NationStates Jolt Archive

Long overdue- Walmington on Sea

Walmington on Sea
19-02-2004, 09:32
The Constitutional Monarchy of Walmington on Sea
"Sauviter in modo, fortiter in re"

Walmington on Sea, background

Discovered and settled by British explorers in the late C15th, the north Atlantic nation of Walmington on Sea consists of one main island with two smaller islands in the south. One of these, tiny Newry, maintains a Catholic majority while the other two islands are traditionally Protestant, following the Church of Walmington that owes much to the Church of England. A pauper state until the early C19th Walmington has remained a loyal ally to its parent nation, risking much against English enemies such as Spain, and more recently Germany.
For near two hundred years Walmington on Sea has been an increasingly wealthy imperial power, with colonies across Africa and as far away as south Asia, and has in recent years strengthened its ties with long-term allies such as Britain and distant Iansisle.


Name, official: The Constitutional Monarchy of Walmington on Sea
Name, short form: Walmington on Sea
Abbreviation: WoS
Unofficial short form name: Walmington

Nationality: Walmingtonian, official; Walmy/Walmer, common; Wally, derogatory (used by some Axis nations during war).

Population: 49,205,601 according to pre-war census; predicted post-war baby-boom is estimated to have fallen short of expectations

Capital: Great Walmington (3,055,000)

Other major cities: Brighton (port, 675,000), London Minor (international airport, 540,000), Southend (naval home port, 500,000), Birminghampton (international airport, 1,239,000), Westonbury (port, international airport, 760,000), Chaspot (small international airport, 107,000), Port Perry (port, major naval yard, 185,000), Little Stockton (250,000), Kenilworth (small international airport, 198,000).


Administrative divisions: Seven counties- Southshire, Stockshire, Burnhampshire, Chasshire, Westonshire, Kentonshire, Norbray. One city and borough- Southend. One royal borough- Newry Island.

Government type: Parliamentary democracy under constitutional monarchy

Dependent areas: Walmingtonian Saharaland (Western Sahara and Mauritania), Walmingtonian Togoland (Togo), Sao Tome and Principe, The Cape Colonies (much of South Africa, Swaziland and Lesotho), Waynesia (Zimbabwe), Madagascar, Ceyloba (Sri Lanka)

Independence: Walmington on Sea was discovered and settled in the 1490s and the monarchy was established in 1497. Walmington on Sea’s three islands were unified in 1505.

Executive branch:
Chief of State- HWM King (Charles) GODFREY III; Heir Apparent Prince Edryd Duke of Newry
Head of government- Prime Minister George Mainwaring, Whig
Cabinet- Cabinet of Ministers appointed by the Prime Minister

Legislative branch:
Parliament consists of 62 hereditary peers, from 50 to 110 life peers (currently 72), and 500 popularly elected ministers serving six-year terms.

Election results- Whig 49% Conservative 37% Social Labour 7.2% Liberal Alliance 6.8%
Seats by party- Whig 346 Conservative 189 Social Labour 49 Liberal Alliance 50

Suffrage: males 21 years of age, females 22 years of age


Natural resources: Coal, petroleum, natural gas, tin, slate, iron ore, clay, chalk, lead, arable land, fish- Walmington on Sea claims some of the finest cod fishing grounds on earth, and has been known to fire on foreign vessels trawling her waters in their pursuit.

GDP per capita: W£8,250 (US$20,625)

GDP: W£405,946,208,250 (US$1,014,865,520,625)

Labour force by occupation: Agriculture 14% Industry 40% Services 46%

Unemployment: 3.7%

Population below poverty line: 12.3%

Industries: Publishing, machine tools, automation equipment, aircraft, ship building, railroad equipment, metals, coal, fishing, farming and food processing, paper and paper products, textiles, clothing, other consumer goods.

Export commodities: Printed works and printing technologies and supplies, manufactured goods especially fountain pens and typewriters (commonly called “clatterboxes” in Walmington), automobiles, food, beverages, armaments,

Export partners: The Walmingtonian Empire, Iansisle, Britain, Canada, Calarca, Mexico

Import commodities: Food, fuels, manufactured goods

Import partners: The Walmingtonian Empire, Iansisle, Britain, Canada, Calarca, Mexico, Iceland

Currency: Walmingtonian Pound (WOSP)


Telephones –main lines in use: 2.45 million

Radio broadcast stations: 15

Domestic wireless sets: 6.3 million

Television broadcast stations: 1

Television sets: Less than a thousand

International issues:

International disputes: Walmington on Sea was until recently engaged in a planet-wide war, primarily to support allies such as France, the United Kingdom, and Iansisle. Lasting several years this conflict pitted WoS, the UK, Iansisle, Calarca, France (through a government in exile), and Canada against Germany (Der Kriegsmarine), Ercolana, Italy, and Chiang Mai. The after effects are still being felt, as much of continental Europe remains under German domination and the possibility for a return to armed conflict lingers.

Liberated from the Fascist sphere by Walmingtonian forces, the island of Sicily and the territory of Libya are partly occupied by Walmingtonian forces, and their future remains less than certain.

Great Walmington has never recognised American or Irish independence from British rule and recently prosecuted a disastrous invasion of the eastern seaboard, killing countless Americans and thousands of Walmingtonian servicemen and ruining countless international ties, though American military and industrial progress was seriously curtailed as well.

Uprisings by native populations in Ceyloba, and to a lesser degree Waynesia, Madagascar, and the Cape Colonies are periodic problems for Great Walmington. Of late the dominant white minorities in Waynesia and the Cape Colonies have begun to agitate for self-rule.

Illicit drugs: Whig-governed Walmington on Sea enforces surprisingly liberal drugs-laws, though this is motivated in equal measure by the profitability of the opium trade and a widespread refusal to accept the negative findings of what few independent medical studies have tackled related issues. As a result of all this the nation is a major gateway for opium, heroin, and cannabis from and via the empire bound for North America, as well as a legal consumer of the same drugs. The fact that representatives of the US government, be they military or of civilian agency, are usually treated as pirates when in Walmingtonian waters does little to stem the westward flow.
Walmington on Sea
19-02-2004, 09:32
The Empire

Chief of State across all listed possessions but Libya and Sicily is His Royal Highness King Godfrey III, Emperor of the United Walmingtonian Peoples

Note- Walmington on Sea is in most cases the major import/export partner for its dominions, and operates highly protective economic policies to maintain that norm.

Walmingtonian Saharaland:
Head of Government- Admiral (Ret.) Virgil Tempest Pollock Governor of Mauritania and Saharaland
Elections- None, Governor appointed by Prime Minister
Cabinet- 60 Provincial Ministers appointed in equal measure by Governor, PM, and provincial election
Population- 1,421,000
Capital- Nouakchott
Other major cities- Laayoune, Ad Dakhla, Port Blanc
Nationality- Walmingtonian-Saharawi, official; Walmingharian, common
Natural resources/agricultural products- Iron ore, gypsum, copper, phosphate, diamonds, gold, oil, fish, camels, dates, rice, corn

Walmingtonian Togoland:
Head of Government- Harold Baxtorly-Adams Governor of Togoland
Elections- None, Governor appointed by Prime Minister
Cabinet- 60 Provincial Ministers appointed in equal measure by Governor, PM, and provincial election
Population- 1,980,000
Capital- Luton
Other major cities- Dapaong
Nationality- Togolese
Natural resources/agricultural products- Phosphates, limestone, marble, coffee, cocoa, cotton

The Walmingtonian Protectorates of Sao Tome and Principe
Head of Government- Prime Minister George Mainwaring
Elections- Government dependent upon WoS national elections, protectorate largely run by civil service (as if the home islands aren’t!)
Population- 92,120
Capital- Sao Tome
Nationality- Sao Tomean
Natural resources/agricultural products- Fish, cocoa, coffee, bananas, pepper

The Walmingtonian Cape Colonies
Head of Government- Lord Christopher Bagley Governor of the Cape
Elections- None, Governor appointed by Prime Minister
Cabinet- 180 Provincial Ministers appointed in equal measure by Governor, PM, and provincial election
Population- 14,750,000
Capital- Cape Town
Other major cities- Durban, Mbabane, Maseru, Port Mavis, Soweto
Nationality- Cape-Walmingtonian, official; Caper, common.
Natural resources/agricultural products- Gold, chromium, iron ore, copper, oil, salt, tin, uranium, nickel, diamonds, platinum, asbestos, coal, clay, quarry stone, talc, natural gas, corn, wheat, sugarcane, fruits, vegetables, beef, wool, barley

Head of Government- Beauregard Rain Governor of Waynesia
Elections- None, Governor appointed by Prime Minister
Cabinet- 120 Provincial Ministers appointed in equal measure by Governor, PM, and provincial election
Population- 4,997,000
Capital- Chalisbury
Other major cities- Bulawayo
Nationality- Waynesian, official; Waynies, Wayners, common.
Natural resources/agricultural products- Coal, chromium ore, asbestos, gold, nickel, copper, iron ore, corn, cotton, tobacco, wheat, coffee, sugarcane, peanuts, cattle
Notes- Mr.Rain is, in addition to being Governor of Waynesia, on the payroll of the Henry Wayne Cape Company, and that fact is far from surprising to one even passively familiar with Waynesian politics. Waynesia is perhaps the Walmingtonian dominion most free of Walmingtonian government, or soldiers, or press...

The Viceroyal Walmingtonian Province of Madagascar
Head of Government- Viceroy, Sir Nathaniel Robinson Governor of Madagascar
Elections- None, Viceroy appointed by Prime Minister, commissioned by regent.
Cabinet- 120 Provincial Ministers, appointed in equal measure by Viceroy, PM, and provincial election
Population- 6,813,000
Capital- Antananarivo
Other major cities- Mahajanga, Toamasina, Fort Capricorn
Nationality- Walmingtonian-Madagascarn, WoS ex-pats and their descendants; Malagasy, pre-Walmingtonain populations; Gaskies, Gaskers, ex-pat common; Mala-Gally, Maly-Gally, Mala, native derogatory.
Natural resources/agricultural products- Graphite, coal, salt, tar sands, quartz, semiprecious stones, fish, cocoa, coffee, sugarcane, cloves, rice, beans, bananas, peanuts

The Walmingtonian Dominion of Ceyloba
Head of Government- Viceroy, Admiral Sir James Frazer Governor of Ceyloba
Elections- None, Viceroy appointed by Prime Minister, commissioned by regent.
Cabinet- 240 Provincial Ministers appointed in equal measure by Viceroy, PM, and provincial election
Population- 9,214,000
Capital- Vollombo
Other major cities- Kalle, Konda, Tollakhora, Johkororra, Banka Ta, Vaffnha
Nationality- Ceyloban, official; Ceylo, Ceylobe common; Galla, native derogatory
Natural resources/agricultural products- Limestone, graphite, mineral sands, gems, phosphates, clay, rice, sugarcane, spices, tea, opium
Notes- Ceyloban politics have for over two centuries been dominated by the wealthy merchant class that, by its wealth and recognition, manipulates the provincial government to a great degree. Viceroy traditionally serves primarily to administer the defence of the Dominion against native uprising or foreign aggression.
Walmington on Sea
19-02-2004, 09:32

(In later posts may be found information about the composition of specific branches of the Walmingtonian military.)


Supreme Commander Walmingtonian Armed Forces Prime Minister George Mainwaring.

First Minister for Defence General Sir Jack Jones

Cardinal of the Armed Forces Timothy Farthing


Walmington on Sea has traditionally taken a fairly passive role in major international disputes, often staying officially neutral while turning a blind-eye to Walmingtonian nationals volunteering for favoured parties. Though absent from the Great War, WoS provided financial and material aid to her British and French allies throughout, and hundreds of Walmingtonians fought by fair means or foul against the Central Powers.

Surprisingly, for an island nation of British-origin intercontinental empire builders Walmington on Sea has not traditionally maintained a very powerful navy. This is largely because she has long avoided creating serious enemies, fighting mainly against unruly imperial subjects incapable of attacking the lightly armed merchants that carry soldiers about the dominions. More than this, Walmington has managed; inspite of a few minor conflicts of colonial interest, and largely owing to repeated shows of economic and political support; to maintain very close relations with Britain, thus earning a measure of protection for its vessels by the world's finest navy.

It was not until the Second Cape War of the 1920s that Walmington established a small Army Aeronautic Corps, later to become the Royal Walmingtonian Air Force. Even to-day the RWEF is tasked mainly with protecting the centre-piece of Walmingtonian military doctrine, the army. Under controversial Air Marshal Pertwee the RWEF did establish a small bomber command, but this has seen little operation as the empire continues to view the bomber much as it does submarines and mines of both land and sea- negatively. To-day the RWEF is regarded with increasing respect, and several of its pilots, commanders, aircraft, and their designers lauded by press and public. This after small numbers of the now famous Musca wrought havoc upon numerically superior Italian opposition, and even out-performed much hyped German aircraft over Africa and Europe. Fighter Command is likely to persist in eating the resources other nations lately devoted to bomber commands.

The Royal Walmingtonian Army is traditionally of primary importance to the nation's defence. It was long assumed that no one should attack Walmington because, inspite of light naval resistance, defeat would be assured for any army coming ashore on Walmingtonian soil.
Of course this thinking left the nation open to high seas commerce raiding, and it is fortunate that the empire never faced a determined enemy with the means to attack this weakness before the advent of the nation's airpower and the improvement of its naval forces.
The RWA prides itself on discipline, bravery, cunning, and lately on its tanks.
As WoS missed the horrors of the Great War many of the RWA's tactics were exposed as greatly behind the times when the war on Fascism began. It was fortunate that the army is traditionally so prized, as protective deployment of air power proved a surprisingly modern policy during the North African war.

To-day Walmington's military sees the nation an infant nuclear power on the cusp of the jet age, still building biplanes, battleships, and classifying its tanks as either infantry or cruiser.
Walmington on Sea
19-02-2004, 09:33
Fact book elaboration

(Since the first post/s is/are rather cold and, well, factual, and since this is Walmington on Sea, I intend herein to ramble at length on various aspects of the nation referenced above. I’ll probably talk about the sort of pigs we farm, or something. So yes, feel free to ask for elaboration on pretty much anything, and if I haven’t already thought of it, well then you’ll have helped expand the babbling mess that is WoS.
Ah, a note to remind myself that I must at least skim over the absence of nations such as the US and Ireland amongst WoS’ major trade partners while Britain, Canada, and even Mexico are there.. and for those who missed the war, why France isn’t there, and just how angry that makes us. I’ll tell you now that Iceland is a major WoS import partner because we do go through an awful lot of fish ‘n’ chips..)
19-02-2004, 09:40
((Oh boy! I love Walmintonish rambling (and yes, I am being serious :P). [/tag]))
Walmington on Sea
19-02-2004, 09:47
Hehe, ta. And the number of typographical errors, only some of which are ever likely to be corrected, testify to the dangers of posting at half eight in the morning after forgetting that the human body likes to sleep every day.
19-02-2004, 10:06
Just to clarify - what technology level is Walmington-on-Sea?
Walmington on Sea
19-02-2004, 10:14
It's Walmington on Sea, because another nation already exists with hyphens ;) (or did- I suppose it may be defunct by now)

Anyway, we've just come out of an alternative Second World War, in the early stages of which we flew our first jet fighter (a joint WoS-Calarca programme), though not operationally. We still fly three models of biplane in the navy, and a lot of transport around cities in Walmington is done by horse-drawn tram, though we do have electric trams. We are, or are about to become, nuclear capable, but will have a severely limited delivery capability.

The short version is, "1940s-ish".
Walmington on Sea
21-02-2004, 09:51
Royal Walmingtonain Navy

High Admiral Sir John Laurie

Operational Fleets-

Home Fleet

Commander Home Fleet Admiral Eric Longworth, wartime head of ANCAT (Allied Naval Command Atlantic Theatre)

Home Ports- Southend and Port Perry

Flagship- HMWS Queen Mavis (“Merry Mave”), Captain Francis “Frank” Pike
Battleships- HMWS Indefatigable
Aircraft Carriers- HMWS Phoenicia, Newry, Stanley
Battlecruisers- HMWS Eden
Heavy Cruisers- HMWS Triumphal, Henry, Tarriff, Alexander Vale
Light Cruisers- HMWS Hancock, Cymric
Destroyers- HMWS Mount Street, Slope Way, Park Street
Corvettes- HMWS C1, C2, C3, C4, C5, C6, C7, C8
Submarines- HMuWS #13, #14, #15, #16, #17, #18
Ships- Battleships- 2, Carriers- 3, Battlecruisers- 1, Heavy Cruisers- 4, Light Cruisers- 2, Destroyers- 3, Corvettes- 8, Submarines- 6
Aircraft-121 (Swordfish, Wasp II, Wasp III, Nexus)
Ship’s and Air Crew- 15,731

Indian Ocean Fleet

Commander Indian Ocean Fleet Admiral Sir James Frazer, Govrnor of Ceyloba, wartime head of NGC (Naval Group Ceyloba)

Home Port- Vollombo

Flagship- Battlecruiser HMWS Royal Oak, Captain Henry Bingham
Battleships- HMWS Mainwaring under construction
Aircraft Carriers- HMWS Sparrow, HMWS Carthage under construction
Battlecruisers- HMWS Eastgate
Heavy Cruisers- HMWS Deepdale, Marwood, HMWS Admiral Coney under construction
Light Cruisers- HMWS Kenilworth
Destroyers- HMWS Dolly, Longevity, Infamous, Constant
Corvettes- HMWS C14, C15, C16
Submarines- HMuWS #3, #10, #11, #12
Ships- Battleships- 1, Aircraft Carriers- 2, Battlecruisers- 2, Heavy Cruisers- 3, Light Cruisers- 1, Destroyers- 4, Corvettes- 3, Submarines- 4
Aircraft- 93
Ship’s and Air Crew- 12,275

Mediterranean Fleet

Commander Mediterranean Fleet Vice Admiral Penciler

Home Port- Tripoli

Flagship- Battlecruiser HMWS Alexandra, Captain Adam Corden
Battleships- HMWS Churchill planned
Aircraft Carriers- HMWS Minos under construction
Battlecruisers- HMWS Brixton
Heavy Cruisers- HMWS Wendsleybury, HMWS Raven planned
Light Cruisers- HMWS Brighton, Pelagin
Destroyers- HMWS Magical, Quixotic, Stockshire, Southshire, Hare
Corvettes- HMWS C9, C10, C11
Submarines- HMuWS #1, #2, #4, #5, #6, #7, #8, #9
Ships- Battleships- 1, Aircraft Carriers- 1, Battlecruisers- 2, Heavy Cruisers- 2, Light Cruisers- 2, Destroyers- 5, Corvettes- 3, Submarines- 8
Aircraft- 73
Ship’s and Air Crew- 11,799

South Seas Fleet

Commander South Seas Fleet Vice Admiral Peter Giallo

Home Port- Port Mavis

Flagship- HMWS King Godfrey I Captain Raymond Dalton
Aircraft Carriers- HMWS Bishop under construction
Heavy Cruisers- HMWS Rock Dove, Kite planned
Light Cruisers- HMWS Lesotho, Togo, Sao Tome
Destroyers- HMWS Thresher, Falcon
Corvettes- HMWS C12, C13
Submarines- HMuWS # 19, #20, #21, #22
Ships- Battleships- 1, Aircraft Carriers- 1, Battlecruisers- 0, Heavy Cruisers- 2, Light Cruisers- 3, Destroyers- 2, Corvettes- 2, Submarines- 4
Aircraft- 34
Ship’s and Air Crew- 7,509

Combined Fleets Total-

Ships- Battleships- 5, Aircraft Carriers- 7, Battlecruisers- 5, Heavy Cruisers- 11, Light Cruisers- 8, Destroyers- 14, Corvettes- 16, Submarines- 22
Aircraft- 321
Ship’s and Air Crew- 47,314
Walmington on Sea
21-02-2004, 09:52
Royal Walmingtonian Air Force

Air Marshal William Pertwee

Fighter Air Defence Command South
Air Commander William Hodges

Fighter Air Defence Command East
Air Commander Joseph “Joe” Walker

Fighter Air Defence Command West
Air Commander Lord Cadbury

Bomber Command
Air Marshal William Pertwee
Walmington on Sea
21-02-2004, 09:52
(This is going to take some doing..)

Royal Walmingtonain Army

Supreme Commander RWA Field Marshal General Sir John Le Mesurier

Army Group Home Islands
Commander General James Beck

Headquarters at Kenilworth and Great Walmington.


2nd Kentonshire Infantry (6th to 10th Kentonshire Rifle Regts/Mainland WoS)
1st Stockshire Infantry (1st to 5th Stockshire Rifle Regts/Mainland WoS)
Burnhampshire Mounted (6th Burnhampshire Rifle Regt., 3rd Burnhampshire Arty. V and VI Burnhampshire Tank Platoon/ Mainland WoS)

Sub Divisional-
2nd Southend Rifles (Regiment/Southend)
Newry Rifles (Infantry Battalion/Newry Is.)
III Southshire Tank Platoon (Southend)
II Westonshire Tank Platoon (Mainland WoS)
2nd Southend Artillery (Arty. Regt./Southend)

Army Group North Africa
Commander General Square

Headquarters at Port Blanc


1st Kentonshire Infantry (1st to 5th Kentonshire Rifle Regts./Mauritania)
1st Burnhampshire Infantry (1st to 5th Burnhampshire Rifle Regts./Libya)
Southend Mounted (1st, 3rd-6th Southend Rifle Regts, 1st Southend Arty. I and II Southend Tank Platoon/Libya)

Sub Divisional-
6th Westonshire Rifles (Regiment/Togoland and Sao Tome & Principe)
Newrian Cavaliers (Cavalry Battalion/Sicily)
II Southshire Tank Platoon (Walmingtonian Togoland)

Army Group South Africa
Commander General Gerald Pierce

Headquarters at Port Mavis



Sub Divisional:
I Southshire Tank Platoon (Walmingtonian Swaziland)
I Westonshire Tank Platoon (Lesotho)

Army Group Gallaga
Commander General Thomas Winters

Headquarters at Banka Ta

Army Group Training
Commander General Percival Weisel

Headquarters at Deval Valley, Norbray.

Royal Walmingtonian Engineering Corps

Documentary Engineer Wing
Ivor Comstive

Special Operations Wing

Total RWA strength

400,000 (discounting RWEC-DEW)

RWA Organisation/Structure-

Foot Platoon
20 men
Usual armament configuration- fifteen CAFMIR rifles (one or two riflemen usually are placed with each platoon expressly due to their being expert snipers, though a specialised rifle does not presently exist in Walmingtonian service), three Machine Carbine Tripoli Pattern, two Machine-Gun Land MkI Camel. Also three pistols (usually Wayne MkII), five “Leech Grenade” anti-tank grenades, fifteen Mills grenades, one MkII Radio Transmit/Receive station, two Webley zinc flare pistol.

Rifle Company
100 men
Five Platoons. Additional (combined) armament when operating at Company strength typically includes three light mortars, two .55” machineguns, one 49mm 6pdr anti-tank gun, and either three further light mortars or two 60mm 6pdr light howitzers.

Infantry Battalion
700 men
Seven Companies.
Towed twin 20mm cannon are often added at this level, though in some cases they also exist in company-sized units. These weapons are for both anti-aircraft defence and for use against ground targets.

King’s Rifle Regiment
2,100 men
Three Battalions.
2pdr AA guns frequently transported with Regiments in the field. Mechanisation significantly increases at this level. Due to a relative shortage of officers, Rifle Regiments are often commanded by Sgt.Majors, where in peacetime Colonels would have been expected. This condition is slowly being improved as the RWA downsizes some way post-war.

Infantry Division
10,500 men (five Rifles)

Tank Platoon
Typically eight CCMkIII Lancer, six MTMkII Terrapin, two MTMkIII Tortoise, and four CCMkII variants (CSH/AAS) plus usually two Spotter Gun Car and up to four STMkI “Baby Carriage”.

Cavalry Battalion
Four Tank Platoons. FSMkI Armadillo field supremacy tanks exist in most cavalry battalions, though they will be only one to four strong.

Mounted Infantry Division
A Rifle Regiment with a higher concentration of trucks than is usual, plus an Artillery Regiment and two attached Cavalry Battalions. Consideration is being given to attaching aircraft directly to Mounted Infantry Divisions as often happened in effect during the North African War.

Artillery Company
Typically a battery of twelve 3”/18pdr and 4”/28 pdr towed guns, plus four 6pdr and two 3” howitzers.

Artillery Regiment
Four Artillery Companies plus variable additional pieces (usually light howitzers and anti-tank guns). CCMkIICSH Hardy armoured vehicles are also frequently attached.

NB. These compositions are typical, but by no means concrete.
Walmington on Sea
24-02-2004, 06:25
(Whew. Bit more done. I'm currently trying to build-up the courage to talk at length about each major city and/or county in the home islands..)
Walmington on Sea
27-02-2004, 11:11
Time-line; a consensed history of Walmington on Sea

AD 1490s- British (primarily English Protestant) explorers, possibly seeking the new world (some say Welshmen or Bristol fish merchants discovered the Americas) make land-fall on the north Atlantic island now called Walmington on Sea.

1490s- The mainland and the island now called Southend attract primarily Protestant settlers from Britain, as well as numbers of Jews recently expelled from Spain and others fleeing the revived Inquisition. Tiny Newry island receives a Catholic majority.

1497- The Protestant Church of Walmington established, King Godfrey I crowned and made head of the church. His domain includes the whole of the mainland, while Southend (then New Eire) is disputed by its Catholic population.

1503- The Walmingtonian War begins; King Godfrey's forces secure Southend with just 800 men of pike and bow.

1503/4- Famine on mainland, an estimated 4,500 people die.

1505- The Walmingtonian War ends with the capture of Newry Island by Protestant forces helped by the first vessels of the Royal Walmingtonain Navy. Evidence of Spanish assistance to the Newrians is reportedly uncovered.

1507- King Godfrey I passes, the infant Queen Mavis begins the longest reign in Walmingtonian history (76 years!)

1520- Early Walmingtonian explorers continue west, making land-fall in the Americas.

1521- Harold Wendsleybury attempts to circumnavigate the globe, but is shipwrecked twice, losing much on Cape Horn before perishing, so folklaw says, in sight of Calarca.

1531/2- Walmingtonian expeditions harass Pizarro during his victorious march on the Inca.

1530s onwards- Walmington cheats death in continued badgering of Spanish imperial enterprises; several times harbours English vessels on commerce raids against Spain.

1553- Relations with England hurt as Queen Mary restores Catholicism. Queen Mavis of Walmington is said to plot against Mary. Queen Elizabeth's restoration of Protestantism in 1558 averts ambitious and likely suicidal WoS invasion plans.

1574- First serious Walmingtonian settlements in the Americas. All fail before modern era.

1583- Queen Mavis dies.

1617- Walmingtonian explorers land on Madagascar after a punishing voyage around Africa claimed many lives.

1618- Walmingtonians volunteer for Protestant forces in Thirty Years War.

1619- Walmington begins war on Madagascarn natives, settlers hold on in coastal forts supplied by trade across the sea with southern African mainland villages.

1625- Settlements on Madagascar begin to expand and major trading-posts and forts are established in west Africa and the Cape.

1640s- Relations with England again strained. WoS divided over English civil war. Disturbances briefly threaten the monarchy's position.

1667-8 Plague reaches Walmington, 14,000 killed in the first year, 28,000 in the second.

1671- First stage of the mighty coastal fortifications of Southend completed. Great south-coast and south-to-north roads begun.

1677- South-to-North road abandoned in Burnhampshire- paving proves absurdly expensive.

1699- Adrian Glamorgan publishes first extensive Walmingtonian-English dictionary; founds Black Gull, Walmington's premier publishing house.

1702- Major rising on Madagascar put-down, Viceroy installed.

1717- Ancient apparently Nordic (Panteran? ) ruins discovered in Norbray, northern WoS.

1740s- Walmingtonian traders land on Ceyloba (Ceylon). Now-characteristic bowler hats begin to appear in ahead-of-the-times Walmington!

1741- Slavery outlawed in Walmington.

1747- The Standard launches small pilot issue. Headline speaks bafflingly of Mrs. Pike’s “Trouble with the gulls”

1750- Ceyloban prince leads regiment against Walmingtonian Trade Mission at Vollombo, Ceyloba. Heavily outnumbered defenders hold out over-night thanks in part to revolutionary Durnford Defence Gun, invented by the Captain in charge of the mission. Sgt.Brent's iconic defence of the central wall inspires artists, writers, and the creation of a new medal. First contact with now long-term ally Calarca is made as the Admiral Coney assists fellow whites in trouble at the Mission.

1770s- Walmingtonian press begins to protest in favour of British rule in America as African colonies priority. Reporters detail rebel atrocities against loyalist civilians, press lampoons slave-holding rebels; Walmington baffled by anti-war backlash in Britain.

1790s- Walmington very gradually begins to catch-on to the industrial revolution, moving at her own stubborn pace. Fountain pens and type-writers arrive long before steam powered transport or serious industrial engines.

1802- The Year of the Golden Harvest; record yields accredited to new tools and machines. Previously a relative pauper state, Walmington begins to find the wealth with which to exploit its imperial holdings. The economy begins a rise set to continue (with brief interruptions) until the modern age. An era of weird and wonderful invention, related abstract art, and extreme political thought takes hold.

1804- After two years in which a wave of radical left wing political movements shook isolated parts of Walmington major reforms give parliament greater powers, and slightly reduce the monarchy.

1806-1839- Newry Risings. The tiny island populated by but a few thousand becomes a centre for trouble. For a generation Aiden Brien spearheads Catholic anti-monarchist movements. Demonstrations, riots, lynchings and speeches test the character of the nation. The movement fades as Brien's reputation begins to fray.

1865- Author Alexander Vale begins to find success with influential works such as "Modernity". His novels and papers seem to restore order to an unusually racy and wild Walmington. The liberal age, begun at the start of the century, is over.

1894- The rail bridge over the Kenilworth Rift collapses under the Wychwood North Eastern, killing 172.

1890s-1900- The First Cape War. Continental settlers armed by powers hostile to Walmington forcibly resist large-scale prospecting. WoS forces lose thousands in the face of unconventional tactics. Bayonet charges save the day several times, leading to the dangerous belief that the old cold steel is still a viable weapon in the C20th. Massive numbers of natives are willingly drafted to fight the continental settlers.

1903- Woman's suffrage in Walmington (for women over 22). For several years women are still discouraged from taking an active role in politics.

1914-18- Walmingtonians volunteer for foreign armies against the Germans. The nation remains out of the war, but openly criticises the central powers. Young parliamentarian Henry Wayne agrees with Kitchener's assertion before the war that conflict between Britain and Germany will damn the world to American domination. Wayne protests American intervention.

1919-27- Walmingtonian influence in southern Africa spreads with wars against powerful native kingdoms. Armies are raised by natives formerly lieutenants for WoS in the First Cape War, and they combine Anglo-Saxon military doctrine with the partisan tactics used by settlers in the first war.
Walmington makes her first use of powered flight during the war, and deploys other terrible new weapons including tanks, machineguns, and mustard gas. The Second Cape War is a huge clash of arms.

1921- As part of the Second Cape War Henry Wayne leads an expedition north as far as Lake Kariba and even the Zambezi. Mavis Falls discovered. Wayne employs great brutality to win the territory for Walmington, earning himself a knighthood and a fortune as Wayneisia is named for him. Tens of thousands of natives are slaughtered; relatively few reports reaching the outside world as Walmingtonian media focuses on actions to the south where a significant white population feels threatened.

1934- Walmington's famous tramlines begin to be upgraded from horse-drawn (and in rare cases steam-power) to electric power.

1939/40- Destroyer HMWS Ajax torpedoed and sunk in South China Sea- supicion falls on Hainan. Iansislian convoy bound for WoS with sensitive jet aircraft and data intercepted by Der Kriegsmarine special forces; Me262 results. DK raider engages Iansislian battlecruiser near Walmingtonian Ceyloba; WoS declares war on Der Kriegsmarine. Chiang Mai bombs Iansislian colonies; WoS declares war on Chiang Mai. Ercolana joins war on Axis side; WoS, Iansisle, Calarca head British, Canadian allies against Der Kriegsmarine, Ercolana, Italy, Chiang Mai. Hainan backs Chiang Mai. France falls to DK; WoS and Britain victorious in north Africa; Sicily liberated; stalemate results from collapse of DK allies and WoS/Brit/Ian nuclear capability, and lack of allied continental foothold.

1940s/50s- Walmington is attacked by Dr.Who, W/who seriously screws with the forward-moving linear nature of time. Somewhere in the middle of these times Walmington on Sea accepts an invitation to join the Alliance of the New Highlands.
Walmington on Sea
13-05-2007, 18:53
A bump. This post will probably become something else. The thread is horribly out of date.

I'm just going to begin salvage operations, and may be some time...
13-05-2007, 19:13
Is the patron saint St Aldhelm?
Walmington on Sea
13-05-2007, 19:52
Well, since St.George's cross is a recognised part of our national flag, I'd have to say not, I suppose! If I'd thought for longer on day one, maybe, but I quite like the flag how it is, and we've had it for years, so we'll be darned if we're turning, now. Press on, eh?
Still, cookies to you.
13-05-2007, 21:06
Huh. Can't believe I haven't tagged this yet.

Well, there it is. *nod*

(this isn't out of date at all, compared to the first two pages of my thread =P)