NationStates Jolt Archive

And flights of angels... (Death of Alexander Black)

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18-02-2004, 08:08
OOC: I swore this day would never come. Sadly, it has. This is the end for a character that has been in almost all of my threads, that has made a permanent mark upon my country, and hopefully NS.

Well, almost the end of him. I have a few invite only threads which will feature him, and several threads he is participating in haven't reached their conclusion.

As far as the majority of NS is concerned, though, Prince Alexander Black is as dead as a dead dodo.


12 years into the future... ((From the other threads I was in when this was starting, fit it into your own schedule as you wish))

<weird time-warpy thing>

IC:!XD9Gg*7*ehF6cH*X5IlDKRUjPRICPEmwC9rc1aZwmReN85!7qA!YJxm33q0wxM9OK3VyTIIOPjr!8hJ4w3XbF7cqd2 SlNu6Th!XZQ3fwTcINg/flotbolt.gif?dc=4675459847400568369

"This is the Roanian Independent, reporting to you now live from Royal Square," the reporter said, standing before a large monument. "And Prince Alexander Black, and Prime Minister Harold Cartwright will be turning the corner soon."

An open topped limo started down the street. Alexander waved to the crowd, sitting next to him the Prime Minister, a short tubby man. The car stopped, and they both began to walk towards the stand.*qjT75tBfHXnhdWrxlSclxJAB*6oz2NffIshIHDR!LN039kMOf0J1IvA3DqROkkTUM*t9wJKiT8rc pew8baPM/John.jpg?dc=4675460296636458629
Prime Minister Harold Cartwright
Most Holy Principality of Roania

The Prime Minister reached the podium. The reporter started to speak again. "And, Mr. Cartwright is preparing to announce the Prince, here, at this memorial for those who fell in that awful war, 12 years ago."

Harold blinked nervously. "Um... honored Lords and Ladies of the realm... it is my esteemed pleasure... to introduce his highness the Prince of Roania."

Loud cheering greeted his words. Stepping aside, he bowed as the Prince used his cane to mount the stairs. Alexander reached the podium. "Honored lords and ladies, distinguished guests, ambassadors, friends. It is with great pride that I stand here today, to honor those who fell 12 years ago in the name of our free lives. They died not in vain, my friends, because we have come through, and entered a better Roania. One with oppurtunities for all." He waved his hand at the memorial, taking in the city as well. "This, my friends, is what they fought for. This is..."

There was a commotion. A man charged out of the crowd. The reporter started to speak again. "A man has run from the crowd... he's yelling something at the Prince... Shadow Angels are maneuvering to capture him..."

All of a sudden the man pulled a handgun from a pocket. He pointed it at the Prince, and shot 12 bullets into Alexander's chest. The Prince fell backwards.

"Oh my fucking god! He assassinated the Prince! Alexander...!" The reporter started to run. The crowd surged forward at the offender, murder in their eyes.

The assassin smiled. "I am glad to die for my country!"

The Shadow Angels caught him, and began to pull him away. He escaped their grasp, shouting out, "The nobles have been trampling on us for too long, my brethren! Workers, unite behind the banner of Macchiavelli!" The guards grabbed him, and that was the last heard of him. Angel

The reporter reached the Prince's side. "Sir, are you..."

The Prince looked up through bloodrimmed eyes. "I go to my father... I just wish... for one more day..." He shuddered, and crumbled.

The camera jostled around. The Reporter turned, wiped away a tear, and said in an emotional voice, "A dreadfull pall has been cast over these events as... as..." he gave up. "The Grand Duchess Malissa, and Princess Kelly will be informed shortly... God be with us."

The Prime Minister turned. "Wait! I have... um..." He straightened. "These will be trying times... but I assure you, people of Roania, that life will continue as it has, and reforms will go ahead! Already the Shadow Angels have begun the process of seeking out the people behind this dreadful attack."

The reporter nodded. "We'll be having... um... more coverage... in a little while. This is David Mattinburgh, from TRI."
18-02-2004, 08:20
OOC: By the way, this is all public knowledge. Everyone knows about it, it was a global transmission.
18-02-2004, 08:39
OOC: Note, despite progress of time elsewhere, I do not wish to run 2 sets of charas simulataneously, so all of my people will be the same. Ease of RP > Timeline Correctness. :P


The Director was not happy. Well, he was never happy, but today he was more than his normal brooding self. He had the unfortunate job of giving the Chancellor the data on the Roanian incident, or the lack thereof, in this case. Before him, the great doors to the Chancellor's Office rested, guarded by six Marines in full dress uniform.

"Good afternoon, sir." The ranking Marine stated. "The Chancellor is waiting."

The doors parted, and Kerrik entered the room, his eyes taking in the surroundings. In the room were Chancellor Fenris, National Security Advisor Vek, and Secretary of State Gooding, as well as General Cross. Only one General, two civilians. Good news.

The Chancellor glanced up, "Ah, Anderas. Good to see you. What do you have for me?"

Kerrik held out the too thin manilla folder. "Not much, sir. ELINT and COMINT has confirmed that this incident did take place, but as you know, HUMINT has been notoriously hard to maintain in Roania. Here's the pictures DarkStar managed to capture, as well as downloaded Roanian phone logs and and monitor re-creation. All in all, I can give you this man's basic description, that the Roanians are after him, and that Prince Black is indeed dead."

Fenris narrowed his eyes. "We had nothing to do with this, right, Director. Rarely does intel have this little information, and we've been on good terms with Roania since the Civil War."

"Sir, no, we did not. The reason we know so little is that no one knows any more than this. Once the Roanians get him, I'll have more data from satellite dumps and such, but until then..."

Fenris turned away. "Well, then, we issue a formal condemnation, our condolences, and we wait for the ISA to catch up with the ball." The Chancellor's voice was cutting.

Kerrik nodded, ready to escape the room, "I'll get on it, sir." Asshole.
18-02-2004, 08:46
Tabris looks up from his work.

"Is he dead?"

The young Lt nods.

"Excellent, the Tiberium future now has a chance with our biggest threat trying to find out who did it, i trust you took the nessesary precautions?"

The Lt nods again.

"Yes sir, all agents have been recalled and the other collaborators have taken their cyinide"

Tabris nods and grins.

"Then the game is set, and prepare our defences just incase, i am going to send my codolences to the family"

The Lt nods and leaves the room, Tabris turns to his Vid Screen making himself appear like a emotionless mask, he calls Roania's Royal family and starts to speak.

"This is Tabris Anobi of the NOD Forces, i am saddened to hear of your princes death and my entire organization shall remember him as a hero, Goodbye"

he turns off the screen and starts to laugh aloud.
18-02-2004, 08:49
Tag for now, IC post coming
18-02-2004, 08:53
Malissa stared. "He's... what?"

"My lady, your father was recently killed by a terrorist linked to the Roanian Socialist Alliance." The captain saluted. "That makes you the Princess."

Malissa stared, shocked. Tears started to run from her face. "Who...? Why?" The young woman put her head in her hands.

The Shadow Angel nodded. "We stand ready for your orders."

"My... orders?" Malissa asked, looking up.

"For a general purge of the population, and for the deaths of everyone in the RSA." The captain said, surprised.

"What? NO!" The Princess yelled, leaping to her feet. "No purges!"

"Your father would have had us..." he didn't get to complete his sentence before Malissa, in a very ladylike manner, brought her hand around and slapped him.

"I am not my father." She said, coldly. "Just... find the ringleaders... and take them in. Don't hurt anyone unless you really have to." The tears came once more. "And... and... send in the Prime Minister..."

"Yes, my lady." The captain said, stiffly.*sAj6CUNfbRoXCY9wnJP9nIenJfWHdYDxOt4nNVwonOJW9WfdUwnvJxK89G*Fs9Cerno6blTQ2l 3n9HpnXIwFVMubQuDdg/4Roania2.bmp?dc=4675460298077828974
Princess Malissa Black
By the Grace of God, Princess of the Most Holy Principality of Roania
18-02-2004, 09:26
(Tiberium Missiles!, jajajaja, this guy should see with what kind of weapons you must deal with in this game. I laugh at your tiny tiberium missiles that are made of cardboard, by the way, and that are useless against spacefaring ortillery. Learn a lesson, big countries can reduce you to bits in just seconds, just keep a low profile until you can afford at least to bluff of having a high one. Look, I could blast you to pieces without any retribution and I'm just a "middle class" country in here, you need to see what the real behemonts can do with your "Tiberium missiles")

"Black is dead, and her daughter is the new Princess, Should we send her a message?", said Aliria, always beautiful in the throne room looking at the ShadowPrince...

"No need for that, I'll go to Roania and present my condolences to the Princess all by myself", said the tall and regal elf, smiling broadly...
18-02-2004, 09:34
Calis and Calin sat within the Presidential Palace, shocked. Calis sighed in regret.

"There goes the leader of a good friend. I'll send condolences immediately."

Calin nodded.

"I guess I should go tell Karolyn."
18-02-2004, 09:37
Tabris looks up from his work.

"Is he dead?"

The young Lt nods.

"Excellent, the Tiberium future now has a chance with our biggest threat trying to find out who did it, i trust you took the nessesary precautions?"

The Lt nods again.

"Yes sir, all agents have been recalled and the other collaborators have taken their cyinide"

Tabris nods and grins.

"Then the game is set, and prepare our defences just incase, i am going to send my codolences to the family"

The Lt nods and leaves the room, Tabris turns to his Vid Screen making himself appear like a emotionless mask, he calls Roania's Royal family and starts to speak.

"This is Tabris Anobi of the NOD Forces, i am saddened to hear of your princes death and my entire organization shall remember him as a hero, Goodbye"

he turns off the screen and starts to laugh aloud.

OOC: NOD, please consult me on IC actions before you attempt to hijack my RP. You have no idea what I wanted to accomplish with this.

Thank you.
18-02-2004, 09:38
President Marshall sat within the office, his face in a state of shock as he heard of the assassination of Roania's prince.

"I...I can't believe this. The prince served his country all this time...and now...he's dead."

"Shall I get the press alerted sir of your speech?"

"Yes, and get me Johnson, I'm sending a videofeed to Roania of our condolences."

"Yes sir."
18-02-2004, 10:36
The captain stared morosely at the screen. Back in the good old days of last week, he would have been able to use all the force at his disposal to find these criminals. Now, however, he was stuck here, watching RSA headquarters, hoping something would happen. "I miss Alexander..." he muttered.


Malissa sighed, depressed. "Has mother left her room yet?" She asked, her eyes red from crying.

Balthazar shook his head. "No, your highness." He paused. "Shall I fetch your wine, ma'am?"

Malissa smiled. "Um... yes, please..." she said, distracted.

There was a bustle at the door as the Prime Minister entered. He bowed, his belly jiggling. "Malissa, are you okay?" He whispered, concerned.

Malissa nodded. "Any news?"

"Yes, m'lady. Assington, Kaukolastan, NOD forces, Tarlachia and Aelosia have sent their condolences. And the Shadow Prince of Aelosia is coming as well."
18-02-2004, 13:10
Karolyn wept from her wheelchair. Calin had just informed her of the tragedy within her homeland. He held her as she shed her tears, attempting to comfort her.

"We can go back to Roania if you wish?"
18-02-2004, 14:56
The Aelosian Royal Shuttle, a magnificent black vessel emblazoned with the symbol of the Imperial House of Hyral, the personal transport of the ShadowPrince Kithail Hyral, the Regent of the Fate of the Sacred Sindarin Empire and Lord Protector of Aelosia; finally turned off its engines in the landing pad. The trip was uneventful and the landing easy, after asking to the Roanians authorities the proper clearance to land.

The hatches were opened and the platform was lowered. The ShadowPrince came alone, with no attendants or guards, dressed in an impressive black wraithbone armor, with a crimson cloak over his shoulders. His features were ageless, and his regal look surrounded the place. Then he approached the Roanians near the landing pad, giving them a polite salute with a little nod of his head. "I came here to see the heir, to show her our condolences", were his only words, pronounced in Latin.
18-02-2004, 17:38
President Alexander Valient turned off the VNN channel...

"D'rtang, prepare Air Force One for launch... we're heading to Roania."
19-02-2004, 05:07
Roanian soldiers snapped to full military attention at the appearance of the ShadowPrince. Rank after rank of near-identical men standing in exactly the same way, a sight to warm even the harshest drill-sargeant's heart. They all gave him the Roanian salute, right hand clapping to left breast and extending downwards in a reverse 'Ave'. "Yes, Sire!" A captain crowed, making Sire sound like 'sir'. "The limousine is awaiting you, sire!"

They quickly hustled the Aelosian and his entourage into a black bullet-proof limousine. Around it, Shadow Angels on motorcycles revved up, and behind an LAV cranked into motion. Every flag was at half-mast. As the limousine began to drive towards the Stronghold, the atmosphere became oppressive. Armed soldiers watched all the approaches. What civilians could be seen were dressed entirely in black. Soon, the domes of the Palace could be seen in the mid ground.

An adviser coughed, startling the Prince, who had been looking outside. "I am to presume that Your Highness is aware of the ettiquete of the situation?" He asked, dryly. "No? Very well. Her highness, Princess Malissa, is not a Princess yet. She remains, until the burial of her sainted father, Grand Duchess of Agua. Address her as 'Your Grace.' It would also be unadvised to..."

A solid whack from one of the soldiers guarding the Prince shut the man up. "Be quiet, you."

The convoy turned into the forecourt of the Palace.


Karolyn nodded, then she reached out and held his hand.

OOC: Just post arrival, you don't need to go through with the whole 'going to Roania' thing.
19-02-2004, 05:10
Roanian soldiers snapped to full military attention at the appearance of the ShadowPrince. Rank after rank of near-identical men standing in exactly the same way, a sight to warm even the harshest drill-sargeant's heart. They all gave him the Roanian salute, right hand clapping to left breast and extending downwards in a reverse 'Ave'. "Yes, Sire!" A captain crowed, making Sire sound like 'sir'. "The limousine is awaiting you, sire!"

They quickly hustled the Aelosian and his entourage into a black bullet-proof limousine. Around it, Shadow Angels on motorcycles revved up, and behind an LAV cranked into motion. Every flag was at half-mast. As the limousine began to drive towards the Stronghold, the atmosphere became oppressive. Armed soldiers watched all the approaches. What civilians could be seen were dressed entirely in black. Soon, the domes of the Palace could be seen in the mid ground.

An adviser coughed, startling the Prince, who had been looking outside. "I am to presume that Your Highness is aware of the ettiquete of the situation?" He asked, dryly. "No? Very well. Her highness, Princess Malissa, is not a Princess yet. She remains, until the burial of her sainted father, Grand Duchess of Agua. Address her as 'Your Grace.' It would also be unadvised to..."

A solid whack from one of the soldiers guarding the Prince shut the man up. "Be quiet, you."

The convoy turned into the forecourt of the Palace.


Karolyn nodded, then she reached out and held his hand.

OOC: Just post arrival, you don't need to go through with the whole 'going to Roania' thing.
19-02-2004, 07:06
<Bump for responses>
19-02-2004, 09:09
"Johnson, get the jet ready to go in an hour. I've changed my mind, we're heading to Roania to correctly pay our respects. Oh, and inform Roania of our plans."

"Yes sir." was the sole reply, and Johnson disappeared from view.

**Three hours later**

President Marshall stepped off the last step of the jet and glanced around at the heavily guarded military airport. Despite this, one could see that the lands of Roania were a sight to behold.

"Alas, we finally visit, though on saddening terms." he commented.

"That is true sir. Let's go, we need to keep you safe."

"Damn it man! We're safe here in Roania, despite what has happened to the prince. Believe me when I say that their military is to be trusted. Never rush me again, or you will find yourself without a job."

"Yes sir, my apologies sir."

"Now where in the bloody hell is that limo I requested for them to have arranged for us?"
The Ctan
19-02-2004, 09:49
The personal shuttle of the Emperor was probably the smallest necron ship in existance. Even so, it was more of a dropship than a shuttle in most people's definition. It also managed to look for all the world like a dagger, a thin, incredibly sharp wedge of a semireflective otherwise black material, studded occasionally with sensors that seemed like translucent collections of crystals, or rows of large and highly reflective windows.

This vehicle was approaching Roania now, cutting through the atmosphere it transmitted, "This is the Imperial Necrontyr Diplomatic Shuttle Seneschal requesting permission to land, the Emperor wishes to pay a visit to Princess Malissa Black."
19-02-2004, 21:56
Air Force One landed at the Roania's military airport designated for foreign dignitaries. The offramp unfurled down and President Valient and Admiral D'rtang walked off.

"This... is a trying time for this nation..."

"Yes it is, D'rtang. It is never easy for a nation to lose it's leader, but still, it is better than a ruler losing his nation..."

Alexander looked around and spied another presidential aircrafte from across the field.

"Who is that, D'rtang?"

"The markings are... Tarlachia."

"Then that must be President Marshall."

Both men, along with a guard of DEO agents, made their way across the tarmac to Marshall's waiting point.

"Hello, I am President Alexander Valient from Valient. I don't believe that we have met before..."
19-02-2004, 23:20
The Prince entered the limo, grinning at the Roanian guards. "I came alone, no attendants, no companions, no guards. Please take me to...How did you say?...Your Grace, Malissa Black", he said in latin with a strong elven accent.

"So, Why should I call a Highborn Princess Duchess?. She's the daughter of Alexander Black, may Eru take good care of his soul, right?. Then she's a Princess, and I'll call her by that title", said the Prince removing his cloak to sit in the limo. "Tell me about Roanian etiquette, I don't want to look rude to her. I thought that you had an advisor for elven affairs right?"
20-02-2004, 00:27

"Uh sir.."

"Don't you 'uh sir' me! Get your job done."


"Boy! If I have to demand you to do your job again, your a** is going to be in prison for the rest of your life!"

"I'm sorry sir, but turn around sir, we have company!" the agent nearly yelled at the President.

"That's it......what?....*turns around* Oh... *mutters under his breath*:Shit..."

President Marshall calmed himself down as much as he could before he spoke calmly to the strangers.

"I'm sorry if you heard that, I've just had a lot of stress on me lately, and unfortunately for these men, they have to take it. *chuckles*

President Valient did you say? It is good to meet you, my name is President John Marshall of Tarlachia. I assume you are here for paying your respects to the deceased prince?"
20-02-2004, 00:41
20-02-2004, 00:42
Phoenix sighed when he watcheed the broad-cast. Even though he hated Alexander he respected him for handeling so many situations like Phoenix had faced. "Sir we lost another outpost," a radio officer says without turing around before realizing that Phoenix wasn't even listening. "I have some were to be. Let Echo and Joshua know to meet me at the Red Star hanger in three hours," Phoenix says before he walks out "And Eric your in comand."
In the Red Star hanger Echo sighed. She was still young thanks to something in her blood and Joshua looked like he was about 18 now with black hair. But there was someone else with them. He looked around extremly shy. But Echo playfuly messed his ambe brown hair up and the three of them started laughing. Suddenly the sound of heavy foot steps stoped the laughing and Joshuua snapedd to antention. Phoenix walked past the three giving a quick salute to Joshua and walked over to a Longsword-LX0 an the hatch opened. "Well we don't got all day....hey who the hell.. never mind just get onboard," Phoenix says quickly as the three board and the rather large fighter takes off towards Roanian airspace
20-02-2004, 01:55
In Crystal City, President Nova Starfighter, now a veritable 20, read the many news reports on the attacks on Prince Black... and smiled. I told you this would come, Alex. If you had listened to me, maybe things would have been different. But you didn't. You chose to opress the people instead of nuturing them. You failed to give them democracy. You sucked away their hope instead of giving them more. And you have lost. Checkmate. But why did it have to be commies? In any case, I guess it'll be my job to find the solution.

Nova sent a message to Captain Sano Shinoske and the CCFH1. "Hey, Sano, can you do me a favor and get a shuttle ready with the Gundams 01 and 07 onboard? I'm going to that country again."

Sano: "Roger that..."

OOC: If you're wondering why he's aged one year when the world has aged 12... Tiburonese, after the age of 12, genetically age around 1/10th as fast as normal humans do. And I'm assuming Kigari's the same age. She got a blood transfusion or... something. I haven't worked it out yet.

16 Hours Later

The shuttle landed in an airspace designated for foriegn aircraft, the President, First Lady Kigari, and Secretary of State Kiro on board.
20-02-2004, 05:53
A strangely coded signal was sent out towards the vessel of the Emperor. It was locked in encryption beyond almost any normal means, and in Roanian besides.

It automatically revealed itself when it arrived on the vessel.

[code:1:c33a970f3e]Honored Emperor, we have expected you. Enter at your own pleasure, in the Spaceport to the south of the Stronghold. A convoy will be there to meet you. Do not deviate from the path, the results could be catastrophic, the communist scum being present anywhere.

A purge will be ordered shortly, there is no doubt.

We have also been informed that the honorable Mr. Cartwright will be greeting you personally, and will take you to meet Her Grace.

Christ guard you.

SS Captain Martinez[/code:1:c33a970f3e]


The guards blinked, and then smacked the advisor again. The man turned, and sullenly stared out the window. "Hmph. I told you all you needed to know. Besides, some people in higher places don't care for the proper ettiquete. Just be friendly, all I can say."

The guards snickered. The captain rolled his eyes. "Yes, we did... Lady Alysanndra Ellestrea, former Prime Minister, currently representative for the elven peoples at the council."

The limousine pulled to a stop. Guards flanked the entrance to the palace, and escorted the ShadowPrince in to meet Grand Duchess Malissa Lucille Black.


Limousines pulled up by the Tarlachian and Valient delegations. Armed guards made it very obvious that these were conversations that could be carried on at another time.


Almost immediately hundreds of soldiers appeared around Nova's spaceplane. Military scanning crews ran tests, and several fairly large turrets made it very clear that attempting to escape would be fairly painful.

Kigari was also taken away, to be run through a debriefing/briefing. Eventually, Nova and Kiro were released, to be picked up by a limousine which drove into the airport, surrounded by an entire legion's armored support vehicles.
20-02-2004, 06:21
Before Valient could reply, two limosines pulled up and a number of guards stepped out, armed, and looking about the area obviously searching for anything out of place.

"Let us continue this in here shall we?" Marshall offered to Valient, and slid into the armored limo, followed by Valient and their bodyguards. A few of the Roanian guards got in as well, and the remainder got into the second limosine.
20-02-2004, 07:14
"Let us continue this in here shall we?"

President Marshall and Valient entered into the limo. With a rap on the glass partition between them and the driver, the convoy pulled away from airport.

"Please, call me Alexander..."

"Yes, I am here to pay my services to not only our fallen ally, but also to honour the whole nation of Roania. Though I have never met him in person, our two nations have worked together on some projects... he was a fine man. I am also here to meet the new leader... a young woman I believe..."

A DEO agent signelled to Alexander. They were close to their destination.

"So what is your business here, Mr.Marshall?"
20-02-2004, 07:22
"I am also here to pay my respects, even though our two governments have not been in contact with each other. However, with this new leader, we hope to establish good relations with them."

Marshall looked out the darkly tinted window, and watched as the limo entered a double set of gates before finally entering the government compound. Security was on its highest level now, and even more alert, especially with the recent arrivals. Marshall was impressed with the rigid military order maintained within Roania. It served to provide a powerful image unto the world of a nation dedicated to its cause.
Magnus Valerius
20-02-2004, 07:32


Will get an RPing post up tomorrow... It's late and I'm tired... :P
20-02-2004, 07:34
OOC: Said cause being the total domination and destruction of all opposed idealogies.

IC post later.
20-02-2004, 09:05
Transmission to Roanian Government
From: Chancellor Fenris
Re: The Tragedy

We feel you loss in this dark moment. We would like to attend His Majesty, Prince Alexander's Funeral, and we also offer the services of our ISA to help you correct this problem. I would like to attend, and we can send a small group of our operatives to assist you in any way you need.
20-02-2004, 16:09
Kithail came out of the limo, fixing his cloak over his shoulders again. "Then where is she?. The elven advisor should be here, helping me to deal with all of you. Well, I'll try to behave in front of...Your Grace, Princess Malissa Black", he said to the advisor, clearly upset.
20-02-2004, 17:04
The Kingdom of Jeruselem is in full mourning at the death our beloved Prince Alexander Tyral Black, ruler of Roania. Our alliance still stands strong and we stand behind the heir to the Roanian crown, Princess Malissa Black.

Crown Prince Hugues will attend the funeral and coronation of the Princess accompanied by some Knights of Jeruselem.

The DotF alliance will miss a staunch defender of the Christian faith.

God bless Roania and it's peoples.

Queen of Jeruselem
Keeper of the Holy Lands

Defenders of The Faith


What's John Howard doing running Roania? Arg ...
Since it's 12 years in the future, the Queen's son has grown up.
21-02-2004, 00:01
The Longsword carrying Phoenix, Joshua, Echo, and the young man started it's decent towards a landing area in Roania. The young man was relitivly quiet while he was on the fighter. He strangly sat in the back of the fighter quiet. His light armor covering his chest arms and legs hid him from view and his hair covered his face. "Hey you in the back pass me that bag," Phoenix says as he spins his chair around and points at the bag, "Wait never mind we are landing in fire minutes."
21-02-2004, 08:47
All of the people in the limousines were handed a set of information on Roanian government figures:!Kdg6Nmr0KRBPiaQidKNUzaWREau1EXWvQnGJ574zp5!5xETsgqmNyu0nIpcX5IdctMm7fB gIGWgkImrkg239Ll04g/Allysandra.jpg?dc=4675448205546992123
Advisor, Pro-Tem, on Minority Affairs, Allysandra Ellestrea
"That's it! I'm through being Prime Minister! Find someone else."*qjT75tBfHXnhdWrxlSclxJAB*6oz2NVsjXagYRF3TLR5199bQC0pfz*nvTXpadU!ifZ6VYaXBokk pjCy6qYk/John.jpg?dc=4675460296636458629
Prime Minister Harold Cartwright
"I am the Lord High... what? Um... er..."!H!!IrtY6yX7RYdLy7M49kiPjdEwnt2SaYQLLfsamSbBQlW*B3wlNP5x bkVUbOTU/Sigpic.jpg?dc=4675460713260975583
Grand Duchess Malissa Lucille Black
"So, what is it I actually do?"!Md2*Xo*pkRGwqSI2aI9x6U1brJ9X7t4AdRd7OIvADcgLlCNxR1g5FM*vAOWIJ138EZLn!IF*GKBQndDXBBefq d5rZrcwgAAAAAAAAAAA/Michael.jpg?dc=4675460712699114324
Minister for the Armed Forces, Field Marshal (retired) Michael von Denzi
"Whenever possible, victory on the field of battle should be accompanied by victory in the enemy's mind."!Gc29I7w96nsCDj6Tmn96*RCu0ufp*hPnZzHHYJARniiPWz6bLh*P vuB8TnYc/Yuber.jpg?dc=4675460712701432016
RIAS Head 'X'
"They will vanish into the night and fog."!8eBFXRt7OQ6mZGXzJKNnHejqBds0qNTxftULEYE9PNTFgWtN2q4YDNwwk2ykgolJqm1w06 hHEsq30w/Ivan.jpg?dc=4675460713257146699
Minister for Internal Affairs, Lord Baron Ivan Merkenoff
"How should you deal with this? My good sir... arrest them."*Bzg5aHFqFd*nTTJOha2VkMi9T08C4eXnxClHfk9CWOsOLVep6Md9Z4*f4QOS 6cIbwp6AKGl2CXoqCXfRFz1OoCQo3/Abbot%20Ver'chan.jpg?dc=4675460712692131026
Minister for Spiritual Matters, Abbot Ver'Chan
"Change is the one great evil I strive against."!w!tw!PH8cC5yTjMPWbql9IQbrqxONuypWeXOEpsC6RV5*uwiTQH!j6O!UnG*KDFzLZRL4eR06Z LyX8LI3mvwIoklZln0A/CAUAVBDO.jpg?dc=4675460712695864466
Minister for Foriegn Affairs and Trade, Duke Simon Darquis
"Yes, Ambassador. But my answer will remain, as it always has been, no."!TxPhVUgL85giwbXgiuvGW*Yc036RMdpEBxZzjB0fezx*UcmMCUqmkHxZCRgg4HQxMAGcvG*gQZciK56ny00JbT iMqZC*Grhky7Lcios5g/Mr.%20Johnson.jpg?dc=4675449047242352825
Minister for Health and Employment Sir James Gray
"A happy and healthy human is a useful human"


The guards looked concerned. "My lord ShadowPrince, should you desire to meet her, we will take you to her now! Only, do not reprimand us before our superiors. We did what we thought we should do. Her Grace the Duchess will wait, I am sure." They led Kithail through a maze of long passageways and wide rooms, passing unimportant servants and ministers as they went. They eventually reached an office. One of the guards went inside. "My Lady Allysandra, you are required."

She looked up, irritably. "Is it important?"

"No, no. Just that the ShadowPrince of Aelosia wished to meet you, for some reason."

At the mention of the word Aelosia, Allysanndra rose from her chair. "Send him in, by all means."

The guard bowed, and went outside. He led the male elf into the office. Allysanndra didn't look up from her work. "So, you're the ShadowPrince... it's a pleasure to..." she did look up, and froze.


Malissa looked through the conciliatory letters. She pressed a button. "Tell Simon that we would be honored to have the Kaukolastani pay a visit to our little Empire," she said into the speakerphone.

"Who's we?" The voice at the other end asked.


"Yes, but you said... oh, wait. This is some royal thing, isn't it?"

Malissa gritted her teeth. No wonder her father spent half his time threatening his servants with pain. "Yes. It is. Now, please go."

"Yeah, but why not just say 'I'? Or 'me'?"

She pressed another button, sighing. The voice on the other end dopplered out, in a scream. "God... someone, get me Balthazar... I want smarter people down there. And send that message!"

She rubbed her head with her hands. At least one relative will be present. I'll have someone to talk to.

Several soldiers waited patiently for the Phalanixians to land.


Several Roanian guards listened, bored beyond belief, at the random conversation of the Valient and Tarlachian dignitaries. The palace drew ever closer.
21-02-2004, 23:29
The ShadowPrince looked at Alysanndra, remembering everything that he had heard about the Roanian elf. An intelligent, smart advisor, capable of changing the mind of more than one stubborn racist man. Her beauty is fabled even far beyond the Roanian borders, being praised even by Lady Sirithil herself.

"Greetings, my Lady, please stay in your seat, I...I came here as a friend and not like a Prince. I have heard so much about you. I need help, I want to meet the Princess, and I don't even know how to adress her. I need your help, Lady Alysanndra, I've heard about your talent in the human-elven relationships", said the Prince, staring deeply into the sweet, purple eyes of Alysanndra, his eyes almost captured in rapport.
22-02-2004, 00:37
Allysandra flushed slightly, and looked away. In a strange voice she said, "Yes... um... ShadowPrince Kithail..." she looked through some papers on her desk, at the shelves around her, anywhere but at the elf in front of her eyes. Get a hold of yourself, Alys.

She looked into Kithail's eyes. "Um... er... technically you're Malissa's superior, at least until the coronation... so you could address her by name... or you could call her 'Grand Duchess Malissa', or 'Lady Malissa'..." she said, softly. "Your Highness, just... be friendly, that's really all I can say." She realised how stupid that sounded, and blushed a deep red.
22-02-2004, 03:33
Slowly the LX landed final system checks o nthe fighter completed and the rear hatch opened. Before any one steped out Phoenix who 's wearing a Phalanix High Comand 6 Star General uniform tosses each person a MXD Plasma shell pistol. "Careful with these we have very little ammo for someone to get triger happy today," Phoenix says as he places his in a pancake holster and strpas it on to his uniform. Joshua being trained in infiltration places his in one of his socks. "Lets just go," Echo says as she places her's in Phoenix's hand and steps out into the Roanian sun "God this place always brings out the worst in me." The young man stood up and procided past Phoenix pistol in hand. Joshua quickly runs over to him and places his arm over his sholder playfuly. Quickly the three remaining on the fighter exit and stand beside Echo looking at the landscape around. In a quiet voice the young man says to Joshua "It is amazing." "Yes it is...." Joshua replies quitely
22-02-2004, 03:56
"Lords Phoenix and Joshua, Lady Echo... I have been charged by the Grand Duchess to bring you safely to the palace." The guard said after the welcoming ceremony had completed.

The desert sun beat down harshly upon them as they waited for the limousine to arrive. "I... have also been advised to tell you by Prime Minister Cartwright that... the Lady Kelly is on suicide watch."
22-02-2004, 05:27
"Just great," Echo says under her breath "First the sudden attack from a alter reality, the deaths of some fo the finest in the Phalanix, and now Alexander getting shot. Can this get any worse?" "Dose losing three citys in under 4 years count?" The young man says as Joshua lowers his head for a moment and mutters something about damned DNA. "Anyways as soon as we can I would like to speak with Kelly," Phoenix says "I have a interesting development in our family's genetic history to let her know of."
22-02-2004, 05:46
"Yes... you'd have to ask the Grand Duchess for permission to see your sister. Ah, here's the limo."

The limousine pulled up in front of them. Several armed guards surrounded it. "Please, enter."


Malissa sat, moping. "Is mother all right?" She asked.

"We don't know. We've moved her out of your father's old quarters, but... it's all touch and go."
22-02-2004, 05:52
The four quickly got in the limo though Joshua seemed alittle jumpy. His gaze was always on the young man for some reason he felt soemthing was diffrent. "Alright but this is quite urgent and may change a whole lot of things all together. Joshua knows what I'm talking about because he discovered it. Painfuly but he did," Phoenix says as he keeps his eye on Echo. After what had happened only a year ago when Joshua saved her from himself almost literaly.
22-02-2004, 06:32
"All right... what's the problem?" The captain asked, irritated. The limousine began to drive forward.
22-02-2004, 07:34
"We must meet a separate date in time, to begin establishing trade relations, what do you say? Are you in agreement?"

While waiting for the other President to respond, President Marshall noticed that the limos had arrived at the Palace, and was being carefully let through. Security was tight, guns were openly displayed.

"Well, I do dare say we've arrived."

President Marshall smiled slightly as he turned back to Valient.
22-02-2004, 07:45
"All right, you lot." Several black suited guards looked at the presidents in the limo. "Please step out of the vehicle, and prepare to enter the palace. Your guards will have to remain outside." After the two complied, he bowed. "Welcome, to the Palace."

The gate slowly began to close, and before them, the immense doors to the palace swung open. Marshall and Alexander were pushed inside. Soldiers waited within, and an immense coat of arms decorated the floor. A servant appeared. "Sirs, can we get you anything? Her grace will be with you soon, she is changing into clothes more... suited for greeting company."
22-02-2004, 07:59
Alexander turned to the servant.

"No, thank you. I am well enough.... err, on second thought, if you have anything to drink, I'd greatly appreciate it."

Alexander turned back to Marshall and winked.

"I would like to establish taks between our countries. We'll let our people work things out... you know, I hear that the Grand Duchess is a very beautiful woman, Marshall. A little too young for my tastes, but for you..."
22-02-2004, 08:42
"Alexander! You sly dog!........but yes....I have indeed been looking for someone....and I am still quite young in the world...only 23 years old..."

Marshall allowed the conversation to drift into silence, as the two accepted drinks from the servant, who in reply bowed and left quickly from their presence.

"I shall very much like to meet this Grand Duchess..." Marshall commented quietly to himself, as he sipped his drink.
22-02-2004, 08:55
All of a sudden, a trumpet sounded, a clarion call. Then another joined in. And another. As the music reached a crescendo, a door opened at the top. And a young woman started to walk down. Her form-fitting white dress clung to her sides and bosom, and her teeth sparkled as she smiled. Her white hair had been taken from its usual tie, and hung loosely around her back. Malissa grinned with genuine pleasure. She curtsied. "Hello, your excellencies. Welcome to Roania." Her eyes traced across the room at the various ambassadors, and then at Alexander. "Welcome, my lord." She than looked at Marshall. And stopped. "And..." she coughed. "Welcome to you as well, President."
22-02-2004, 08:56
Calis, Calin and Karolyn stepped off the Presidential jet, now within the land of Roania. It had been many long years since any had been here and it was unfortunate that a tragedy was the reason for their visit. Calin wheeled Karolyn down the disable persons ramp of the jet whilst Calis moved foward to greet the Roanian delegates.

Ten other men poured out of the jet, all wearing complete black, save for the blue/red/teal/gold emblems upon their jackets, signifying their nation. They all carried FN-P90's and bore several other weapons under their black coats. They all wore identical black glasses and stood stone still, awaiting orders. These were the BCS Presidential Guard.

Five other men hauling large cases also moved out of the plane, all dressed in civilian gear. They appeared to be ordinary, but their physique displayed military training. The men stood behind the guards, also awaiting orders.
22-02-2004, 09:17
Surprised slightly, Marshall bowed, a slight smile upon his face. He spoke after all the other leaders said their names.

"Grand Duchess, I am John Marshall, President of the Allied States of Tarlachia. It is an honor to meet you finally, albeit under dark conditions."

Standing back up again, he continued to watch Malissa conduct the necessary introductory procedures, with the occasional quick glance in his direction. She noticed him watching her, and blushed slightly.

When she wasn't looking at him, Marshall quickly whispered to Alexander:

"Well well, this might prove quite interesting indeed..."
22-02-2004, 09:24
Alexander smiled. He too had once been young and free with the matters of the heart. Of course, that all changed...

His smile dropped briefly, but returned.

"I'll say again - she very beautiful, Marshall... you could do worse than a grand duchess in waiting..."
22-02-2004, 09:25
The guards nodded, and pointed to a special limousine. Karolyn's brother looked out. "Sis, you and your friend can come here. The President is wanted to be rushed quickly to the Palace." He sounded tired beyond belief. "I need to show you something..."

Karolyn nodded, sadly.


What is his name? Marshal? I think that's it... I wonder how old he is? She nodded recognition of the various bows and salutes of dignitaries. As she walked down the stairs, she carefully maneuvered to be moving closer to the handsome stranger.

One of the nearby Roanian servants whispered into Marshal's ear, "Looks like you've got an admirer."

When Marshal spun around, he was gone already.
22-02-2004, 09:35
Calin directed Karolyn over to her brother's limo and open the door whilst he helped her in.

Calis led his ment to the vehicle that would transport them to the palace.
22-02-2004, 10:09
"Alexander...she is beautiful...I don't think I have ever seen a creature as beautiful as she."

A voice sounded behind him, coming from the servant. A quick turnabout mysteriously hid the servant who had spoken. That was odd...but at the least, they were doing their job.

His attention was turned back to Malissa, as he smiled when she approached. She held her hand out, of which he immediately kissed, and spoke:

"I am pleased to meet you Grand Duchess."
22-02-2004, 10:21
Otto spun the machine into action as the guards helped Calis into the official one. "Karolyn... RP isn't doing well here. Omega has some... things going on here, and customers have been turning up dead. I heard that you had had some contact with Omega in Assington?" He asked, concerned.


Malissa blushed as his lips brushed her hand. "It's... a pleasure to meet you too, President Marshal." She curtseyed again, leaning forward and whispering into his ear, "And please, call me Malissa." She smiled, and stood back up. "I get enough 'Grand Duchess' from my servants. I don't need it from, you know, my equals or friends." Her voice lightly stressed 'friends'. "So... I understand that you're from Tarlachia? What do you think of my little empire?"
22-02-2004, 10:49
Malissa....such an eloquent name that flows of the radiant beams of the sunlight...

But wait...I should call her by Grand Duchess, out of respect for her position in the government.

If I do that, she might take offense to my refusal to do as she wishes.

I shall call her Malissa, as requested.

Straightening up, Marshall gazed into her eyes, eyes of kind, calm oceans of life. Her hair flowed white waves down her graceful neck, and disappearing behind her soft shoulders. She was truly a beautiful woman. For a moment, he just enjoyed the silence between the two, until he finally pulled together words to make sense.

"Then Malissa it shall be. I am indeed from the Allied States of Tarlachia. I must add that as a whole, Tarlachia is quite impressed with your empire. Roania has proven itself to be that of a great nation. Perhaps you would be kind enough to show me sometime of your inner workings of the government?"
22-02-2004, 12:36
Calis and his men were silent as they moved toward the Palace. The mood was already sombre and they did not want to offend those grieving the late death of the prince.

Calin held onto Karolyn's hand, waiting for her response. He had heard of the Omega company, yet RP had a strong monopoly on the Assington market, only time would tell whether Omega had interests in Assington.
Magnus Valerius
22-02-2004, 17:10
Emperor Alexander I of Valeria, in his comfortable office chair, gazed at the piece of parchment in front of him. The communiqué that he received from his officials told of a death of an emperor (of the same name) in the distant yet powerful country of Roania. Alexander bowed his head in sorrow. He knew he wouldn't live too long either, as he was now 64. His beard and hair had grayed, and the true signs of age appeared in the wrinkling skin around his eyes. He might only have one year left... or a whole decade. It is uncertain what Fate has planned for Alexander.

The emperor decided to write a letter to Roanian officials. It was the least he could do. Besides, it would help loosen the seclusion further, the seclusion that Magnus Valerius had from the rest of the world, that had been imposed by Emperor Franz I. It was 100 years of solitude. But, who should the letter be addressed to? Maybe the princess that Alexander Black had left behind should the recipient be.

Dear Malissa Black,

The news of your father's death has reached my ears here in Valeria. You may not of heard of us, but that is for another day to explain. I am deeply moved by the loss of your father, and I wish you the best. I bid you condolences from all of my heart for your loss, and for the nation's loss. If you have need of an ally, you have my willingness to comply to an alliance.

With Sincere Commiseration,

Emperor Alexander I, of the House Vassilakos
Emperor of Valeria, Its Subjugates, and Its Colonies

The emperor had the letter sent as soon as it was completed to Roania.
22-02-2004, 19:31
"It was found in my DNA and the fact I know what our mother is," Joshua says brekaing his scilence "She was angelic." Phoenix nodded slightly and says "So far only Joshua as the DNA in him and it isn't the greatest gift ever."
22-02-2004, 19:53
ooc: What? How'd I miss seeing this? Great, now I got three pages to go though in order to determine the most stupid comment I can make :wink: :P
22-02-2004, 20:38
Kithail looked at Alysanndra, then turned for a moment so he could break the spell of the violet eyes of the roanian elf, turning so violently that the sheath of his sword sent to the ground everything that was over Alysanndra's desk.

I'm not that clumsy, This woman makes me look dumb. She's too attractive, even more attractive than Aliria, but I can't fall in love now, i don't even know her!, and for sure she's in love with some human, he thought as he tried to pick up everything he dropped.

"I...I'm sorry. I'll help you with this, it's just that...", he paused for a moment, noting that he was looking ridiculous. "I want you to come with me", he aid, looking at Alysanndra's eyes once again.
22-02-2004, 21:05
The People of Cyberutopia offer their deepest condolences at the loss of Prince Alexander. The death of such an influential man is never easy for the world. The best of luck to the heir.

Secretly, the People hope for a softer time in Roania than that imposed when Alexander was alive, and this might have been leaked.
22-02-2004, 23:39
Alexander harrumphed softly and nudged Marshall.

"Excuse me for a moment, Marshall, but my Admiral has drawn my attention to the dazzling array of drinks."

Alexander turned and bowed slightly to Malissa.

"My dear..."

Alexander and D'rtang dissappeared into the crowd.
23-02-2004, 09:18
OOC: Sketch, things ain't going your way, are they? :wink:


Malissa smiled. "Oh, perhaps later. I personally find that the collection of civil servants, petty nobles and soldiers who make up my government to be fairly boring." She giggled. "I can think of so many more interesting things to do." She blushed, realizing the innuendo.

Damn it! Oh, how embarrassing...

She was grateful for the interruption of President Alexander. "Oh, of course... the Prime Minister wanted to speak to you, sir." Left alone, she coughed again, her eyes gazing into his. Her hands itched with an urge to run her hands over his hair, to hold him. Damn it! What would father say if he saw me acting like this?

A crimson blush started to spread over her face. "So... um... Marshall, was... the trip here pleasant?" She asked, hoping to slow the blush's inexorable advance.


The captain nodded. Since Princess Kelly is most likely going to commit suicide, I consider that news... unimportant.


Allysandra stared, then laughed. "Oh, please! Don't trouble yourself." She got onto the floor, and began to move to collect the papers. "Go with you? Go with you where?" She asked, smiling. Her hand brushed gently over his own as she moved to pick up another piece of paper.
23-02-2004, 09:28
The limo halted outside the intended destination. Calis emerged with his men and thanked, all wore straight faces. Calis picked out the commanding officer and directed the others to wait outside whilst he entered the palace.

He had yet to meet the new ruler of Roania, but he had heard many things. It would be interesting indeed.

Calin sat within the limo, listening to Karolyn and her brother politely. He wasn't quite sure where they were going, but he would stay by Karolyn's side.

OOC: I assume you're controlling Karolyn once again?
23-02-2004, 09:33
OOC: You may prefer to do it.


Otto sighed. "Omega is linked to Lokii." He turned, looking at his passenger's reaction.


"Calis! We've been awaiting you, please, enter." A pair of black suited guards moved out.
23-02-2004, 09:38
OOC: Ok.... you can have her back anytime you wish though.

IC: President Calis nodded in acknowledgement and followed the guards into the large building, his bodyguard trailling shortly behind.

Karolyn and Calin both became ice cold, the blood leaving their faces. Calin couldn't believe that after what Lokii had done, that he would dare attempt to ruin Karolyn's life further.

"In that case, Omega will be dealt with upon our return to Assingtom."

Calin spoke in a harsh tone, the malice and rage kept in check was rather obvious. All Karolyn could do was nod in agreement.
23-02-2004, 09:43
"Please, call me John. It is only fair, considering that you have requested I call you by your first name."

After a moment, Marshall smiled, genuinely enjoying Malissa's attention upon him. He noticed the slight blush in her face, as she spoke.

"You are right, government affairs can indeed bore the mind, especially the minds of such as ours."

He winked, giving a broad smile, revealing perfect rows of white teeth. He could see that she wanted to be alone with him. He held out his hand, offering to lead her out to the nearby balcony overlooking the grounds. She willingly accepted, her soft hand taking his. Marshall continued to speak as they moved along.

"The trip was all right. It was merely a plane trip, trips that I am too familiar with these days."

They reached the balcony, the only two there. Inside the rest of the guests mingled amongst themselves, not noticing the two's departure to the balcony. The light breeze flowed through Malissa's hair, as John looked at her.

Do I dare?

"Speak what you really want to say Malissa, you have no need to hide behind cover questions..."

Their hands had not separated, her warm flesh pressed into his, her fingers slightly caressing his own. Her dress ruffled slightly in the breeze, further enhancing its already well fitted shape to her body.
23-02-2004, 09:43
The Minister for Internal Affairs looked at Calis, and gave a friendly nod. Though the Assingtonian was a tall man, the Russian over reached him by at least half a foot. Ivan smiled. "Welcome to Roania, President Calis. Please, follow me." He gestured to a hallway.


Otto coughed. "Lokii and Omega are not just linked... we have reason to believe they are one and the same. Sadly... we have no real evidence. And the Polizei won't eliminate Omega without it. I was wondering if... if in your struggles, you had found any evidence linking the two? I'm surprised Omega was allowed to remain in Assington..."
23-02-2004, 09:51
Malissa smiled, softly. She reached out with her other hand, and gently ran it along the top of his head. She smiled. "Very well, than, John," she said sweetly. She began to draw closer to him, holding his hand still. Then, suddenly, she moved even closer to him, and held his hand to her breast.
23-02-2004, 09:54
Calin sighed.

"Our intelligence has been lax of late. There is much to be done. Now that you do mention it, several Omega files were found within the stormed base of Lokii. We assumed they were stolen or used in some other sort of criminal activity. Unfortunately, the government has had many other priorities, but I shall investigate this personally."

Calis greeted the man politely, looking up into his gaze.

"I don't believe we have met before?"
23-02-2004, 10:19
John's eyes smiled at her, somewhat surprised. At first his hand had recoiled slightly, but upon looking into her face, which now was close to his, he relaxed his hand, and let it rest upon her breast. Her heart could be felt, beating rythmetically, rapidly. Her breast heaved up and down with each quick breath.

John's other hand found it's way to her side, and his hand ran up her arm, slightly giving her the chills from his soft touch. Yet, she enjoyed this, and her blush became more apparant.

"Your beauty is not even remotely rivaled by any other..." he whispered to her, as his face slowly neared hers. Their lips finally locked together, her moist, firm lips pressing into his. Their eyes closed, as the kiss remained there for a few more moments. John's hands moved from where they were until they were onto her cheek and in one of her hands. Her hands trembled slightly, as her fingers held his. Her second hand moved to caress the back of his head.

John's world exploded in fireworks, the kiss sealing the desire of the two to get to know each other more. Finally, the two reluctantly parted, as they stared into each others eyes. Her eyes entranced his own, as she gazed upon his own, a content yet longing look within her eyes.

"Not even remotely..." he whispered again.
23-02-2004, 10:46
Malissa felt herself grow hot at his touch, and leaned into him, driving him down onto an ornamental bench. She relaxed into his side, smiling as his fingers deftly ran over her side. She opened her mouth, breathing deeply of his essence, and wrapped his arms around her frame. "Thank you," she whispered into his ear, before kissing his cheek softly.

Her hands carressed his side, as another tender breeze blew her clothes even tighter against him. This... is everything I dreamed of. She moaned quietly, so that he barely heard her. "We... should be getting back, John." She said.

He nodded, sadly. She continued. "After this last kiss..." She locked her lips with his, closing her eyes and just holding him. Pure pleasure coursed up and down her spine. It's... like nothing I ever dreamed of...

As she pulled herself away, she smiled once more. She reached for her wine glass, but her hands, shaking, spilled it on her shirt. She gasped.


"I also... wanted to show Karolyn something, something worrying. Calin, you're meant to have experience with... psychic powers, yes?"


"I am Ivan Merkenoff, Minister for Internal Affairs." He reached out, and clasped Calis's hand tightly. His hand almost dwarfed the other mans. "The palace is fairly large, your excellency. Please, follow me." Ivan strode off down the hall, his black suited body-guards following.
23-02-2004, 10:53
OOC: To, Jeruselem, CyberUtopia, MV, and all:

Essentially, I want to keep this flowing. So, assume that you were responded to in most flowery words.

CU, you want to see the new Roania, send a dignitary. MV, I'd be glad to have you on board.

Jeruselem, you of all people could just send someone. You didn't need to make a statement thing.
23-02-2004, 11:00
In the last kiss, John felt her lips tremble slightly as she obviously enjoyed the kiss the two shared. He just wanted to hold her forever, to never let go, lest she be only an illusion.

Does an illusion give the most wonderful kiss though? I think not!

As she stood, she reached out for the wine sitting upon the wide ornately designed railing, and held it with trembling fingers. Suddenly her wine spilled, its white liquid splashing and absorbing into her upper portion of her dress. She gasped, and he immediately moved to take his coat off and place it around her shoulders.

Malissa looked up at him, a smile upon her face. Gratitude flowed from her eyes at his kind action. John, finished adjusting the coat around her shoulders.

"Looks like you'll need to get a new dress on, mi'lady. This will not do..."
23-02-2004, 13:05
"Pleased to meet you Ivan."

Calis returned a firm handshake, even though his hand was quite smaller. He continued to follow, his guard not far behind in their journey through the palace.

Calin nodded.

"Yeh, I have a few years experience in training. So I know my stuff."
23-02-2004, 17:48
Alexander and D'rtang continued on and found themselves beside the refreshment table. Each grabbed a glass of whatever was available and watched the crowd.

"There has been a good turnout. President Alexander must have been a revered man..." said D'rtang.

"Revered yes... respected... feared. A man of his stature need not rule by open hand alone..."

Suddenly D'rtang pointed at a small procession threading its way through the crowd. "Isn't that Calis... from Assington?"

"Why yes it is, let us see where they are all goingm shall we?"

Alexander looked back to where malissa and Marshall were. They were no longer there.

"Marshall will keep where he is, no doubt."
23-02-2004, 18:49
The captain nodded. Since Princess Kelly is most likely going to commit suicide, I consider that news... unimportant.

I heard that, Joshua and Phoenix both say mentaly towards the captain. "You see if she does have the DNA strands in her system something far more worse could happen," Echo says as she to glairs at the captain.
23-02-2004, 23:07
Kithail raised his gaze for a moment, meeting the eyes of Alysanndra as he felt the soft touch of her hand against his velvet glove. "To meet the Princess, to meet Malissa. I'm not used to deal with humans, and sometimes I mess everything up. I need your help, Lady Alysanndra, I really need it, taking into account that I'm not a skilled courtier but a stubborn and clumsy warrior", he said, staring deeply inside her eyes, feeling again the enchantment of the ensorcelled violet pupils, his mind lost in the admiration of beauty.
24-02-2004, 01:45
((I suppose that I should send an ambassador or something, but I find such things so stale...ah, well.))

The Cyberutopian Committee of External Affairs has deemed it possibly profitable if relations were opened between Roania and Cyberutopia. We await the confirmation to send an ambassador.
24-02-2004, 01:45
((I suppose that I should send an ambassador or something, but I find such things so stale...ah, well.))

The Cyberutopian Committee of External Affairs has deemed it possibly profitable if relations were opened between Roania and Cyberutopia. We await the confirmation to send an ambassador.
24-02-2004, 07:52
OOC: Since I decided to never bother with multilateral agreements ever again, coming to this or tmming me with an idea for another thread, or something, is the *only* way that anyone will ever get an alliance from me.

It's a Diplomatic RP, literally. It won't be all dull.

IC: A response was quickly finalized. Confirmed. We await him with great interest.

"Do we?"

"Why not. I like the Cyberutopians."


Malissa blushed, and nodded. She stood up, her face crimson. "Thank you, John." She gestured to the doorway. "Now... we really should be getting back to the convivium." She clasped his hand tightly, once more, than walked off, blowing a kiss over her shoulders and winking.


Ivan nodded. Then, he turned. "I must say, we have all been surprised that you would deign to come to Roania... that spook, 'X', said that many of our brother space-farers considered us craven cowards because of our reluctance to leave Earth." He opened the door, and let the party of Assingtonians filter in.

Meanwhile, Otto's limousine turned, and began to head for a darkened section of the city. "That... might be good enough." He grimaced and almost lost control of the car as a clarion mental signal shot from a darkened building in front of them.

Power... I can offer it... but, please... I only wish to be free...

Otto scowled, and righted himself. "That damn voice has driven our staff from our new office block. I think it's an Omega trick. If... if you solve it, then regardless of the ways, I can guarantee Assington most-favored nation status when it comes to trading with Roania. Our current head of Foriegn Affairs and trade is... an old friend of mine."


The captain sighs. "Very well then, what could be worse than commiting suicide?"


Allysanndra laughed, a crystal clear tinkling sound. "Why, ShadowPrince, I have heard nothing but the finest reports of your political skills!" She reached out, holding his hand and helping him up. "And you are most certainly not clumsy," she said. "It would be an honor to help you meet Grand Duchess Malissa."

She turned, and led him to the door. "If you want, I'll arrange for you to meet with her right away."

As they walked, she thought, guiltily, Certainly not clumsy... and certainly not a mere warrior...
24-02-2004, 08:07
A black lear jet, the Republic's symbol prominent on the sleek aircraft's features, touched down in Roania. Lesser Arbiter First Class Hyomi Cegama stepped down from the staircase, straightened her dress, and looked around to see if there was anyone to meet her. A man dressed in blackened light armor loomed over all who approached her.
24-02-2004, 08:25
John watched her walk off back inside for a moment, then turned and watched the sunset begin to display a beautiful array of colors painted upon the sky. He felt as if he were in heaven, and smiled as he turned back and headed back inside once again.

Malissa was seen quietly talking to some of her people on the other end of the room. They nodded and bowed to her, disappearing the next moment for some unknown mission. She glanced over at him, smiled once again, and fingerd the edges of his coat, while inconspiciously breathing his scent off it. John nodded slightly, then made his way over to Alexander Valient, who was busy having a good time of his own.

"Well, I'm back." he stated simply, feeling no need to expand upon this.
24-02-2004, 08:35
Several soldiers began to move towards Presidents Alexander and Marshall, as Prime Minister Cartwright walked to meet his honored guests. Malissa caught John's eye, and sighed apologetically.


A limousine moved to accept the CyberUtopians, and in a matter of seconds they were en-route to the palace, driving through the sandy streets of Roania's capital.
24-02-2004, 08:39
((It's Cyberutopia damnit! Damnit damnit damnit! :lol: :P So many people get that wrong, I should just let it go...))

Hyomi looked out of the tinted window at the tired looking capital and sighed.
24-02-2004, 08:55
"You should feel honored, sir." The official said in a bored voice, as he looked up at the immense domes of the Palace. "You're the first Cyberutopian ever to visit the Roanian capital."
24-02-2004, 09:06
Calis entered the room and immediately surveyed the people within. Some he knew, others he knew of and the rest he had no idea. The important people were obvious and he quickly made not of who was here.

"There is no shame in not wanting to leave this place. And I felt that I must express my condolences personally and offer and aid whilst your new ruling body is stabalised."

Calin immediately detected a presence, there was definately someone there or nearby.

"I'll see what I can do."
24-02-2004, 09:07
President Marshall sipped his drink as he chatted with Valient on recent international events. His eye caught Malissa's again, and she looked apologetically to him. John was somewhat confused, but pushed it to the back of his mind as he noticed the Prime Minister and several soldiers approach.

Standing, he extended his palm, as he spoke:

"Prime Minister Cartwright, I presume?"
24-02-2004, 10:08
Cartwright shook John's hand. "A pleasure to meet you, President Marshall. Heard so much about you." The man gestured to a seat. "Please, both of you, sit down."


Ivan nodded, passively. Then his face hardened. "X. Whatever are you doing out of your rat-hole?"

A man looked up, slightly. Little of his face could be seen beneath his hat. "I came to meet the good President, of course." His voice was smooth, silky. It proclaimed that here was an honest man.

Naturally, all intelligent men gave as much belief to X's words as they did to the ravings of a demented madman.


Please... let me out...

Otto slowed the car. "Well... here we go. Up to you... I won't risk my sister's husband in such a manner if..."

Karolyn blushed.
24-02-2004, 15:25
The plane moved smoothly through the air, and the diplomats chatted among themselves. Chancellor Fenris watched through a port window, looking at the countryside below. Across the luxurious hall, Darius Systera paced, his boots pushing into the carpet. The young man peered up the stairs, into the flight deck, and listened to the pilots.

"Roger that, Air Traffic Control. We are shifting heading to two niner zero and taking up position."

Darius turned away and glanced down at Fenris. The old Chancellor looked back up at the ISA man, "Well, are you ready for this? Diplomacy can be just as dangerous as war, Darius."

The agent nodded with a small smile. His voice was smooth, "Yes, sir. I'm ready for everything, sir."

The old man grinned. Darius had that effect on people. He has that classic Boy Scout attitude and image. His mere presence was charming, his voice was soothing, his character was chivalrous. Until you gave him a weapon. Fenris had seen this classic "nice boy" holding weaponry like an extension of himself, standing over bodies with no more emotion than a block of ice. Charming... but still a killer. God's gift to the ISA. Fenris almost chuckled at that.


"Nothing, Darius. Just an old man, finding some humor in life."

"Yes, sir." Darius turned and resumed his pacing, fingering the ISA datacard in his pocket. Here to help, Darius. You are here to help.

The pilot called back. "All passengers, prepare for landing." The plane began to descend.
24-02-2004, 18:56
"The fact that her emotions might be linked to a greater power that could set something off," Phoenix says. Joshua now back to his silent self sighs and says "Phoenix there is something else....Kelly and me....." "Well spit it out," Phoenix replies quickly. "We arn't part of the Maxwell family. Thats why you don't have the angelic DNA and I do and she might." Phoenix was dumb struck, his mouth hung open in shock and his eyes wide. Echo also was startled by this but she quickly recovered her compsure and says "And me?" "Your in the Maxwell family Echo. And so is Rain," the young man says as he breaks his scilence.
24-02-2004, 20:33
"Oh, I'll owe you that favor forever, Lady Alysanndra. Glad to hear that you haven't heard the bad stories about my political skills, like the Human Banning Decree. At least I try to fix my mistakes on time", said Kithail, even more enchanted by the Lady's laughing than for her eyes.

"I'll follow you, as far as I know Princess Malissa is a very young heir, and maybe she needs a little honing of her political skills. At least she has such a good advisor as you in her court", he said, daring to take Alysanndra's hand to walk her out of her office.
24-02-2004, 22:16
Cartwright shook John's hand. "A pleasure to meet you, President Marshall. Heard so much about you." The man gestured to a seat. "Please, both of you, sit down."

Alexander nodded and sat down.

"Thank you sir. I am just glad to have made it here to pay my final respects... I can only assume that this is a very trying time for Roania.

However, I can only expect the best for the future. I am here to pledge any and all support from Valient."

[i]Alexander turned and winked at Cartwright and Marshall.

"And my friend here I'm sure is more than happy to do the same."
25-02-2004, 10:37
the Prime Minister nodded. "Yes... tell me, what do you think of Roania so far?" he asked, something on his mind.


Allysandra blushed to the points of her ears. "I'm... I'm sure you must mean somebody else... Prince Alexander always hated my advice... He only made me Prime Minister because all the other figures were incompetent." She sighed, sadly. "And... now he's gone... he had finally started to be human again, and then..." tears started to run down her face.


A pair of Shadow Angels awaited by the Kaukolastanis's landing pad. Around them, several cars waited, with normal polizei.


The captain sighed, and turned into the long drive leading towards the palace.

25-02-2004, 17:09
Marshall was the first to respond.

"I have come to Roania, expecting to see her display her finest, and so far, I have seen wonderful things. Yet, I wonder if Roania hides her very best..."

His eyes briefly sought out Malissa, and found her within a few moments. She was busy talking to some others and hadn't noticed his gaze. Marshall turned his attention back to Cartwright and Valient.

"As Valient here has mentioned, I would be glad to offer any support that Tarlachia can give for Roania. It would be my honor to consider Roania an ally."

On the other end of the room, a servant approached Malissa, bowed respectively and spoke:

"Excuse my interuption ma'am, but I have an urgent telegram here for a Mr. John Marshall. Do you know where he may be?"
25-02-2004, 18:50
"I see, I never met Prince Alexander Black, yet I heard he was a good man. I'm surprised to hear otherwise. At least he recognized you as a competent woman. If these words are worth something, I'm sorry about him", said the ShadowPrince, not really sure about what to do, looking at Alysanndra.

Displaying a lot of self-confidence, something not really usual in the Kithail's social life, he hugged Alysanndra, making her head rest against his shoulder.
25-02-2004, 18:51
"You might not want to tell her about what I know because she dosn't need any more problems now," Joshua says as he moves one of his arms to rub the fresh wounds were the wings appered a few weeks before. "And the fact that she only has one brother not two and two sisters might not help ether," Echo says as she sits back and pulls out a small PDA and begens to look over it. "How much longer till we get to our destination?" Joshua asks the captain.
25-02-2004, 23:20
"Mmrm. Honored, yes, I'm honored." Hyomi responded, her expression betraying her impression of a city in mourning.
25-02-2004, 23:20
-- :evil: --
25-02-2004, 23:21
-- :evil: --
25-02-2004, 23:32
-- :evil: --
26-02-2004, 04:48
Prime Minister Cartwright picked up none of Marshall's innuendo. "Splendid! Absolutely splendid. In that case, tomorrow I'll have my foriegn minister pay you a visit in your rooms. He'll have the details." As he stood up, he bowed. "Bright chap... but, easily distracted. I don't suppose either of you have met the princess yet?"

Not waiting for an answer, he walked off, looking for another foriegn leader to speak to.


Malissa blinked. "Oh..." She turned around, looking for him. She saw him staring after the Prime Minister, confused. He looked up, and their eyes met. Malissa coloured again, and smiled.

"He's over there."


Drying sobs racked her body as she leant into him. "I... I want to leave... but I... I can't..." Allysandra relaxed into his strong grasp. "I..."


The captain opened his mouth, but then closed it as they arrived at the main entrance. "Well, here we are... I suppose you can find the audience hall?"


The official was quite immune to Hyomi's sarcasm. "Most beautiful city on this or any other world." The domes rose from the mass of architecture. "And behold, there is the palace..."
26-02-2004, 05:41
Marshall stood as well, bowing slightly in return, and watched as the Prime Minister quickly moved on to the next foreign dignitary.

Just then, a servant appeared by their side and addressed Marshall:

"President Marshall, I have an urgent telegram for your from your nation, Tarlachia."

Nodding, Marshall took the letter, and thanked the servant, who promptly disappeared into the crowd.

"So that's how they disappear." he chuckled to Valient, as he opened the letter, and began to read.

ATTN: John Marshall, President of Tarlachia

START MESSAGE: 14:21 hours
It will come to you as a big surprise, but you know how things have been in Tarlachia. I am referring to the recent scandals that have rocked our goverment and the inbalance in power, among other things. Thus, with much debate, we have come to agreement that the nation of Tarlachia will pass from being a democratic nation to that of a Kingdom. Yes, you have read correctly, a Kingdom. This means that you are hereby requested to step down honorably from you position as President, and allow Mark, our dear father, to ascend the throne. I am sure you are aware of this, but as of right now, you are now Prince John Marshall, fourth in line to the crown. I myself am second in line, as you already can figure out. Once again, after hundreds of years as a democracy, Tarlachia is under control by the sole royal family of the land, the Marshall family.

Please respond as fast as humanly possible, your response is eagerly awaited.

Your brother,

END MESSAGE: 14:34 hours


Marshall slumped into the chair he was previously sitting in. The wine glass dropped to the floor, shattering the crystal. He did not notice, as his shock registered plainly upon his face.

"Dear God..." was all he muttered as his hand trembled with the letter, clenching it tightly.
26-02-2004, 05:52
The plane had halted, and Fenris stood, glancing at the door. Several Marines moved up, but he waved them away. "We don't want to insult their securitiy."

"Sir?" The Captain asked. "After the assassination, I don't think you should be out there without cover-"

Fenris shook his head. "If I am shot, I am shot, and then you can shuffle about. They have set up security, and I am sure it is more than adequate. I will not add insult to injury."

"Yes, sir." the Captain stated.

Fenris smiled, "Now, I'm sure you know how to deal with the Roanian security forces?" He asked the other diplomats. "They're much like our own ISA... the main difference being that the ISA bothers to smile as they're shooting you in the head." There was some chuckles.

Darius shrugged. "We call it Professional Courtesy. If you're going to grease someone, at least grease them politely."

There were more chuckles, and the hatch opened. Fenris stepped out, into the sunlight.
26-02-2004, 06:17
Malissa saw him collapse to the ground. "What on..." Every head in the room spun around to observe Marshall. "Jo... President Marshall!" She called. "Are you... well, sir?" She asked, concerned.

Servants stopped, and then, worried that they might be blamed, began to rush back to work.


However prepared the Kaukolastani Diplomats were, they still must have been surprised at the sight of several tanks with their big guns aimed at the vehicle.
26-02-2004, 06:24
Fenris felt the shock, and some of the other ambassadors jumped, but the Chancellor smiled a little and commented to the guards, "Hello. I don't suppose you have a less agressive vehicle to ride in?" He stepped downt he ramp. "We're here for the funeral." he stated, his voice conveying sorrow.

At the top, Darius glanced at the tanks. He shrugged and commented to one of the Marines. "One of the crews was slacking. There's scouring on the deflector." The Marine stared at him, but Darius shrugged again and followed Fenris. "It's true." he commented wryly.
26-02-2004, 06:27
Marshall's face remained contorted as the reality sank into his consciousness. The noises of the room seemed to quiet down, but he attributed it to his shock, having a weird effect of cutting out the outside noise.

Then he heard her voice, calling to him, a worried tone obviously well embedded in its message.

"Jo... President Marshall!" She called. "Are you... well, sir?" She asked, concerned.

His eyes blinked several times, as he looked up at her across the room, but approaching him. The letter fell from his hand, landing softly upon the floor. He looked over to Valient, who also was showing concern, before looking back at Malissa.

"Things......have changed..." was his response, shaky but quiet.

A servant appeared by his side, and began to quickly sweep up the broken crystal, and disappeared quickly once again.

Marshall hadn't expected such a thing to occur, he had always believed that the government would work itself out, and continue to ring the bell of democracy. But he was wrong. He began to wonder the implications and benefits of having his homeland run under a Kingship.
26-02-2004, 06:29
"Impressive." Hyomi sighed, halfway interested in the grand structure.
26-02-2004, 06:41
Valient slowly bent down and picked up the paper that slipped from Marshall's hand.

"Recent scandals that have rocked our goverment... nation of Tarlachia will pass from being a democratic nation to that of a Kingdom... hereby requested to step down honorably from you position as President, and allow Mark, our dear father, to ascend the throne."

Valient folded up the paper and tucked it into his jacket pocket for safe-keeping. He knealt down by Marshall's side and looked him in the eye.

"So... what now?"
26-02-2004, 07:22
Malissa helped him up. "What do you mean, Marshall?" She asked, concern flickering in her voice. "What's changed?" The young woman looked him up and down, askance.


The two Shadow Angels snapped to attention. "We have been ordered to take you to the Palace to meet with the Grand Duchess!" They snapped their fingers. The tanks backed away, cannons still pointed at the plane. "You may take two guards, for the lot of you."

Several soldiers marched into sight, in front of a black limousine with military colors.


The car began to slow, and turned into a private lot. "I assume you have papers to present to our Minister for Foriegn Affairs, Ambassador Hiyomi-San?"
26-02-2004, 07:23
Calis had heard many things about this X. He wasn't quite sure what to think about him. He must be employed for some reason, he probably has unique skills or abilities. He pressed his hand towar X.

"Nice to meet you X. Perhaps you could clear something up for me. What do you do within the Roanian government?"

Calis' tone was honest and curious, so as to not imply insult.

Calin smiled.

"So you heard. News does travel fast doesn't it. There shouldn't be any trouble."

Calin extended his mind into the building, searching for the mental voice. It pulsed throughout the building, it's plead tormenting. He narrowed down the area, somewhere within the basement.
26-02-2004, 07:26
"I do not know, my friend...this is all new to me. I have never had to deal with this before. I guess, for my honor's sake, I better submit my resignation. I will need you and one other as a witness..."

Marshall knew who he would ask to take the role of the second witness. He knew that Valient knew him well enough to figure it out on his own.

Standing, John clasped Valient's shoulder to steady himself, before finally, in a burst of determination, set himself back up professionally and turned toward Malissa who had arrived finally.

"I will need to use your communications system...and I will need you as a second witness for my message."
26-02-2004, 07:54
Kithail looked at Alysanndra's face, a little uncomfortable with the strange trust that the Roanian advisor was placing on himself. "But why you must leave?. I...I just don't understand", he said, stuttering the words, not sure about how comfort the Lady between his arms, puzzled by her words.
26-02-2004, 08:09
"I am... a professor of spirituality at the Roanian Institute of the Academic Sciences." X said, his face hidden in shadow. "Tell me, President... what brings you here? My associates said that you were having breakfast just 12 hours ago... how did you get here so fast?"


Otto opened the door, and politely pushed Calin out. "Right. There's... some thing in the basement... Please, do something!"


Malissa read it. Sorrow and joy mixed along her face. Wait... if... if he's a prince... then...

"If... you want, Marshall..."
26-02-2004, 08:28
Valient nodded. He knew immediately who Marshall was referiing to.

He pulled out the paper from his pocket and gave it Marshall.

"I am with you, Marshall. Show me what I have to do..."
26-02-2004, 08:56
"Grand Duchess, if you will..." Marshall prompted Malissa.

He took the letter back from Malissa, and cleared his throat.

He felt as if he were about to begin his walk on Death Row, about to face his execution. And in a way, he was, his execution of his supreme reign of power over Tarlachia.

Alas, what must be done, must be done.

A few minutes later, the three were in the Royal Communications Room, and were quickly going through the processes of sending the resignation telegram. With a finality to his signature, which was scanned into the text, he watched as Malissa and Valient did so as well. A moment later the telegram was sent on its way to Marshall's brother.

"It is done..." he sighed, yet, at the same time, it felt as if a great weight were taken off his shoulders.

Valient looked over at him, and replied:

"Yes, all things must change eventually. I'm hungry, so I'll see you two out here all right?"

"Sure thing Valient."

The two watched as Valient left the room. Marshall began to start off after him, when Malissa took hold of his arm lightly, yet firmly. She commanded to the men at the communcations stations:

"Leave, all of you. Now."
26-02-2004, 09:28
After they were left alone, she looked up at him. Then, suddenly, she kissed John. "That was a very brave thing to do, John." She opened the borrowed jacket, not noticing the transparent patch. She smiled. "With this on I can't feel you very well."

She noticed him crying. "Are you okay, John?"
26-02-2004, 09:33
Kithail looked at Alysanndra's face, a little uncomfortable with the strange trust that the Roanian advisor was placing on himself. "But why you must leave?. I...I just don't understand", he said, stuttering the words, not sure about how comfort the Lady between his arms, puzzled by her words.

She sighed. "Because... because so many of my people have died here... this is no place for elves anymore.." Tears ran down her cheeks again. "I'm sorry... I'll... let's go see Malissa." She put her hand in his. Then, without knowing why, she leaned up and kissed his cheek. "Thank you..."
26-02-2004, 09:36
He lowered his head, resting his chin upon her shoulder as he hugged her close. Hot tears streamed down his face as he cried silently. The role of Presidency had been like a child to him, one he cared for and nurtured every day.

After a few moments, he held her back, as he looked through watery eyes at her. His voice croaked slightly as he spoke quietly to her.

"I will be now...after all, I didn't lose very much. I am still part of the ruling group, and in this case, that group is my family..."

He clasped her hands to his, kissed them gingerly and held her hands to his chest, allowing her to feel his breathing, his heartbeat, his agony.
26-02-2004, 10:06
"I am... a professor of spirituality at the Roanian Institute of the Academic Sciences." X said, his face hidden in shadow. "Tell me, President... what brings you here? My associates said that you were having breakfast just 12 hours ago... how did you get here so fast?"


Otto opened the door, and politely pushed Calin out. "Right. There's... some thing in the basement... Please, do something!"

Calis smiled. He knew X was lying, but he wasn't about to push the matter if X wasn't willing to tell.

"I see, thankyou for clearing that up. I am here to personally give my condolences for the death of the late prince, and to provide the aid of several detectives from the BCS department. My brother and her wife are also within the city, they shall arrive later."

Calin stood outside the building, the cry echoing through his head. After several minutes he located the exact position. The being was trapped behind an intricate binding of mental energy, threaded into a barrier of captivity.

Pressing his mind toward the barrier, he tested the strength. He could unravel it, his abilities allowed him that much.

"Do not worry, I shall free you."

The voice continued to echo within his head whilst he examined the barrier. Forcing his will into the layers of mental power, Calin began stripping away the outer layers and delved into the abyss of complex energy bindings. Several minutes passed as he continued to search, finally he found it. The core thread. This thread held the whole barrier together, and was the obvious target.

Applying wave after wave of mental energy against the thread, Calin felt it begin to fight back. He replied with increased strength, forcing it to stretch and move away from him. He could feel it weakening until it finally released. Calin was blasted into the limo as the barrier snapped with a backlash of mental energy, releasing the trapped presence.

It was finally free.
26-02-2004, 10:25

There was a terrible shattering sound. Around Calin, the walls of the room faded away, and an immense voice spoke.

I thank you... for releasing me, I will allow you to live.

In the darkness, an image of the creature he had freed appeared before him, in all its terrible glory.

You will see the end times...

And in a flash, it was gone.


X smiled. "Yes... they are, I believe, currently near an office building in the southern city."


Malissa said nothing, just embracing him, and dotting him with kisses. "We... should get back... people will be wondering..."
26-02-2004, 10:44
Calin's face went white as the image faded. What had he done? Whatever it was, it wasn't good. Stumbling back to his feet, Calin made his way into the back of the limo. Blood trickled from his head and his face remained shaken and white.

"I'm not quite sure what just happened, but it wasn't good. Whatever that presence was, it is gone from the building, free."

Calis nodded.

"You are rather well informed aren't you? I believe I must be meeting with the princess very soon."
26-02-2004, 10:45
John nodded, as he recieved the kisses.

"Thank have helped me already." he quietly spoke, as he pressed his forehead lightly into hers, their noses touching lightly.

Reluctantly the two parted from each other. However, John noticed that her dress was quite revealing due to the wine spill. Grinning once again, he reached out and touched the stain with his hand, deliberately covering her breasts with his hand.

"I don't think you want to be walking out of here like that now do you?"

She giggled and allowed him to readjust his jacket on her, before she led him out of the room.

"You may return now." she spoke to the communications men who had taken the liberty grab some of the food and drinks available. Marshall walked to where Valient stood and spoke:

"Well, from now on, I'm no longer President John Marshall. I am now Prince John Marshall. Now, as it is my royal right, you must bow to me, mmy friend."

He smiled as Valient looked at him and laughed after seeing his face. The two were good friends, and good allies for one another. They had gone past the point of having to show respect for each other. Now, their friendship served to do this, and more. Only in the most serious of situations would they be forced to resort to 'professional manners'.
26-02-2004, 16:25
Alexander bowed deeply with jest.

"I am here to serve.

"But seriously though Marshall, it is good to see you smiling again."

Alexander looked at Malissa, and then turned back to the now-prince and winked.

"Now I wonder where you left your jacket..."
26-02-2004, 18:00
The ShadowPrince just smiled and followed the elven lady, thinking about what to say to the roanian Heir, and about how would be she like. At least I have a capable advisor with me, although her presence disturbs my focus. I don't know what she have to place me in such a state of ecstatic admiration. I should say that it's her beauty, yet I'm tired of watch beautiful women who don't create this effect on me, said the Prince to himself.

"Our people, our kin. You mean the elves right?, you mean that many elves died here. Well, if this nation is no place for the elves anymore you could come with me to the Craftworld where you could..." after saying those words he paused for a moment surprised with his own reaction, thinking...Am I inviting her to the Craftworld?...but if I barely know her!...but wait, she could be an interesting asset. She's smart, she's wise, experienced, beautiful. Argh!, What do I care about the beauty?, I was talking about her qualities as advisor...But she's beautiful anyway, as beautiful as the clean sky filled with stars in a Craftworld's morning. "...Live amongst us, amongst your kin, we the elves of Aelosia would welcome you and any of your companions with open arms", finally he continued, vanquishing his shy temper and speaking honest and open words.
26-02-2004, 18:04
"Ah yes, my jacket...I dare say I have left it hanging on a fine 'coat-hanger'. But, it is warm in here anyway, I shall leave my coat there."

As a whisper, he spoke the following in a low tone:

"Besides, Malissa accidently spilled wine upon herself earlier this evening...becoming rather revealing." Marshall chuckled quietly.

"I do wonder if she will ask us all to stay the night in her fine palace here. It would be far better than any regular hotel we could find. Besides, I am too tired to travel back so soon to Tarlachia, even when regarding the circumstances."

His eyes lingered upon Malissa who moved about with an air of grace and determination in her step. She was just so beautiful to his eyes, displaying winning features and a wonderous smile all the while.
26-02-2004, 19:04
"Yes we can," Echo says as she steps out of the limo and strechs her legs then waits for Phoenix to exit. "I'll find my own way," Joshua says as he steps out fallowed by the young man who still remains quiet. "All right then. I'll go talk to Kelly. And Phoenix don't try and get into a fight this time," Echo says as she walks towards the entrance with Phoenix beside her. Joshua sighs and says to the young man beside him "It is safe to return to normal." He nods and suddenly he begens to look more like a young woman. "God I hate it when I have to do that," she says. "Well try getting shot with one of the animal DNA codes and not being trained to deal with the pain," Joshua says as he walks into the entrance with the young woman.
27-02-2004, 10:58
Otto stared. "Calin, is everything alright? That..." He asked, helping the man up. "We have to move fast to get to the palace."


"Ah... the actual reception isn't until tomorrow... it's a long trip from Assington, and I'm sure you'll do better in the morning. Shall I have a servant show you to your room?"


A light ringing sound could be heard throughout the hall. "Ladies and gentlement, I regret to say that it has passed the time for this event. Servants will be guiding you to room shortly, if you urgently need to see the Princess or Prime Minister, it can be done in the morning."


Malissa grabbed a passing servant. "Put President Marshall in the Blue room."

The servant stared, surprised. "Why, my lady?"

"Just do it." At the servant's understanding smile, Malissa coloured. Wrapping John's jacket tightly about herself, she walked off, her cheeks crimson.


Kelly stared liftlessly out the window. A servant had come in and told her that her siblings were here. She idly fingered the handgun lying beside her. Alex...


Allysandra blushed as his step began to drift him ever so slightly closer to her. "They would accept a Noldor?" She asked in wonder. "I... I..." a bell started to ring. "Oh... this palace closes so quickly..." She sighed. "Well... I suppose I should take you to your room... unless you'd like to see some of the elves of Roania, or have more time to talk what to say to Malissa over with me..."
27-02-2004, 11:22
"President Marshall."

Marshall turned and looked at the servant that had spoken to him.

"Yes? What is it?...oh, and if you would not mind, I am no longer President Marshall, but now Prince Marshall."

The words felt weird coming out of his mouth as he spoke that.

"Yes, sir, I shall keep that in mind sir. Your room is this way."

Marshall shook Valient's hand good night, and downed the last of a new glass of wine he had taken up. He turned and followed the servant, who lead through a variety of hallways until they came upon a heavy oak door that had, carved within the wood, the words "Blue Room". The servant unlocked the door and opened it to reveal a rather nicely decorated room, covered in a wide variety of objects, all a royal blue color.

"Enjoy your stay sir." the servant spoke after watching Marshall take in the room. He handed the key over to him.

"Thank you." Marshall replied, as he watched the servant quietly leave and closed the door behind him. Marshall locked the door, and then made his way to the closet, where, surprised, he found his clothes hanging, or folded neatly. He smiled, these servants knew what they were doing. Pulling out a robe and some nightclothes, he made his way toward the ornately designed bathroom, closing the door behind him. He stripped and put on a bathing suit and stepped into the jacuzzi that lay in the center of the room, and sat back, slightly reclining. He closed his eyes, allowing his entire body to slowly relax, letting out the knots in his back.

He sighed smiling slightly, before relaxing his smile as well.
27-02-2004, 16:33
Calin stumbled into the limo, slightly dazed. Taking a few minutes to gather his senses, he spoke.

"I'm not sure if it is. But I think we should get out of here."

Calis nodded.

"I see. In that case, I would be happy to find my room. Your hospitality is most appreciated."

The President's guard stood two paces behind him, ready to move on any order.
27-02-2004, 19:10
Echo walked towards Kelly's rooms door and knocked three times before she opened the door and looked inside and says "Hey. Thought you might want to see someone you can talk to. Phoenix is with me and realy wants to talk to you." Phoenix opened the door more and Echo walked in with Phoenix after and he closed the door. "I just want to say this now. I know me and Alexander never got along but you loved him so I put up with him. Now that he is dead I just wish I had the chance to tell him that I respected him," Phoenix says.
Joshua and the woman walked along one of the halls. "So where is she," Joshua says "I havn't seen Malissa ever." "Don't worry you'll find her. But I hope she will understand why you never had a chance to see her," the woman says as the two walk.
27-02-2004, 19:56
"Why is this palace closing?. I still don't understand what's happening. And about you being a Noldor....we're friends of the Menelmacari now, you're an elf. Now those barriers between we Sindarin and the Noldorin dissapeared, we're all kin. And well, what do you want to do?. I'll follow you, you're my guide here, after all. We can visit the roanian elves, or just talk about Malissa. It's up to you", said the ShadowPrince smiling, but his senses trying to find the location of the bell, and the meaning of the ring...
28-02-2004, 01:02
Alexander and D'rtang watched as marshall was led away by the servent.

"Ahh, to be young and in love. Don't you remember the feeling, Admiral?"

"No sir. My first love is the Vidion (A stealth carrier in the Valient Royal Navy.)

"Ha... fair enough,"

A servent walked by. Alexander reached out and grabbed the man lightly by the arm.

"Excuse me. Where can my associate and I find a room for the night?"
28-02-2004, 03:31
<Two posts will be forthcoming>

High, high in the mountains of central Novar Ohan is a city of darkness. Crafted by hands belonging to no living thing, it is far distant from any human habitation. Thrust from the surface of the sea when the island rose as well, the Roanians spit when they speak of it, and cross themselves when they see it, when the mists covering it fade away. Nothing known dwells here.

Or so it is believed.

As we enter it, we can see the bizzare turning of the buildings, the designs nothing a humanoid hand could create. We also hear muffled chanting... coming from an immense central hall.

Twin rows of men faced an immense stone statue. Bowing, they recite, "Let the forces of change arise and awaken, let the void spin and devour..."

One of them whispered to a companion, "why are we here?"

The other man responded, "Well... I'm here in the hopes that the great one will return and devour your essence. You're here because you're a twit." The first man nodded at that. "And these people are here because if they left this place they'd be killed for the demon worshipping scum we are."

"I know... but... the Prince killed the god, so... why..."


All of a sudden, darkness filled the hall. A strange glow came to the idol. MY SERVANTS... YOU HAVE FAILED!

A high priest ran forward. "My lord! Honored are we to," before he could complete his sentence, he dissolved into goo.

Not by you was the Prince killed, but by an idiot. Not by you was I freed, but by yet another idiot! It may be that I should kill you all, and go and scour the asylums of the land for new servants!

"My..." this High Priest crumbled into grey dust, shock written on his features.

Anyone else want to say anything? The beast asked, idly. No? Good. Choose a high priest from amongst yourselves, and send him and your finest to me in my tower. We will begin!

The statue stood up, assuming reptilian skin and amphibian sliminess, becoming a living thing. It then walked through an immense set of doors.

The worshippers stood in shock.

A huge, booming voice came out. WHO SAID YOU COULD STOP CHANTING?
28-02-2004, 03:54
Joshua being alittle lost stops a servant and asks "Excuse me but do you know were Malissa is?"
28-02-2004, 05:45
There was a silent spinning as a bookcase shrank into an alcove. Someone stepped through, and then opened the door into the bathroom.

"My, John... the sopping wet swimsuit looks good on you..." Malissa said, as she walked into the room. She smiled at the surprise on his face. The borrowed jacket hung loosely down over her hips and waist. Her smooth legs were bare. "I came to return your jacket."

Sighing, John sat back down in the water. Malissa pressed a blue-bound book, and the shelf slid back into position. Looking at John, she smiled. "That looks relaxing... mind if I join you?" ]

She carefully slid off the jacket, revealing that underneath she had come prepared for a swim, dressed in a navy-blue two piece swimsuit. She carefully slid into the water, and stretched attractively. "Is there anything troubling you, John?" She asked, seeing his distracted and slightly depressed expression.


X smiled, and indicated that Calis should look behind. When the President did, there was nothing. Spinning around angrily, Calis could not see the man.

A servant tapped him on the shoulder. "Sir, you're room is ready."


Otto paused. "Would you like to go to the palace, or to Karo... your mansion, Calin?"


Kelly didn't look away from the window. She had the look of a woman whose soul was tormented by unseen demons. A picture of her and Alexander was on the wall, both of them smiling. This was before the hideous changes to Alexander's personality had begun to manifest, but for Kelly, her husband had always been the same man she had met at the academy. "..."


Allysandra sighed. "They close it early every night because it's a private house, too. Those bells signal the end of the working day." She smiles. "Still... it's really early. There's a nice elven resturant in town, by my manor... have you eaten?" She asked, not wanting to betray her eagerness to know this handsome elf better.


Servants lead the President and the Admiral to two rooms in the same wing of the palace. "Her highness says you may make full use of all the amenities of the palace."
28-02-2004, 05:55
Phoenix looked Kelly right in the eyes and walked over to her and placed a hand on her sholder then says, "I know the feeling to. I watched my wife be atomized. Life deals hee best of us bad hands. Yet those who get one are ment to do a great thing in there life time. Like lead a nation to victory or give themselves for others. Alexander did his by falling in love with you and stoping a posible war that would have killed millions. Joshua has risked himself just for one person if he has to. You gave birth to someone who has a chance to make a diffrence here and home in Phalanix." Echo upon hearing this sighed and walked over to a window and looked out.
28-02-2004, 06:14
John sat there, letting the jets from the spa beat into his back and muscles, continuing to loosen them from the day's stress. Now, he respectfully avoided staring at Malissa's body, one that any man would not be able to pull their eyes off once they looked at her.

He turned toward Malissa slightly as he looked her in the eyes and spoke quietly:

"Quite a bit has been on my mind lately...the governmental change in Tarlachia, my now diminished role in the government......and you. It's like I cannot keep my mind off you, you fill nearly every thought that passes through. And I sit here, talking to this gorgeous woman before me, wondering how you got into this room, and how you knew I was in here, in the spa nonetheless....

And....I'm babbling like twit, spinning words that aren't even comprehensible....or so I think..."

He looked back to staring at the intricate designs of the wall across the room, but he wasn't looking at them. It was more of what some called the 'thousand yard' stare, an effect that came from deep thinking and such.
28-02-2004, 06:35
Joshua grumbled slightly a he was ignored and decideed to play a trick on some of the servants and others in the building. "Since I'm being ignored I'm sure seeing a non-human walkign around will help," he says as he closes his eyes and begens to slowly change. His shape taking the one of a cat human. Ever since the attacks started and the capture of new technology had new efects on Joshua. After being shot with a TR-gun he was enhanced with a cat-human form but it hurt like hell to enter. As he finishedd his change he fell to his knees gasping. "Damn that hurts."
28-02-2004, 06:35
Joshua grumbled slightly a he was ignored and decideed to play a trick on some of the servants and others in the building. "Since I'm being ignored I'm sure seeing a non-human walkign around will help," he says as he closes his eyes and begens to slowly change. His shape taking the one of a cat human. Ever since the attacks started and the capture of new technology had new efects on Joshua. After being shot with a TR-gun he was enhanced with a cat-human form but it hurt like hell to enter. As he finishedd his change he fell to his knees gasping. "Damn that hurts."
28-02-2004, 06:37
Kelly folds up, her head collapsing into her hands. Massive sobs wracked her body.


Malissa smiles. "Gorgeous?" She asked, her hands tracing the contours of her body. "Really?" She giggled. "I would say the same about you." She began to draw closer to him. "You're not babbling... I assure you. And take it from me... a diminished role in government is a blessing. My father spent all his time complaining about the workload. I'm glad to delegate some of my power away. And besides... you're too young to have to run your country entirely on your own."

She lunges forward suddenly, and her lips meet his. She grasps both his hands.
28-02-2004, 06:38
Joshua grumbled slightly a he was ignored and decideed to play a trick on some of the servants and others in the building. "Since I'm being ignored I'm sure seeing a non-human walkign around will help," he says as he closes his eyes and begens to slowly change. His shape taking the one of a cat human. Ever since the attacks started and the capture of new technology had new efects on Joshua. After being shot with a TR-gun he was enhanced with a cat-human form but it hurt like hell to enter. As he finishedd his change he fell to his knees gasping. "Damn that hurts."

Several soldiers appear all around him. "Okay, kitty. Who are you and what do you want?"

Several of them carried very painful looking weapons.
28-02-2004, 06:57
Not all that surprised, John kissed her back, his hands moving to lift her light frame and pull her closer until the two bodies were pressed into each other. She felt so good, holding onto her, one hand stroking her hair, slightly dampening it, making it seem to shine brighter. His other hand was caressing her side, her backside, and her stomach. Her hands stroked his arms and back in response, tracing her fingers along his muscles.

Between kisses John replied quietly:

I guess (kiss) that you're right about this. (kiss) Perhaps it is not my place to lead, (kiss) at least not now. Yet, you yourself are young and..."

Malissa interrupted him, with a finger upon his lips, "Shhh..John, shut up." She smiled at him and leaned in to kiss him again.
28-02-2004, 07:07
Acting to some inner instinct, Malissa moved back, smiling at the handsome man across from her. Her hands move behind her, and she smiles even broader, ducking below the bubbles of the jacuzzi. Suddenly, the bubbles stop, and the jacuzzi begins to clear. The first thing Marshall notices is a navy-blue bikini sinking slowly to the floor.

The second thing is Malissa's gasp. He slowly turns towards her.
28-02-2004, 07:19
John turned to search for Malissa under the water just as a rush of bubbles pushed up upon the surface. He noticed Malissa's face under water, surprised at the jets ending their cycle. His eyes were drawn to her breasts which shimmered in the light refracted under the water.

Surprised, he instinctively looked away, before her hand reached out and grabbed a hold of his hand. She yanked hard, pulling John deeper into the jacuzzi, as her head appeared above water again. She smiled seductively at him and moved closer. Her breasts pressed into his chest, soft skin teasing his senses, as he looked at her, somewhat embarrassed.

"I..." he said, before he was silenced by her kiss planted firmly upon his own, her tongue teasing his own.
28-02-2004, 07:46
Malissa and John began to draw ever closer together. They closed their eyes, and gave in to the passions scattering their bodies.

<and fade to black>

Go now. Go, and on the day of her coronation, take action. Let change rule!
28-02-2004, 07:53
John looked over at Malissa, a tired but happy smile upon her face as her eyes looked upward into his. Their breathing had slowed, relaxing once again. Stroking her hair, he whispered as her arms wrapped around him in a loving embrace:

"Angelic beauty you possess..."
28-02-2004, 08:07
Calin considered his options. The blood had stopped flowing after he had applied a cloth to his head and he was beginning to feel better.

"I think we should go to the palace. I must inform my brother and perhaps the princess of this."

Finding that X was gone, Calis had nothing else to do. Nodding to the servant to lead the way, Calis and his bodyguard passed through the corridors of the palace, heading to their rooms.
28-02-2004, 08:18
Malissa blushed, and just curled up closer to him. Yawning slightly, she rested her breasts on him, and drifted off to sleep. "I love you..."


Otto gunned the car back, and began rushing for the palace. Karolyn held Calin's hand. "Are you all right, my love?"


Calis was led to a large green room. The servants bowed. "Her highness says you may feel free to use any amenities around the palace."
28-02-2004, 08:25

Calis lead his bodyguard into the room and sat down.

"I believe the others are being housed in the palace barracks if you need to find them. I will negotiate the use of our men for the aid of the investigation tomorrow. Until then, you are free to do as you wish, but don't get yourself into any trouble. You will be sleeping in the side room here."

Calis indicated the room with a jerk of his head. The officer nodded and moved into the room. He began a search of the room, checking for any sort of audio/visual devices.

Calin sat up and kissed Karolyn.

"I am fine my dear. What about you?"

He held a warm hand over her stomach as he questioned his wife.
28-02-2004, 08:41
John lay there for a few more minutes, watching her sleep peacefully upon him, her head resting upon his shoulder. He slowly got up, and picked her up gently into his strong arms, and carried her out of the bathroom and to his bed. He gently lay her down and covered the sheets over her, and crawled in next to her, snuggling close and draping his arm around her. Her hands moved to grasp his hand, before she drifted back to sleep. She moved herself closer to his body, until they could feel the other's body heat closely.

John lay there, his eyes closed, as his face was slightly buried into Malissa's damp hair, her scents enticing his nose. Her last words remained in his mind, repeating themselves over and over again: "I love you..."

He thought about this, and in time, he whispered to her sleeping form:

"I love you too, Malissa..."

He drifted off to sleep, content and relaxed.
28-02-2004, 17:33
Phoenix drew Kelly closer and held her in a caling embrace. "Let it out," he says "It always helps to let all the pain out." Echo watching his sighs again and asks "What if there was a way to help ease the pain. Would you take it?"
Joshua smirked and looked up. "So this is how you treat Kelly's brother now. Why when Alexander was alive he kept threatening Phoenix and last time I saw him he nearly shot himself and was saved by a vampire," Joshua says as he stands up and digs through one of the pant pockets. "Where the hell are those painkillers."
28-02-2004, 21:08
"No, I haven't eaten. I was in a hurry, your Prince died last night", said the ShadowPrince smiling. "Eating in such a lovely company will be a dream come true, let's go, show me the way", said the Prince, happy and relaxed for the first time in deacdes, forgetting his martial discipline.
29-02-2004, 01:09
Calin's bodyguard found the following AV devices.

1 microcamera, in a book on the shelf.

1 videocamera, behind a light fixture on the wall.

2 audio-recorders, inside the base of the two bedside lamps

1 RIAS agent, hiding in closet.

The agent smiled. "Um... maid service?" He said, wanly.


The limousine flew through the empty streets, Otto not paying much attention to the conversation.

Karolyn smiled. "Now that I have... your attention, Calin... I need to tell you something."

She leaned forward, and whispered into his ear, "I'm late."


Malissa woke up, briefly, in the middle of the night. She turned, and pulled his arm around her bare breasts, warding off the cold. She drifted off, a smile on her lips.

I know I should mourn father... but... I am, and he always said to live for today.


The two figures walked through the hallway, arguing. "No! The poison, because its easier to administer!"

"But it's so slow!"

Yaakov rolled his eyes, and slapped James down. "Twit."


Kelly's eyes flickered to the pistol lying beside her. "I..." she shook her head. "No... I'm..." she buried her head into Phoenix's shoulder. "I miss him... I want to be with him..."


The guards laughed. "You're a catperson, fool. We know who Joshua is! And don't you know it's illegal for your kind to be in Roania?"
29-02-2004, 01:20
"Ah how I love the fact Echo didn't let anyone know about the small incidents of the attacks," Joshua says "And if I wasn't Joshua I wouldn't know that several years ago Alexander nearly shot himself when a demon tricked him into thinking that he had killed his wife. Also at oen point he tried to kidnap me to try and protect Phalanix. Also He hated Phoenix and Echo saved one of the servants from him when she slaped him and prevented him from killing that person. And my reaper tatoo is
on my left sholder blade."

OOC:He got a reaper tatoo when he joineed the ASU. It is the groups sysbol
Phoenix held Kelly close and says "I know you miss him I miss my wife. But sadly there is a way to remove him from memory. Remove me, Joshua, the academy even the wars. I almost made that choice to forget but I knew I'd be no one after it, but suicide isn't the answer. You have to move on and live again. I also have soemthing to tell you. Joshua knows what realy went on in with what we can not remember."
29-02-2004, 01:39
The guards snapped their safeties off. "We will take you to Princess Kelly, and she will tell us who you are."


Kelly shook her head, and turned back towards the window. "I... I..." she looked at the picture, at his smiling face, and at his arms holding her. "I..." tears rolled down her face. "I want him back... but..." she shook her head. "I don't want to live without him... I..." she turned, and didn't say anything else. Silent sobs racked her body, as she stared at the pictures of the two of them together.
29-02-2004, 01:51
"Guess I gotta go back," Joshua says with a smirk before he falls on his knees. The guards hear the sounds of bones changing and watch the fur leav his body and enter his skin. All that remained was the tail. "CAn I keep the tail out. It is just so much fun to have one," Joshua then says as he stands up looking fully normal again minus the tail he kept moving back and forth. He pulled a small bottle out of his pocket and opens it and drinks the liquid inside. He placed the bottle back in his pocket. Before he did so the guards caught a glimps of the label. Printed on it was the ASU sysmbol and beside it the ones for high power pain killers.
"He can't come back. The one who died out there was a great man. When Joshua died the puplic only knew he was dead and not brought back to life. They still think he is dead. The woman he loved was killed and he never had the chance to say good bye. You have to move on, You have a daughter to look out for to. I personaly hope she dosn't end up like me or Joshua or you ended up in the SPARTAN project so many years ago. Joshua knows our mother was alive at the time we were taken in. They lied to us saying our familys ether cast us out or were dead," Phoneix says as Echo walked over to her and placeed a comferting arm on her sholder aswell. "Just remember that life gives the best us hard times. Only with hard times can we grow stronger," she says
29-02-2004, 02:12
Warm sunlight filtered through the window gently caressing John's face in its warm embrace. He opened his eyes and looked over at Malissa, still peacefully sleeping by him. He slipped out of bed, got dressed and unlocked the door, but held the door close to him as he stuck his head out and spied a servant whom he waved closer. It was the same one that had mysteriously said indirectly his congratulations to John for captivating the attention of Malissa.

"Get me a tray with today's breakfast, and put extra portions on it if you don't mind."

"Yes sir, I will be back in a few minutes."

John closed the door, and looked back at Malissa, and studied her sleeping face, her white hair following the curve of her neck and face. He made his way over to the bathroom, closed the door quietly and moved to relieve himself. A minute later, he washed his hands, noted Malissa's clothing still lying on the floor with a smile on his face, and went back into the bedroom. A light knock sounded, and was soon opened by John, The same servant stood there, a tray of eggs, bacon, biscuits and gravy, and orange juice in his hands.

"Thank you." came John's reply as he took the tray. While John was turning the servant briefly caught sight of Malissa's head on the pillow before John looked back and grunted slightly. The servant smiled embarrased and nodded, before he turned and left quickly.

Carrying the tray back to the bed, he slid back in under the covers and put the tray aside. He leaned over, kissed Malissa on the cheek, rubbed her flat firm stomach with his hand, and whispered:

"Wake up beautiful, I've got something for you."
29-02-2004, 02:24
Calin's bodyguard found the following AV devices.

1 microcamera, in a book on the shelf.

1 videocamera, behind a light fixture on the wall.

2 audio-recorders, inside the base of the two bedside lamps

1 RIAS agent, hiding in closet.

The agent smiled. "Um... maid service?" He said, wanly.


The limousine flew through the empty streets, Otto not paying much attention to the conversation.

Karolyn smiled. "Now that I have... your attention, Calin... I need to tell you something."

She leaned forward, and whispered into his ear, "I'm late."

The bodyguard gathered all the AV equipment and handed it to the the spy as he escorted him from the room.

"There is no need to spy upon your allies. Now bugger off."

Calis barely looked up as the spy was escorted outside, he expected such from Roania.

Calin looked slightly shocked. The doctor had speculated about this possibility since the accident. Wrapping her in his arms, Calin smiled.

"Perhaps we should visit a doctor then?"
29-02-2004, 03:21
"No, I haven't eaten. I was in a hurry, your Prince died last night", said the ShadowPrince smiling. "Eating in such a lovely company will be a dream come true, let's go, show me the way", said the Prince, happy and relaxed for the first time in decades, forgetting his martial discipline.

Allysandra blushed, delighted at the compliment. "Thank you, your highness." She beckoned him to a door. "Shall we go?" She asked, holding her arm to him.


The guards looked at eachother, and picked Joshua up. "Okay, we'll get you to a room. The Grand Duchess is sleeping, right now."


Kelly nodded. She turned. "I'm... feeling rather tired. Maybe things will look better in the morning..." She stood up, and hugged Echo and Phoenix. "Good bye..."


Malissa yawned, and batted her eyes. "Hmm?" She asked, sleepily, sitting up. "Hey, loverboy... where are my clothes?" She blinked. "And what time is it?"
29-02-2004, 03:59
"All right then. But I'm taking the gun," Phoenix says as he grabs the pistol "Don't need two people dead." Echo remained silent and walkeed out.
The young woman fallowed Joshua closly and smirkedd. If Joshua realy ment to have some fun he would have used the form of his pet that he brought home from the lab one time. Then she felt something brush against her arm from with in her armor. She looked inside and nearly burst out laughing. Inside was Joshua little pet hybrid. She neer knew that the armor had that much room in it but this was crazy. She quickly pulled him out and says "Hey Josh someone tagged along." She then points to his pet as she strokes it's back.

OOC:Joshua's pet it likes warm places and Phalanix light armor is very warm
29-02-2004, 04:18
John pulled the tray back around and places it on her lap as she sat up. Her white hair brushed lightly against her skin, radiating in the sunlight.

"Your clothes my dear are in the bathroom where you left them last. But first, eat up. It is just before 8 am my dear."

John picked up a fork and forked some of the food on the tray and began to feed Malissa.

"Even you deserve someone to feed you once in a while."
29-02-2004, 05:28
Kelly stared at the window. She sighed, and reached for a book. Flipping it open, she pulled out another gun. "Goodbye... Phoenix... Echo... Joshua... Malissa..." She puts it to her heart...


The guards jump as they hear a gunshot. "What the hell?"

They run towards Kelly's room.


Malissa grins. Then all of a sudden, she hears a gunshot. "What on..."
29-02-2004, 05:37
"The f*ck!" Phoenix suddenly says as he draws his own pistol and kicks open Kelly's door tha the just closed. What he saw made him drop his own pistol and fall to his knees. He kept muttering "Not again." As the memorys of watching so much death began to spill into his mind.
When Joshua heard the shot he broke free form the guards and bolted towards were he heard it fired. AS he reach a room with the door kicked open he staired in horor. "I'm all alone," he whispered to no one.
29-02-2004, 05:38
John jumped, startled at the sound of the gunshot. None followed after the initial shot.

"Let's go, we've got to find out what the hell just happened!" he said urgently.

He sprung out of the bed, and bolted for the bathroom, nearly slipped on the tile, while grabbing her clothes, which only consisted of the bikini. Running back into the bedroom, he tossed her the bikini, threw open the closet and pulled out a navy blue robe and pulled it on.

"I'm going to my room, I'll meet up with you in a few minutes, John."

She disappeared through the secret doorway. John bolted out the door and toward the direction of the gunfire. Bursting into a room where several others had rushed, John's eyes instantly saw the woman's body with a gaping hole in her chest, blood seeping out. Her face was locked in a final display of pain and sadness.

"Oh sh*t!" John cursed, as he turned and grabbed Malissa, who had just ran in, fully clothed, blocking the view before she could see who it was. He held her close restricting her ability to see what happened.

"Don't look, Malissa, Don't look, for God's sake, don't look..." he said, with his voice shaking slightly.
29-02-2004, 05:42
Joshua looked at the new comer and walked foreward. He quickly knelt down and slaped Phoenix. "Snap out of it You just found out she was never related to you. She was my only family. You should be the one who isn't a wreak," he says.
29-02-2004, 05:48
Malissa forced her way past John. "Mother...?" She said, wondering what was going on. She saw the pool of blood. "Mother!?"

She turned and ran.
29-02-2004, 05:54
"Malissa!" John cried out as she tore out of the room, her sobs being heard clearly.

He took off after her, as pain filled his own heart to see Malissa suffer so.

She was fast, but her sobs were what John followed.

John's mind naturally began to try and understand the mayhem of the last few days.

First Alexander, now Kelly...what the hell is going on here??
29-02-2004, 06:10
Joshua stood up and walked out of the room and slumped over against the wall. Slowly the young woman walked up and sat beside him. She placed a comferting arm over his sholder and let him rest his head on her sholder. "I know I can't help you but please stop worrying. She dosn't have to worry anymore about not having him around any more," she says. Joshua's pet slowly walks over to Joshua's lap and rubbed it's head against his chest. Echo never even looked in the room. She felt this would happen sooner or later.
29-02-2004, 06:22
Several soldiers ran in, and picked up the body. Men are sent to every guestroom, to keep the guests inside, and not panicking. "Joshua, Phoenix, Echo, and... you, we need you to go to your rooms..."


Malissa crumpled against a wall. Tears trickled down her eyes. "No... why is everyone leaving me?"
29-02-2004, 06:29
Joshua didn't respond. He remained still and quiet. The only moving part was his tail that flicked on the odd time. Echo leaned agianst the wall an shook her head "Give them some time before they move. Trust me they are in one hell of a wreak."
29-02-2004, 06:31
John darted down the corridor, and nearly passed Malissa, who had fallen to her knees in a side corridor. He slowed, breathing heavily as he worriedly knelt down beside her. She turned, looked at him for a brief moment before burying her face into John's torso. John had tears running down his own face. He hated seeing her so hurt, so wounded,

"Why??!!" she sobbed into him as she gripped his robe and clenched her fist tightly. Her body shook greatly as she continued to sob into him.

John did nothing but stroke her head and holding her close as she cried. He occassionally whispered with a cracked voice of his own, "Shhh...she is with God now...shhhh......"
29-02-2004, 06:43
Joshua didn't respond. He remained still and quiet. The only moving part was his tail that flicked on the odd time. Echo leaned agianst the wall an shook her head "Give them some time before they move. Trust me they are in one hell of a wreak."

"Nevertheless... I am afraid..."

A tall, slightly sinister man walked up. "What is the meaning of this... Joshua?" He said in surprise. "What's going..." He swore when he saw Kelly. "Oh... no... Jean's going to throw a fit..." The man looked around. "Where is Malissa?"

"Sah! She took a look, and ran out of here, Sah!"

Simon sighed. "I'm getting too old for this..."!w!tw!PH8cC5yTjMPWbql9IQbrqxONuypWeXOEpsC6RV5*uwiTQH!j6O!UnG*KDFzLZRL4eR06Z LyX8LI3mvwIoklZln0A/CAUAVBDO.jpg?dc=4675460712695864466
Minister for Foriegn Affairs and Trade, Duke Simon Darquis
Yes, Ambassador. But my answer will remain, as it always has been, no.


"Why is everyone leaving me..." she said, resting her head against his shoulder. "Why..." Sobs wracked her body. "Don't leave me... please..." She said, holding him close.
29-02-2004, 06:57
"I shall never leave your side, Malissa. I want you to know that. Anything you need, I'm here for you."

John sniffled slightly as his nose became slightly runny. He closed his eyes as he held her, tears streaming down his own face some more.

After several minutes of being where they were, he spoke quietly, trying to offer her his strength, his will.

"Come, stand, we must let the others know you are safe, lest they think something has happened to you."
29-02-2004, 07:08
Malissa picked herself up, and wrapped an arm around him, needing his support. "Do you promise? That you'll never leave me?" She holds him, as if she thinks he would disappear too.

"I... I... I want to... I need to..." She fell limply into his arms, confused and saddened.
29-02-2004, 07:35
John held her up as she stood shakily.

"I promise...I promise. I shall not leave you alone."

He bent his head, kissing her forehead lightly before resting his chin upon hers. Her body trembled in his steady grasp.

"What do you need?" he asked softly.
29-02-2004, 07:45
A guard burst into the room and asked that the two occupants stay here. Idun got up and walked toward the guard.

"What's going on?"

"The princess' mother has shot herself."

"I see. We shall remain here."

The guard departed and Idun sat down next to Calis.

"It seems Kelly has just shot herself."

Calis sighed.

"That can't be a good sign."
29-02-2004, 08:00
Alexander and D'rtang ran down the hall towards where everyone had gathered.

"D'rtang, go to whoever is in charge here and ask if we can offer any assistance. I have to go and see Marshall and Malissa."

D'rtang nodded, and turned to the room. He lightky grabbed a guards arm and asked. "Is there anything we can do?"


Alexander finally found Marshall and Malissa, standing to the side of the hall as people rushed by to who knew where. He harrumped to show his arrival and walked up to them.

"Marshall... Duchess. I have heard about what had happened... what will happen now?"
29-02-2004, 08:42
Malissa couldn't answer, her face a mask of sorrow. She clutched to Marshall, needing his strength.

A guard came up, and bowed. "My lady... would you like your mother to be buried with your father?" He asked.

She nodded, sadly. The guard bowed, and strode off. The Duchess whispered to Marshall, "I... need... can you help me back to my room?"
29-02-2004, 09:24
"Yes, come..."

Turning toward Valient, he spoke with his voice croaking slightly:

"Valient, see if the others need your help, otherwise, it might be best for you to keep yourself out of the way. Thanks."

John led Malissa away with her still crying, but not as badly as before.

"You'll have to lead me there, I do not know where you reside."
29-02-2004, 09:28
Alexander nodded, and then went to see D'rtang. Malissa would be in good hands with Marshall, that he was sure.

"So what now D'rtang? Can we do anything?"

D'rtang put up his hands in resignation.

"I'm not sure sir. I don't think there is anything anyone can do..."
29-02-2004, 09:43
Malissa nodded, and led John through the corridors to a large wooden door in the wall. She slid it open, to reveal a comfortable apartment. A large bed sat against the wall, and several mirrors hung from each others.

A door lead to a walk-in closet, and another door lead to a fairly large en-suite bathroom. Malissa smiles, wanly. "Make... yourself at home, John... I have to go get changed."
29-02-2004, 10:05
John nodded and watched as she moved out of view. He turned around, slowly taking in all that the room had to offer. He walked over to the bed, ran his fingers along the soft comforter, and then directed his attention to a balcony that overlooked a nearby river.

It was a beautiful sight to behold. John stood there, captivated by the beauty that he saw. The sparkling blue waters of the river rushing along, catching the light, and scattering it. The green fields in the distance looked quite inviting for a nice stroll or a picnic.

As John stood there, savoring the beauty of nature, he failed to hear Malissa come up behind him.
29-02-2004, 12:54
Calin and Karolyn had just returned from their morning walk to find the palace in disarray. Servants were all over the place, yet few officials could be found.

"This is strange. Maybe Calis knows what's going on."

Calin began to wheel Karolyn toward his brother's room.
29-02-2004, 19:38
Slowly a single tear ran from Joshua's eyes. Ever since he was the first to recover all his memorys only 5 years before he never had a chance to tell Kelly the truth. Echo shook her head and says "This is gona be one of those days. You may want to keep away from Phoenix for several days becuase usaly after someone who is close to him dies he will litteraly ripp your spine out with his bare hands if you get close to him. And Joshua might just send you flying into a wall several times. But give them a minute before they are moved."
01-03-2004, 07:55
Simon nodded. "Guards, take the body to the church, and prepare it for burial with the Prince. Now, did anyone see which direction the Grand Duchess had run in?"


Malissa wrapped her arms around John's side. Her eyes were red from tears. She was dressed in a black dress, and she didn't say a word.


Soldiers saluted Calin. "Sir, ma'am..."
01-03-2004, 08:01
Calin nodded to the guards as he wheeled Karolyn into his brother's room. Taking a seat upon a nearby chair, he looked around at the fancy furnishings.

"So what's going on brother? Things seem a bit strange around here."

Calis looked up as he was questioned, disturbed from the morning paper.

"Kelly Black just shot herself. The palace is in a bit of a disarray and the princess has retreated to her quarters."

Calin's jaw dropped as Calis stated the news in a rather casual tone.
01-03-2004, 08:43
John looked over at Malissa, and brushed her tears away. He pulled her in front of him, wrapping his arms around her waist and holding onto her stomach lightly. His head lowered to whisper in her ear.

"Shhhh...just look out at this, the flow and beauty of nature. Listen...listen to the calls of the birds, listen to the water, listen to the life that is in all. Let that serve as testimony that your parents are in a much better place now..."
01-03-2004, 09:03
Malissa started to cry again. "Why did they have to leave me...?" she asked. "I... I don't want to be all alone..." Her voice took on an urgency. "And... when you go back to Tarlachia... I will be..."


Karolyn looked stunned. "What? She... she's... they're..." the woman sighed. "Maybe we shouldn't tell him, Calin..."

At Calis's questioning look, she sighed. "Calis... I think... we think I could be pregnant."
01-03-2004, 09:13
Calis raised an eyebrow.

"Is that so? I bet that came as a bit of a surprise. Do you know for sure?"

Calin shook his head as he took hold of Karolyn's hand.

"No, we still need to visit a doctor."
01-03-2004, 09:30
"You will not be alone. I am going to request my father to become a residential Ambassador for Tarlachia here in Roania. I can not bear the thought of leaving you alone, especially in these trying times..."

John felt the slight gasp of Malissa as she heard his words. He smiled slightly.

"I shall get that telegram out immediately." he said, as he led her back inside, kissed her passionately on the lips, and left the room, headed toward the communications room.

Once there, he scribbled out the telegram and handed it to the man.

"Send this to Frank Marshall of Tarlachia. Make sure it is encrypted and classified."

"Yes sir." the man replied, immediately doing as he was told.

Encrypted?: YES
Classified?: YES
ATTN: Frank Marshall


I have a request for you. I need you to talk to father about officially declaring me as residential ambassador for Tarlachia here in Roania. I find that this is a great nation that we can have good political alliances with, and the people are wonderful to converse with. Besides, seeing as how we do not have one here in Roania yet, it is high time we get this done. Now is the time to take advantage of the opportunities available for us. Only a fool would pass up a golden opportunity to do this. Thanks Frank, I'll be indebted to you for this.


John remained there, he knew that his brother would act immediately. Soon enough he got his response stating that it was done. John was now an Ambassador to Roania.

"Thanks buddy, I'll be seeing you around more often eh?"

"Yes sir!"

John made his way back to Malissa's room and knocked on the door politely and waited. Too many people were nearby for him to hope slipping into her room secretly.
01-03-2004, 09:41
Malissa opened the door. "Can I help you, Prince John?" She asked, as she led him inside. Her eyes were red from recent tears once more, but once they were inside with the door locked she kissed him gently. "So... don't you have something to present to me?" She requested, smiling for the first time in what seemed ages.


Karolyn smiled at Calis. "I know some good doctors in Roania... unless the old Prince purged them, I'll know if I am or am not soon."

OOC: Last post until everyone catches up.

Aelosia, assume it's the morning after, and that they're both back at the palace. Val... have your guys ready for a funeral.
01-03-2004, 09:56
John smiled as a playful grin spread upon his face. He spoke in a rapid, high pitched voice.

"Yes ma'am. Telegram! Telegram! Telegram!"

He then circled around Malissa several times then stopped in front of her. He handed her the telegram from his brother.

Malissa's laugh proved to be music to John's ears as he listened to her, then watched as she read the telegram quickly.

"'re staying!" she spoke, careful to keep her voice down, lest others think that something was astray.

"That I am!" John replied, as he picked her up hugging and kissing her. She giggled as he made his way over to a stereo where she was placed down. John turned attention to the stereo, pulled out a romantic CD from its case next to the stereo and put it in. A few moments later soft music could be heard as it melodically soothed the ears.

John walked to the center of the room, turned and bowed. He held his hand out to Malissa.

"Would your highness be kind enough to dance with me?"
01-03-2004, 15:41
The ShadowPrince took the arm of Alysanndra, taking her out of the office, marveled with the beautiful work of the Roanian Architects. "This palace is beautiful, yet sinister in some way. Humans are strange, they can find the beauty even in the dark things", he said in a low tone.
01-03-2004, 18:50
Slowly Echo pulled out a small RS headset from one of her pockets and pulls a data chip out for a plastic case and places it in the head set. She then places it on Joshua's head. Slowly the data chip began to play a type of music. Joshua then started to stand and look of fury in his eyes. "Where is a place to train?" he asks. Phoenix on the other hand heard the same music and stood. The look of shock replaced by a emotionless look. "Might wana tell him where he can beat something. It is the safest way," Echo says as she motions to Joshua. At this point the young woman picks up the little cat hybrid and walks over to Echo and sighs shaking her head.
02-03-2004, 06:33
Simon nodded. "Guards, take the body to the church, and prepare it for burial with the Prince. Now, did anyone see which direction the Grand Duchess had run in?"

Valient and D'rtang walked through the crowd of people lined up at the church and went to the front.

D'rtang cleared his throat, getting everyones attention. Valient walked forward and presented himself.

"Hello. Some of you may not know me, but my name is ALexander Valient, President of the Commonwealth of Valient. In answer to that question, the duchess is off with... a close and personal friend, and needs some timealone.

"That said, I have been personally instructed by the Duchess's advisors to lead the preparations for this funeral, as quickly and as respectfully as possible.

"However, I am not quite up to speed on your funeral traditions. Is there anyone here who is willing to assist me in preparing for the funeral?"
02-03-2004, 08:39
Simon nodded. "Guards, take the Maxwells to the pew." He looked around. "Well... where's Abott Ver'Chan?" He asked, as soldiers forcibly removed the weapons from Joshua, and sat him and his siblings at the

"He is in Rome, my lord."

"Oh... well, someone find the priest from the chapel." Simon pointed to a large cross. "Mr. President, we need you to hold this iron cross."


Malissa smiled at him. How dare he try to cheer me up? Who does he think he is! My father was assassinated, my mother just killed herself, and this gorgeous guy is acting... acting... is... being... simply wonderful... I suppose... She walked towards him, and threw her arms around his frame, dotting him with kisses. "Thank you... you've been wonderful, John... but... I'm sorry," she said, sadly looking him in the eyes. "I'm... I... I'm not in the mood for dancing." She moved her face upwards, and locked lips with him, passionately stating her affection in a manner no words could convey.

John sighed, and picked her up, gently. "I understand... but it's not healthy to dwell on a loss... you have to keep smiling, Malissa." He kissed her. Turning off the music, he looked around. "Now... how... do I get back to my room?"

Malissa stepped over, and pulled on a statue's hand. A section of wall slid aside, and she directed him through.


Within a matter of minutes, both were en-route to the chapel, John dressed in a suit, and Malissa in a low-key black dress.


Allysandra nodded. "Sometimes, I think there are... ghosts and things... they all come from people that Alexander had killed in his training quarters, criminals of the highest order..."

She sighed. "We have to move quickly, ShadowPrince Kithail... otherwise we might miss the funeral." As they walked down the hall, she said, as if on an impulse, "May I sit with you? At the funeral?"
02-03-2004, 08:47
Calis smiled.

"I'm sure the prince didn't get rid of them all. And by the looks of things, Roania may be taking a slight change in the way things are run with the princess."
02-03-2004, 09:22
Soon, the two had arrived at the chapel. Several people immediately noticed Malissa's presence and set about their business at a faster pace, but not before saluting her.

John held her hand as he guided her into one of the pews. He turned to leave, expecting that she wanted to keep their relationship completely secret.

"John...please...sit." Malissa spoke softly to him. Surprised, John conceeded and sat next to her. The ceremony would begin soon, and Marshall could tell that random pairs of eyes were studying the two, as whispers amongst themselves began.

John wondered momentarily how long this funeral would be, but dismissed the thought as he looked about the chapel.
02-03-2004, 09:45
Malissa smiled. "Let them wonder, my love..." she said, softly. "They'll not care, so long as you seem to be keeping me in a good mood. Besides, they don't have any real proof as to our relationship. They just assume."


Guards moved to hustle Calin, Calis and Karolyn to the chapel. Karolyn's wheelchair was picked up by a machine, and she and Calin were run quickly through the long route to the palace elevators.
Syskeyian Mars
02-03-2004, 16:24
12 years into the future...

Arrrgh! Why do people do thing in the future? I'm RPing as if it is 2004, and you're saying the Prince dies in 2016! (I think.) That menas I can't respond! Arrgh!

God bless,

The Republic of Syskeyia
02-03-2004, 19:00
As the solder tried to remove the pistol form Joshua he quickly broke one of there arms before they finaly got it off him. Echo shook her head ad stole Phoenix's back-up pistol and tossed it to the guards. Phoenix took no notice at the theft. As Joshua sat down his eyes widened in pain as he felt his back wounds being pushed open again. "Damn it," he cursed ad he pulled a small hidden knife from Phoenix who didn't notice again and reached into the back of his shirt and sliced open hte bandages to stop the pain.
02-03-2004, 20:56
"Oh... well, someone find the priest from the chapel." Simon pointed to a large cross. "Mr. President, we need you to hold this iron cross."

Valient swallowed, and hefted up the cross. He staggered a bit under it's weight, but soon found a comfortable balance.

"Hmm," thought the president, "Why do I feel as if I was in a movie..."
03-03-2004, 02:49
The funeral service ran on, and on, and on. Hours passed into hours. Family, friends, diplomats, everyone sat on the tiny pews. Around Roania, everything had ground to a halt.

The priest recited the opening prayers, and began his statement. "Alexander Black was a true friend of the church..."

Malissa leaned her head on John's shoulder, tired and depressed. Behind her, the Phalanixians waited impatiently, silently bickering amongst themselves or staring into space. Allysandra and Kithail sat in the balcony reserved for elven nobility visiting from afar. Tears ran down the elf-woman's face as she listened. The Assingtonians were towards the back of the chapel, their view almost obscured by a big-haired woman from Altara.

President Valient, roughly halfway through the ceremony, passed the cross to his aide and went for a rest. The Roanian Ministers waited in the pews for the ceremony to conclude. The Royal Guard stood at attention, guarding the prince and his wife in death as they had guarded them when they lived. Field Marshal Derzni and Minister Merkenoff stood sharply at the back, not moving as their heads were bowed in silent prayer.

Finally, the coffins were lifted up, and walked slowly outside to the mortuary. In this hallowed building lay the bodies of the kings, of CROs Machiavelli and Edward, of Princess Lucy, and now would lie the bodies of Prince Alexander and his wife, Kelly. The funeral party halted, as only the priest and members of the Royal family were allowed down there. In a few seconds, Malissa and the priest walked out. The priest spoke. "Ashes to ashes... dust to dust..." finishing the ceremony.

The Roanians bowed reverently to the mortuary, and then, as one, marched off with military precision, not looking back. Allysandra looked at Kithail. She smiled. "I believe we were going for dinner?" She asked him, not noticing the surprise on his face.

Malissa looked a bit lost, but she too walked forward. "Come on, John... they might start without us, and we wouldn't want that."

"Start what? What's going on?" Malissa smiled wanly, and dragged him along.

Simon came back, and, with a few regretful glances after the other Roanians, he spoke to Joshua. "We were wondering if you would care to join us for the Death-feast?" He asked.

Several soldiers ran into the chapel, and, the priest in attendance, took President Valient and the Admiral after the Roanians. "Sore muscles? Some wine will fix that."
03-03-2004, 03:26
Joshua sighed and finaly spoke, "All right. But I might have to do something during it." He then pulls a feather from practicly out of no where* and walks outside the church and lets it go. The pure white color seemed to stand out in the sky as he flew away. Phoenix remained in his state of shock with the odd threatening growl whenever someone got to close to him except for Echo. She slowly stoo him up and walked him out steering him clear of anyone.

*Long long story. Just look at the posts in the limo
03-03-2004, 03:49
John was confused, but decided to trust Malissa. After all, he still had much to learn about Roanian traditions and pasttimes.

Picking up his pace he soon matched pace with Malissa as she led him, her arm in the crook of his own. The sun was setting, its light transforming into a myriad of beautiful colors, red on the horizon, slowly giving way to the purple skies approaching from the east. The air was still warm, gently sending a breeze through the land.

John looked down at Malissa out of the side of his eyes, watching her as she walked along. Her face still bore the redness of her mourning, but her eyes seemed to be alive again, as if they sought the light of life in anything they saw.

Or, she's very much in love with me...

Either way, it felt nice to have a woman on his arm, subconsciously asking for a strong man to protect her. Inside, it made John feel important, feel needed, feel loved.

"So, where are we going?" he asked Malissa.
03-03-2004, 04:04
Malissa smiled. "They are going to go throw a traditional death-feast, to celebrate the passing of my father and mother into the afterlife by getting massively drunk and making fools out of themselves." She giggled. "I want to show you something, though..." she walked him into the palace. "Unless you'd like to go join them?"


Simon nodded, and led the Phalanixians into the party. "Wine, women and song, begging your pardon m'lady Echo." He looked around, and his grin widened. "Jean!"

Jean Darquis ran over to Simon, wrapping her arms around him. "Hello, Simon." The young woman kissed his cheek.

"Jean, this is Joshua Maxwell, Echo Maxwell, Phoenix Maxwell, and... some cat thing." Simon's lip curled as he regarded the animal. "Gentlemen, ladies, this is my wife, Jean."
03-03-2004, 04:19
With an upturned eyebrow, John smiled at the devious woman hanging onto his arm.

"Well well, lead the way, and take me into the wild blue yonder..."

Malissa giggled some more, and pulled him harder toward the unknown destination.
03-03-2004, 04:41
She slid a wall panel open, revealing an elevator. She pulled him inside, and the elevator started to rise the second the door closed, taking them to the highest dome.

"Malissa, where are we going?"

She smiled, and put a finger to his lips, then kissed him. "You'll see..."

The door slid open, and they looked into a large room. "John, you're the first person who isn't a member of the Roanian government to see this... this is the Council Chamber."

At the distant end, a large throne stood on a raised dias. It shone, even in the dust that covered it. Down the steps from the throne, a large black chair stood at the head of a long table, with more chairs flanking either side. At the end closest to the elevator, a white chair sat.

As John looked, he could see that some of the chairs had designs worked into them. A sheperd's crook, twin crossed swords, a gold coin...

Malissa looked at him, waiting for something.
03-03-2004, 05:11
John looked in wonder at the exquisite layout of the chamber. The chairs caught his attention the most, and so he walked over to some of them, and bent over. He reached out and touched the designs lightly, tracing his fingers along the smooth cuts. It was obvious what each of the designs represented. They represented the different positions within the government, one for agriculture, one for military, one for the treasury, and so on.

Standing up, John turned back toward Malissa, her emerald colored eyes patiently watching him, watching him adore the room.

"I'm honored to be here, Malissa. But I do not know why you have brought me here. What is your purpose?"

He looked about the room once again, still taking in the wonder of the richly colored, furnished chamber.
03-03-2004, 05:26
Malissa smiled, and pointed over to a window. She walked John over. In the distance, the sun set behind gorgeous white mountains, turning the sky a brilliant violet. The sand and scraggly grass of the Roanian desert glowed from the sunset, and a cool breeze blew.

Then Malissa squeeled. Flying over head were two red-glowing birds. Fire licked from their wings, and they seemed to fly serenely, irregardless of the people watching from below. "Firebirds..." the two beautiful birds started to fly further downwards, towards the mountains.

The young woman smiled, and wrapped her arms around the gorgeous man next to him. "I come up here, sometimes, to look out there... this is my favorite place in the entire palace..." she kissed him.
03-03-2004, 06:13
Her soft lips pressed into his, hungrily seeking his own desires. John picked her up lightly off her feet and held her close, but gently as her arms wrapped around his neck, her hands pulling his head tighter. John spun her around a bit, resulting in her giggling and smiling as they continued to kiss. The sunlight lit her hair up, giving a golden hue to the outlines of her figure. He carried her over to the long table, set her down.

She pulled away looking at him with loving eyes. Her emerald eyes shone with the sunlight, as her white hair fell softly around her shoulders. John stroked her cheek with his fingers, whispering,

"Last night, you said you loved me. You are the moon, the stars, and the sun of my life. I have never met any woman as wonderful as you, no woman could amount to you, Malissa.

He bent forward, kissing her gently, then spoke softly, "I love you too..."

She beamed her pleasure, and kissed him harder, wrapping her arms around his neck again. Several minutes later, John suggested quietly,

"What do you say we skip dinner, and go somewhere, somewhere private?"

He had a glean of adventure dancing in his eyes.
03-03-2004, 08:33
Valient and D'rtang laughed at themselves and flexed their arms. After such a long time carrying the cross, thier muslces had finally relaxed.

"Sir, I must admit, even that was a bit much for me..."

"Now now, Admiral. We must do things in the name of diplomacy... ow."

The pair saw Simon leading the Phalanixians into the party, meeting up with another group. They walked over with a round of drinks carried on a tray by D'rtang.

"Now, who here is up for some refreshments?"
03-03-2004, 09:35
Calis Calin and Karolyn sat at the table, finishing off their meals. The service had gone for many hours and the only thing that had kept the brothers awake was respect for the late leader of an allied nation.

Leaning back on the chair, Calis sighed.

"That was far too long. At least ceremonies back home are short."

Calin nodded.

"It's because we don't go through the religious stuff."

"Indeed. Now where is the young princess? I have yet to meet her."
03-03-2004, 09:38
Simon looked up, and smiled. "Ah, the redoubtable President Valient. We're most thankful for your assistance." The woman next to him started to bow, caught herself, and then curtsied. "I don't believe you've met my wife, Jean?"


As he said that he loved her, she could feel her heart beat faster and faster. Her entire body started to feel warm, and her clothes felt as if they were far too tight. She reached forward and kissed him when he finished speaking, wrapping her arms tightly around him and giving vent to all her passion. They would have gone even further, but both of them maintained their patience.

When she stepped away, she smiled. "Mmm... why not do both? I'm sure... we could have a light supper in my room... then... we can talk..." her words faded as they looked at eachother.

John nodded. The two of them walked back to the elevator, and in a matter of minutes they were in Malissa's room, with a bottle of wine and a light meal. After they were finished, Malissa started to struggle out of the constricting dress, smiling at John's reaction.
03-03-2004, 09:47
Calis Calin and Karolyn sat at the table, finishing off their meals. The service had gone for many hours and the only thing that had kept the brothers awake was respect for the late leader of an allied nation.

Leaning back on the chair, Calis sighed.

"That was far too long. At least ceremonies back home are short."

Calin nodded.

"It's because we don't go through the religious stuff."

"Indeed. Now where is the young princess? I have yet to meet her."

"Ah, and you won't..." A voice said, mysteriously from below their sight. Someone coughed. "Down here."

The two young men looked down, and saw the Prime Minister looking up at them. "Ah, can I speak to President Calis for a moment, young sir?" He said to Calin. When Calin backed away, the PM nodded. "I'm Prime Minister Harold Cartwright, servant of Her Grace, the Grand Duchess of Agua. Our future Princess, Malissa." He added perfunctorily.
03-03-2004, 09:58
Calis nodded and extended his hand in greeting.

"Ah, I was wondering when I would encounter you Prime Minister. May I introduce my brother Calin, and his wife Karolyn."

He indicated the two whilst he pulled up a seat for the PM.
03-03-2004, 10:09
Amused, John lay back on the bed, propped up by an elbow, as he watched Malissa slip out of her black dress with some effort. Tossing the dress aside, she smiled seductively as John's eyes wandered over her body, admiring the fit of the artful lingerie on her body.

"Well? Are you going to sit there, looking like you don't know what to do?" she teased him, moving her hands across her body.

John chuckled and pulled off his shirt, revealing his muscular body.

"Ohh..." said Malissa, quietly in anticipation.

A moment later, John moved forward, taking Malissa down gently, kissing her on the neck, the shoulders, and back to her mouth. His hands slid downward and began to remove the last layer of clothing upon her. She did the same for him a moment later. Their warm flesh pressed into each other, offering comfort and love for one another...

(camera cuts to the party scene) :P
03-03-2004, 10:33
12 years into the future...

Arrrgh! Why do people do thing in the future? I'm RPing as if it is 2004, and you're saying the Prince dies in 2016! (I think.) That menas I can't respond! Arrgh!

God bless,

The Republic of Syskeyia


No, no and no. Means nothing of the sort. I meant it takes place 12 years after the Civil War, End of Days, and the other RPs that were going on at the time of writing the opening post.

Fit it in to your own chronology in anyway.

Better put that in at the top...
03-03-2004, 16:50
Simon looked up, and smiled. "Ah, the redoubtable President Valient. We're most thankful for your assistance." The woman next to him started to bow, caught herself, and then curtsied. "I don't believe you've met my wife, Jean?".

Alexander reached over and clasped Jean's hand. He raised it to his lips and bussed it gently.

"Charmed, I'm sure."

"It seems as if love is in the airm does it not?" Alexander turned to D'rtang and winked.
03-03-2004, 18:52
Joshua sighed and shook his head. "Joshua isn't a Maxwell. He just recently found out," Echo says as she watches Joshua walk off to a morre sucluded corner near a window and gaze out. If anyone looked into his eyes a gaze of pure raw emotions could be seen. Phoenix just looked around and muttered something about parties under his breath. Echo just forced him into the groups. The hybrid that stuck with Joshua closly walked up to his sholders and lay down purring. He scratched it's head with care as he looked out. "Out on the front porch watchig the cars as they go by. Eight-teen blue, twenty-one grey. Looking ahead for the first time for we could drive out o nour own. We could speed away," he sung quietly as he was ment to sing
03-03-2004, 19:41
"Of course you can sit with me, it will be an honor, Lady Alysanndra. But, I don't want to be a problem for you. Are you sure about that?", he asked in a worried tone.
04-03-2004, 07:17
Calis nodded and extended his hand in greeting.

"Ah, I was wondering when I would encounter you Prime Minister. May I introduce my brother Calin, and his wife Karolyn."

He indicated the two whilst he pulled up a seat for the PM.
04-03-2004, 08:51
<Yes, Tarl. Really, I wanted them to have a nice game of chess.>


Cartwright nodded. "Ah, the redoubtable Mrs. Karolyn! My Lord Chanchellor has told me so much about you!" He kissed her hand. Then, his manner became business-like. "Yes. President Calis, I was wondering if I could speak to you in private." He gestured to a door.


((Sorry, Aelosia... I haven't been myself lately. Let's move things forward...))
Allysanndra laughed delightedly.

*After the funeral, at the death feast*

She and Kithail sat, rather primly, at a dinner table by the side, watching the humans celebrate the passing of Alexander Black into a better life. She coughed, and looked the Shadow Prince in the eyes. "I... it pains me to say this, but... as the Princess Aliria probably told you, Alexander wasn't the nicest of people..." She looked out once more. "These people were... much closer to him than anyone but his wife or I, his friends, and... they're probably celebrating the fact that he's gone as much as the fact he's in heaven." She coughed. "Disgusting, of course, that anyone could be dancing after a funeral..." Allysandra said, slightly wistfully.


Simon smiled... well, all his teeth were showing. "Ah Ha. A word of warning, as a Foriegn Minister to a visiting head of government... don't joke like that. Especially not here."


Jean walked over to Joshua. "Sir, are... you okay? Don't listen to those two. You are whatever you believe yourself to be." She scratched the cat-thing on the head. "I've... learnt that over the years..."
04-03-2004, 09:08
Calis nodded.

"Sure, lead the way."
04-03-2004, 10:07
John woke up, completely relaxed. His arms were wrapped around Malissa, as she leaned forward into him, sound asleep. One hand moved to gently brush her cheek, pushing away the seemingly invisible strands of hair.

Outside, the party could be heard faintly.

So they still are going with that...

John closed his eyes again, his last view being of Malissa, so peaceful in his arms.*FNtPlpEaP61qxq4ltq4T*ZBWjP6GFKmjo0Dw2gQT4XN8FxFb!Su9zHhaBsKDVRIvSC*XNvUFoPLToyb*Dl61Muz5 N1Ggv0zcRNXFZ!d89zwwfZPEc*3UL/JohnMarshall.bmp?dc=4675462372105398953
John Marshall
04-03-2004, 17:37
"As a matter of fact Princess Aliria really liked Prince Black, I'm not sure why. She told me that she always felt something inside him, something demonic, yet she believed that he was a nice man. Yet I suppose that's what happens when you rule with an iron fist. You rule by fear and not by love. At least I learned that lesson right on time", said the ShadowPrince looking at his surroundings, visibly nervous
04-03-2004, 19:08

Simon smiled... well, all his teeth were showing. "Ah Ha. A word of warning, as a Foriegn Minister to a visiting head of government... don't joke like that. Especially not here."

Alexander smiled and bowed to Simon.

"Forgive me. This wine... must be affecting my thoughts."
04-03-2004, 23:55
"I know and I'm fine," Joshua replies, "I just don't enjoy large groups unless it is a concert or a millitary meeting. All I've known for most of my long life was war and pain." He laughs slightly as he gazes out and and says quietly "Thin about the hero saving life in the dark. Climbing higher through the fire. Time is running out. Never knowing to be coming down alive. But you still came back for me." The pet on Joshuha's sholders purs and rubs it's head on Jean's hand.
05-03-2004, 08:36
Jean smiled. "So... do you have a wife, Mr. Maxwell?" She asked, watching as her husband politely menaced President Valient.


Malissa gently pushed into his side. "John..." she said, sitting up, unselfconscious in her nudity, "wake up..."

The prince mumbled. Malissa sighed, and leaned forward, bringing their bodies back together and kissing his lips firmly. His eyes slowly opened as the heat of their bodies joined. "Mmm... what a pleasant way to wake up..." he said, as he moved himself even closer, embracing her.

Time passes...

Malissa giggled, her breasts bouncing slightly as she watched John stand up. "That was certainly a... a very nice way to wake up..."

He smiled. "So... shall we go and join the party, Malissa?" He asked, looking for his clothes. They had been scrunched up.

Malissa smiled, and also stood up. She ran his fingers along his chest and shoulders. "Mm... I'll wait for you downstairs, then... go get some new clothes... and we can get something to eat... maybe dance... grab a wine bottle..."

She started to slowly pull her under-clothes on, slowly, turning so that John got a view of every curve of her body. After she was completely dressed, she kissed him. "Mmm... better move fast, love..."


PM Harold led Calin into the room, and sat behind a desk. "So... what do you think of Roania so far...?"


Allysandra noticed his worried expression. "Are you okay, ShadowPrince?" She asked. What is wrong with Kithail? Is he... I hope he's okay... someone so handsome shouldn't have to worry. She blushed slightly as she remembered that Alexander had mention Aliria's psychic powers. Could... could he be psychic as well?


Simon smiled. Wow... he can't hold his wine.... "Echo, Phoenix, why not avail yourselves of some of the refreshments? And I'm sure that, if you want, some people would be glad to dance with you. President Valient... why don't we go get some more wine?"
05-03-2004, 08:48
PM Harold led Calis into the room, and sat behind a desk. "So... what do you think of Roania so far...?"

Calis sat down.

"Things have changed since I was last here, back when I was boy. I wish I could be here under better circumstances, so I could enjoy what your nation has to offer. So far, I have found it pleasant. I do have concerns though, I hope your nation will not suffer politically from the death of such a strong leader."
05-03-2004, 09:14
"All right, I'll see you in a few minutes."

John kissed her again, and turned toward the bookshelf on the wall. Studying it, he spied a blue bound book sitting about halfway upwards and in the middle of the shelf, surrounded by a variety of other books.

He smiled, reached out and tilted the book. Instantly the bookshelf turned inward. Giving a bow to her, he stepped backwards into the hidden pathway and disappeared from view. Her bookshelf closed back up again as he moved away from it.

Soon enough, he found the doorway to his room, and pulled the lever. It slid open silently, and he made his way into the room. Taking his shirt off he threw it onto the bed, before he suddenly stopped and sniffed the air.


Scowling slightly he followed the scent to his closet, to which he flung it open, threw an arm in and yanked out the man inside hidden among his hanging clothes.

"I knew it! You ought to lay off the beans when you eat, your damn flatulence is a damn signal to your presence. Now, stand there, and don't you dare move your ass anywhere."

John moved about the room, searching under, behind, and on top of everything. Soon enough he found two agents under the bed, one in the credenza, one under the sink in the bathroom, hidden in the cupboards, and the last posing as a human lamp, complete with a headpiece with a lightbulb attached to it, on his head. John shook his head, rather amused by this.

"Now gentlemen, you are to leave me with your identification information, and then you may leave."

The men complied, each telling him of their name and ID number, to which he wrote upon a sheet of paper and deposited it into his pocket. The men left, surprised that he had not enacted harsher punishment from Marshall. However, Marshall had his plans for these men...

John finished stripping his older clothing in favor of a cleanly pressed suit that was put on quickly. Making his way to the doorway, he opened it and strode out, heading quickly downstairs.

A few minutes later, he spied Malissa in her beautiful dress, and came up to her, kissing her.

"Sorry I took longer than expected. I found a couple of your "eyes and ears" in my room. I've got a list of their names and IDs for you. I trust you'll do whatever you have to do at a later time? For now, let us have some fun..."

John grinned again, running his hand along her side, following the curves of her perfectly formed body.

"My my, I think I really like this look now Malissa. You are exceptionally sexy in that dress."

John grinned as she blushed slightly.
05-03-2004, 10:32
"Hmm? Oh, don't worry lad, we'll be fine." Cartwright opened a drawer, and pulled out two glasses and a bottle. "Cognac?"

As he poured, he spoke. "Otto von Klyne apparently made... a bit of a promise to your brother... I'm just wondering if you would mind terribly if we don't... um... keep it?" The PM asked, wretchedly. "He acted without my approval."


Malissa smiled as she took the keys. "Odd... did you remember to check inside your pillow-cases?" She laughed. "They might have put cameras in." She suddenly froze. Oh no! I'll have to get the wall-footage from last night! God... imagine all those... well... I've always been an exhibitionist. I'll just ensure that all copies are destroyed. She shudders at his touch, pleasure coursing from him into her. "Mm... don't start that... otherwise we'll never get down there."

She reached for his hand and squeezed it. "I love you," she said, as she began to walk towards the staircase, still holding him. "And... I think I will walk down there with you..."
05-03-2004, 10:50
"Are you sure?"

They were approaching the doorway.


"Very well, off we go then."

Her grip was held firmly but lovingly by his own. Opening the door for her, he held it open as she stepped out first, gently pulling him along. The crowd outside continued in its excited chatter and exchange among the guests. Several people closest to the doorway turned and looked when the door had opened.

Eyes widened slightly as they spied the unmistakable union of hands between Malissa and John. A few gestures passed between the guests and more turned to look at the two arrivals.

John looked about the crowd, which, by majority, was still actively unaware of the Grand Duchess's and the Prince's arrival. In some of the faces of the guests that had noticed, John could detect faint but present envy, especially among the men. This only served to make him grip Malissa's hand slightly tighter. Her hand squeezed momentarily back at him.

He led her to the edge of the bandstand, whispered momentarily to the condutor, whom replied with a curt nod and set about finishing the song that was being played.

Leading Malissa to the middle of the dance floor, the two let go of hands as they backed away facing each other. The music began to play a classic Roanian musical piece. He bowed to Malissa, a calm face showing no nervousness.
05-03-2004, 11:36
"It's nothing. It's just that this way of mourning makes me feel uncomfortable. But don't worry, I'll be fine", he said, focusing his attention in Alysanndra's eyes again. "Now you're the one looking worried. Do you find me disturbing or it's just the atmosphere?", he asked, staring deeply to Alysanndra.
05-03-2004, 12:14
"Hmm? Oh, don't worry lad, we'll be fine." Cartwright opened a drawer, and pulled out two glasses and a bottle. "Cognac?"

As he poured, he spoke. "Otto von Klyne apparently made... a bit of a promise to your brother... I'm just wondering if you would mind terribly if we don't... um... keep it?" The PM asked, wretchedly. "He acted without my approval."

Calis nodded that he would accept the drink.

"I see. And what promise is that?"
05-03-2004, 16:03
Jean smiled. "So... do you have a wife, Mr. Maxwell?" She asked, watching as her husband politely menaced President Valient.

"Just call me Joshua. And my last name isn't Maxwell anymore. Ironicly I was never a Maxwell," Joshua says with a laugh, "Anways I don't yet. My brother... I mean Phoenix had one befroe she was killed in the second civil war. Besides I'm going on 75 I think. I doubt I'll have one whith the fact I'm only a faction human and mostly vampire and angel."
06-03-2004, 01:58
Every male Roanian noble in the room suddenly, as one, drew their rapier as the flute started its whistling. A clarinet joined in, and the two instruments together played an overture.

John looked at Malissa. "What...?"

She smiled, and then backed out of the dance area. "Good luck, President Marshall... you'll need it."

A martial tune burst from the orchestra, and the unoccupied nobles rushed into the centre of the room, holding their swords aloft. As one, they threw them up, and caught them. Throwing them again, a glistening light shone and the swords floated in the air. Then they turned towards John, and began to advance towards the President. They seemed to be waiting for him to take action.


Allysandra sighed. "I suppose every culture has their own way of dealing with death. I don't approve myself, but... it keeps them happy." She shook her head. He can't read my mind... good. "Hmmm? Worried? I'm not worried... Just..." she couldn't finish, just looked directly at the ShadowPrince, meeting his stare with her own. She smiled at him, not sure what she was feeling. "Just... enjoying..."


"He said that in exchange for your brother helping him deal with a slight problem at an office building, he would get Assington declared most favoured nation..." Cartwright said, shaking his head. "Absurd, really."


"Oh, don't say that... my husband thought he'd be dead before he married... sure, we met under unusual circumstances, but... we're very happy. Maybe you should look for someone?" Jean smiled. "I hate to see people my husband likes look depressed."
06-03-2004, 02:15
"He said that in exchange for your brother helping him deal with a slight problem at an office building, he would get Assington declared most favoured nation..." Cartwright said, shaking his head. "Absurd, really."

Calis nodded in understanding.

"That is quite inappropriate. I belive Mr. Von Klyne does owe my brother a favour for his task, but that promise I shall allow to slip. I understand you situation and am glad to help."

Calin took a sip of his wine and turned to Otto.

"So, how have things been here?"
06-03-2004, 02:29
"Good luck??!! Mi'lady! What are..."

John's attention was drawn to the advancing nobles, all brandishing swords. His eyes widened slightly.

What kind of sick game is this?

For the first time in his life, John was glad he had taken martial arts classes as a lad. And this situation definitely looked like it was necessary to be used...

Taking his coat and shirt off, John tossed them aside, out of the way. His musculature body rippled slightly as he pulled himself into a defensive stance, arms held out, hands opposing one another and held apart at a 90 degree angle. His eyes set themselves, increasing his awareness of his surroundings.

The twenty nobles began to surround him. John saw this, and kept each one's position in mind. He rotated, eyeing each man, sizing them up.

A hush fell among the crowd spectating, as their attention focused on the action.
06-03-2004, 03:17
"Well to tell you the truth Kellyy, Phoenix, me, and every other solder in the army were tought to forget about those who died. They thought that if they didn't exist they wouldn't matter. That test failed when my first love was killed and later Phoenix's wife and so forth," Joshua says "Besides I rather enjoy the sun set." At that moment Joshua took notice of the nobels and there sword jugling and shook his head. "Why can't anything here be normal damn it," he mutters
06-03-2004, 04:05
Cartwright nodded. "My thanks, President Calis... now, tell me... have you had a chance to speak to the Princess?" The PM asked as he put some papers back on his desk.


Malissa watched as John's muscles rippled. Mmmm...

The nobles looked at eachother. Hand signals flashed back and forth. They lined up, and bowed. Then they charged.

John might have been surprised when they stopped on either side of him, waiting for him to do something. A crazy thought passed through him, and he took a step forward.

They all marched forward, in lockstep, position remaining the same. He clapped his hands together. They all clapped at the exact same time. The Roanian men, and Prince John were completely synchronised.


Jean smiled. "Well... don't let that get you down... there are plenty of women here, and I'm sure that in Phalanix there are hundreds of women who would love to marry you." She scratched the cat-thing one more time, and then curtseyed to Joshua. She walked off, a smile playing on her face as she looked for her husband.
06-03-2004, 05:19
Joshua smirked a tthe coment of women wanting to marry him in Phalanix. About 98% thought he died. The hybrid on Joshua's sholder purred once more before Joshua picked it up and set it down on the window sill letting it sleep. "Enjoy your rest my little friend," he says as he turns from the sun set and walks towards the groups of people.
06-03-2004, 07:40
It's only a, and I thought this was gonna get ugly...

John grinned slightly, as he deftly flipped forward while turning 180 degrees and landing squarely upon his feet. Beckoning toward the men with an open hand, he waved his hand slightly for them to advance on him.

If they wanted to see a dance, he would give it to them, and what better way to do it than to have these men try to keep up with him?

He grinned again, his white teeth flashing. He was going to have fun with this...
06-03-2004, 07:52
Malissa watched as John cartwheeled towards the wall, surrounded by nobles who took the exact same action as he did. The prince stood up, and looked to his left. At the same time, the nobles looked to their lefts.

"Damn... this is hard..." John threw a punch out in front of him. At the same time, the Roanian nobles did as well. He let his hand drop. They let theirs.

Simon looked over. "Give us a dance!" He shouted from the bar.

Marshall rolled his eyes. Then he somersaulted forward, coming out of it in a smooth pounce to his feet. Around him the Roanian nobles did the same. John started to move faster and faster, spinning to the left, twirling on his feet. The nobles did as well, not faltering from their co-ordination. He did a reverse somersault, and was followed by them.

Finally, the nobles paused. There was loud applause from all of them, and the nobles grudgingly bowed to the Prince. "Very good... now, where's your sword, lad?" A rather pudgy man asked him, his own sword floating down to him.

Several women looked up as Joshua approached. "Ah, sir... please, join us."
06-03-2004, 08:02
"Alas, I did not come here with my weapons. After all, I came to pay my respects. I did not expect to need them."

Turning toward the crowd he called out,

"Who will kindly lend me their sword?"

"I will." replied one of the nobles who had participated in the dance as he handed Marshall his sword in its scabbard. John nodded his appreciation, drew the sword, tapped the sword several times onto the ground, listening to the ringing emitting from it. He held it swiftly to his face, inspecting the blade, before he was satisfied.

"A fine weapon, kind sir. I will have to stop by a swordsmith and have one forged for me." he complimented the man, before turning back toward the pudgy man.

"Let us begin." he replied, whipping the sword about in a graceful opening maneuver before bringing it to bear toward the man.
06-03-2004, 09:34
Valient looked on as Marshall swung his sword around in a test. He swallowed what was left of his wine and poured himself and simon some more.

He caught Marshall's eyes and winked.

"Hey now. What's a prince like that holding such a dangerous sword?"

He raised his glass and toasted the royal.

"Don't do anything Malissa wouldn't approve of."

He turned back to Simon and frowned.

"I... think I've had a bit too... much..."
06-03-2004, 09:51
The Roanians stared at Valient, mouths hanging slightly open. Several of the women looked to be on the verge of fainting. Simon allowed his lips to crinkle slightly with disgust. He turned to the Admiral. "So, tell me... Admiral. What brings you here with the President?"


The man bowed, and then rang his sword out against John's, almost forcing it aside. The two of them mock struggled for a few seconds, and then they backed away.

The pudgy baron threw his sword at John. The younger man caught the handle as it passed by, and then threw his own.

Soon the two rapiers were flying through the air. A few minutes later, they both strode forward, and matched blades. The Baron bowed, respectfully. He moved forward, and whispered into John's ear, "You're a very brave man..." his eyes darted towards Malissa. "And a lucky one, John."