Alcona and Hubris
21-02-2004, 05:22
After the recent trend of ‘who is a superpower’ threads, which invariably has a few good suggestions and a few that makes you wonder if people understand what the concept of power is on nation states. I thought I should summarize my fairly broad, non-specific ranking system so that those of you who want to know what you are, have some basis
(At no time want to be asked who is a ‘superpower’ or ‘Am I a superpower’. If you can’t do the simple math below then perhaps you’re a bit young for this game.**
(In reality this is for November 2003 and younger nations. Just to give them an idea of what it means to be a power.)
The Hubris system is actually two ranks combined. The first is based on purely on economics and population since it primarily deals with possible military might.
The score is found by
Where P is the population of your nation, and E is the economic ranking and S1 is the first score.
The Values for E are:
Frightening = 1
All-Consuming, Powerhouse =0.75
Thriving, Very Strong=0.50
Strong, Very Good =0.25
Good, Reasonable, Developing, Fair = 0.125
Struggling, Weak, Fragile, Basket Case, Imploded=0 (sorry but with your economy this bad it’s unlikely you can raise anything more than an army of peasants.)
Note that the following scores for each rank might change as NS continues to evolve:
For S1 the levels at present are:
Nation: 0-0.99
Junior Power 1-1.49
Middleweight 1.5-2.99
Power 3-3.99
Large Power 4+
Now before you go off on how Rp and IC influence realize that that those are just to find the first score. Which is more of your military might, important on NS for your nation, but not really reflecting your influence as much as some people think.
The second ‘score’ is far more subjective and based on your Rp ability and IC presence. Note that these are only applicable for nations after two months. This is to allow Noobs to turn into newbs and hopefully progress from there….(not all newbs are Noobs but you get the idea damn it!)
Ignored- You tend to find yourself the target of ignore cannons on a regular basis.
Decent- You are allowed into threads but sometimes only hesitantly. Your own threads die a quick, painful death.
Pack Member – Your recognized by a few other players on a regular basis and actually have enough posts under your belt to feel somewhat confident.
Respected—Other players who haven’t played with you might recognize the name when you post. Other players enjoy your posts. You might have a nickname, but only your regular circle will know it.
Influential—Other nations will respect your IC/OOC comments. Nations will refer to you in threads you are not involved in, especially in OOC discussions. People will look in on threads that you have started.**
**note: some people at this level are more known for being wanks than good thoughtful Rp (example Bisons)
Master—You are no longer referred to by your nations name or just the first two letters. You have an instantaneous recognizable nickname such as Siri, Melkor, Sloco…People read the threads that you are in because it is the wind of NS which follows the direction you take
I should point out there are two other categories:
Nuclear Crater--You have pissed people off so far that everyone generally assumes that your nation was glassed recently. (Suggestion: go find some pigeons to f*** because the game is over for you.)
Deleted: Same as above but you broke some of the cardinal rules around here, so now your nation no longer exists, even in cyberspace.
**Added Rant: Note the concept of ‘superpowers’ developed in the 1950’s when the world was being polarized between the massive powers of the United States and The Soviet Union. Since only the U.S. survived the confrontation they maintain ‘superpower’ status. But we are talking about having a massively greater power than the rest of the world combined. That does not exist in Nation States although the inherent Melkor/Meneclemar polarity exists, the world is not consumed with it. Hell, I’d say that the pro-elf/anti-elf polarity has lost it’s strength over the past few months.
(At no time want to be asked who is a ‘superpower’ or ‘Am I a superpower’. If you can’t do the simple math below then perhaps you’re a bit young for this game.**
(In reality this is for November 2003 and younger nations. Just to give them an idea of what it means to be a power.)
The Hubris system is actually two ranks combined. The first is based on purely on economics and population since it primarily deals with possible military might.
The score is found by
Where P is the population of your nation, and E is the economic ranking and S1 is the first score.
The Values for E are:
Frightening = 1
All-Consuming, Powerhouse =0.75
Thriving, Very Strong=0.50
Strong, Very Good =0.25
Good, Reasonable, Developing, Fair = 0.125
Struggling, Weak, Fragile, Basket Case, Imploded=0 (sorry but with your economy this bad it’s unlikely you can raise anything more than an army of peasants.)
Note that the following scores for each rank might change as NS continues to evolve:
For S1 the levels at present are:
Nation: 0-0.99
Junior Power 1-1.49
Middleweight 1.5-2.99
Power 3-3.99
Large Power 4+
Now before you go off on how Rp and IC influence realize that that those are just to find the first score. Which is more of your military might, important on NS for your nation, but not really reflecting your influence as much as some people think.
The second ‘score’ is far more subjective and based on your Rp ability and IC presence. Note that these are only applicable for nations after two months. This is to allow Noobs to turn into newbs and hopefully progress from there….(not all newbs are Noobs but you get the idea damn it!)
Ignored- You tend to find yourself the target of ignore cannons on a regular basis.
Decent- You are allowed into threads but sometimes only hesitantly. Your own threads die a quick, painful death.
Pack Member – Your recognized by a few other players on a regular basis and actually have enough posts under your belt to feel somewhat confident.
Respected—Other players who haven’t played with you might recognize the name when you post. Other players enjoy your posts. You might have a nickname, but only your regular circle will know it.
Influential—Other nations will respect your IC/OOC comments. Nations will refer to you in threads you are not involved in, especially in OOC discussions. People will look in on threads that you have started.**
**note: some people at this level are more known for being wanks than good thoughtful Rp (example Bisons)
Master—You are no longer referred to by your nations name or just the first two letters. You have an instantaneous recognizable nickname such as Siri, Melkor, Sloco…People read the threads that you are in because it is the wind of NS which follows the direction you take
I should point out there are two other categories:
Nuclear Crater--You have pissed people off so far that everyone generally assumes that your nation was glassed recently. (Suggestion: go find some pigeons to f*** because the game is over for you.)
Deleted: Same as above but you broke some of the cardinal rules around here, so now your nation no longer exists, even in cyberspace.
**Added Rant: Note the concept of ‘superpowers’ developed in the 1950’s when the world was being polarized between the massive powers of the United States and The Soviet Union. Since only the U.S. survived the confrontation they maintain ‘superpower’ status. But we are talking about having a massively greater power than the rest of the world combined. That does not exist in Nation States although the inherent Melkor/Meneclemar polarity exists, the world is not consumed with it. Hell, I’d say that the pro-elf/anti-elf polarity has lost it’s strength over the past few months.