17-02-2004, 03:40
When a founder gets to the point of advertising their region on the boards, you know he's desperate. But I am desperate. PLEASE JOIN :D
Hey, look! Another region plug! But this one looks interesting!*hint hint*
On behalf of the region of Karasitha, I would ask you to consider a move to Karasitha. Karasitha is a planet in the Lalus system near the core of the Andromeda Galaxy. It is largely unclaimed, and is of similar atmosphere and climate to Earth. It was discovered about 62 years ago by Gurguvii scout ships, and has since become our home. We share the region with another four nations, and one has a very small colony, but largely remains on Earth, although he is listed on the regional page. I believe that your nation would contribute a lot to Karasitha. Please join us in the chance to build a new world.
If you are not space flight capable, Gurguvungunit will provide transit.
Hey, look! Another region plug! But this one looks interesting!*hint hint*
On behalf of the region of Karasitha, I would ask you to consider a move to Karasitha. Karasitha is a planet in the Lalus system near the core of the Andromeda Galaxy. It is largely unclaimed, and is of similar atmosphere and climate to Earth. It was discovered about 62 years ago by Gurguvii scout ships, and has since become our home. We share the region with another four nations, and one has a very small colony, but largely remains on Earth, although he is listed on the regional page. I believe that your nation would contribute a lot to Karasitha. Please join us in the chance to build a new world.
If you are not space flight capable, Gurguvungunit will provide transit.