NationStates Jolt Archive

Military Factfile: The Templar

17-02-2004, 14:39
OOC:Some of you have been asking what the Templar are exactly: So here you go.

Military Factfile: The Templar

With a history dating back Two Thousand Five Hundred years, the Kungshaoist Templar are a Military Order, that is technically independent of The Tersanctan Government. The Elite Warriors that comprise this group, essentially dedicate their lives to the training and refinement of everything from hand-too-hand combat, too Swordplay, too defusing nuclear bombs. Each and every member of the Order,is highly trained in every form of combat readiness and prescision, there is. So elite, that only 3 million out of 45 millon trainees have ever passed the rigourous training.

Code of the Templar
A knight is sworn to valor.
His heart knows only virtue.
His blade defends the helpless.
His might upholds the weak.
His word speaks only truth.
His wrath undoes the wicked.

Templar Ranks
Page-The first level of admission to the Temple.

Squire-The Official Induction into the Temple after the Recruitment Process has been completed.

Knight-The First Level of an official Templar Warrior.

Knight-Errant-The Second Level of Templar Warrior Status.

Preceptor-A fully-fledged Templar Warrior.

Sergeant-A Commander of a Company of Templar, usually 10.

Lieutenant-A Commander of a Regiment, usually 10 Companies

First Lieutenant-A Commander, same as a Lieutenant, but in a more supporting role.

Second Lieutenant-Direct Support of a Lieutenants.

Lieutenant Commander-A Commander of a Battalion, usually 10 Regiments

Captain- Commander of a Division. Usually 10 Battalions.

Commander-Commands lower Officers, may take command of a Divison at any time.

Commandant-Highest Rank of the Templar.