NationStates Jolt Archive

'Keep an eye on yer pockets..........

17-02-2004, 14:08's the Ratlings have formed a nation.

Namely the Ratling Collective.

The information below should prove useful.

Ratlings are the most diminutive people of SteamEarth. The average ratling never achieves a height greater than 34 inches or some 85 centimeters, and usually it is less. In weight they average some three or four hundred stone.

They are known to be somewhat proned to the vice of thievery, as shown by their normal day-to-day activities. They exhibit the same keen senses that all Minute peoples do, but in ratlings there is a greater emphasis on the sense of hearoing or some unkown 'sixth sense' than any other, and in accordance with this gift many ratlings perfect this skill to avoid danger as much as possible. As a result of this skill they are often 'hired' as 'guides'.

It is believed that the first ratlings appeared some two and a half hundred thousand years ago, in the marshland which nowadays surrounds the Imperial city of Stormwell. It is believed that they maybe the forebears of the Halflings or it least a subspecies resulting by Natural Selection, either way they do not have any sources of influence by Magick. Despite the fact that they do have a general lack of knowledge (especially when it comes to personal property laws) they seem to embrace technology to the fullest extend with regard to their everyday life.

Ratlings tend to live in small, close-knit communities, namely in urban areas only. In the case of ratlings living in Stormwell, there seems to be more than one small community of them living in the city’s sewers and long forgotten tunnels. The customs and traditions are highly maintained in the sense that for example if one of their kind is caught say when trying to raid somebody’s pocket, that ratling is then classed as an outsider as he has been ‘caught’. A ‘caught’ ratling then, in its own beliefs, is now the servant of the person who ‘caught’ it.