Assistance Required to Quell Mass Riots
As a representative of the Nation of Baratourd, i ask assistance from any willing nations to intervene in the following matter.
After controvertially legalising euthanasia, the government of Baratourd have discovered mass opposition to their decision. Mass riots, protests and political attacks have ensued, unfortunately our police force and army are not large enough to deal with this problem comprehensively. So i ask assistance from any nation, in the form of a police or army force. Baratourd will of course discuss trades or payments to anyone who can assist us.
22-02-2004, 20:45
We can send two riot teams immediatley to help you.
Alpha and Beta Teams have both been dispatched immediatley, and are expected to arrive in approximatley 2 hours.
Oh behald of the government of Baratourd i thank you, will the added assistence of your force we are managing to return to normality.
Are these rioters to be dispersed or slain? (Try to guess which of those two anwsers will get my support in the matter)
If you have need of further assistance, we are open for hire at the moment.
-Zhargond, leader of the Zhirgindese Mercenaries
Baratourd, I would help if i could: my loyal ally. But the problem is that at this moment in time, I do not have the police force to help you. i can only provide certain catergories of humanitarian aid.
23-02-2004, 18:30
Three B52 Stratofortresses Fly slowly over the Capitol of Baratourd. They fly in a swift loop over the capitol building as the 2 75 man teasm begin flowing out through the rear of the huge planes. Parachutes cover a region of the sky in red and yellow, with tiny black bodies dangling below them.
When all the Riot controll troops have been dispatched the bombers redirect accross the city, heading for an area surrounding the protestors main hold out.
They each drop two objects towards the ground. They tunular objects hurtle down and strike the pavement and roads arround the protestors.
Plumes of red and blue smoke below from the land site, followed by four tremendous bangs which echo through the streets of the city.
The flash bombs burn out pretty quickly, but undoubtedly scare the bejeezus out of any and all nearby protestors.
As the protestors scream at the plumes of smoke which remain above their heads, Alpha and Beta riot squads have accomplished the landing and prepared themselves.
They immediatley begin to move towards the known location of protestors with weapons drawn.
The ESR-5000[Electronic Selection Rifle-5000Volts] cn fire either ubber bullets, real bullets or deliver a variable electrical shock.
They also carry standard riot grenades, aswell as electric shock grenades capable of elecrocuting to arange of 50 metres, with a 1000V power.
However, some units are sharing responsibilty of high pressure water hoses which can be used to ward off protestors.
"Alright people, go back to your homes. Your elected government has made these decisions, if you wish to dispute them do so through direct means of action. Any violence will not be tolerated and we will be forced to respond physically" The leader of Alpha Team declared.
It was no use, the rioting continued, those of a more conservative leaning continued on their way with waving banners and pickets, while the more rebellious of the rioters responed by throwing objects such as bottles, bricks and rocks.
"If you do not calm yourselves we will fire upon you!" one of the members of Beta Team shouted, his superior looked at him "No, we will not risk injuring them unless it is the last option, use the hoses"
"Alright people, go back to your homes. Your elected government has made these decisions, if you wish to dispute them do so through direct means of action. Any violence will not be tolerated and we will be forced to respond physically" The leader of Alpha Team declared.
It was no use, the rioting continued, those of a more conservative leaning continued on their way with waving banners and pickets, while the more rebellious of the rioters responed by throwing objects such as bottles, bricks and rocks.
"If you do not calm yourselves we will fire upon you!" one of the members of Beta Team shouted, his superior looked at him "No, we will not risk injuring them unless it is the last option, use the hoses"
24-02-2004, 12:00
"Alright people, go back to your homes. Your elected government has made these decisions, if you wish to dispute them do so through direct means of action. Any violence will not be tolerated and we will be forced to respond physically" The leader of Alpha Team declared.
It was no use, the rioting continued, those of a more conservative leaning continued on their way with waving banners and pickets, while the more rebellious of the rioters responed by throwing objects such as bottles, bricks and rocks.
"If you do not calm yourselves we will fire upon you!" one of the members of Beta Team shouted, his superior looked at him "No, we will not risk injuring them unless it is the last option, use the hoses"
Please re-name your teams for confusions sake.
24-02-2004, 12:24
The teams have split into two groups, each pursuing a different direction.
Alpha Team move to the east of the road, whilst Beta team move to secure the west end.
As they confirm positions at the termini of the road he protestors begin to rage once more. Rocks and bottles smash against the floor, some make contact with the riot sheilds of the firm line formation.
They begin to move forward, advancing on the protestors with weapons drawn, aiming soldly.
Across the street trampled banners are strewn with messages;
'Down with Government!"
and more.
One perticularly violent protestor makes his way to the sid of the street, where he begins fumbling in his pockets. Two troops constantly watch his actions, poised for the worst. As their eyes stray from him, to watch as a lump of asphelt deflects off their riot sheild, the man draws a gun.
An AK-47 which is now directed towards Beta team.
He opens fire on the Pablicostans.
1,2,3,4 rounds hurtle through them, some pericing the riot sheilds, some just outright missing.
He didn't have a chance to fire again.
As he reloaded his weapon he was struck by three cold bullets piercing his skin. The pain was clearly displayed through his facial expression as he flailed to the ground.
Two shots went off as he fell, straught up into the air. One struck a gothic arch window, it shattered cross the line of riot troops.
A number of the troops proceeded to dust shards of glass off their flack jackets. The shattered window looked jagged, and below it lay the man.
The sight of a comrade bleeding to death only enraged the protestors further, and many of them began to charge towards Alpha Team.
The street was only 300 yards long, so it took little time for the stampeding men and women to get close to the troops. As quick as they were, they gave amole time for Alpha team to ready their weapons with electric shockers, and for the hosemen to prepare themsleves.
As the group neared to arround 50 yards they were powered off by jet hoses. Two powerfull flows of water tossed several members of the protest backwards 5,10, 15 feet onto the cold floor.
One Pablicostan picks up a megaphones and begins speaking.
"Protestors, leave now or we will open fire on you. You will be arrested now or you will be arrested later. Give yourselfs"
He was cut short by an angry protestor tossing a large stone object near his exposed head. He ducked down and waved into the air, a command to his men. They continued jet soaking them, but now they upped the anty.
Rubber bullets loaded, with alluminium tips to peirce skin.
They should be painfull enough to bring a grown man to the ground with a flesh wound, but not serious damage.
It was clear they meant buisness, but so did the protestors. They began stepping back slightly, but before the troops could ctahc their breath they were once again hailed with gunfire.
The dying man had regained consciousness and grasped his rifle. NOw, automatic rounds were firing towards the off-guard Alpha team.
Beta team, who had made substancial ground up the street whilst the protest was diverted to the East, opened fire once again on the man.
He was riddled with cold bullets. The power forced him to roll over onto the pavement. This time he was dead.