Mission Into the Unknown (Open Space RP)
Five Civilized Nations
16-02-2004, 02:36
(OOC: IF YOU WANT TO PARTICIPATE IN THIS THREAD, PLEASE TG ME or post something here!!! If you want to join, sign up a scientist or two and join in...)
-Begin Transmission-
To: All Space Nations
From: Space Ministry, Five Civilized Nations
As part of a continuing quest to understand the universe, the Five Civilized Nations will embark upon a new mission into uncharted territory of space. A new long-range scientific vessel currently under design will depart from 5CN's SpaceDocks orbiting around Mars in one year. However we lack the necessary scientific crews for this mission and therefore respectfully request assistance from all space nations, in the form of trained scientists to participate on this mission...
All information garnered through this mission will be shared with all nations participating...
-End Transmission[/code:1:9b3e1b551e]
-CNSS-981 Crusade Class Strike Cruiser, Tyranny (approaching the Asteroid Belt)-
Sir, we are approaching the Asteroid Belt...
Acknowledged Ensign. Are the waypoints there?
Aye, sir...
Good, take us through...
Sir, do you know what are new assignment is going to be?
Don't know, something about picking up scientists from other nations and bringing them to the Mars Base...
Five Civilized Nations
19-02-2004, 18:19
the s.s.r.m. courier ship silver wind re-enters normal space. the pastel-pink non-light outlining the ship as it seems to unfold itself into reality. the pearl whiteness of europa hangs below them. lights begin to wink on over the ship. the running lights on the masts give the illusion of a much larger ship.
on the bridge:
"what's our position," the captain asks.
"about ten thousand kilometres from europa," the co-pilot responds.
"roger that. burn to put us in orbit at five thousand kilometres. i hope the tyranny isn't too late."
hepheastus floats through the hatch. "how'd the new software work?"
"pretty well. better then the previous stuff. but in charted space it doesn't make much of difference. on the edges though it performs better. i think we beat out the solutions from the old stuff by about twenty minutes. we'll you the old stuff on the way back to do a comparasion."
hepheastus drifts slight as the engines fire to put the silver wind in europa orbit. he grabs on to the bulkhead.
"so he have about twenty minutes till rendevous time?"
"closer to thirty. it always pays to be a little bit early, and i was basing off of the earlier version of the software."
"excellent. i'll be in the galley till then."
hepheastus drifts out of the bridge.
"milk run?" the co-pilot asks.
"milk run" the captain responds.
Five Civilized Nations
23-02-2004, 15:42
(OOC: Sorry, took a short hiatus from NS...)
The CNSS-981 Crusade Class Strike Cruiser, Tyranny sped through space, bound for Europa, to pick up the first scientist, someone from the nation of Industrialized Serfs.
Captain we are approaching Jupiter...
Excellent, make a heading for Europa.
Aye, sir...
Western Might
23-02-2004, 16:08
yawn " I do hate these shuttles rides. Why didn't they allow me use of a ship. that would havve certanlly gotten us there faster than this hunk of junk"
The man companion grinded his teeth slowing down the shuttle to less that 1/4 speed "I'm giving it all she's got sir. If I go faster her engines will blow."
"So? We could still manuver with trustes and or momentim would carry us at the speed we were going when the engin blew."
You may have several degrees in multi verse theries and whatnot but you know nothing of engines you dolt. 'Well sir if our engines blow then we would just happen to blow up with them" On an standard shuttle that wouldn't be so. But since this was one of his own design they would.
"Oh fine then. Well what is our current position then?So i may figurew out how long before we reach the pickup point..
"I can tell you that sir. " he slowly cut the power to the engines. "We are about 3000 kilometers from Jupiters outer moon. Right were we are supposed to be."
"We are?!" The man must have forgotten he was in a shuttle as he unbulked and stood up to his full hiegh bannging his head on the room then falling back to his seat, out like a light.
"ah shit!"
The Nebulon B Frigate, HMS Rockwood, sat in space surrounded by fighter patrols. Her Captain stood on the bridge, staring out into space at the shuttle carrying the 12 scientists they were to escort to the starship Tyranny, he had been waiting at the jump node for the shuttle to arrive for 2 days, having been pulled off the Earth/Keelth Jump Root patrol a week earlier, his crew were board and were escatic when he informed them over the intercom that they were about to get underway.
About the Shuttle Captain Ambrose shifted in his seat, it had been a long journey already, the rest of his staff sat in the other row of seats on the starboard hull of the shuttle. They had all come from Wintrees Keelth's Research station, it was their 1st time off-planet in 3 years, they were all very excited to get onto a mission such as this.
Captain Smith, the Commander of HMS Rockwood signaled to the helmsman. "Helm, all ahead full, Navigation plot course for jump to the Tyranny."
"All ahead full, aye"
"Navigation ready for jump sir." stated the Navigation officer. The Captain nodded and picked up the intercom, flicking the switch to Engineering, "Engineering, Bridge, make ready for light jump."
"Bridge, Engineering, make ready for light jump aye." came the reply
The Captain waited a few minutes before the reply came back, "Engineering ready, hatches batterned down sir."
The group of Scientists, half way down the shuttles ramp, were jolted as the Rockwood made the jump. Captain Ambrose mutted to himself smiling "This is going to be a fun trip".
Western Might
26-02-2004, 16:33
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