NationStates Jolt Archive

NS Superpowers (Not the same thread we get every day)

17-02-2004, 22:23
Okay, in most "Superpower" threads we have one person asking for a list of superpowers, and then everybody chimes in why they are a power (mainly because they have XXXXX nukes) or why somebody else is a power (because they have XXXXXX nukes). Nothing is ever decided, and it usually ends up with the old people yelling at the newbies, or vice versa. Well, let's switch it up a bit.

What we'll do here is this.

1) A person will be nominated for "Superpower" status. You may not nominate yourself, and you may not use a puppet to do it (Would a Mod please check and make sure nobody is using a puppet?)

2) People will vote "Yes" or "No" on why that person should be considered a "Superpower", and must give support (military power could, but shouldn't, be the support)

3) Once there have been 20 "Yes" votes with adequate support that person will be acknowledged as a "Superpower"

4) If a nominated person receives 20 "No" votes before being admitted to the "Superpower" ranks he/she will no longer be eligible for "Superpower" status, and will have to be nominated and voted for all over again. Support must also be given for "No" votes, you can't just vote "No" because you don't like that person.

Is this a viable idea? It will express the views of the NS players, it will grant "Superpower" status to those who deserve it, and poeple will not be able to say how they great they are.

So, who shall be nominated first?

Nominated nations:
Francos Spain (No: 3)
Automagfreek (No: 1, Yes: 1)
Steel Butterfly (No: 1)
Tahar Joblis
Scolopendra (Yes: 1)
Melkor Unchained (Yes: 1)
Menelmacar (Yes: 1)
New York and Jersey (Yes: 1)
Dread Lady Nathicana (Yes: 1)
17-02-2004, 22:28
I nominate Francos Spain.

You may hate him, but you have to admit that there are few nations that are as influencial. How many people play the game just to destroy him? How many organizations have been created for that purpose?
17-02-2004, 22:29
I nominate Francos Spain.

You may hate him, but you have to admit that there are few nations that are as influencial. How many people play the game just to destroy him? How many organizations have been created for that purpose?
17-02-2004, 22:39
I nominate Francos Spain.

You may hate him, but you have to admit that there are few nations that are as influencial. How many people play the game just to destroy him? How many organizations have been created for that purpose?

he's so strong because he has a cult of brownnosers and suck ups.
17-02-2004, 22:45
Unless you're voting "No", with a reason, do not post here. I don't care why he's powerful, just so much as he is.
17-02-2004, 23:24
Are there any other nominations? Perhaps voting Yay or Nay for the current applicant?
17-02-2004, 23:25
Are there any other nominations? Perhaps voting Yay or Nay for the current applicant?
Garrison II
17-02-2004, 23:36
I thought superpower was for rping?
17-02-2004, 23:40
I nominate Steel Butterfly for NS Superpower and I vote NO for Francos Spain, his power ends in his region.
17-02-2004, 23:50
Please state why you nominate Steel Butterfly. Also, support is needed for why you vote "No" on Francos Spain. His being a power in his regioin could be the very thing that makes him worthy of being a Superpower (never thought of that, did ya?)
Nuevo Kowloon
18-02-2004, 00:03
Hmmmm... I'm fairly new here, but I'd have to say that I find Automagfreek quite impressively superpower-like, based on two things:

1. RP'ing
2. Size.

AMF not only has a pretty big nation, but he's a pretty good RP'er and he's fairly reasonable when in dispute in the (ooc) discussion.
18-02-2004, 00:05
I nominate Malatose.

1.Rps Good
2.Powerful Military
3.always helping allies
18-02-2004, 00:17
AMF and Malatose have been added to the nominees list. Now we just need somebody to vote
Santa Barbara
18-02-2004, 00:35
This thread won't solve anything, it's just a more democratically codified version of all the other superpower threads. And if you're going to mix non-RPing nations like Francos Spain with RPing nations, well you might as well include Max Barry. Or the game mods. Or RL nations that could shut down this whole site. And since whoever wins is the one that gets the most votes, it's bogus anyway.

I mean really, where was the vote for whether or not the USA and USSR were superpowers? I missed that one.

IMO this kind of thing is generally a waste of time, no matter how you change the process of 'nomination.'
Santa Barbara
18-02-2004, 00:36
This thread won't solve anything, it's just a more democratically codified version of all the other superpower threads. And if you're going to mix non-RPing nations like Francos Spain with RPing nations, well you might as well include Max Barry. Or the game mods. Or RL nations that could shut down this whole site. And since whoever wins is the one that gets the most votes, it's bogus anyway.

I mean really, where was the vote for whether or not the USA and USSR were superpowers? I missed that one.

IMO this kind of thing is generally a waste of time, no matter how you change the process of 'nomination.'
Zepplin Manufacturers
18-02-2004, 00:40
I vote for Francos spain and Automagfreek

I have to say that Santa Barbara makes a good point however. What will this achieve?
Zepplin Manufacturers
18-02-2004, 00:43
I vote for Francos spain and Automagfreek

I have to say that Santa Barbara makes a good point however. What will this achieve?
18-02-2004, 00:48
18-02-2004, 00:48
I'm mainly doing for OOC knowledge, it really wont have any impact on RPing. I, and many others, merely want to know who is "in charge". If you don't think this has a point (and it doesn't, besides normal curiosity) then don't read the thread. Since none of this is IC it wont effect your gaming experience at all.

Zepplin Manufacturers, you need to support your voting for the people. "Because" isn't a reason they deserve to be recognized as superpowers.
18-02-2004, 01:02
18-02-2004, 01:03
Kloner I nominated Steel Butterfly because he is a good Rp-er and he can kick anyone's ass.

I voted NO for Fransico Spain because his economy is in the crapper, he doesn't RP, and his power comes from a group of suck-ups in a region that most people don't even stay in for more than a few minutes.

Also take malatos off the list of nominies as you are not allowed to nominate yourself.
18-02-2004, 01:14
This is a good point. I didn't even see that :oops:

Malatose has been removed, Steel Butterfly has been added, and your vote has been registered
Ares Industries
18-02-2004, 02:51
I'd like to give a firm NAI at AMF, as I find his RP has little substance, and he changes his 'setting' more times then I change the channel on my TV(I do it alot, just so y'know).

I'd like to nominate Tahar Joblis, not just because he's a kickass mod, but also for his high-quality RP's, especially the latest, Chains of Pride (Insert link I'm too lazy to find here).
18-02-2004, 03:39
Nominations: Scolopendra. I can't think of anyone with more power or influence. I mean, he's everywhere. Whether or not you knew he's a member of the First Among Equals for the Triumvirate of Yut, you can't deny that ToY is a byword in NationStates.

Melkor Unchained. Who doesn't talk about him, to him or refer to him at least once? It could be disputed that he has more power and influence than Scolopendra, but that's an old argument not worth getting into here.

Menelmacar. People talk about Sirithil and her elves even more than Melkor and Scolopendra. That doesn't necessarily give her more power and influence, especially given her posting habits, but it does make her a superpower.

New York and Jersey. He's not in every circle, but he has tremendous influence. I have recent personal experience (see Operation Roundhammer) with just how much influence he can wield when he chooses to do so. Often underestimated, but never twice.

Dread Lady Nathicana. Okay, this is me talking. This nomination was a given. But I role-play with her a lot and I know her very well. There is no one in NationStates with fingers in more pies. No one. How many folks do you know can aggressively face down the other super powers and not get glassed?

That's it for nominations.

I vote "no" for Franco, because he has no influence in any of the circles I operate in. If it weren't for the controversy surrounding his region, I never would have heard of him.

I vote "no" for Steel Butterfly because no one's military is invincible, and again has no influence that I can see.

I vote "yes" for Automagfreek because whether or not we like his RP, everybody has something to say about him, and tends to pay attention when he starts one of his inevitable rants. That's power, baby.
18-02-2004, 03:53
I vote "yes" for Automagfreek because whether or not we like his RP, everybody has something to say about him, and tends to pay attention when he starts one of his inevitable rants. That's power, baby.

I'll keep this short to avoid a rant. 8)

Lately I've been letting the barrier of NS and RL fade abit, and I've let my RL frustrations seep in here. That's going to change, because I've learned to say "fuck it" and not let RL crap spoil my fun on a game supposed to be fun!

I have looked back on a few of my posts lately, and all I can do is shake my head....
18-02-2004, 04:00
I've no problem voting no on Francos Spain because I've never even seen another nation influenced or in a position to be influenced by that state. I don't believe I've ever seen a post from that nation, so I don't know how it can be considered a super-power..

That said, I don't really believe that there are any super-power in nation states. There are major powers sure enough, a lot of them have been nominated already, but were they super powers they would be able to impress their will upon the planet, or at least a major percentage of it- pushing about even half a dozen nations in the massive world of Nation States doesn't make one a super power.

To further illustrate the lack of super-powers, I'd say that there is no one state that could be confident of annexing Dra-pol, or even removing its current government from power. I certainly do not consider Dra-pol anything close to a super power, and so if noone is well placed to take-out a minor state such as ours then no one can really call themselves a super-power and make people believe it. Dra-pol survived all out assault by about half a dozen then-wealthier and more advanced nations, but still has no force-projection capability beyond a handful of IRBMs and strategically placed artillery batteries (-waves to Seoul-)

There are nations, as I say, that can loosely be considered the most powerful and influential around, but they are not super powers. Stagnation in numbers, hurrah!

My word, I must be bored. I don't suppose I can register a "no" vote against all nominations, right?
The Evil Overlord
18-02-2004, 04:02
We keep stumbling across this type of thread, and each one always falls apart from the same weakness: no one can properly define what a "superpower" is.

Writing ability?

Number of posts?

Number of alliances devoted to the nation's destruction?

Sheer size?

Try defining what a "superpower" is first, then ask for nominations.

California and Alaska
18-02-2004, 04:09
I vote for Menelmacar...
18-02-2004, 04:12
You need to post a reason for your voting. Some support for their being a "superpower".
18-02-2004, 05:57
I nominate Wolfish for the following reasons.
His RP's are of consistently high literary quality and are always entertaining.
He is unfailingly gracious and supportive to new nations.
He co-founded Role Play University in order to improve the quality of RPing in NS.
He has taught and continues to teach new (and older) players positive RP skills.
He has donated countles hours of time to the above at the expense of his own gameplay enjoyment.
18-02-2004, 06:01
Added, and that is exactly what I'm looking for.
Sigma Octavus
18-02-2004, 07:16
I vote yay for Menelmacar. Few are as influential as Siri and her elves.
18-02-2004, 07:19
I nominate Pantera. That guy is one of the toughest SOB's I've ever run across, and his Reavers are probably one of THE most feared fighters in the world.
18-02-2004, 07:22
I nominate that "The SLAGLands" guy or whatever his name is. No one does pudding better.

(Yes, I know, puppets aren't allowed... so consider this a sneaky way to nominate myself. Because I'm bored.)
18-02-2004, 07:25
Russian Forces should be on here somwhere......
18-02-2004, 07:50
We keep stumbling across this type of thread, and each one always falls apart from the same weakness: no one can properly define what a "superpower" is.

Writing ability?

Number of posts?

Number of alliances devoted to the nation's destruction?

Sheer size?

Try defining what a "superpower" is first, then ask for nominations.


I nominate TEO cuz he asks the tough questions and will not hesitate to take out various thick books and knock you senseless. Ah...just joking. :)

Seriously, this threads are always doomed. There are literally thousands upon thousands of nations. Perhaps one should rephrase the question like this:

"In your interactions as an NS nation, whom do you recognize as a 'superpower' in your own universe?" That might cut the list down.
Melkor Unchained
18-02-2004, 07:51
I nominate Pantera. That guy is one of the toughest SOB's I've ever run across, and his Reavers are probably one of THE most feared fighters in the world.

*casually examines his fingernails. Yawns.*

18-02-2004, 07:52
I nominate Pantera. That guy is one of the toughest SOB's I've ever run across, and his Reavers are probably one of THE most feared fighters in the world.

*casually examines his fingernails. Yawns.*


Ya ya ya Mr. Bigshot. 8)
18-02-2004, 08:15
Perhaps Vizion? That is our Nomination.
18-02-2004, 08:19
I nominate Russian Forces... I'm sure you know why...
Glorious Humanity
18-02-2004, 08:28
I cast yes votes for all the of the following:

Melkor Unchained
New York and Jersey
Dread Lady Nathicana

As Treznor said, when these nations talk, people listen. They write interesting (if sometimes slightly... okay make that very outrageous) stories, but people pay attention to what they write. I know there are other nominees who are the same way, but the ones I listed are the only ones I've actually been in RPs with (admittedly, some of the above just happened to be posting in the same topic, but still...).

I also want to add a nomination. Someone seems to have forgotten Lavenrunz. Admittedly, Empress Aurora isn't having as much impact as Empress Joanna (though one of my characters may disagree on that point) but Lavenrunz is still chugging along. They may not be as flashy as some other nations, but they never fail to produce interesting stories and memorable characters that stick with the players who interact with them (remember how everyone cried at Joanna's death and booed Count Mirbach's "victory"?). I could also mention their substantial military and economic power, their extensive diplomatic contacts, and their huge population, however when you get down to it, in a game that's all about writing stories Lavenrunz has written some of the best, and that's important, no?
Santa Barbara
18-02-2004, 19:27
Well you know, when a screaming baby yells, people listen too, but screaming babies aren't superpowers. (Just pointing out a flaw in some justifications I've seen here, not flaming.)

Also, no one's military is invincible, but it's primarily military might that gave the USSR and USA 'superpower' status. The other things, influence, etc, came as a result of that might.

Anyway, I nominate Vrak! Walruses are inherently superior, and larger, than humans. And hey, when a walrus eats, people notice.
18-02-2004, 19:33
I nomonate
PANTERA, (Good RPer strong nation
18-02-2004, 21:19
Okay, this is going nowhere. There have been more nominations than all the votes put together. People are even nominating people who are already nominated.

No more nominations will be accepted until a decision is made on the already nominated ones. That mean you have to vote!
18-02-2004, 21:23
I will vote yes for Automagfreek, Melkor Unchained, and Menelmacar...those are three nations I know I would never want to mess with. Pantera, who has just been nominated, is another nation I would say is a superpower...and finally, I nominate Atlantian Outcasts.

Sorry, this is The Zoogie People...argh, got onto the forums by accident as a test puppet.
The Zoogie People
18-02-2004, 21:25
I will vote yes for Automagfreek, Melkor Unchained, and Menelmacar...those are three nations I know I would never want to mess with. Pantera, who has just been nominated, is another nation I would say is a superpower...and finally, I nominate Atlantian Outcasts.

Sorry, this is The Zoogie People...argh, got onto the forums by accident as a test puppet.

Right...logged back in as Zoogie People.
18-02-2004, 21:34
I nominate Seocc as a superpower. Not only does he have a great country but he is a great RPer with great posts.
18-02-2004, 21:35
No more nominations will be accepted until a decision is made on the already nominated ones.

Honestly, I just said this! Read the posts!

And you need to give support for why you vote Yes or No. You being afraid of them does not count.
18-02-2004, 21:39
We'd like to nominate the Holy Empire of Holy India.

Their national mascot is a Tea Bag! How cool is that?
18-02-2004, 21:42
Seconded. The Tea Bag will crush you with national pride.
The Belmore Family
18-02-2004, 21:43
We'd like to nominate the Holy Empire of Holy India.

Their national mascot is a Tea Bag! How cool is that?
I'm for that
18-02-2004, 21:45
We'd like to nominate the Holy Empire of Holy India.

Their national mascot is a Tea Bag! How cool is that?

Pretty cool! They are a veritable superpower if only because of that!
18-02-2004, 21:46
No more nominations will be accepted until a decision is made on the already nominated ones.
The Zoogie People
18-02-2004, 21:48
No more nominations will be accepted until a decision is made on the already nominated ones.

Honestly, I just said this! Read the posts!

And you need to give support for why you vote Yes or No. You being afraid of them does not count.

Okay...I have seen some of Melkor and Menelmacar's posts, and their nations...their power is a clear indication, at least to me, that they are both superpowers. As for Automagfreek, I browsed through the archives and read some of his war threads, and also his Sentinel creation thread...also, I can recall from recent memory that even though half a dozen nations threatened war on the Anti-Terror Army, the influence of AMF forced them all to stand down...if that isn't a superpower, I can't really think of what is...
18-02-2004, 21:52
We understand the democratic process in place, however we ask that Holy India be exempted from this due to extenuating circumstances. Holy India was not just nominated, not just seconded, but fourthed! FOURTHED! All of that in a mere matter of minutes! Listen to the international community, they want Holy India as a Superpower! Give the people what they want!
Total n Utter Insanity
18-02-2004, 21:55
I fifth Holy India. I can't find the words for their RPing skill.
Melkor Unchained
18-02-2004, 22:14
Melkor Unchained
18-02-2004, 22:20
"Superpower" status, in a game like this, is purely subjective. Not everyone RP's with everyone else, and while that person may hold a lot of power over their RP group, in most cases it means nothing in the big picture.

It's one of those things that are decided on a case-by case basis. I, for example, am considered a "superpower" by many, but every day new nations turn up that haven't heard of me or vice versa. So when you toss that little variable in the mix, it makes it pretty impossible to quantify NationStates "superpowers" in the borader sense: the most we could really do is nail the bigger ones that a lot of people have roleplayed/interacted with. I have my own set of those I consider "superpowers", and I'm sure all of you have your own, and in most cases I'm sure they're quite different.
18-02-2004, 22:30
I vote against everybody! :twisted: :twisted: :twisted:

Just kidding.

YAY for Steel Butterfly.
18-02-2004, 22:32
I'd like to nominate myself (Murphdawggia) just to see what people think one way or the other.
Tasty Foods
18-02-2004, 23:23
I nominate:

Foe Hammer: 1.748 billion people, Frightening economy, powerful space fleet, head of an alliance, and a great RPer. He deserves to be recognized as a superpower.

Tasty Foods: I'm just curious what y'all think. 1.786 billion people, Powerhouse economy, head of an entire solar system, powerful space nation, I think I could be considered a superpower, besides the fact I don't RP alot anymore. (OOC: Don't really have a lot of free time on my hands now that I got a girl.)
18-02-2004, 23:39
I don't RP with anyone on the list, so I suppose it wouldn't be fair for me to vote for or against them ("No, because I don't RP with far-future tech and thus have nothing to fear!").
(military power could, but shouldn't, be the support)But that's what makes someone powerful...:?
even though half a dozen nations threatened war on the Anti-Terror Army, the influence of AMF forced them all to stand downIt's fun to make a few shows of force (not even threats) and watch a bunch of nations back down. :D
19-02-2004, 00:55
19-02-2004, 01:03
I vote yes for Steel Butterfly. Even though IC relations keep falling, I still acknoledge that Steel Butterfly has awesome future tech RPs, is very skilled at writing, and has far advanced technology.
19-02-2004, 03:18
Hello! People, is it thast hard to follow the directions? I say you can't nominate yourself, and people do. I say you need to support your vote, and people don't. I say "no more nominations" and I get more in 10 minutes than the total up till then. You know what, forget the whole thing. This thread is CLOSED. Let somebody else put up with people who can't follow a simple list of "do's" and "dont's".
Tasty Foods
19-02-2004, 22:32
What is so wrong with nominating yourself? Why is there a restriction on the number of nominations?

Please, do answer these questions. If you're going to put restrictions on everything, then someone else should run this thing.
19-02-2004, 23:43
I think I can even answer those.

1) common sense, if you let everyone vote for themselves then guess what everyone is gunna vote for themselves even the noob nations with a 5 million pop. and no one will vote for anyone else

2) can't have a fair vote without rules, restrictions are just that rules the 20/20 rule is actually quite good (IMHO) and it's not to hard to understand

(BTW if there any any added since this went up that I missed just add them I haven't followed this thread much)
19-02-2004, 23:43
I think I can even answer those.

1) common sense, if you let everyone vote for themselves then guess what everyone is gunna vote for themselves even the noob nations with a 5 million pop. and no one will vote for anyone else

2) can't have a fair vote without rules, restrictions are just that rules the 20/20 rule is actually quite good (IMHO) and it's not to hard to understand

(BTW if there any any added since this went up that I missed just add them I haven't followed this thread much)
Tasty Foods
20-02-2004, 00:01
1) Are you implying that I'm a n00b? If you are, you are terribly mistaken. I am nominating myself because noone else would even think of nominating me because I'm not as well-known as the rest of the nations.

2) Thats like putting restrictions on how many superpowers there can be...that don't make any sense. Why would you restrict the number of superpowers there can be? Personally, I think the most well-known and well-liked nations will make it, not the nations that deserve it.
20-02-2004, 00:18
no I'm not implying your a noob at all(althought it might seem like that and if it does I apoligize ..I need a spell checker..) I'm jsut saying if you let one person nominate themselve every nation would (probably including myself) and besides Superpowers are known ( again sorry if I offend you) look at the US there almost in the News everyday weather good or bad, they are a superpower no one can deny that but say look at country "X" (not naming a name to mistake a country or offend someone) sure they might have a huge population but chances are their not a superpower, heck they might only be in the news once or twice every so many months

2) I agree partially with you there, but part of being a superpower is being known otherwise your just another power, (again if it makes sense look at my last example)

again I am sorry if I offend you I'm a little out of it today, (to much stuff crammed into my skull during science class :P )
20-02-2004, 01:10
Klonor, where the Heck is my nomination for Automagfreek, I had one in one of these Freakin' threads, and if it ain't this one then which (&*^(*&%^@*%&@^%*@^@%&%@&%%^ SUPERPOWER THREAD IS THE CURRENT ONE!??!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!

Damn, anyway, as I have said before, and IT BETTER NOT OF BEEN *&!(& DELETED, I vote YES for Automagfreek for his Role Playing Sportsmanship and Fellowship. His Skills are represented to as a Veteran/Elite status and is respectful to his fellow Role Players, assuring no God-Modding accures on his side, and assists whenever possible.

Thank You,

God Bless
20-02-2004, 03:15
Hello! People, is it thast hard to follow the directions? I say you can't nominate yourself, and people do. I say you need to support your vote, and people don't. I say "no more nominations" and I get more in 10 minutes than the total up till then. You know what, forget the whole thing. This thread is CLOSED. Let somebody else put up with people who can't follow a simple list of "do's" and "dont's".

Jesus, Christ, can't you people even read this? Stop posting here!
20-02-2004, 03:45
You're no mod - if you don't like it, ignore it.

I vote for my fellow Order ally, the Mighty Sketch. Powerful indeed.