NationStates Jolt Archive


16-02-2004, 23:37
-edited- britmattia is a godmodder(obviously)and he is ignoring me, for him godmodding. heh i dunno, so dis war never happened.
Grays Hill
16-02-2004, 23:45
President Vasilli Vladorov was in the war room of the Presidential Estate. In the room with him were the top advisors. There was the Secretary of State Hiriuki Sakai, and Secretary of Defense Gordon Dubshlinger. Hiriuki Sakai looked up and said, “Well Mr. President, what do we do? “ Gordon Dubshlinger said, “Yes, I was about to ask that same thing. Diminix’s President has issued a speech, calling for aid from other Reich members in the war on elves. What do we do?” The President sighed and said, “ Well, he is right. We sit here safe and sound as our allies fight. It is time that Grays Hill get in there and kick some elf ass. I give the order to strike. May the bombs of Grays Hill rain holy hell on the ground of Britmattia.”

The engines of jets fired up at ones. They were warming up for the biggest air strike in the history of the Grays Hill Air force. A coordinated air strike on Britmattia was going to take place. The bomber squadron from Sheldon Air Force Base was going to take off first. They were going to bomb the airfields and grounded planes throughout Britmattia. Second that was going to take off was the bomber squadron from Port Royal Air Force Base. They were going to bomb ships in ports. The third and final bomber squadron, which was taking off from Ladys Island Air Force Base, was also going to destroy airfields and grounded planes.

The first bomber squadron, from Sheldon Air Force Base (AFB) consisted of 30 B-52 bombers, 15 B-1 bombers, 5 B-2 Bombers, and 15 F-16 Fighting Falcons along with 10 SU-34s as fighter escorts.

The second bomber squadron, from Port Royal AFB consisted of 2 B-52 bombers, 10 B-1 bombers, 15 B-2 Bomber, and 20 F-16 Fighting Falcons along with 10 Eurofighters as fighter escorts.

The third and final bomber squadron, from Ladys Island AFB consisted of 15 B-52 bombers, 20 B-1 bombers, and 25 B-2 bombers, and 20 F-16 Fighting Falcons along with 15 F-22s as fighter escorts.

The pilots of each squadron were briefed on their mission. They now knew where they were going and what each one was hitting. They boarded their planes and simultaneously they taxied out to the airstrip and took off.

The squadrons united together in the air and flew together as one big squadron. Within twelve hours, the bombers and fighter escorts could see the coastline. When the coastline was in view, they then split up and went their own ways. The second squadron split off and headed up the coast, until they reached a port of ships. The bombers dropped their payload, and the fighters guarded the skies around as the bombs fell. The first and third squadron had to make it deeper into Britmattia’s territory. They reached the bases and each squadron dropped their payload, and they rounded back up and flew home.
17-02-2004, 00:23
The United States of Pilot
Statement to Diminix

It will be the position of this government that we will not tolerate blatant and discriminate aggression on other nations in the international community. It will be the policy of this nation and its people not to stand by and listen as our media outlets tell us of the unprovoked violence that is being delivered to a peaceful people by your government. The 88th Congress of Pilot has voted on a resolution to use force to defend the country of Britmattia, and has authorized the President to deploy our nations armed forces at his discretion and the discretion of his commanders. We, at this time, deliver one message to your nation and your government:

Pilot has an obligation to defend free nations in the crosshairs of known and usual aggressors. If your government feels in necessary that such acts will be executed, disregarding our concern, it will force Pilot to intervene on the side of Britmattia. We patiently await your response.

We thank you, for what we hope, will be your cooperation on this matter.

as/af Department of the State
-- Message from the Office of the Secretary of State Matthew Rhodes
17-02-2004, 00:35
Removed because now that I'm not suffering from sleep deprivation, i can see your various points.
Grays Hill
17-02-2004, 02:22
I'm sorry to say that these attacks were simultaneous, and due to the fact of the low level flying of my planes, they are untrackable by radar, so you would have only known they were there by when the bombs began to fall. And by then my planes would have been already bomging your airfields, and your planes would not have been able to get up. Future tech or not has nothing to do with it. It all depends on your level of rp. And please enlighten me on how such a small nation could possible afford to buy and maintain such high tech equiptment. That in itself is a godmodd, not to mention the fact that you called everysingle plane destroyed.
17-02-2004, 02:59
< OOC: Ok, screw that. Britmattia obviously doesn't know how to RP here so I'm not going to waste my time defending him. Diminix/Grays Hill, do what you wish... ignore my RP post. >
Grays Hill
17-02-2004, 03:02
:o Where did you ever conclude that??? :shock: :D :D :lol:
Grays Hill
17-02-2004, 03:59
It was about 12:45 the next afternoon. The President was ready to make his announcement. The doors opened and he approached a tall wooden podium. Cameras from newspaper reports began to flash. Cameras from GHNN and Wolf News began to roll. Vasilli Vladorov reached the podium.

"Ladies and gentlmen people of Grays Hill. I come to you tonight to talk of the joint military action taken by Grays Hill and Diminix against Britmattia. We have sent three bomber squadrons over there to take out airfields, grounded planes, ships in port, and naval yards. As our bomber squadrons, escorted by fighter planes, reach the coast they immeadiatly came under heavy fire. They did their best, and manage to slightly damage a few targets before they were all shot down. As we are just now finding out, Britmattia is a head of us in technology. Our pilots were rounded up and they are, as far as we know right now, being held as P.O.W.s. The Government of Grays Hill demands that each and every pilot gets retuned unharmed. Back to the issue of war. Britmattia seems to have the upper hand because of his technology. But my people, I assure you, the might of the Grays Hill's army will come down on Britmattia, and he will be popped like a zitt."

With that, the president exited the stage. He was then taken to an unknown location outside of the country. The Vice President was taken to an unkown location inside the country.

The people of Grays Hill were truely saddend to hear that they had lost so many planes, and their pilots were captured. They were outraged. The GH military now had a very powerful battle cry.
17-02-2004, 05:54
[Yes, I plan on continuing]

With the first air wing almost completely downed the Dominican Military was now sure of what they were facing. The Lufftwaffe general stood in a control tower about thirty feet off the ground surveying the defenses of Brittmattia. Out on the runways the Bartondomian pilots in the Reich Lufftwaffe were manning their B2's. Over twelve B2's lined the runways and five F-22's stood behind preparing to lurke in the dark and wait to see if fighter support for the bombers were nessasary. The Second strike was more full, the stealth bomber B4, at least fifteen of them were to be around five minutes the behind the B2's. At 11:46 the B2's took off, preparing to launch their stealth attack against Britmattia. When the B2's arrived, half of them were going to drop their JDAMS against the known operating radar stations while others dropped their MOABS on the rail guns and other anti air batteries, mainly the unknown HVM. After their strikes commenced, the B4's were planned to drop their payloads on the remains of the first strike. The Dominican government released an official statement from the Imperial Palace:

"The fate of the Gray pilots is most unfortanate and as does the Gray government, we do too hope the Brits will make the right choice in releasing the pilots unharmed. If not, dire consequences are to follow. Unfortanate"
17-02-2004, 06:05
The president of Bartondom get the call " Sir the Lufftwaffe has been called." "Oh? Why not send in a few more of those F-22's and a couple B4's" said the president. "300 F-22's and another 40 B-4's." "This could get fun." The president exclaimed. The planes scramble, loaded with MOABS they take off. "And Nelson while your at it open 10 of those silos, I want the silos launching conventional ICBM's ASAP!" said the president.
Grays Hill
17-02-2004, 22:39
By now Grays Hill realized that the only way to hit the enemy was with sporadic stealth attacks. More damage would be take upon the enemy without them knowing when we were coming. And with stealth, they wouldn’t be capable of detecting the attack until after the bombs were falling. Also more damage would be take by the enemy is Grays Hill used more planes in the attacks. Instead of a handful of each type of planes, Grays Hill would send vast amounts of planes, yet they would all be stealth.

At 2:00 pilots from the 105th bomber division, from an AFB right outside the capital were being briefed on their next mission. It was to totally destroy the possibility of Britmattia getting fighters in the air to intercept the bombing waves. 150 F-22 Raptors and 50 B-2 Stealth bombers from the 105th were going to crush Britmattia’s chances of downing a single plane.

By 2:30 the pilots were manning their planes and starting the engines. They began to take off, and by 2:45 every plane was in the air. They were soaring over to Britmattia. 15 of the B-2 bombers were loaded with bunker busters, to hit the runways with. The bunker busters would go under to penetrate the airstrip and blow up from underneath, creating a crater effect, making it impossible for his fighters to take off. The rest of the B-2s were loaded with satellite-guided bombs that would hit his grounded planes.

By 5:00, the 105th reached the coast, where they split up into 3 separate squadrons. Each squadron was heading for a separate airbase. Their bombs were dropped. Out of nowhere came the sound of blasting bombs. After the bombs fell, most of the targets were believed destroyed, according to Grays Hill’s satellites.

The bombers soared away from the targets and headed for the coast where they regrouped. The F-22s, which had not dropped anything yet, launched all of their missiles. All 150 F-22 Raptors were loaded with air to ground missiles. The satellite guided missiles zoomed towards and blasted holes in many naval ships. Some of the missiles hit naval facilities such as production yards in that immediate vicinity.