The cop was new getting pissed off with this whole thing, old fashioned interrogations worked much better, but then again, not on cyborgs. Near them, another officer argued with a maintinence officer.
"Why can't you just pull out the damn footage you need, and view it?"
"It isn't the footage, we need to access the memory, and when it comes to electronic interrogation, nothing works better than a Tachi."
"Well, he says he can't interface, so why don't we just crack him open and plug in the hard way?"
"We can't be that extreme, it could cause physical and mental dam-"
"Who gives a shit? Any borg dumb enough to try and come in this nation probably is mentally damaged."
"Dumb?" Isaac asked the other officer. "Just a minute."
He closed his eyes, and opened them later. "You name is Jim Jenkin, you have two children which you adopted, you are now Catholic. As a teen you thought you were actually gay. So you didn't date a girl until you were thirty."
He smiled. "Oh, by the way, I have a plugin for chips right here," He said pointing to the spot on the right side of his middle back head.
New Empire
27-02-2004, 01:51
The other cop flipped him off, because he was in fact an atheist, and had been skipping from one girl to the next since college. A chip with a large cord extending from it was inserted, and then the cord was plugged into a port on the Tachikoma.
"Kaisa, standard memory search, run some interrogation."
The tiny supercomputer within the Tachikoma began ferreting out every bit of information.
So, Isaac, what brings you here?
Travelling, so how have you been?
New Empire
27-02-2004, 02:03
Usual routines. Look, don't try the reverse questioning on me. I'd like to know why you were being chased by another man with more guns than an infantry platoon.
Outside the bays, another helicopter was landing. The two cops, now on break, both swore as they saw the seal and the suits walk out. One of the officers started wondering which would be more troublesome, the borg, the cyberterrorists, or the DIA.
Oh not at all, I didn't mean to turn the questions around. I was just wondering if you are happy with how these cops treat you? Oh yah, I really don't know why he was chasing me. Maybe he was just a terrorist picking one person out of a crowd, and following them, maybe he is a stalker.
Kiko Co. Headquarters
In the conference room of Kiko Co. (In Techon) A meeting about future mass production of nano-bots had just ended. Only two men in the room remained, both of them wearing light brown/tan colored suits. One was looking at the TV screen, and another heavier man was sitting at the conference table, overlooking his notes.
"Sir, look at this," Matt Ryths said looking at the TV.
John Teke, the owner of Kiko Co. walked over to the screen (Which was made by Kiko.) The news was about the chase scene earilier that day.
"What about it, it is a regular cop and badguy chase. Nothing new." He said to the vice President (Matt)
"Remember that face?" Matt said pointing to the screen. On it a reporter, and camera man actually caught footage of the two mens faces (Brad's, Isaac's.)
"My God!" John exclaimed. "It is prototype #456 (Isaac), and the mutation (Brad)!"
"Exactly!" Matt said. "We found them!"
"Let's go retrieve them then," John said.
"Now?" Matt asked getting up from his seat.
"Yes, who knows what these people would do to them," John said.
"Sir, it looks like Brad, or whatever his name is was already hurt."
"Well then a better reason to go sooner. We will land at the docks by helicopter, and take a boat over to the island."
"Of course, we should be able to leave within the hour." Matt said as they started walking out the door.
New Empire
27-02-2004, 03:00
I'm not often involved with the normal blues, ESWAT and the maint crews treat us like tiny gods. Now, do you have a serious criminal record in Techon? Is this person some element of the government trying to track you down?
Everything was going as planned, the fishing trawler pulling up right on schedule. The 15 men, in seamen's clothes, swaggered onto the boat, traveling below it's rusted decks. The mission was a two parter. The decoy team would use a ROV to disconnect a fiberoptic wire that linked a oil rig to the mainland. Jammers would then be activated to completely seal it off. Then, once the government had completely fallen for it, they'd move towards the trade routes, and get what they needed to truly begin their plans.
No, I have never been inside a jail, and I never want to.
The luxury ferry boat arrived at the island. Four men stepped off, all wearing the same buisness suits. John Teke, Matt Rthes, Chris Bruskotter, and Wess Maag. They walked off the docks, and signalled for a taxi.
New Empire
27-02-2004, 12:20
Look, we believe this man may be from Techon, and we need to know if you've ever done anything that would attract that kind of attention. Wait, here we go. It seems like you have quite a lot of money, but are you even employed?
Surveillance at the docks was quite a bore, and he didn't know why some businessmen from Techon were so important. But from his hotel room, watching from remote cameras on the roof, he saw them signaling for a taxi. He radioed in, and soon a taxi arrived in front of the men.
I have never seen that man before, back in Techon I had won the lotery, which is why I have so much money. My occupation was a computer programmer.
The taxi stopped at the police station. The four men got out, and walked to the door.
They walked inside, and went to the counter.
"We have news about a cyborg being held here, we need to take him back to Techon, immediately." Joh said.
New Empire
27-02-2004, 22:29
Somehow, that seems very, very unlikely. Your exploits and habits seem to match many of the cybercriminals around here.
A picture flashed through the link, of the four men from the security cameras.
You know these people? They're trying to take you back to Techon.
"And we should believe you why? Make a appointment if you want to talk with the suspects."
The small ROV hummed through the depths, looking for the fiberoptic wirebundle. It located it, and descended, a small cutting blade extending on one of it's arms. The fiberoptic cable was cut, and the tiny machine headed back for the trawler.
The captain of the Freighter was getting worried. He did not like the idea of transporting a load of weaponry and then have the sensors go dead. The weather wasn't awful, but it didn't make navigating any easier. The radio went dead, and as he turned to get the flares, he never saw the fishing trawler pull up to his ship.
The M14 scoped rifle settled on the figure in the bridge, the long suppressor emitting an odd noise as the 7.62mm round smashed through the glass and hit the man's head. The freighter was mostly automated, with a 10 man crew, most of which would be at the sensors center, trying to put the electronics back online. It wouldn't be enough. The 4 men descended into the room, silencing all 10 with their SOCOM Grade HK pistols. They pulled off their masks and began slowing the freighter as the checked the cargo manifest.
"They're here, Colonel Kruman."
OOC-If you've read the beginning of my RP "Killing in the name of life", you'll know this guy.
Yes, I know them they were my employees. I have never commited a crime, the face you must have seen was a mistake.
"Ok, fine whatever," John said. "When can we have an appointment. Also the man chasing him, where is he held?"
Brad awoke, he hurt all over. He cursed at himself, he was still living. His burn wounds had been cared for proffesionally. He would live, and he idn't need any implants after all. When going through surgery though, as well as X-rays. The doctors had come across an extra organ, one never before seen. Also he had an electronic device, the looked like a four legged spider, between his lungs.
New Empire
27-02-2004, 22:57
Employees, huh? They're looking for the other man. There is a connection, and somehow, I don't think they're your employees. And I said habits of cybercriminals, we don't know your record.
"You can find him at Fellis Emergency hospital. Give us a number, we'll call you when the interview is over."
The doctors stood over Brad, still wearing scrubs.
"Are you feeling ok? We didn't need to operate, although there are some things we found we'd like to talk to you about."
I have never commited a cybercrime in my life. Maybe they know him, but I don't ok. So just let me speak to them right now.
"Thank you," John said, obviously annoyed, as he gave the sticky note with his phone number on it to the person.
He and the others walked out of the station, they signalled for another taxi, and soon they were off to the hospital.
"Things to talk about? Other than the street madness this morning?" Brad asked in pain.
New Empire
27-02-2004, 23:25
Alright then. We'll be speaking again later.
The officers disconnected the link to Isaac, and lead him to a clean, gray cell.
"The guys left to see your suicidal friend, but they'll be back."
"You made quite a racket down there... Launching rockets, and blowing yourself up, but living in probably the most miraculous event I've ever witnessed. We didn't even need to operate. But what we're reffering to is this extra organ, we don't know what it is, and this metal... device between your lungs. Do you have any idea what those would be?"
"Extra organ? Metal device?" Brad asked unbelievingly. "What do you mean?"
The taxi pulled up in front of the hospital, and the four men got out and walked in. Walking to a counter John asked where the suicidal, road rage man was.
"Extra organ? Metal device?" Brad asked unbelievingly. "What do you mean?"
The taxi pulled up in front of the hospital, and the four men got out and walked in. Walking to a counter John asked where the suicidal, road rage man was.
New Empire
27-02-2004, 23:47
"If you'll come with me, sirs."
A passing doctor was reporting back to Heth's room, and lead the four men up the elevator and to the corridor.
The doctor sighed as he retrieved the packet of information and photos from the X-rays, CAT scans, and MRIs. A knock came on the door, and the doctor looked up.
"Mr. Heth, you have some visitors."
New Empire
27-02-2004, 23:48
"If you'll come with me, sirs."
A passing doctor was reporting back to Heth's room, and lead the four men up the elevator and to the corridor.
The doctor sighed as he retrieved the packet of information and photos from the X-rays, CAT scans, and MRIs. A knock came on the door, and the doctor looked up.
"Mr. Heth, you have some visitors."
John, Matt, Chris, and Wess waited outside the door. When it opened they stepped in, there on a bed was Brad, overlooking his X-Rays.
"Hello Brad," John said. "DO you remember us?"
"Yes I do," Brad said. "What the hell is this?"
He handed the X-ray over to Chris.
"Oh my god," Chris said.
"Ok," John said shaking his head. "We did that to you, I admit. We gave you the robotic implant, and the organ."
"Yah, what do they do?" Brad asked.
"They were genetcally engineered. They were supposed to keep you alive in, well tough situations."
"Like earlier today," Wess said.
John, Matt, Chris, and Wess waited outside the door. When it opened they stepped in, there on a bed was Brad, overlooking his X-Rays.
"Hello Brad," John said. "DO you remember us?"
"Yes I do," Brad said. "What the hell is this?"
He handed the X-ray over to Chris.
"Oh my god," Chris said.
"Ok," John said shaking his head. "We did that to you, I admit. We gave you the robotic implant, and the organ."
"Yah, what do they do?" Brad asked.
"They were genetcally engineered. They were supposed to keep you alive in, well tough situations."
"Like earlier today," Wess said.
New Empire
28-02-2004, 00:56
The door to the room was pushed open by two tall men in suits, holding Tablet PCs.
"We're DIA, and in case you've forgotten, this man drove around the city launching rockets at another person. We'll be doing some questioning, and we'd like you four to stay."
The door to the room was pushed open by two tall men in suits, holding Tablet PCs.
"We're DIA, and in case you've forgotten, this man drove around the city launching rockets at another person. We'll be doing some questioning, and we'd like you four to stay."
The four looked at each other. "Very well," John said, sitting in a seat.
New Empire
29-02-2004, 02:20
One DIA agent took notes and turned on a recorder as he shut the door, the other stood over Heth.
"First things first, why did you come here, and why with so many weapons?"
Brad looked at the man, and then looked at the floor. "I was sent here to hunt down the othewr man, Isaac or something like that. He is a major cybercriminal in Techon, and I was hired to come here and find him. All the weapons, they are all mine, I take them everywhere with me."
New Empire
29-02-2004, 02:40
"So why did you try to run down two police officers? Did you realize that if you went around launching rockets, you would be caught? That you can't just waltz in with a truckload of illegal weapons?"
"Yes actually I can, I have done it a million times." Brad sadi and smiled. "The police were about to find out about the weapons anyway, and I went around launching RPGs because things were getting out of hand."
John shook his head, his hand resting on his forehead.
New Empire
29-02-2004, 03:03
"Well, you made a big mistake. Attempted murder of an officer is a very serious crime here, should one of those men have been killed, you'd face automatic death penalty if convicted. But, that's what I'm here for. You four." he said, turning towards the four men. "What is your connection with this man?"
"Well, you made a big mistake. Attempted murder of an officer is a very serious crime here, should one of those men have been killed, you'd face automatic death penalty if convicted. But, that's what I'm here for. You four." he said, turning towards the four men. "What is your connection with this man?"
"F**k," John said. "He is ours, we own him. He escaped from us, and untill this attack yesterday we had no clue as to where he was."
New Empire
29-02-2004, 03:13
"Own? As in slave? Or some kind of genetic engineering?"
"No not a slave, he agreed to the contract," John said.
"No I didn't!!!" Brad yelled.
"We did genetic engineering tests on him, and during the operation, he somehow lost his memory of his past. He escaped, and we lost track of him." Matt said.
New Empire
29-02-2004, 14:40
"Alright, we're done here. You four, if you want to talk to the 'borg, come with us."
The suited men got up, leading the others towards a black SUV.
The four men followed the others out of the buikding, signalled for yet another taxi, got in, and went to the Police station.
New Empire
29-02-2004, 15:08
Isaac, still cuffed, was lead to a room where the chair was bolted to the floor, and a glass wall with microphones and speakers on either side separated it from a more normal area where civilians went to speak to inmates. Two guards stood behind him as the four were lead to the other side of the room. The DIA agents stood behind them, secretly clicking on a recording device.
The four men stood still, and so did Isaac. They waited for the police to start talking.
New Empire
29-02-2004, 22:57
"This is your chance to talk with the suspect. Don't just stand there, you've got 20 minutes."
The two DIA officers stood silently, waiting.
John cleared his throat. "So, Isaac, how have you been doing?"
"I have been beter to tell the truth." Isaac answered.
"Yes, I can see, so tell me, what are you doing here?" John asked.
"Touring the country."
"Ok,", John said. "Why was that man following you? Not to mention trying to kill you?"
"I don't know, I was minding my own buisness on the beach when wham! He started shooting at me."
"And you ran," Wess said.
"What would you have done?" Isaac asked.
"Do you have any clue as to why he was after you?" John asked.
"No clue," Isaac answered.
"Then maybe you would like to see this," Matt said pulling a DVD out of his sit pocket. Turning to the police. "Boys, where can I play this?"
New Empire
01-03-2004, 00:09
"You can play it on our monitors," the DIA officer said, gesturing to one of the LCD screens displaying NENN, "On the condition we may make a copy."
"No problem," Matt said. He walked to the moniter, and popped the DVD in.
The tape showed three police knocking on the white van door. In less than a minute it was open and there was Isaac, he said something, and then his a button on his wrist band. The three police flew back, and one slammed against the police car window. He then hit another button, and then closed the doors, soon enough afterwards the van drove off.
Then the tape switched to the police headquarters. It was a video moniter of the front desk, Brad was talking to one, they were discussing about Isaac, after they were done talking, Brad walked out of the room.
"See," Matt said. "You have been a naughty boy Isaac."
"No problem," Matt said. He walked to the moniter, and popped the DVD in.
The tape showed three police knocking on the white van door. In less than a minute it was open and there was Isaac, he said something, and then his a button on his wrist band. The three police flew back, and one slammed against the police car window. He then hit another button, and then closed the doors, soon enough afterwards the van drove off.
Then the tape switched to the police headquarters. It was a video moniter of the front desk, Brad was talking to one, they were discussing about Isaac, after they were done talking, Brad walked out of the room.
End of Tape
"See," Matt said. "You have been a naughty boy Isaac."
New Empire
01-03-2004, 00:24
"Well, you were lying then... Not very good for either of you, eh?"
The DIA agent withdrew the tape, and handed it over to a clerk with a computer, who copied it. A smirk was on the agent's face.
"Well, here's your disc back, anything else before we bring him back?"
"What are you going to do with him?" John asked. "Because, like Brad, he to is owned by us."
New Empire
01-03-2004, 22:22
"They will be detained until the information against them is viewed by a jury, who will decide if they are guilty or not. What happens after that depends on what they get."
"Very well," John said. "Lets go, we are done for the time being."