19-02-2004, 18:10
In agreement with the terms of the treaty ending the Douglasian Civil War, the Mount Haig Library and Clock today were formally incorporated into Western Douglasia. Mount Haig is the holiest site to followers of the Sandgorian religion and had been sought by both Western and Eastern Douglasia following the ceasefire of June 2001. At the peace conference held in Doncaster later that year it was decided that Western Douglasia would control the site from 19th February 2004 (the end of the Gansbra celebrations), with Eastern Douglasia gaining full rights to the disputed Hesketh oil fields.
Mount Haig has been the centre of Sandgorian religion for almost 1000 years. In the huge caverns inside the mountain is Douglasia's most famous sight, the great clock. This was built by a shadowy group called the founders and started 936 years ago. It has four hands: one turning each day, another each year, the third each century and the fourth once every millenium. Made out of solid gold and with the positions of significant dates and times designated by precious stones, the clock has been targeted by almost of all of history's greatest robbers. This has led to one of the worlds most feared guard units being set up to protect the clock. The Dickinsan guards have developed techniques over the years that can ward off almost any attacker. Another thing that has been developed at the mountain is the Haig Workshop, which is regarded as one of the finest centres for the use of precious metals and jewels in decorative works. HW pieces are found in the treasuries of many of the worlds greatest nations, but are rare as much of the workshops time is taking up with upkeep of the clock.
Alongside the Great Clock is the Douglasian Library. The library holds over five million volumes ranging from the great history of Douglasia, which only the Sandgorian spiritual leader, the Master of Mount Haig, may add to, to reports of journies all over the world made by both Douglasian nationals and Sandgorians living abroad. The library currently has a staff of 160, preserving old volumes, translating foreign works and generally keeping things going. The library is one of the worlds greatest collections of knowledge abd has been visited by many of the worlds foremost philosophers and scientists.
Mount Haig has been the centre of Sandgorian religion for almost 1000 years. In the huge caverns inside the mountain is Douglasia's most famous sight, the great clock. This was built by a shadowy group called the founders and started 936 years ago. It has four hands: one turning each day, another each year, the third each century and the fourth once every millenium. Made out of solid gold and with the positions of significant dates and times designated by precious stones, the clock has been targeted by almost of all of history's greatest robbers. This has led to one of the worlds most feared guard units being set up to protect the clock. The Dickinsan guards have developed techniques over the years that can ward off almost any attacker. Another thing that has been developed at the mountain is the Haig Workshop, which is regarded as one of the finest centres for the use of precious metals and jewels in decorative works. HW pieces are found in the treasuries of many of the worlds greatest nations, but are rare as much of the workshops time is taking up with upkeep of the clock.
Alongside the Great Clock is the Douglasian Library. The library holds over five million volumes ranging from the great history of Douglasia, which only the Sandgorian spiritual leader, the Master of Mount Haig, may add to, to reports of journies all over the world made by both Douglasian nationals and Sandgorians living abroad. The library currently has a staff of 160, preserving old volumes, translating foreign works and generally keeping things going. The library is one of the worlds greatest collections of knowledge abd has been visited by many of the worlds foremost philosophers and scientists.