Provisional Councilman Charles Hayfield was sitting in his office with a cup of coffee when the first reports came in. The Shyrakat Raiders under Asu Lex were back to their old tricks of geurilla warfare and murder. This would normally have been passed off as a repetition of the usualy day-to-day mush. Except for the fact that the people down in the Intelligence Offices had picked up rumors that Asu Lex was going to make a bid to assert herself into power over the nation. If this was true it would mean trouble. The Shyran Army was not known for being large or well trained. And the Special Police had been dissolved. Special Forces weren't ready quite yet either. Hayfield had a message sent to the Chief of Police. A man by the name of Sanford Andreas Gerhard who had been with the Special Police before they dissolved into the Regular Police. He also had a message sent to the Chief of Army Intelligence. A lady with the rank of Major General named Katarina Theodora Ksenija Jowita who had been in Intelligence of some sort or other most of her career. He had them both go to work on finding out whatever they could. then Hayfield sent a call out for a meeting of the entire Provisional Government Council.
IC: Provisional Councilman Hayfield looked around the small room at the other Councilmembers who had gathered for the meeting. 12 of them in all not including himself. And noone held anymore power than the others. Attention was given to whoever happened to be speaking at the moment. Hayfield cleared his throat to indicate he wished to address the room. Everyone instantly fell silent and turned to face him. He looked around the room at a few of the faces now looking at him. In a corner with a book in his lap was the aged General Theodore Joseph Fletch. Who held the post of Commander in Chief of the Shyran Army and was therefore on the Council. Chief of Police Sanford Andreas Gerhard was also present. Nora Evans was the formed Deputy Minister of the Interior. And was now Provisional Minister of Internal Affairs. He barely knew any of the others. In a few words he told them all the situation and they immediatley fell to talking to one another about it. General Fletch was quick to let them know a Civil War would be hard to contain. And that set a black mood for the whole meeting. Eventually they sent a request for a Sakkran official of moderate rank to sit in on the meeting.
Within the Sakkran embassy in the land of Shyra, Ambassador Bosska's aide, a certain Liaison Jhoout was in his office. Reports were being read, labeled and filed when his automated messenger registered an incoming comm with a soft *bweep*.
Eh? What's this? Jhoout reads through the message requesting the presence of an officer of the Diplomatic Corps of his rank to sit in on a meeting with the provisional government. He sends a reply message, and then prepares himself. A datapad, his best mantle of office, a flask of warm Paroo and his spectacles are packed.
"Shouuaal, hold all messages and clear my schedule for today. I have urgent business. Inform the Scolopendran embassy in Sakkra, as we agreed that they would sit in and interpret, as needed, in meetings of this level."
"Yes, sir." The secretary sent the comm to the Kargaahl Embassy, directed to the office of Ambassador H'Zta.
Reply message
Dir: Shyra Provisionary Governement
Sen: Liaison Jhoout
Sub: Meeting
Greetings to you, Leaders of the Shyra Provisionary Government,
I am leaving the Embassy at this moment to attend this meeting. I have sent for a Scolopendran Ambassador to assist me with interpretation, as they have worked with humans for some time now, and us as well. This will help avoid mis-interpretations. Do not be alarmed at their appearance, please. They come with high commendations from the Emperor himself.
Liaison Jhoout
IC: Hayfield read the Sakkran message from Liaison Jhoout aloud to the rest of the Council. They all quickly cleaned up the room the meeting was taking place in. Most Council meetings were highly informal. But they had to put up a good front for this.
A short time later, an ambassadorial car bearing the Sakkran flag and looking a bit more like an APC, arrives at the meeting place of the provisional government. A pair of armed human guards exits the vehicle first, and does a visual scan of the area.
Seeing nothing out of the ordinary, they beckon to the driver, who opens the hatch for Liaison Jhoout. The Liaison steps out of the vehicle, adjusts his spectacles, and walks up the stairs, datapad in hand.
As the group reach the doors of the meeting room, Jhouut motions to his guards to stand watch at the door. Silently, they take positions flanking the door, hands on their pistols concealed under their coats. Jhouut enters, and greets the provisionary government.
"Good cycle to you, ladies and gentlemen." He walks over to an empty seat, wraps his tail around his waist, and takes a seat, fidgeting until he gets comfortable. "Ah. Now then, please proceed."
IC: The various members of the PGC nod and utter various greetings to Liaison Jhoout. Then Councilmember Hayfield stood up to address the room "As most in this room know by now we have recently recieved a very dark report from our people down in Intelligence. It conerns the national criminal known as Asu Lex" Hayfield paused for a moment to let everyone fully get in to what he was saying "Now she's caused us trouble before and we've always handled it fairly well. But this time may be different because we've heard that she may be stepping things up a few notches. It has been reported that hse intends to start a Civil War. General Fletch?" With a nod General Fletch stood up with the aid of a cane in his left hand. From the thunking sound when he walked it was obvious his left leg was a prosthetic. He walked over to one wall where a simple chalkboard was mounted with several rolled-up maps above it. He pulled down the largest map over the board revealing a strategic/tactical map of Shyra "Ladies and gentlemen" the old man said "This here before you is a strategic/tactical map of the nation. It shows the position of every sizeable force at my command. As you can see from the map the Shyran Army is not very big. We have a small force of Able Reserves but our Army hasn't got the weapons to equip them all at once. So even though we could swell the ranks of the Army from 3% of our population to 8% in a short time. Most of them would have no weapons" He paused for a moment "One solution for this is to create a National Armory to compile more weapons. But I don't think we have that kind of time" He paused to allow for questions.
21-02-2004, 02:01
(OOC: Sorry for the delay, but life has been hectic.)
Some time previous
"By the Fanged God, Low," H'zta steamed, stomping into the common room with a towel almost wrapped around her that she shifts constantly, "you have to tell me these things!"
"You could hardly have taken a call in your current condition," the human Mobile Infantry corporal explains hastily, "so I thought it best to wait. 'Specially seeing how you like your baths."
"We are probably late already." Grumbling to herself, the kzinret finishes drying herself off and flings away the towel--no nudity taboo, after all--before grabbing her uniform and getting into it. "Sergeant!"
Master Sergeant Cho, commander of the Mobile Infantry security detail of the Scolopendran mission to Sakkra, peeks his head around the corner from the kitchenette. "Oh... I overheard. Sorry, ma'am, I didn't know."
"I do not know how you people get promoted." Diplomatic Officer H'zta adjusts the high collar of her blue-and-black double-breasted uniform, ruddy fur still slightly matted from the damp.
"You're just jealous 'cause there's nowhere for a D.O. to go--hey!" Corporal Jim Lowell staggers forward, rubbing the back of his head while Corporal Xavier Hortense shakes out his hand. "Actually, I think catching the CAFFIENE spy at the Jugg Matches so many relative years ago is what did it. That and Sakkra joining the Triumvirate in no small part to the image we displayed. No thanks to Low."
"Hey, that's cold, Xav." Lowell frowns.
"Shut up, Low."
Cho and H'zta look at each other with a sigh. "Will they ever grow up, Sergeant?"
The human sergeant shrugs. "If they did, would we have as much free entertainment? Okay, you two, suit up and on the bounce. We've a meeting to arrive fashionably late to!"
Right about now
Waving to the Sakkran taxicab driver--he had been such a help over the years and simply refused to retire--H'zta and the three M.I. in fatigues turned to jog into the building where the meeting is being held. Confirming their identification and authorizations, they make their way through the building, pausing just outside the door to settle themselves and look properly official. H'zta stands with her bat-winged ear to the door; hearing a point where they can enter, she opens the door and walks in.
She is, simply put, a kzinret. Not a frail human-with-some-felinid-features Neko as is common to Shyra, but a female something that looks like the breastless demonspawn of a powerlifter and a tiger with a long, segmented nearly-prehensile tail like a rat's and ears resembling the wings of bats. Standing two and a half meters tall, she dwarfs the three average-sized humans in digitized smoke-cloud camouflage around her. Clearly inscribed on a silver nametag under a S-shaped centipede of the same metal is the legend "H'ZTA," anyone used to Scolopendran uniforms would note from the blue sections, silver trim, and silver olive-branch devices that she is, somehow, a Diplomatic Officer.
Taking the scene quickly with the General at the strategic map, she nods to the man labeled "CHO" with stairstep-like insignia on his shoulders to sit by Jhoot. Looking up, she smiles--or, at least, turns up the ends of her lips in a proper approximation of a smile. It seems genuine. "My apologies. I am Diplomatic Officer H'zta of Scolopendra. I know most of you from my Sakkran associate," she says with a nod to Jhoot, "and I have updated myself on the situation on the way here as best I can from Sakkran notes. Please continue, and forgive our interruption." She closes her monologue with a short bow before turning and walking with a fluid motion to sit net to Jhoot.
"Sorry," she speaks in a very soft tone to the Sakkran, "but someone was overly concerned for my comfort." Past H'zta, Lowell waves meekly. "No excuse for our lack of punctuality."
Jhoout nods knowingly. "Better late than neverAmbassador H'zta. I am glad to see you all arrived in safe condition. Ambassador Bosska has kept me apprised of his 'sight-seeing' tour up until I left the embassy to come here. I hope the notes he has sent have been helpful in keeping you up to speed."
Looking at Cho, the Liaison nods his greeting. "Master Seargent Cho, it is good to see you in fine spirits." Further nods towards Hortense and Lowell. "Corporal Lowell, Corporal Hortense. Good cycle to you both."
"Now then, with no further ado, it would be prudent to venture a question to the esteemed Council-Beings here." Jhoout stands, and clears his throat. He checks his translator disc to make sure it works, and speaks.
"This Asu Lex is certain to be problematic in the reforming government, especially if she vies for a position of power. Her supporters seem to number as many in the ShyraKat circles, if i'm not mistaken. What steps have been taken to bring those numbers low?"
IC: "We've tried all manner of methods to lower her base of power" Chief of Police Sanford Andreas Gerhard said quickly "It didn't work, really. Everything we tried, she countered quickly with a brutal campaign of raids, and propoganda"
Jhoout sits, and clasps his chin in his hands. " seems that the fates favor this brigand. I think i'll need to consult the data-feeds on this being. Get to know her, so to speak. Ambassador H'zta, what's your take on this?"
21-02-2004, 07:52
Diplomatic Officer H'zta folds her broad orange-furred hands. "If it is a grass-roots movement, it will be difficult to shake. Have we attempted a diplomatic solution with her? She must have a list of demands and political objectives. We must attempt a compromise even as we prepare for armed contingencies. 'Hope for the best and prepare for the worst,' as it were.
"What is it that she wants, and what can we accomodate her on? What objectives of ours can we negotiate her to?"
IC: "She is an escaped slave, so it is what you might call a grass-roots movement" Hayfield said slowly, while choosing his words with care "She wants all Shyrakat slaves freed NOW. We also believe she may want political power, for the purpose of ensuring her people are never enslaved again" Hayfield paused "Also. No diplomat sent to meet with her has survived, save for the first"
21-02-2004, 08:00
"Hrrr." H'zta steeples her hands, resting the front of her white-furred chin against her fingertips. "This presents a difficulty; I do not find myself disagreeing with her goals so much as her methods. How dependent is your economy on ShyraKat slaves, currently? We could accelerate the empancipation process, beginning with freeing a large portion immediately as a show of good faith. As for personal political power... that is to be expected. The difficulty lies in allowing her to achieve her goals without allowing her to become a demagogue.
"Certainly we are in diplomatic contact somehow, even if over telecommunications?"
IC: "Currently 60% of our economic power still depends on slavery. Accelerating the emancipation process would only make her happy if we freed them all at once as I said before. As for diplomatic contact, she contacts us when she wants to talk to us, and we usually put out a TV broadcast to get her attention when we want to talk to her. We have pre-recorded broadcasts that can be put out in minutes, and she usually replies swiftly"
21-02-2004, 08:18
"Most difficult indeed." The kzinret taps her fingers against her chin, staring off in thought. "Of course, arguing that the transitional economy will keep the nation stable is probably irrelevant to her. Immediate empancipation will cause a massive shift in the economy of the situation, which will probably lead to political turmoil afterwards."
She continues to think aloud. "That turmoil is almost inevitable given a gentle transition as the ShyraKat population slowly becomes more powerful and more eager to emancipate those still left in bondage. It will only be greater if the established government shows itself to be antagonistic to the ShyraKats." H'zta frowns, then looks up. "My solution is not going to be popular. If we acquiesce to her demands and make every effort to adapt to the ShyraKats' emancipation even as they adapt to it themselves, we can minimize the turmoil. There may be years of recession and political infighting but we should be able to avoid an all-out civil war. If we do not, then there is nothing keeping the current ShyraKat slaves from rebelling and killing the sixty-percent economy anyway.
"We are not in a position of strength and do not even have the appearance of strength. We cannot bluff and we cannot force, so for the good of all we must adapt. That is my view of the situation."
IC: General Fletch sighed "That still doesn't deal with one other major problem" the old man said.
21-02-2004, 08:39
"It doesn't solve very many problems." H'zta sighs softly. "It only alleviates the magnitude of most of the problems. What else needs to be addressed?"
IC: General Fletch pointed at the map "My troops haven't enough weapons if a Civil War starts. I have good information that one will start in the next 5 years or so, and the Army is to centralized"
21-02-2004, 08:58
"If I may, ma'am?" Sergeant Cho looks up at the kzinret, who returns with a nod. Looking at the general, the non-com idly brushes his fingers against the camouflaged cover in front of him on the table. "Unfortunately, we're not much help there. The Triumvirate--who we are representing in addition to Scolopendra--does not look kindly on slaver regimes to begin with, and will certainly not militarily assist any such regime. It's against our code of ethics and ideals as set in our Charter."
He pauses for a moment to let that sink in. "As Officer H'zta said, the best course of action for you would be to avoid a civil war if absolutely possible. Why do civil wars start? A large enough section of the populace becomes powerful enough and disgruntled enough to actively oppose the command of the ruling body. Now, you can either attempt to remove your opponent's means to fight--which will probably make them more disgruntled, and with a stronger will finding means to achieve their goals is only a matter of time--or you can attempt to remove their reason to fight. If you free the slaves, they will have no political impetus to fight, their purpose having been suddenly appeased. Having thus calmed those who would make up the rebel army, you deal with the probable rebel leaders by effectively limiting their power. Make it apparent that they are demagogues who are simply trying to use a situation for personal gain and support more moderate voices that still oppose you but do not call for violence.
"This is obviously going to be a time of transition," the sergeant concludes, "and only through a mixture of diplomacy and careful control will the current government of Shyra remain. You already know that you will lose a civil war because your economy will collapse and a highly motivated segment of your population will become self-supporting. The base of your pyramid shuffles out from under you, forcing you to fall. If you know that you will lose this war, then you must not let it happen."
(OOC: And now it's bedtime.)
IC: "We don't know, for sure that we'd lose. We just know we'd be badly broken by a Civil War, even if we did win"
22-02-2004, 06:25
"Badly broken is hardly a victory, sir," Cho frowns.
H'zta nods. "Avoiding the war and yet maintaining political stability is quite possible. The biggest threat that Asu Lex presents is not of the slaves rising up. It is that she can create herself as a demagogic leader who can bend the masses to further her own political power."
She thinks for a moment. "Are their any moderate voices--especially among the ShyraKat population--that you can support if you decide to emancipate the slaves wholesale? Someone who would be willing to work with the current government to maintain stability? If you can say that, due to the work of that person, you have decided to take a course of action, you can make Lex look ineffective."
IC: "Shyrakats have only recently been allowed to buy their freedom by earning money and literally purchasing their rights. That is part of the process we've worked up to free them, and noone major really exists out among them who doesn't hate us. We can try to find someone, however"
Liaison Jhoout *ahems* briefly, and adjusts his specs. He picks up his datapad, and reads aloud.
"I remember AMbassador Bosska conducting a fact-finding mission to find out the fate and treatment of the Shyrakat, and he noted that a Shyrakat he conducted an interview with seemed a likeable sort. Pretty sound in reasoning ability, fit in mental faculties, no real ill wishes born on this person."
He looks up at the assembled council. "This sounds to me to be a fairly moderate sort of fellow. What do you think of this being?"
IC: "We don't know exactly who it was that was interviewed"
Jhoout glances up from his pad. "Surely you had some way to identify who it was that was brought in for the interview? If so, perhaps a search should be implimented for this being?"
IC: "Yeah, but what should we do then? if we don't know the name it's obvious this Shyrakat most probably has done nothing noteworthy. The only thing we could do is use planned events to make her in to some kind of public figure to use for our purposes"
23-02-2004, 05:40
Corporal Lowell shrugs. "If you've got five years..."
Jhoout shakes his head in the universal sign of 'no'. "I don't believe that is the best idea. This individual should be considered lost. They may surface sometime soon, but let's not rest strategy on coincidence."
Jhoout stands, and paces a bit. He seems to avoid the area directly behind his seat.
"This Asu Lex must be discredited. But not by overt means of propoganda. No, i'm thinking something more devious. Something that would even give a character such as herself pause."
IC: "That's the optimistic side of the possibilities" General Fletch piped up from over by his map, where he'd stood the whole time "The reality is that it could happen anytime in the next 5 years. Maybe in the next few days if things are worse than we know. That's not likely the case though. Praise Jesus"
Hayfield said to Jhoout "Devious? How?"
"Devious....hmmmm...not my strong suit. Moral upholdings, after all. But perhaps my 'guardian angel' may shed light on a trap that once worked for a brigand in Sakkra." He looks at the space behind his chair. "Sheer, you can make yourself known now."
A 2.6 meter female Sakkran, wearing a tight blue-black bodysuit, seemingly appears behind Jhoout's chair. "Greetings. I am Agent Jheer of the Skeen."
Maintaining her position, she eyes all the assembled peoples, and H'zta with a nod. "This being is obviously garnering information from some manner of security leak. Feed false information down the ranks. Let this Asu Lex attack her own people. A civilian structure or encampment should be made worthy target. A weapons dump, monetary cache, whatever will pass."
"Whatever it is, it should be something that this being should find difficult to resist. Post guards at this target, to keep up appearances. Not too many, yet not too few."
IC: Hayfield looked up "The target, of course would be not nearly as valuable as it seemed?"
"Of course not. It would contain civilian workers, preferably the ShyraKat, merely loading or unloading construction materials. It would be a huge asset for your government if the construction material was really to be used in the making of some manner of medical facility."
Sheer gets a wicked look on her face. "No-one would like someone that not only killed their own people, but did so to seemingly stop help from getting to those in need?"
IC: "If we're feeling really bold we can try a further step" the Chief of Police put in.
23-02-2004, 06:50
After returning the nod, H'zta concentrates on her hands, knowing that what the plan was necessary after a fashion but still rather disgusted, comparing it in her head to her ideals and finding it wanting. There has to be a better way. Cho frowns as he looks at the Diplomatic Officer, then follows her lead, holding his jaw shut. Hortense and Lowell look at each other and say nothing, looking rather unhappy nonetheless.
"One should not over-extend themselves. This plan is an idea in the making. I'll go over it with the HQ in Sakkra and fine-tune it. Then it will be presented for your approval or dis-approval."
Sheer then looks at Jhoout. "I have made my presentation, Liaison. I will return to my duties."
"Very good, Agent Sheer." At that, the skin of the Sakkran Agent seems to warp and change color, until she blends in seemlessly with the surroundings.
"Gentlemen, ladies and otherwise. The Agent has made a proposition. Personally, it is not something I would suggest, as it could backfire with catastrophic results for all concerned. The risk of instability and outright anarchy is too great in this instance."
"Much rather, I will meet with this Asu Lex in person, and attempt to find some manner of accord that all could agree on. I know that it is hazardous, but that comes with my position. Agent Sheer will accompany me in a clandestine fashion. I will send for other agents as well, to safeguard me."
IC: "All right. Your funeral I guess" Hayfield said, as he took out a cell phone from his coat pocket. He dialed in a short number, and spoke quickly into the phone in Shyran "Select one of the TV and RB broadcasts to call Lex and let her know we want to talk...Do it now, right now...OK, that's good" He put the phone away "She should contact us soon"
"Very good. In the meantime, I must contact the Embassy and apprise them of the situation. If you'll grant me a mote of privacy?" Jhoout stands and nods his head at the assembled council, and leaves the room.
After leaving the room, and the doors being sealed, the Liaison pulls out his datapad and sends a comm to the Sakkran Embassy.
To be routed to Sakkra Diplomatic Corps HQ.
I am embarking on what could be a treacherous meeting woth the bandit Asu Lex. I have been warned that the meeting may end with my head, and so I apprise the Corps of this. Should the worst occur, it is my reccomendation we treat this outlaw as a hostile presence, and take predetermined measures against such things.
Luck willing, i'll send a comm after the meeting.
Liaison Jhoout.
The message is sent, and Jhoout returns to the room, and his seat.
IC: Eventually a man in a dark suit opens the door "Councilmembers. Asu Lex has called us through her usual contacts" A speaker-phone is set up in the center of the room, and the speaker turned on. An oddly polite voice issues forth from the speaker "I was told there was someone who wanted to speak with me?" Polite as it is, however, the voice carries some sinister undertones.
"Liaison Jhoout of the Sakkran Diplomatic Corps, at your service. I am joined by Ambassador H'zta of the Scolopendran Embassy in Sakkra. Before we begin, do you have any questions, or perhaps an opening statement that you would make for us, to acquaint ourselves to you?"
IC: A pause is followed by a simple response "I'd like to ask you to do something for me Liaison Jhoout of the Sakkran Diplomatic Corps, and your companion Ambassador H'zta of the Scolopendran Embassy in Sakkra: Look around the room you're in now. I don't doubt the Council is there with you. Did you notice anything about them?"
Ambassador Jhoout looks about the room, and sniffs the air. "They are all human, of mixed races and genders." Another deep whiff. "Someone is wearing a touch too much cologne."
"I believe I understand what you are alluding to. No ShyraKat is present, yes?"
IC: "Good, you're smart. I hate talking to idiots"
24-02-2004, 06:21
H'zta frowns after her own scent-taking. "Yes. I find the situation rather... unfortunate." Her tone indicates that she's putting it very mildly.
"As have I, but perhaps we of the Sakkra Diplo-Corps tend to let many things .... slide. It is in our nature, one may say. I believe that situation is being rectified, yes?" Jhoout casts eyes on the assembled council, each eye moving independently of the other.
IC: "You expect us to trust them?" That question came from the Chief of Police, and elicited a glare from General Fletch, As well as a laugh from the phone.
24-02-2004, 15:13
"Actually, no." H'zta voice becomes sterner, bat-wing ears folding back. "We do not expect you to trust them. We know you will need to trust them in time, and now is a much better time to establish trust than when there might be yet more bad blood between you."
A momentary pause. "It may do well to build that necessary trust if you make the first concession now. If you have free ShyraKats, then it is only fitting that they be allowed into the self-governing bodies of Shyra on their own merits. That way, when the rest are freed,"--she gives it the sound of certainty--"a history of self-governance and a willingness among the ruling body to assist them will already be in place."
IC: Hayfield sighed "We can try to work something out"
"Very good. A charter to that effect should be signed, pehaps, by representatives of all parties concerned. Does anyone object to that?"
Jhoout makes a mental note of the reticance surrounding this idea. This is going to be fraught with ill feelings.
IC: "It's not as simple as that, I'm afraid" General Fletch said "Customs are different from place to place"
25-02-2004, 04:40
"Then what will work?" H'zta asks simply.
IC: "We don't just go by the paper with pretty red ink on it in Shyra" Hayfield explained simply "We hold to the belief that a treaty, or an agreement is only worth something if it is meant. And it must be signed in person by all concerned parties. Something Lex would never do" The reply from Lex over the phone is immediate "Stay in the same room as you? Not bloody probable"
"The classic debate. Well, someone has to be willing to take the leap of faith. There seem to be ill feelings all around. Council! Asu Lex! Are you willing to shed the blood of thousands, maybe more, for the sake of pride and old hatred?"
IC: "Nothing is wrong with justified hatred" Asu Lex said, before anyone on the Council could speak "And my hatred of Humans, my entires SPECIES' hatred of Humans, is well justified"
25-02-2004, 05:06
H'zta scoffs. "Your hatred of particular humans may be justified. If you wish to paint an entire species with your hatred because of the stupid actions of a few, then you are just as bigoted as the slavers are. You believe yourself to be better than them, no? Prove it. Do not give in to an unjust hatred against people wholly unrelated to your suffering."
25-02-2004, 05:06
H'zta scoffs. "Your hatred of particular humans may be justified. If you wish to paint an entire species with your hatred because of the stupid actions of a few, then you are just as bigoted as the slavers are. You believe yourself to be better than them, no? Prove it. Do not give in to an unjust hatred against people wholly unrelated to your suffering."
Obviously logic is lost on this one. If I try logic, she'll retaliate with rage. Huh.
"Are you certain you speak for your 'entire' species when you make that statement?"
IC: "I speak for every Shyrakat who's smart enough to know exactly what Humans have done to us. That's just about every last one" Asu Lex said matter-of-factly "You'd find it hard not to hate a whole species yourself if they'd enslaved you and your people for years"
27-02-2004, 04:00
27-02-2004, 04:09
Corporal Hortense makes a motion to the rest of the Scolopendran party with his hands, who then huddle close over the desk around him. "لكننيّ أعتقد أنّ لدينا مشكلة هنا," he begins in Arabic, "لكنّ لدينا مشكلة."
"لذا لاحظت ,العريف" The kzinret replies, "هل لديك أيّ اقتراحات ؟"
"ليس بالضّبط يعمل تبدو عاقلةً, المدام"
"ذلك واضح إلى حدّ ما," Corporal Lowell mutters.
H'zta shoots a look to Lowell before nodding back at Hortense, a gesture to continue. "أشرت إلى التّعصّب الملازم بالفعل في رأيها لن تتردّد"
Hortense smiles conspiratorially. "ربّما خيار آخر ضروريّ"
Sergeant Cho raises an eyebrow. "الانتزاع ؟"
"من الممكن" Hortense nods, then continues. "هؤلاء مستاءون جدًّا من الحكومة الحاليّة يمكن أن يُعْطَوْا الخيار للمجيء إلى سكولوبيندرا" He looks over at the human Shyran officials. "قد أدمجنا العامّات فيما مضى"
"نعم, لكنّ لماذا سيختارون ذلك ؟" H'zta frowns. "يريدون الانتقام الغير منطقيّ ببساطة"
"إذا لا شيئ آخر, يمكن أن نعمله على نطاق محدود" Cho explains as he gets the idea. "أظهر لهم أن ليس كلّ النّاس أشرار و ذلك التّكامل ممكن"
Lowell nods. "يمكن أن نظهر كيف قد أدمجنا كزين, العفاريت, ميتاهمانز, نونهمانز ..."
"بالضّبط" Hortense smiles again.
H'zta still frowns, turning the idea over in her head. "لكنّ من نعرضه إلى هذا ؟ شيراكاتس الحرّ ؟"
"بالطّبع" Xavier replies. "إذا رتّبوا سكّة الحديد تحت الأرض التي هي بيروجاتيف, طالما لا نعرف عنه"
"مختلس" H'zta rubs her chin with one massive hand. "لكنّ لا أكثر مختلسًا من ترتيب الاغتيالات و جرائم القتل للوم على الآخرين" Ears twitching, she smiles. "الفكرة الجيّدة, هورتنس"
Hortense smiles broadly. "شكرًا, المدام"
"سأنظّفه مع صديقنا كالزّواحف هنا" With that, the huddle breaks and H'zta leans over to Jhoota and speaks in the broken Sakkran she's picked up from living there for so long. "What possibility of extraction to Scolopendra? Feasible?"
Excuse me, but we have a problem.
So I noticed, Corporal. Do you have any suggestions?
She does not exactly sound reasonable, ma'am.
That is rather obvious.
I already pointed out the inherent bigotry in her opinion. She will not waver.
Maybe another option is necessary.
An extraction?
Possibly. Those so dissatisfied with the current government could be given the option to come to Scolopendra. We have integrated populaces before.
Yes, but why would they pick that? They simply want irrational revenge.
If nothing else, we can do it on a small scale. Show them that not all humans are evil and that integration is possible.
We can show how we have integrated kzin, elves, metahumans, nonhumans...
But who do we offer to this? Free ShyraKats?
Of course. If they arrange an Underground Railroad, that is their perogative, as long as we do not know about it.
Sneaky. But no more sneaky than arranging assassinations and killings to blame on others. Good idea, Hortense.
Thank you, ma'am.
I will clear it with our reptilian friend here.
Somewhere in the Shyran Countryside:
Asu Lex rubbed her eyes, and twitched her ears as she sat in her chair. Athe Thas, one of her Chief Aides, sat down by the Coded Transmitting Device next to her. She covered the speaker on the phone with her hand and whispered "Go" to him as silently as possible. She lifted her hand from the speaker, and That typed out a message. The message Thas sent was sent to many Shyrakat Resistance Cells nationwide, and read:
"Der Stuhl ist gegen die Wand. Öffnen Sie die Tür"*
Within minutes, reports began coming in to Jonokoro reporting an extreme increase of unrest nationwide. Eventually, the reports reached the Council. the Aide who came in the door handed it to Hayfield. Hayfield read the report, then looked up, and gulped, he then whispered "God help us" after that he spoke aloud "Something's about to begin" he said to the whole room.
* "The chair is against the wall. Open the door"
Jhoout blinks a bit, and adjusts his specs. "When you say 'something is about to begin', it sounds like ill winds are blowing. What is it that has begun?"
IC: Hayfield smiled a nervous smile as he replied "We intercepted a message from an unknown location reading 'Der Stuhl ist gegen die Wand. Öffnen Sie die Tür' That phrase translate into 'The chair is against the wall. Open the door' That's a code we've known for a while as one of their major Go Codes"
27-02-2004, 07:31
H'zta decides that if any time is appropriate, it would be now. "I wish to offer a common... service of Scolopendra's. We are willing to accept any ShyraKats who are willing to come to the Federated Segments of Scolopendra as full citizens pending a civics and ethical philosophy class, if they agree to renounce violence as a means of gaining political power. In the Segments they will be able to see the successful adaptation of culture to many integrated species, all working together in relative harmony. We will introduce them to our history and show that there are historic precedents which prove that violence is not the only way to achieve one's goals."
Such as an underground railroad, the diplomatic officer thinks. We have no extradition treaty with Shyra, and I am sure I can arrange a rather slow extradition process with Sakkra in these circumstances. The evidence will, of course, be limited.
"This is the last offer I believe we can realistically make to either side."
IC: "Don't you understand?" one of the other members of the Council asked "With that code sent, it may already be to late for a peacefull solution. That code is believed to be a signal for all Shyrakat Resistance Cells to take up arms!"
27-02-2004, 16:19
"I understand full well." H'zta looks coldly at the councilmember in question. "That does not preclude me from making the effort. If you finally reap the whirlwind for your enslaving ways, I cannot say I feel much in the way of pity. Our only options now are to limit the violence and ensure that there is not a direct inversion of power. Just as we disapprove your slavery of the ShyraKats, we would disapprove of their slavery of you.
"Anyone willing to flee, human or ShyraKat, is free to do so. Slavery is extremely illegal in the Federated Segments, so it is suggested that anyone who could come afoul of the law emancipate their 'assets'"--the word comes in a tone just above a sneer--"before requesting asylum."
IC: "Don't act like we're nothing but slavers!" the same Council Member said "We've set up a program to free them over the next several years. We obviousley can't set them all free at once, or our economy would collapse. We're having trouble keeping it at it's current levels right now" At this Asu Lex spoke again "I've got to say you Humans are truly pathetic. This discussion is over as far as I'm concerned" She then severed the connection.
Somewhere in the Shyran Countryside:
Asu Lex looked up at Athe Thas with a smile "It's time" Athe smiled at that, and sent the final code. This code's meaning was obvious:
"Lassen Sie die Flüsse rot laufen"*
With that the latest reports came in. These reports spoke of open violence flaring up in several small towns acrossed the nation. The towns of Larien, Gasper, and Alteri had already been cut off from communications. seemingly dropping off the map.
*"Let the rivers run red"
Jhouut whips up his datapad fast, and keys in to the news-feeds for the Shyran channels. If something comes up, he'll be hearing of it.
"The offer by Ambassador H'zta stands in the Empire as well. It seems that the wheel has turned in full now. So my question is, what will you do now, esteemed Council?"
High in orbit, a Thelasi recon sat watched the proceedings below.
Thelas: The orbital device saw that the towns known as Gasper, and Larien are in flames. The town of Alteri seemed to have been overrun by Shyrakat Raiders. The Human population of Alteri, or what's left of them, have all been herded into the Town Square by the Raiders. Signs of combat are evident everywhere, and it looks like the surviving Humans are going to be treated to a mass-execution.
Council Meeting: Hayfield looked at the latest reports "It is reported that 2 towns have been destroyed so far, and another is believed to have been overrun. This isn't good. General Fletch?" The General looked up "I can mobilize the Army, and tell the Rocket Corps to solidify defense at the Missile Base" "Good" Hayfield looked at the Sakkran, and Scolopenedran being "Our country has 24 Minuteman III ICBMs, all at a single base"
28-02-2004, 00:50
The meeting
H'zta perks up her ears. "Destroyed? Not captured?"
Cho unclips his blocky communications device from the web-belt of his fatigues and opens up the lid-screen. Quickly typing a message in with his thumb, he presses a button before slapping the cover closed and snapping it back to his belt. Seeing the curious looks his corporals give him, the sergeant frowns. "On authority as the ranking Triumvirate military member in the area, I'm sending a request up to TYCS for survelliance and support."
* - * - *
In orbit
New orders recieved from Earth Theatre Local Headquarters on Valhalla Station, the VSS-13 Voyeur spy satellite network imperceptibly shifts. Shyra, now a priority location for observation, becomes the target for the next orbital pass of several satellites, ensuring constant coverage until ETLHQ says differently.
* - * - *
In Saturnian Space
"What... now?" Fleet Admiral Alijse Broeckaert raises an eyebrow, standing up from her console in the command room of the superfortress O'Neill. "We've just taken aboard our contingent of Pterodayctl IIs and are still situating... and just after what happened on Titan..."
Task Force Guardian reports that the aggressor has disappeared, the grim voice of the CINCTYCS grumbles over the speakers, and Horizon is no longer a threat. The First Space Superiority must regroup, but we have several cruiser squadrons ready to move out. They do not have the ground forces necessary to perform an extraction operation, however. Moving you out will not appreciably reduce our conventional defenses.
"Understood, sir." Sighing, the fleet admiral sits back down. "We'll move out at best possible speed. Given transit through the Exclusion Zone, jump, and tactical maneuvering, it will be two or three hours until we are on-station."
That gives us some time to gather more information on the situation. We do know that the Scolopendran mission to Sakkra is currently in a meeting; their security is also a priority. More information will be forthcoming while in transit.
"Acknowledged and acting, sir. O'Neill out." Tapping a contact on her console, the fleet admiral adjusts her green uniform and settles back in her chair. "Helm, get us out of the FTL Exclusion Zone at best possible time; take the shortest route. Navigator, prepare jump coordinates for Earth Theatre, coordinate with TYCSHQ via Comms. I'm putting the ship at Alert Condition Zero." Tapping another contact, the lighting turns a definite shade of yellow as the massive ship lumbers forward, slowly accelerating out of the gravitational influence of Saturn. (
(OOC: Probably won't need the hardware, but it will be useful to establish positioning nonetheless [thanks to one thread stalling])
Meeting: "Destroyed" Hayfield confirmed. General Fletch was now in the process of mobilizing his Army, and he was giving his full attention to the phone "I don't care how you do it, Colonel, just mobilize your Regiment!"
In orbit above Earth, the Thelasi forces that comprised the RSF-2 (Rapid Response Fleet Two) scrambled, Zero Fighters moved into their launch racks, soon almost 20,000 troops from the Rapid Response Third Division had boarded their transports, and were waiting, just waiting.
Transmission, Thelasi Battle Command, to Shyran Government
“Recently, one of our satellites, orbiting above your nation, detected a civil war in progress. Although usually Thelas does not become involved in these matters, we would like to ask if you require assistance. As it seems that these rebels have genocide in their hearts.
~Force Commander Thelinela”
Slowly, the fleet moved into position, and began to move, slowly and carefully through the crowded space lanes above Thelas.
28-02-2004, 03:12
Valhalla Station
Earth Theatre Local Headquarters, TYCS
"The Voyeur net has intercepted a transmission from that Thelasi fleet that just activated."
"Send it up the line. ETA of the O'Neill action group?"
"O'Neill will arrive in two hours. Roving Cruiser Squadrons Charlie and Echo are on-station."
"Order the RCSes to station-keep over Shyra. Establish reconnaissance over the area."
* - * - *
To Force Commander Thelinela
Shyra is a protectorate of the Empire of Sakkra, a Triumvirate member nation. We are currently deploying forces to evaluate and deal with the situation, probably commencing extraction operations posthaste. The System Defense Fortress O'Neill will arrive in two hours; we will confer with Sakkra and come up with a plan of action. We request that you stand by until we have determined an appropriate plan of action. Lance Hawke
Foot-to-Ass (formerly Defense) Section
Federated Segments of Scolopendra
* - * - *
The meeting
H'zta's communicator beeps; she unclips it, holds it to her bat-wing ear, and nods. Looking up, she eyes the Shyran council. "Tell us how to contact Asu Lex. We have a message for her concerning her peculiar treatment of noncombatants."
Meeting: "Try this number" Hayfield writes down a phone number while General Fletch continues to talk to his various underlings.
Thelas: We'll get back to you.
Jhoout gets a comm on his datapad, and flips it open. Reading the message, he manages the equivalent of a grin; his neck-crest raises half-high.
We have received your transmission, and have activated the 23rd Infantry group, as well as several wings of Sweeper drones. They will watch over, and guard our assets there in Shyra, as well as targets of possible opportunity. Several battalions are being mobilized, and will await news.
Keep your head down, Liaison Jhoout. No need for bravery.
General Gaarm[/code:1:bfe5575cce]
"General Gaarm has sent word. Several infantry battalions are enroute to guard the Sakkran embassy, as well as vital infrastructure. I would stringly reccomend deactivating the ICBM warheads, as i'm certain that those could be used in a hostage situation."
Meeting: "That might be a good idea. But we could need the warheads at some point" General Fletch said.
Lutika: In the small town of Lutika there was trouble. Major Peter Hastings had lost most of his soldiers in heavy fighting against Shyrakat Raider attacks throughout the town. He was now in the Manager's Officer of the local store, and was with only 5 other people. He had with him a Sergeant, 3 Privates, and Captain Bob Harding. Captain Harding was the same Bob Harding who had been captured by Shyrakats as a Second Lieutenant a few years ago "Captain. you've fought the Raiders before. Any thoughts?" Harding shook his head "Nothing you want to hear sir" At that moment the door began shaking as someone hit it from the immediate outside "What I can't understand is how they knew where our CP was" Hastings said. Harding seemd to hide a smile at that, and just as Hastings was about to ask him why he was smiling the door broke down to admit around 10 Raiders. The Raiders killed the Sergeant, and his 3 Privates in a hail of gunfire. Major Hastings got off a shot with his pistol before they killed him as well. Captain Harding stood up after that and smiled "Captain Harding?" the leader of the small group of Raiders asked "Yeah" Harding said "Good. Will you be coming with us now, or meeting up with us later on?" "I'll just come with you now. No sense in staying here" "Sure" Captain Harding then left the building with the Raiders.
"It is good that the warheads may be needed at soem point, but right now they are entirely too tempting a target for a raid. At the least, you can issue orders to your Rocket Corps to render them unusable for the time being."
Meanwhile, at Hreer Military Complex
General Gaarm oversees the mobilizations of the 4th and 13th Armor Cavalry groups. The 23nd Infantry Company is also being mobilized, and issued their orders. As they board the Monitor IIa transport shuttle at Kastaa Airfield, the lead of this grouping, one Commander Ssthaa, rubs her dewlap as the hiss chun of the Armor Cavalry's Minion Suits are being loaded.
She turns to her second, Lt. Khass. "What do you think? Another chicken run, or will there be some action?"
The Lt blinks. "Chicken run?"
"Yes. All bluster, and then they surrender when we show. Like playing 'chicken'."
"Frankly, Sirrah, I think this is serious. I've been briefed on the situation, and the bandits seem not only desperate, but at least a little insane."
"Noted." She fits on her headset, and dials in the Company's military frequency. "All Armor Cavalry, be prepped for hot-dropping into active fire zones at any moment. We're going in hot."
"Very well. We'll have the ICBMs rendered useless for now"
In recent news, it has been declared by the Raider Asu Lex that she is forming a new nation within Shyra. The name of this nation is the New Nonhuman Republic of Shyra. She has declared herself to be the Provisional President, and she also declares that the Provisional Capital is in the town of Alteri. This new nation takes up the Northern-most 30% of Shyra, and is all very rugged terrain. Very hard for soldiers unused to it to fight in.
01-03-2004, 16:36
The Meeting
The sergeant nods, then transmits the number to his sources. "Not much else for us to do but wait."
TYWS-MCR Repulse
Station-Keeping over Shyra
Flag Captain Kelan Schrodinger folds his arms, closely examining the map of Shyra displayed on a monitor just to the left of the omnipresent spherical strategic situation indicator board. "So, we have a nationalist movement in the northern third. Kurds Redux, anyone?"
"Except I don't think the Kurds killed off Iraqi civilians left and right," Repulse's sensor officer grumbles. "One has to go just a bit deeper into history to see uprisings that turn genocidal."
Schrodinger nods. And O'Neill[/i] is still a half-hour out.[/i] "Ya, but fortunately we don't have to get involved quite yet. Our job is just to extract civilians; we can ferry them to the south. Sensors, start making lists of towns and cities that are at risk or at the potential of risk and start prioritizing."
"Acting, sir. By the by, I've been able to figure out where the diplomatic mission is."
"Good. By all reports, it's a Shyran council meeting and thus quite the center of gravity. If the opposition can strike there, they probably will." Schrodinger nods again, then turns. "MarineCom, get a Scarab ready with marines. We don't particularly need assault armor to extract our diplomats. FlightCom, prepare an element of Excaliburs to escort the shuttle; and Comms, tell them that we're going to show up."
Three voices call out "Acting" as the addressed officers turn to their stations and begin relaying orders in more detail. Two fighters already on ready standby cycle through into launch airlocks while twenty marines in standard powered armor file into a coleopteran Scarab utility shuttle. Hovering into its own launch bay, the shuttle waits as the fighters launch first, then the shuttle follows soon after, the sleek bodies of the attack craft forming up in echelon left with the shuttle in the middle.
The Meeting
Cho's communicator chirrups; after taking a moment to check the text displayed he nods to himself. "A ride's coming in." Standing up, he carefully checks out the nearest window. "Of course, it figures the one time we go unarmed is the one time it would help to be armed. If I were you, I'd disperse and become somewhat less of a concentrated target; General, if you could ensure that our birds aren't shot at as they come down it would be greatly appreciated."
"Contacted, sir."
"Excellent. Now get the Sakkrans on the horn and see what their plans are. Use Sensor's target listings to coordinate operations. Also, get a tech to flash O'Neill that she better be ready to drop the instant she arrives."
"Acting, sir."
Approximately 4.1 million kilometers from Saturn
Fleet Admiral Broeckaert sighs after reading over the missive, then starts grumbling to herself. "Yes, Captain Schrodinger, I already know that... unfortunately, we had to finish taking on supplies while moving and now we're going to attempt a jump with M.I. on ready standby instead of in standard pre-jump bracing."
Looking up, she picks up her voice. "Helm, standby for jump maneuver. Upon arrival in Earth Theatre, immediate rendezvous course with the TYCS forces already above Shyra. FlightCom, status?"
"The First System Defense Land-Air and Mobile Infantry Divisions are on ready standby; we can immediately launch Pterodactyls and drop assault armor after jump. The First System Defense Fighter Wing is also ready."
"Excellent. Once we jump, get the Second M.I. Division to provide security for the Lokis, have them ready to land and extract. GroundCom, do we have a plan?"
"Not yet, ma'am. We've been flashed by Repulse that she's taking care of initial planning and coordination with the Sakkran military."
"Excellent." The fleet admiral leans back into her chair. "Helm, execute jump."
To Asu Lex and the Provisional Government of the New Nonhuman Republic of Shyra
Connected via TYCS Voyeur satellite phone links
We have no concern over your indepedence. Congratulations. We have no love for the oppressors.
Learn from the mistakes of your former masters. Be better than them. Must you oppress in turn when you have the chance? The mass murders in Gasper, Larien, and Alteri are unacceptable and we will not allow such crimes against sentience--no matter its form--to continue.
Dropships will come shortly to extract those humans which you despise. We have no quarrel with your government; we only wish to save civilians which may otherwise come to harm. We will not fire unless fired upon; we only wish to arrive, load up, and leave.
This solves your problem--no humans in your republic--and allows us to stay true to our ideals. If nothing else, allow us to extract them to the south. Emperor Speaker-to-Animals
Chief of State
Federated Segments of Scolopendra
Channel remains open for response
The Monitor IIa transport shuttles come into Shyran airspace and reduce speed to 425 kph. Sweeper drones scout out the area 750 meters around, scanning the ground for possible hostile forces near the airstrip. IR, ultraviolet and thermographic sensors sweep all around.
The rear cargo door of the shuttle opens, and 40 TacSoft troopers, also known as infantry, leap out into the air. Paragliding wings open shortly thereafter, and the groups glide at a controlled descent to the ground. Once hitting ground, and after doing a swift tuck-and-roll, the praragliders are folded swiftly and neatly, and repacked.
Squads of 5 form up and secure a perimeter at the strip of land that will soon become an impromptu airfield. Shrubs, stones and the like are cleared as the Monitor IIa shuttles begin making their descent.
In the Meeting-Room
"Well, this is interesting. I believe the contract for protectorate status maintained aiding in defense from external threats. Internal risings, however, are a different story. While some forces are being deployed to keep the Sakkran Embassies, and vital infrastructure, protected, it seems the rest will be in your hands."
The Plan
Looking over the map of Shyra, several areas of unused land were deemed capable of becoming emergency airstrips. Combat Engineer teams, and the 23rd Para-Infantry, are currently making these strips of land usable for landing supplies, and troops for securing vital infrastructure facilities, as well as to protect Sakkran holdings. These will also be used as Evac centers for refugees fleeing the conflict.
Four Evac centers in total, each has a battalion of troops and combat engineers. Food, quickly set up shelters and water are being distributed at these Evac centers while refugees await extraction. Word is being spread to the civilians.
02-03-2004, 06:03
The call for assistance had not gone without notice in Ravenspire, a Triumvirate member. The orbits of a few satellites shifted slightly, bringing them into better position and, quietly, among the starships that orbited above Ravenspire space, a small number, a selected task force, edged their way into readiness.
But nothing was said, and nothing further was done... yet.
OOC: Anyone there? Hellooooo.....