The Rejuvenation of SATO
15-02-2004, 16:38
A public address by Her Majesty Empress Aurora von Sachshausen.
"It makes me very sad to see who some of the nations are that have left SATO. They are all nations that benefited from being members, but no longer feel it provides them with what they need.
What do we all need now? Security.
SATO did provide that, but was too caught up in concerns of whether to seek war with CACE or the Reich.
CACE and the Reich are only groups of nations like many others, seeking mutual defense and assistance. We may have differences of opinion, some of them tragic, but ultimately we are all mortal. We all fall short of what ideals we hope we posess. It isn't for us to judge. It is for us to lead our countries well and protect our people.
Lavenrunz is seeking peace with CACE and the Reich, but it is an honorable peace with those groups that we can be proud of and that they in turn can be proud of.
Nevertheless, I will not stand idly by and let the alliance which saved Der Angst from internal anarchy, Ienotheisa from invasion and Knootoss from civil war simply die. I urge those nations that believe in freedom from the threat of terrorism, that believe that mutual defense by nations great and small is important to stand together. For those who left to rejoin, and those who would like to to join. Let SATO* be strong again, not divided against itself, not concerned mostly about who it opposes, but for who it is vowed to protect."
*SATO stands for "South Atlantic Treaty Organization"
15-02-2004, 16:43
we congratulate Lavenrunz and Empress Aurora on their efforts for international peace.
"As seen in the GDODAD, this is the natural order of progress, an alliance such as SATO, built to combat The Reich, GDODAD, Arda, and CACE. WIth the GDODAD reformed but not active, with the Reich beaten on Mars, with the CACE inactive and The Reich not having done anything... SATO has lost its' unifying purpose. Its' purpose done, SATO isnow withering away and dieing a slowly and painfully.
It is time for SATO to reform and remake iself, it is time to breath new life into this tired organisation. I hope that soon SATO will be restored to its' full power"
~Empress Ithenril
The Most Glorious Hack
15-02-2004, 17:13
While it is not in our interests to join such an organization, you do have our moral support. We wish Empress Aurora von Sachshausen the best in this, and we hope that the South Atlantic Treaty Organization can retain its former glory.
- Victor Solis, President for Life
The Semi-Autonomous Technocratic Oligarchy of the Most Glorious Hack
15-02-2004, 17:29
There was no press statement from the Knootian ministry of Foreign Affairs, but a group of Knootian top-negotiators was spotted near the Imperial palace in Lavenrunz.
Der Angst
15-02-2004, 19:47
"Times change, nations change, but there are constants. SATO is one of them."
~ Mahatma Gandhi, Security Solutions, DA
As said, it is both our personal and national regret that we have been forced to leave SATO. However, as it stands, we feel that SATO, while an alliance of nations that we would like to call our friends, has little to offer. What we mean by this is: SATO provides nations with mutual defence, but little else. Until SATO becomes restructured or at least more active, we see little use in joining an organization to formally confirm that we will defend nations that we would already assist in times of need anyway.
with the CACE inactive
from the CDQ stats:
Our members have made a total of 15,553 posts
We have 210 registered members
Glory be to the Lord! The acursed alliance of the the Great Whore Siri and her Sinful puppets and mewling psychopants has fallen! God is Great! Jesus is Great! May the Blessed Virgin Mary save the souls of the people of Lavenrunz from the claws of Satan!
One Nation!
One People!
One Faith!
Grand Lady Claudia Wulf
The Holy Republic of Khallaca III
The Protectorate of St Vroda
16-02-2004, 01:37
The United Socialist States of Lietuveska left the CACE after finding its environment rather undesirable. We feel that its hostility to nations that do not accept the same economic system is simply misguided.
However, relations with Knootoss have been budding, and we are currently hosting a Knootian ambassador in our nation. These relations began after Knootoss contributed $300 million in aid to help with construction of a new electric plant. From this show of kindness, Lietuveska has felt interest in SATO.
While our nation is socialist, we are definately capitalist-friendly. Our high tax rates and lack of private enterprise are being evaluated for change, and President Weston has pledged to adopt a more moderate economic policy.
If more information on SATO could be offered, Lietuveska would be most willing to look into an application. It is hoped that our economic differences may be overlooked in order to provide prosperity and security to the world.
With a final note, we would like to warn SATO members that our military is small, only to provide efficiency. Only 6% of our total budget is dedicated to the military, and we do not plan to increase that amount. Approximately 400,000 active infantry compose of the military, with another 400,000 in reserve.
North Star
17-02-2004, 03:37
SATO was always doomed to failure for it was set up against the reich, and the reich is the will of God
no one can fight the will of heaven
the inploded SATO proves this
~Sekh Hussien Omar, sultans son~
SATO was always doomed to failure for it was set up against the reich, and the reich is the will of God
no one can fight the will of heaven
the inploded SATO proves this
~Sekh Hussien Omar, sultans son~
SATO is, in our opinion, no longer up to date. As soon as it rejuvenates itself, as our esteemed collegues from Lavenrunz mentioned, it has the full potential to become as mighty as in the days of old again. And whether that be succesful or not, remember that the nations and former nations of SATO will still be at each other's aid in times of need.
We doubt whether is is up to a nation as small and young as yours to judge these matters. You lack the sense of historical context in which SATO, a very succesful organization in its time, has existed for many decades. Indeed, the arrogance speaking from your words shows that your masters in the Reich still have found no time to teach you to respect knowledge and things older than you.
As for us, we are proud of the fact of having had the honor to have resided in the SATO ranks. Tell me, are you proud that your nation is a plaything of the Reich masters?
~Lyiir Soban, Daiamid Council Member
17-02-2004, 09:23
The last gasps of a dying fish.
17-02-2004, 09:28
I taggith!
Free Outer Eugenia
17-02-2004, 09:54
The United Socialist States of Lietuveska left the CACE after finding its environment rather undesirable. We feel that its hostility to nations that do not accept the same economic system is simply misguided. Au contraire, Piere. The CACE membership consists of various sorts of economies. The CACE is very tolerent towards any economic system that is not based on rape and murder. There are Anarchists, Syndicalists, Socialists, Communists, Communalists, Whaterver-the-hell-SeOCC-is-ists etc, etc, etc within the coalition. You will not find such diversity within slaver guilds such as WBO-SATO. Your suposition that the CACE is dogmatic, secterian or homogeneous is refuted by the economic diversity of it's membership and the democratic pluralism of its intereconomic operation.
17-02-2004, 10:03
All that I see for the most part here is a lot of ridiculous propaganda, except possibly from one or two possible applicants and our friends from Hack.
The Reich flung themselves into war with us twice and lost, and had to swallow the treaties we flung on the table.
CACE is made up in part of malcontents who fervently wished for us to make a crusade against fascism. Of all its members, the only ones who should be spared villification for their cowardice and willingness to watch others die to perpetuate their ideals are Celdonia and Svea Riga.
As for GDODAD...were it not for the pusillanimity of Knootoss, the Vortex Corporation and your own treachery, you would have received a greater pounding.
If any nation here thinks it can get away with insulting Lavenrunz, they can think again. I would like to either hear direct accusations and terms for war or for the idiots who scorn the memory of SATO to shut their filthy cowardly mouths.
Empress Aurora von Sachshausen
The Most Glorious Hack
17-02-2004, 10:05
The baseless accusations against SATO are truly disheartening. To compare such an august alliance to the religious fanatics in the Reich, or to the despots in GDODAD is simply childish, baseless, and in truly bad taste.
As the Empress has mentioned before, SATO has accomplished great good in this world, only to have it slowly stagnate. Her aim of restoring it to its former glory is truly noble. To have such a goal attacked by terrorist states such as The North Star, or by organizations such as CACE or the Reich -- which are inches away from terrorism themselves -- speaks to how much SATO is needed in this world.
The UN has no spine; no teeth. A group such as SATO is a foundation of peace and tranquility in the world, but not so hamstringed as to being completely unable of actually enforcing peace.
What has GDODAD done for this world?
What has the Reich done for this world?
What has CACE done for this world?
Nothing good or productive, any of them.
Furthermore, I would like to remind CACE, once again, that the World Business Organization and SATO are not the same organization. Lumping us together simply shows your ignorance.
- Jessica Hawthorne Delegate to the WBO
The Semi-Autonomous Technocratic Oligarchy of the Most Glorious Hack
Mutant Dogs
17-02-2004, 10:11
[this post is being created]
Thats a pretty good idea from Hack btw. You just put loads of posts saying "this post is being edited" and then when someone posts their rubbish, you can go back and change it to totally contradict what they are saying.
That was the point, wasn't it?
17-02-2004, 10:13
What is the point of SATO, if no opponents are on the field. If the CACE is a laughing matter, and The Reich defeated, and the GDODAD reformed, then what good is the defensive alliance of SATO? Right now, it suffers, because it is the answer to a problem that is not being asked. Should this problem occur, SATO would regain it's relevance, but would that take to long? Would it have fallen into too long of disrepair? In the humble opinion of the ISA, we believe that SATO first needs to find it's role, it's part of the equation. Only then can it regain relevancy, not vice versa. SATO needs to know what question it is answering.
-ISA Director Anderas Kerrik
-"Commentary on the Modern World"
-Chapter Six: The Wax and Wane of the Great Powers
-Page 342, Paragraph 7
GMC Military Arms
17-02-2004, 10:15
[Locked at originator's request]