NationStates Jolt Archive

Aerion Terror Alert Level

17-02-2004, 07:57
The Ministry for Public Security of Aerion today announced today the implementation of a terrorist alert system in the basic five-tier color code.

It is believed the Ministry has implemented this policy due to the threat of anti state terrorist forces, and large threats of domestic terrorism from extreme groups such as the People's Revolutionary Party. The public not part of the dominating fascist party whispers that this is due to the government's fascist ways.

Green (Low Level Threat)
Blue (Guarded Threat Level)
Yellow (Elevated Threat Level)
Orange (High Threat Level)
Red (Severe Threat Level)

Types of Actions taken

Green (Low Level Threat)
Maintained alertness, training personne. All facilities and regulated sectors monitored for security weaknesses, and finding solutions to eliminate weakness.

Blue (Guarded Threat Level)
Indicates a general risk of terrorist attack. In addition to the procedures outlined above, agencies will:

Check emergency communication with designated emergency command centers
Review and update emergency response centers
Provide the public with any information that would strengthen its ability to act appropriately to benefit the state.

Yellow (Elevated Threat Level)
Indicates a significant risk of terrorist attack. In addition to the procedures outlined above, agencies will:

Increase surveillance of critical locations
Coordinate emergency plans with neighboring jurisdictions
Assess whether the precise characteristics of the threat require refinement of preplanned Protective Measures
Implement, as appropriate, contingency and emergency response plans

Orange (High Threat Level)
Indicates a high risk of terrorist attack, usually in regards to a specific statement by one or more terrorist groups or intelligence of a specific risk of imminent attack. In addition to the procedures outlined above agencies will:

Coordinate necessary security efforts with National, Provincial, and local law enforcement agencies, or the State Security Forces (SSF), or any appropriate armed forces organizations
Take additional precautions at public events, including consideration of other venues or cancellations
Prepare to execute contingency plans, including relocating command centers or dispersing emergency services personnel
Restricting access to any threatened facility to essential personnel only

Red (Severe Threat Level)
Indicates a severe threat of terrorist attack, almost always coupled with a specific threat or specific intelligence. This threat level is not meant to be maintained for extended periods of time. In addition to the procedures outlined above, agencies will:

Increase or redirect personnel to address critical emergency needs
Assign emergency response personnel and pre-position and mobilize specially trained response teams or resources
Monitor, redirect, or constrain transportation systems
Close public and government facilities
17-02-2004, 08:15
Current Alert Level:Blue (Guarded Threat Level)