NationStates Jolt Archive

Inside Barbarosea: An Ipotch News Exclusive (World Factbook)

20-02-2004, 02:54
OOC: Ok, this is going to be a look inside my nation, or a pretty way of presenting my world factbook. This will be a drawn-out rp, and it will all be composed and packedged together at the end to form my world factbook. There will be episodes, which will appear on this post right here. When the next episode comes out, the previous one will go away, like TV. So yeah, if anyone has any suggestions, please, I'm all ears.
Note: This has not started yet.


Open Transmission to all nations
FROM: Ipotch Media Corp. (Barbarosea)
RE: Inside Barbarosea: News Exclusive

Today, we are pleased to let you know that we will be profiling The Neverending Dictorial Land of Barbarosea in a month long TV, Radio, and Internet series. This series can be broadcasted in any of your nations, by any of the above means of communications for a minisqule fee. Those fees and such are listed in the attachment. This can be done by simpling transfering the amonte of money that your desired showing is and addressing it to Ipotch Media Corp. with a memo saying "IB". This will start on the 3rd of March. Thank you for your time.

Attached Document: Prices

Radio: The 2-hour highlight - $3500
TV: The 2-hour highlight - $7500
Internet: The 2-hour highlight - $15,000
All three - $22,500 - Save $3500!

Radio: The 1-week highlight - $10,000
TV: The 1-week highlight - $20,000
Internet: The 1-week highlight - $40,000
All three - $60,000 - Save $10,000!

Radio: The whole thing - $50,000
TV: The whole thing - $250,000
Internet: The whole thing - $1,000,000
All three - $1,250,000 - Save $50,000!

Extra content (DVD TV, Internet Only) - $100,000 [Only $50,000 with any order over $60,000]

Discounts: Allies get 5% discount, Metus members and OC get 10% off, BoB members and Sniper Country get 15% off.

Epoisode Names Released!

Eposide 1: Barbarosea-An Overview
Eposide 2: Barbarosea Geography- Part 1
Eposide 3: Barbarosea People- Part 1
Eposide 4: Barbarosea Government- Part 1
Eposide 5: Barbarosea Economy- Part 1
Eposide 6: Barbarosea Military- Part 1
Eposide 7: Barbarosea Communications and Transportation- Part 1
Eposide 8: Barbarosea-Leadership
Eposide 9: Barbarosea Geography- Part 2
Eposide 10: Barbarosea People- Part 2
Eposide 11: Barbarosea Government- Part 2
Eposide 12: Barbarosea Economy- Part 2
Eposide 13: Barbarosea Military- Part 2
Eposide 14: Barbarosea Comm. and Trans. - Part 2
Eposide 15: Barbarosea-The Cities
Eposide 16: Barbarosea Geography- Part 3
Eposide 17: Barbarosea People- Part 3
Eposide 18: Barbarosea Government- Part 3
Eposide 19: Barbarosea Economy- Part 3
Eposide 20: Barbarosea Military- Part 3
Eposide 21: Barbarosea Comm. and Trans. - Part 3
Eposide 22: Barbarosea-Alliences
Eposide 23: Barbarosea Geography- Part 4
Eposide 24: Barbarosea People- Part 4
Eposide 25: Barbarosea Government- Part 4
Eposide 26: Barbarosea Economy- Part 4
Eposide 27: Barbarosea Military- Part 4
Eposide 28: Barbarosea Comm. and Trans. - Part 4
20-02-2004, 03:07

Let's see what comes out of this...
20-02-2004, 03:12
Hopefully a very nice world factbook...

You'd get 5% off...
20-02-2004, 03:31
The emperor was sitting in his living room switching through the channels. He finally switched to the Time Warner Channel "metus" and noticed the Barbarosean package of the interactive tour of Barbarosea. He laughed and pressed the enter button on his control, confirming to buy the whole package for over a million dollars.
20-02-2004, 04:12
At Ipotch Media HQ, the first money transfer rolled in, via Diminix. The COS there noted it on the central comp. $1,125,000 was the current total, about 1/100th of their goal.
20-02-2004, 05:21
The news center suddenly experenced a bump in the power.
21-02-2004, 03:09
el bumpo
21-02-2004, 07:17
---Post deleted by NationStates Moderators---
21-02-2004, 07:20
We would like to purchase:

Radio (The Whole Thing): $50,000
Internet (The Whole Thing): $1,000,000

Extra Content (DVD TV, Internet Only): $100,000

Total: $1,150,000

::$1,150,000 WIRED::

::$172,500 WIRED::
(15% Discount)
21-02-2004, 19:38
26-02-2004, 04:06
26-02-2004, 09:45
The President of Adderton would like to inquire if you have this in book form.
29-02-2004, 03:25
We will be selling book verisons.
01-03-2004, 05:05
I'd love to send spec0ps forces to the book factory and burn it. jk