1939; The Beginning
The Holy Saints
15-02-2004, 08:40
OOC: if you have not signed up, please do so here: http://www.nationstates.net/forum/viewtopic.php?p=2746541&highlight=#2746541
The First Phase: Dominance of the Axis
Man for man, the German and Polish forces were an even match. Hitler committed about 1.5 million troops, and the Polish commander, Marshal Edward Smigły-Rydz, expected to muster 1.8 million. That was not the whole picture, however. The Germans had six panzer (armored) and four motorized divisions; the Poles had one armored and one motorized brigade and a few tank battalions. The Germans' 1600 aircraft were mostly of the latest types. Half of the Poles' 935 planes were obsolete.
The Blitzkrieg in Poland
Polish strategic doctrine called for a rigid defense of the whole frontier and anticipated several weeks of preliminary skirmishing. It was wrong on both counts. On the morning of September 1, waves of German bombers hit the railroads and hopelessly snarled the Polish mobilization. In four more days, two army groups—one on the north out of East Prussia, the other on the south out of Silesia—had broken through on relatively narrow fronts and were sending armored spearheads on fast drives toward Warsaw and Brest. This was blitzkrieg (lightning war): the use of armor, air power, and mobile infantry in a pincers movement to encircle the enemy.
Between September 8 and 10, the Germans closed in on Warsaw from the north and south, trapping the Polish forces west of the capital. On September 17, a second, deeper encirclement closed 160 km (100 mi) east, near Brest. On that day, too, the Soviet Red Army lunged across the border. By September 20, practically the whole country was in German or Soviet hands, and only isolated pockets continued to resist. The last to surrender was the fortress at Kock, on October 6.
The Phony War
A French and British offensive in the west might have enabled Poland to fight longer, but until enough British arrived, it would have had to be mounted mainly by the French; French strategy, however, was defensive, based on holding the heavily fortified Maginot line. The quick finish in Poland left both sides at loose ends. Dismayed, the British and French became preoccupied with schemes to stave off a bloody replay of World War I. Hitler made a halfhearted peace offer and at the same time ordered his generals to ready an attack on the Low Countries and France. The generals, who did not think they could do against France what they had done in Poland, asked for time and insisted they could only take Holland, Belgium, and the French channel coast. Except at sea, where German submarines operated against merchant shipping and the British navy imposed a blockade, so little was going on after the first week in October that the U.S. newspapers called it the Phony War.
The Soviet-Finnish War
On November 30, after two months of diplomatic wrangling, the Soviet Union declared war on Finland. Stalin was bent on having a blitzkrieg of his own, but his plan faltered. The Finns, under Marshal Carl G. Mannerheim, were expert at winter warfare. The Soviet troops, on the other hand, were often badly led, in part because political purges had claimed many of the Red Army's senior officers. Outnumbered by at least five to one, the Finns held their own and kept fighting into the new year.
Source: http://encarta.msn.com/encyclopedia_761563737_2/World_War_II.html
15-02-2004, 19:04
OOC: as it is the beginning of the war i will change my character and what he does, British tank commander for me :) also everyone in britain called it the phoney war, not just the yanks
Davidsons own six ton vickers type B tank growled to a stop, behind it were 3 others, this was his unit and his first time in command.
Philip: Well lets bloody hope this won't turn into the great war..i do not want to be in one of these things in a trench
Davidsons: mmmm well we'll give Jerry a bloody good beating for starting all this again shan't we....besides i think our new tanks will sort him out and the maginot line will be a bugger to get through
he ordered the engine to be left ticking over while he went to get some tea for his unit
14th of September, somewhere in Ontario.
Corporal Fallantyne was nervous, thinking about his future. Canada declared war on Germany a few days ago.
He learned that , along with about 5 thoushand others, he would be shipped to England around the 10th of december.
Fallantyne was one of the (very few) professional soldiers Canada had.
He sighted to himself:
"I guess rotting in the trenches for a few months will make my father proud"
He didnt't knew what "blitzkrieg" meant...... yet.
The Holy Saints
15-02-2004, 22:15
16-02-2004, 04:58
Il be a German Lutwaffe Pilot. RP: The Lutwaffe Bombers had been bombing much of the polish capitol of Warsaw and the Blitzerkiegs were finaly paying off. Jakob Ramon sat in his sleek lutwaffe fighter which he was busy using to fire at Polish ground units. In his mind he thought how easy this had been. This war will be a sicnh. As Hitler has said the Poles had commited horrible crimes to Germany and he felt pride at being able to go in and wipe them out. he coundt wait though until he could return to his familiy in Berlin.
Beth Gellert
16-02-2004, 06:35
Tristan Debeve's war was as yet not exceptional. He spent most of his time standing, sitting, carrying, listening.
Today his 8mm Berthier Modele 07/15 M16's eight and a half pounds weighed especially heavy on Tristan's sleepy shoulder as he hauled a crate of the new 7.5mm rounds to a machinegun post.
Retiring to the relative warmth of his billet, Debeve sneakily rolled himself a cigarette and listened to the distant complaints of his weary and frustrated comrades.
"It has been a while." He supposed, tossing the cigarette up and catching it between his lips. "Maybe they're going to call the whole thing off.. and then maybe I can get some lighter fluid." The soldier muttered the last few words aloud and began to pat his tunic in a futile search for matches.
(Oh good Lord, Davidsons, get yourself in an infantry tank, or at least a cruiser! Run, run!)
The Holy Saints
16-02-2004, 06:50
Il be a German Lutwaffe Pilot. RP: The Lutwaffe Bombers had been bombing much of the polish capitol of Warsaw and the Blitzerkiegs were finaly paying off. Jakob Ramon sat in his sleek lutwaffe fighter which he was busy using to fire at Polish ground units. In his mind he thought how easy this had been. This war will be a sicnh. As Hitler has said the Poles had commited horrible crimes to Germany and he felt pride at being able to go in and wipe them out. he coundt wait though until he could return to his familiy in Berlin.
as has been said before, please sign up in the Signup thread.
Private Horst Stieglitz took up position with the rest of his Wehrmacht infantry squad in a clump of bushes in the hills near Warsaw. The squad began setting up their MG34, when they heard the thundering hooves of the Polish cavalry approaching. As they came into range, the MG34 openep up on the cavalry, mowing down the first ranks, while the infantrymen began firing their rifles and SMGs. "We have to hold out until the Panzers arrive!", the squad commander yelled over din. The Poles were now only 300m away. In prone position, Stieglitz leveled his K98 rifle at a cavalrymen, pulled the trigger, and watched the Pole topple off his horse. "Here they come!" one of the troops shouted, and hand grenades began flying towatds the mounted horde.
OOC:someone can RP for the hapless Polish cavalry, but I will be AFK until tomorrow.
The Holy Saints
16-02-2004, 07:46
OOC: ah! i actually have time to RP! yay!
IC: Olsen Jon Hansen Picked up his Kar-98 and ran to the next bush over. Apparently, his unit had the great misfortune to meet one of the Polish' few Tank squads. He had been praying since 6 AM that morning in his native Norwegian, since he was an immigrant to Germany; Kjeare Gud! Gi meg og minne venner styrken! Bare gi os de, saa kan vi sjlaa dem i hjel!
"Shnap! Run over here! Get behind this cover! NO! Schnap!" He just saw his first comrade die. He had no idea how many times he would see this again. He looked over the edge of the small ditch he was in towards where the fire was coming from, and got down quickly as he saw a plume of smoke from an anti-tank turret pointed near him.
Disoriented, and in a blinding pain, unable to see straight, Olsen got up and started walking away. Abruptly someone grabed his shoulder and pulled him down, and he saw a large explosion in the bushes infront of him...
16-02-2004, 08:51
Davidsons steadily walked his way to the Mess hut, there he got his crew, and the crew of the other tanks some tea, he unscrewed a flask he had in his pocket and put a little drop of barndy in each cup, but a little more for him self..
Davidsons: *sigh* it's far to quiet in old blighty
he had reached his tanks again, carefully carying the tray, he handed them out then sat on the front of his tank with his crew, where they chatted for a while, they watched the Sun set, it was the 10th September 1939... and this peace in britain would not last long
16-02-2004, 12:43
John Braun walked down the road in the south-east Queensland town of Beenleigh. His hands were stuffed into his pockets, and a cigarette hung from his mouth. He drew on the cigarette, and blew out the smoke as he lifted his head, to see the recruitment line, at the local hall. He looked left and right, to see whether there was a way around it, when his eyes locked onto a recruitment poster. It was an old one, that they used in the Great War, which he remembered from his youth. He walked over to it, and lent against the wall, the coldness against his back chilling him.
"My god, I was only four when Father left to go to war," he said to himself, spitting the cigarette butt onto the concrete floor, "only four." He jumped back off the wall, and ran through the line of young men, and headed for his parent's house.
"Mum?" John said as he knocked on the door of the old wooden house. An older woman opened the door. She was only in her forties, but she looked alot older than that. The strain of worry for her husband and her brothers during the Great War had made her face age faster than what it should have.
"Yes, dear?" She asked, looking up at John's face.
"Well, I'm going to join up for the army." He said, his face twisting as he spoke.
"Very well, dear. You want to speak to your father before you go?" She asked as her face dropped, to look at the floor, so she could hide her tears.
She swung the door open, and he stepped inside, ducking under the door frame. He entered the lounge room, where his father sat, staring out of a window. He didn't hear John come in, nor the conversation that his wife and his son had. He was deaf, his ears being copmletely useless after a German grenade went off by his head, rupturing his ear drums, during the Battle of Ypres in 1917.
Across his chest, were war medals, but the one that stuck out the most, was the Victoria Cross. During the Battle of Ypres, Herbert Braun ran across no mans land, and silenced four German Machine gun nests, before his hearing was taken from him.
John walked over to the table, picked up a pencil and a peice of newspaper. He walked over to his father, and placed his hand on the old mans sholder. Herbert jumped, startled by the sudden appearance of his son. John wrote his message on the peice of newspaper, which read, "Dad, I'm joining the army. I want to make the Huns pay for your ears." His father's eyes began to weap, and he pulled John close to him, and said, "Be very f*cking careful."
Three hours later, he stood at the front of the recruitment line, with his best mate, Bruce, behind him. He stepped through the line, up to the register.
"Name?" the man behind the desk said.
"John Braden Braun." John replied.
"Ah, John," the man behind the counter said, looking up, smiling, "I was wondering when you'd get here. Address?"
"You should know that one, Bill." John replied.
"Right, right, I'll do that one. Date of Birth?"
"January, Nineteenth, Nineteen-Eleven."
"Current Ocupation?" Bill asked, after he finished writing the information he had down.
"Unemployed." John said, mostly with discust.
"Right, if you'd just step that way, we'll get you messured up for a uniform."
John stepped through the hole in the wooden walls that had been placed there temporarily, and stepped into the sizeing room. He was lead to an open spot on the floor by a young lady, probably in her early twenties.
"Remove your shirt." she said, in a very rough Australian accent. John did so, tossing the shirt aside, he stood up straight, his chest puffed out and his gut sucked in.
"Ok, height... 6 feet, 3 inches." She said as she climbed a chair to reach the top of his hair.
"Chest... 42 inches." She said, and went to write those messurements down.
All of this continued through out the day.
(ooc: to be continued tomorrow)
OOC: I did a fair bit of research on this. The Polish air force fought brilliantly considering their obsolete equipment. The PZL P.11 scored 125 kills against 114 losses. They had a much better aircraft that would have been a match for the BF-109s, but it was only built for export, for some reason.
An airbase outside Poznan
It was still dark. Stanislaw Drobinski awoke to the alert and looked at his colleagues. They all knew what had happened. Germany had been demanding the city of Danzig for some time, and Hitler had sent an ultimatum to the leader of Poland, Ignacy, threatening to invade if the Danzig corridor was not ceded to them. Most of his colleagues were perfectly confident in Polands ability to defend itself, especially with the alliance that had been signed earlier in the year with the British Commonwealth and France. Stanislaw, however was not sure. He had studied the designs of German aircraft while his friends went out with their leave passes, getting drunk off wodka (sic), not fully understanding why he "wasted" his time with books. He knew that his squadrons P.11c's could not handle the new German BF-109s. He knew that their best hope of doing damage lied in their ability to intercept JU-87 "Stuka" dive bombers. But as a lowly Podporucznik, or second lieutenant, he had little chance of expressing this to his superiors. He climbed out of his bed and threw on his flight uniform.
"Men, as you probably suspect, Germany has invaded. We are to send aircraft up to demonstrate our control over our skies. Engage any German aircraft you spot without mercy. These are the flight assignments."
Stanislaw's attention waned until he heard "Kapitan Kazowicz, Podporucznik Drobinski, you are to conduct a fighter sweep over the skies from here to Danzig. Any questions? "None, sir" spoke Kazowicz. Drobinski sat silent. "Good. Take off immediately." The two pilots saluted their commander and ran outside to their waiting aircraft.
The P.11c
"Excited?" asked Kazowicz to Drobinski. "Hardly. I'm Worried." "We'll be fine. This war will be over in a few weeks." Drobinski climbed into his aircraft, paying little heed to Kazowicz's unintentionally prophetic words.
The takeoff was uneventful. Soon however, Drobinski spotted aircraft on the horizon. He spoke into his radio "Bandits, 11 o'clock!" "I see them. Engage!"
The bandits were 6 Ju-87s, loaded with bombs. As the two Polish fighters came up behind them, the Stukas could do little, being unmaneuverable even when not loaded. The P-11's let rip with their four 7.9mm machine guns. Three went down, with Drobinski claiming two. In the cockpit of the second he saw clearly blood spattered on the cockpit window. But the easy pickings were not to last. Two BF-109's dived out of the sun and fired. Cannon rounds ripped into Kazowicz's aircraft. Half of its left wing was torn off and the engine spewed out fire and acrid smoke. That would be the last Drobinski would ever see of Kazowicz. Drobinski rolled his aircraft in an attempt to avoid the cannon and machinegun rounds headed his way. He was somewhat successful. Bullets still thudded and clanged into his aircraft, one of them grazing his left shoulder slightly. He let the controls go limp, and in a stroke of good fortune, the German aircraft believing him dead pulled away. Drobinski sharply pulled his aircraft up and let a burst of bullets go straight into the bare belly of one of the BF-109's, hitting the fuel tank. It exploded in a spectacular fireball. He pulled away and went into a dive beneath the clouds. The other BF-109, for whatever reason, wasn't following. He breathed a sigh of relief, and turned back towards his airbase. He had tasted first blood.
November 29th
Dimitri Popov fiddled with his rifle. "Damn, I feel like a bloody cow in here." he and his comrades were being transported by train to the Finnish border. It was pretty easy to guess what was happening, war with Finland shouldn't be much trouble was the commonly held opinion among the troosp. Popov, unlike most of the men in the train car had actually volunteered for the army, the others were just untrained conscripts. He knew most of these men would never make it back home.
Drizzts Army
16-02-2004, 16:46
Walther Zegg gripped his MP38 as he and his squad were moving in a forest south of Warsaw.His men were ready to take out this Small Polish fort that is an outpost for Warsaw.His Machinegunner spotted the fort,readying his MG34,the 2 rifleman were told to go along the treeline to pick of the Poles in the towers,lastly his other submachingunner was to occupy this postion while the rest of the squad moved down to capture the fort.
Zegg gave the order to fire,the riflemen picked off the polish tower men,and his Machinegunner shot some polish officers down below.Zegg was firing on some Polish riflemen,confused where the shots were coming from.
:Tag: I'm here, but there really isn't much involvement for yet, but I am watching
16-02-2004, 17:30
The cold November wind blew as Hans Klein watched through the scope, searching for his prey.
Where are you? I know you here. I shall hunt you to the end of your days.
From behind a broken wall, a glint of metal shone. A head showed as a body moved slowly toward its destination.
Klein adjusted his Wehrmacht German Kar98K Rifle; equipped with a 4X scope; to compensate for the side winds.
A shot rang out, its echo bouncing through the city and quickly fading away.
The body of the Polish sniper falls over, a bullet hole oozing blood from the side of his face.
Klein picks up the shell and pockets it.
Drawing a white paper star, Klein drops it where he is, and slowly slinks away, leaving only the star behind.
Saluting his commanding officer, Klein spoke:
“Sir, reporting back from mission.”
“Well, if you’re back you’ve killed him, am I correct?”
“Yes sir.”
“Good job, that makes what now? 16 kills?”
“18 sir.”
“Ah yes, 18…very well…dismissed.”
“Heil Hitler!”
Data Entry Log:
November 29th, 1939
Killed elusive Polish sniper, head shot, one bullet. Number 18. Left behind star.
pic: Hans Klein, pulling out his Data Log (not sleeping lol!)
Do we have anyone playing as a Finn?
SaltzBurg Station 9:pm/Thursday:
SS Captian Ralph Bauer got out of his Black mercedes strolling up to the train platform while watching German soldiers walk by saluting and greeting him, to all he nodded for once he felt important and more of a man then ever, he was destined to follow in his fathers great footsteps. Lighting a cigerette Ralph gripped the rail to get on the train when some one behind him spoke,"Captain Bauer i presume, Major Dorf..there has been a change of plans,your new orders have been issued from SS Hq that you are to Board the train to the Polish border to assist SS troops heading into Warsaw', Bauer looked at the major stunned,'ye..ess sir, but what about paris?', Dorf looked at the ground then back upon Bauers dissapointed face,'Paris will come,this is your first feild commission as an officer and i wish you good luck in Poland Captain' replyed Dorf with a grin.
Ralph smiled while walking with the Major past the other men feeling big and privlaged,'Ralph perhalps we may meet again as i am to command a camp called aschwitz or somthing along that line, i quite forget now', Ralph nodded,shook the Majors hand,'Heil Hitler!' then got onboard the train to Poland. He sat in his Private room listening to Frank Sinatra who he thought the greatist man ever while sipping 36' hennessy and polishing his Jack Boots,his Lugar also taken apart on the table for cleaning,he thught aloud,'i must do what the Fuhuer asks of me for my..' he paused before he said country, then refraised it,'for my fellow soldiers,my father and my love..also i am cleaning my own boots...STUARD!'.
Beth Gellert
17-02-2004, 02:57
(ooc: 's good to see people recognising that Poland didn't just roll over and die without a fight, but don't be too harsh on the Stuka- rats in barrels they may have been next to RAF Spitfires, but if I'm not much mistaken a Stuka scored the first air-to-air kill in the war, shooting down a Polish fighter (or possibly a scout, I can't quite remember off the top of my head).)
Ever somewhat detached, Debeve had an "interesting" Thursday this week. His comrades seemed somewhat lifted by their unit's assignment to guarding a couple of the nation's massive Char 2C. There was much idle chatter about what these monsters would do to make Germany back-down, and Tristan was assured that a 75mm gun was really quite a good thing for a tank to carry.
He couldn't quite feel the enthusiasm of his peers, however. Half a dozen twenty year old tin cans wouldn't make France a better place, Debeve was confident of that. Still, the other men smiled as the beasts were loaded on to their rail cars, and most were glad to be headed for the front after so much sitting about.
17-02-2004, 03:17
OOC: I just want to let everyone know that sometimes I forget to change nations, and accidently post on threads using my other nation, Dougalich. Don't be confused by this...
28th of September, Halifax
Having made his last good bye to his relatives and friends, Fallantyne boarded the ship with the wood passerelle.
He saluted the officer standing guard aboard and tried to get a good spot where he could lean on the iron rail.
He waved in the general direction of his family, on the docks.
The huge crowd of people was cheering, even if a few wives, mothers and even fathers, were crying here and there.
The ship was then towed by a few tugboats and started it's journey toward far-away Britain.
(ooc: 's good to see people recognising that Poland didn't just roll over and die without a fight, but don't be too harsh on the Stuka- rats in barrels they may have been next to RAF Spitfires, but if I'm not much mistaken a Stuka scored the first air-to-air kill in the war, shooting down a Polish fighter (or possibly a scout, I can't quite remember off the top of my head)
OOC: Sure, the Stuka could be used as a very unmaneuverable fighter aircraft, it had forward guns after all...but only when unladen. With a load of bombs, it stood little chance of doing anything. Ordinarily, when under attack they would drop their ordinance and evade, but the BF-109's eliminated the need :) Also, the rear facing machine gun was also only useful if the attack came from above...if the attack came from directly behind, the gunner was blocked by the tailfin and they had little hope of defending themselves. Plus, remember my pilot does research of aircraft in his spare time. He knows their weaknesses, and does not adhere to the WW1 British ace Mannock's doctrine of "Always above, seldom level, never below" that was an established line of thinking among many airforces of the time. By my understanding the first air to air kills of the war were Two DO.17s, scored by a Polish aircraft (not sure of the model)
I'll post more of my rp tomorrow, im a bit short on time.
17-02-2004, 06:57
A young Chinese orphan of Shanghai begins to see China change. He himself, age 19, Hong Guo Ming lives near the city of Shanghai. Fleeing the city in 1938 when Japan had invaded Shanghai and began the massacre of Nanjing. He swore he will take on revenge of his homeland and fight the japanese. He had recently joined the Communist Party under Mao against the Japanese after having been realised Chiang Kai Shek was not willing to defenc China from the Japanese..
17-02-2004, 07:02
OOC: Does anyone rping a German or other Axis character want to bump into me? I don't want to be doing a single character rp by myself, I want to also converse with my allies as well...
Australian Outback, 20th September 1939
A small rusted and battered plane came low over the dry bushes and trees which surrounded the remote Outback airstrip. Dust clouds blew up as the plane touched the runway slowing to a halt outside the hanger.
A man came out of a nearby building as the pilot unloaded a crate of bottled beer. "G'day mate. Some more bottles for Al?"
The pilot replied with a strong british accent. "Yeah whatever."
"Say Midnight haven't you heard?"
"'Eard what?"
"Some war has broken out in Europe."
"Between who?"
"Britian and Germany, just like during the Great War."
The pilot made no reply but carried on with unloading his small cargo."
OOC: Above is a picture very much like the plane Midnight uses, I'll post a bit about Midnight signing up later on.
17-02-2004, 10:19
Davidsons tank troop growled along a Road, he and his unit were now deployed in france and moving as part of the BEF
Davidsons: Well this is Bloody fun isn't it?
Phillip: What do you mean?
Davidsons, well... no action, nothing i was hoping to give Jerry a good beating... Hey look froggy woggie's! a troop of French colonial troops were marching in the oposite direction
Philip: oh James, shut up! were supposed to be in the army, not a bloody social club!
the tanks had reached their holding position
James: Right i'm off to find some snap!
he promptly hopped out of his tank and wandered off
The Holy Saints
17-02-2004, 14:44
He remembered being dragged away, then all went dark. He finds himself in a white room on white, slightly reddish, sheets.
'Hello? Is anyone there?'
'Why, Olsen, is it? You've been unconscious for about 2 and a half days now. We though that you had slipped into a coma.' Was the reply from across the room
Still with slight shell shock and very unstable, Olsen sat up.
'OW! my shoulder!'
'Yes, sir, you had a piece of shrapnel fly into your left shuolder, and it fractured it. An easy fix though, you'll be in fighting shape in a month or so.'
'How's it at the front?'
'What front? We're everywhere. Half of our units outran ourselves. You're still in Poland now.'
Amsterdam, Netherlands, 29 september, 20.40 PM.
Corp. Jan van Hijden walked into the café. There where some other members of the military inside, mostly sailors, but also soldiers like him.
"He, Jan!" he heard someone shout. He turned to the person who had called out to him. It was a friend of his, Sgt. Luuk de Wild.
"Luuk" , he sayed "How you doing?"
"Doing fine, doing fine. Have you heard the news?"
"What news?"
"War! Germany has attacked Poland..."
"My god... my brother lives there!"
"...and now England, France, and i hear Canada has, too, have declared war on them."
"Yes! German troops are already moving towards France! English troops are being shipped there everyday!"
"I just hope they don't attack us...we remained neutral in the first great war...lets hope we will in this one."
"Don't be such a pussy, Jan."
"I am not scared. It's just...we don't stand a chance!"
The train with Captain Bauer pulled into the station by night fall,upon getting off he could hear Stuka and Bf-109 engines over head and the sounds of far off combat,
"Captain Bauer! Seig Heil! welcome to Poland heer Kapitian!" greeted a young SS Leiutennet.
"thank you, it's my pleasure to be here..where is HQ aswell as my men?" Bauer replyed.
"Hq is roughly 5 minutes away,this kubelwagon will take you escorted by these 4 halftracks that must head to the front anyway"
"Danke Leiutennet,uhh you will be acompanying me?"
"yes Heer Kapitian!i am your oderly from Battalion Hq Leiutennet Hans Settner von Rittoffen"
"Very well Leiutennet to the car".
After arriving at HQ and sorting out that mess Ralph was given his 235 man strong Company of the SS,well trained troops stritcly for a Captains lead. Fine men all of them were as Bauer walked up and down his lines inspecting them carefully,
"Leiutennet! telegram the Feild Marshall..they are perfect in every way and we leave for the front at 5 am tomorrow morning..lets see if they fight worthy of their reputation!"
Tarlachia...if you wanted you could fall into my squad or somthing..meet Captian Ralph Bauer..he'd be glad to hear of your sucess on the feild aswell it's good to have a friend on the higher level of things...such as 1 in the SS :) -up to you
OOC:Tarlachia...if you wanted you could fall into my squad or somthing..meet Captian Ralph Bauer..he'd be glad to hear of your sucess on the feild aswell it's good to have a friend on the higher level of things...such as 1 in the SS :) -up to you
OOC: Tarlachia, My character, Major Richard Hartmann of the Luftwaffe will be glad to meet up with an old friend. Then we'll both meet Captain Bauer. Hope you don't mind NBI.
Just as Hans filled out his entry into his log, he heard a voice ring out.
"Herr Klein, is that you?"
Hans looked up and saw his old friend Richard Hartmann, now a major with the Luftwaffe.
"Herr Hartmann, it has been too long. Tell me, are you still flying?"
"Of course. I am shipping out very soon to the front. I am supposed to be meeting with a Captain Bauer shortly. When are you shipping out?"
"I just receieved orders to ship out as well."
Richard held out his hand. Then stow away your rifle and come with me. I'll introduce you to the Captain when we get there.[/i]
OOC: Who else here is part of the Luftwaffe?
Captain Bauer sat in his tent going over maps and charts of the area,he had never commanded men but took the basic training the SS had given him and passed it all as one of the top officers in training for the feild. He took out a peice of paper and started writing to his love Lieseil back in Austria..
My dear Lieseil
The trip to Poland was well and i am also well,how is your mother and father? i command 235 of the SS's best troops in the area and am to move out somtime tomorrow on a recon mission to take warsaw eventully,the rain is starting now i hear it tapping on my tent..i am very lonly with out you my love and i wish you to listen to some Frank Sinatra for me as i have no record player out here yet. If there is word from my father tell him i wish him the best of luck, i am in the favor of a certain Major Dorf that commands one of them camps...although you know i am not quite in favor of the termoil they put those people through..i am just glad to not be a part of it..much love Ralph.
He put down the pencil as a Sargent entered
"sir, transmission came through that a Certain Major Richard Hartmann and a sharpshooter Klein are being shipped out..the message was directed to you personally"
"Major Richard Hartmann!ohh my good lord! it's been a long time! a Major!and to be brought to my tent immeaditly! as for this sharpshooter Klein..i herd of him from HQ...many kills..i need a sharp shooter in my squad that is talented and has EXPERIANCE!i want him aswell!"
"jawhol heer Kapitian!"
When the Sargent left Bauer put on his over coat and cap then walked outside in the pouring rain looking around at the Hq, Tanks were parked on both sides of the road barrels facing, scout bikes flew up and down the roads that soldiers jogged then said to himself
"humph..this is only the beginning..Canada and brittish are getting involved but we will..MUST come out on top of this"
He then walked towards the officers mess tent.in the Luftwaffe! haha as soon as they arrive i want a car sent to get them
Drizzts Army
17-02-2004, 22:52
OOC: Does anyone rping a German or other Axis character want to bump into me? I don't want to be doing a single character rp by myself, I want to also converse with my allies as well...
OOC:Are you in the Warsaw area,you can join up with me in the attacking fort situation.
Ic:Walther kept doing the barrage of bullets at the Polish fort,then the barrage stopped.No bullets,no screaming,no explosions,just quiet.Walther decided to hang out at this ridge for the night.His filrmen watched the fort in case if any Polish soilder came to raid the party.
Drizzts Army
17-02-2004, 22:53
OOC: Does anyone rping a German or other Axis character want to bump into me? I don't want to be doing a single character rp by myself, I want to also converse with my allies as well...
OOC:Are you in the Warsaw area,you can join up with me in the attacking fort situation.
Ic:Walther kept doing the barrage of bullets at the Polish fort,then the barrage stopped.No bullets,no screaming,no explosions,just quiet.Walther decided to hang out at this ridge for the night.His filrmen watched the fort in case if any Polish soilder came to raid the party.
Drizzts Army
17-02-2004, 22:54
OOC: Does anyone rping a German or other Axis character want to bump into me? I don't want to be doing a single character rp by myself, I want to also converse with my allies as well...
OOC:Are you in the Warsaw area,you can join up with me in the attacking fort situation.
Ic:Walther kept doing the barrage of bullets at the Polish fort,then the barrage stopped.No bullets,no screaming,no explosions,just quiet.Walther decided to hang out at this ridge for the night.His filrmen watched the fort in case if any Polish soilder came to raid the party.
Bauer sat in the officers mess tent eating some bacon and eggs when the General's aid burst in,
"Captian Bauer Sir! telegram from the front lines came in, Walther is assulting a Polish fortress and requests any avalible reinforcements, General Rhineheardt passed me the message to take 80 of your men and get mobile immeaditly!"
"this is unexpected..why my men?we were to move in the morning but..pass the word to A company to prepare,i want 4 of my halftracks,3 kubel wagons,3 opels with 20mm infintry guns!"
"jawhol heer kapitian"
Bauer speed walked back to his tent,his aide entered
"sir what about Klein and MAjor Hartmann?"
"have them escorted to the position i will call in upon arrival,i wish to see Hartmann again greatly before he is to resume his command,what is A companys status?
"almost ready sir,all vehicles are fully fuled..the Luftwaffe will give you air escort on the way in untill they are requested elsewhare..anything else sir?"
"uhhh yes...get my bacon and eggs to go with my personal items..have all reserve forces to be on standby and follow tomorrow WITH Klein"
"jawhol heer Kapitian"
The Leiutennet left the tent and Bauer started to dress for combat. He wore his jack boots with full combat dress,still wearing his cap he strapped his helmet to the belt that connected the Y straps then got his MP40 from a desk. Outside was the waiting convoy,soldiers piled into the vehicles,then Bauer decided he wanted to go in a Armoed scout transport instead of the Kubelwagon so soldiers were put in that too and the officers transfered to the AT.
A short while later the convoy was mobile going down the muddy road towards warsaw,wreakage was scattered everywhare and bodys lay on the sides of the road and in feilds, Bauer said to the driver
"how long till we reach Walthers position?"
"about 10 minutes sir!"
"will that god damned fort be able to see us?"
"no sir, we are going down a back road which will take us right to the observation cliff Walther himself is reported to be on"
"ok,and step on it!"
"as you wish sir"
Drizzts Army
18-02-2004, 03:37
Walther ate some food till he was disturbed by shots coming from the fort down below.His Machinegunner gets hit in the head and is dead,his 1st rifleman gets hit in the leg and struggles to get away from the cliff.Walther Zegg graps his MP38 and spotted the units down below.3 Polish Machiengunners are firing on his postion and he spots 2 Polish 7TPs in the treeline behind the fort.
"Damn,theres too many of them"he yells to his 2nd rifleman.
They both start firing on the MGs,but its doing little effect against the polish defenders.
Walther can hear trucks off in the distance even with the firefight going on.He doesn't know if its comrades or enemies,but he prepared.He then spots 50 Polish Riflemen coming from the buildings and starts firing on Walthers postion.
18-02-2004, 04:27
Klein watched the landscape pass by. Several wolves were seen, as they trotted along the forest line, parallel to the train tracks. He himself felt as he were a wolf, stalking his prey, waiting for the moment to strike. His thoughts went back to his childhood days with his father, who taught him how to hunt. His father had been a wonderful instructor, and his training had been an additional benefit to Klein's military sharpshooter training.
Next to him, his good friend, Richard Hartmann; a newly inducted major with the Luftwaffe; sat next to him, snorted loudly as he continued to sleep.
The attendant passed by their compartment, and popped his head in.
"We'll be behind the front lines in twenty minutes gentlemen. Heil Hitler!"
"Heil Hitler." came his reply, as he shook Hartmann awake.
"Time to get moving you loud snorting dog." he said, with a grin upon his face.
Hartman opened his eyes, laughing as he heard his friend tease him. It had been too long since the two had been apart. They had met years ago, as children in the city of Berlin, and had quickly grown to be best friends. Those years were full of the incredible patriotic movements and changes that soon led to Hitler's rise in power. Now, Hitler had taken the reins of the nation, and had revived its economy greatly. Many loved their leader, and many feared him for his violent outbursts. Nevertheless, he had done his nation good, and had made the homeland a glorious power in Europe once again.
"Well, off to earn our honor and serve our glorious nation eh?" Klein asked, knowing full well what his friend would say.
Thirty minutes later, the train had arrived on the outskirts the front, the war visibly seen and heard far in the distance. The two walked side by side, carrying their respective belongings as they stepped quickly toward the HQ near the tracks.
Once inside the tent, Klein spotted an aide going about his duties.
"We're here to see a Captain Bauer, reporting for duty. My name is Major Hans Klein, expert sniper; and this is Major Richard Hartmann, of the Luftwaffe."
18-02-2004, 06:22
In the sudden night sky. Dozens of Imperial planes flew over Kiukiang. The small band of 300communist rebels ran for their lives. Some shot back. Bombs fell over the city like rain. Civilians weres killed and many soldiers ran in different directions. Guo Ming and his comrade, Zhou Lu managed to take cover in the forest.
"We must radio our comrades at Changsha!"-Zhou Lu
"We have no equiptment, and besides, our headquarters here have been severely ruined and bombed out to the ground. We will have to go back to Juichin."Guo Ming
"Mao's Army? I heard some rumors of Chiang kai Shek's army trying to attack them or siege Juichin, we should be going to Hankow, then cross the river to the Second Army base in North Hunan. We can join them there, it'll be much safer."-Zhou Lu
"You have a good thought there, we would have more trouble going to Juichin anyways by those Japanese Devils."-Guo Ming
As these rebels camp out in the forest for the night, they entered the bombed city to see if they may be able to find comrades or survivors. They managed to find a few comrades in the fall out shelter, but they are planning to go to Juichin and Kweiyang. They plan to seperate. 2men had joined Zhou and Guo. Yang and Lee, good friends of Guo and Zhou plans travel to the Second Amry Base.
The Holy Saints
18-02-2004, 06:46
'Olsen, is that you? The doctors tell us you have healed weeks ahead of time! You can fight again!'
'Really? You're kidding me! I get to see all my comrades again?'
'Oh, err.... No, you're not. Im sorry Olsen, but they died shortly after you were taken in. You're being transferred to D company, around Warsaw.'
'You... you're kidding me, right?... No... You're not... Well, let me fight for Mother and Country! I'm off to War again...'
'Yes, as a matter of fact, here are your boots and Kar-98. Get dressed and move out within 4 hours. Oh, and also, you've been promoted to Sergeant.'
'Wow, really? How many men are under me?'
'5, Sir, me, 2 green privates and 2 veterans from G company.'
'Good. I expect that its an MG-34 team. Am i correct?'
'Yes, in fact you are sir!'
In a now happy mood, Olsen and his new team move out to Warsaw.
7 Hours Later
'We're here, sir' came a whisper from the bushes next to Olsen.
'Good, now set up the MG-34 on that overhang... There."pointing to a ledge over a main road leading to Warsaw
'Here comes someone!'was the low whisper around the new fortification.
'No, its a whole squad of Horsemen!'
'Good! On my mark..... FIRE!'
Thump...Thump.......Thump.....Thump...Thump....Thump.......Thump...Thump...Thump.Thump.........Thump ......Thump
'Give me my K98 NOW!'
The squad quickly began picking off the survivors of the massacre.
'Good. How many is that?'
'One, five... 17..19, Sir!'
A whole squad!
'Karl! Stay on the machine gun while we go down and collect some extra weaponry!'
'Sir! they have a heavy machine gun on a carrier! this'll get us some extra supplies!'
What luck he was having after his regaining of health!
"Podporucznik Drobinski. Come into my office." His CO ordered him.
It had been a rough 9 days, and Drobinski's squadron had been forced to relocate to Warsaw, as Poznan was overrun by German troops. He wondered as to the safety of his family living there. Warsaw was now effectively under seige, however the Polish ground forces were putting up s good fight, beating off the German 9th armoured division in the suburbs of Warsaw. His squadron was now a mere fraction of its original strength. Only a few aircraft remained, and many of his comrades were dead or missing. They had only mixed success intercepting the enemy. Drobinski had claimed one Do.17, and finished off a damaged solitary Ju-87 in that time period. His official total was now 4.5 kills, just half a kill from being an ace. The mechanics couldnt keep up with the damaged aircraft. Often they had to fly into battle with holes in their wings.
Drobinski got up and stood at the doorway of his CO's office, and saluted. "Take a seat." His CO looked tired. "Well, he isn't the only one" Thought Drobinski. "For what it's worth, im promoting you to Porucznik (lieutenant). "Thankyou sir." "I have a special assignment for you. As you probably realise, we are beaten and bloodied. Romania has renounced their alliance with us, and Britain and France, for whatever reason, send no aid. It is only a matter of time before we are beaten." Drobinski nodded in silent agreement. "We are going to withdraw as many of our pilots and staff to Britain and France as we can before we fall. That is, if they want to leave. They can choose to stay behind if they like. I for one, will be. But I believe you are a good pilot, Drobinski, and will serve our cause better if you escape, rather than being captured and rotting for however long this war lasts in some prison camp." "I will go. What do I need to do?" His CO pulled out a map. "We are to fly to neutral Sweden. They are expecting us, and the Germans will not touch us there. You will fly a P37B, and the crew complement will be fellow pilots. You will meet up with a formation of other aircraft. The P37 has the range to make it there. From there, you will either go to France or Britain. It will be your call." "Yes sir!"
PZL P37B "Los"
The fort was in sight to the German convoy,the convoy gun Commander then ordered to open up on the poles right in the open!possibly about a hundred. The Opels with the 20mm stopped and were put into position,the SS troops got off the vehicles and opened fire as no time could be wasted. The steady fire of the 20mm's shook through the air,Bauer climed out of the AT and bolted for the position of the cutt of squad,there they were..
"Captain Bauer here,HQ thought you could use a hand"
The Fighting continued,the shells dropped 3 or 4 poles at a time plus the supressing fire had them almost to the point of panic
"All men of A company!, to the cliff, 20mm's covering FIRE!!" yelled a young Leiutennet
All the troops moved slowly still shooting, this would be Bauers first combat engaugement and he won. He stood on the cliff shooting at the polish infintry with his MP40, then all of a sudden he saw a lone one close to the base of the cliff aiming up at him, 2 bursts echoed through the air and the pole fell sliding down the rock bottom on his shoulder blood ozing from the bottom of his face and chest...the firefight was over for now..
"now..i am Captain Bauer and am here to assist you any way i can,Heil Hitler Commrade"
Bauer looked down at his first kill,his helmet had come off and looked to be younger than himself..he could not take his eyes off the dead man
OOC: NBI, Klein and hartmann are waiting back at HQ :D
Bauer leaned on the side of a supply truck holding his overcoat on his head to shealter him from the rain, then a Sargent approached
"Heer Kapitian, a Luftwaffe Major has arrived at the camp with a soldier named Klein, they request your presence?"
"They arrived all ready?ok let Walther aware i am leaving and my men will stay under his command, the 4 dead from earlier and the 8 wounded are returning with me aswell"
The Sargent took off in a jog,Bauer got in a Kubelwagon and turned the engine over. As he was pulling out 2 SS soldiers climed in as the vehicle sped off. Bauer pulled into Hq right in front of his tent about 15 minutes later
"you two wait here" he said then walked into his command tent
"AHH Hartmann! how are you my friend, and i presume you are Klein..." said Bauer smiling, then removed his hat in the presence of the Major..
Drizzts Army
18-02-2004, 22:33
Walther looked at Bauer at replied"Heil Hitler,Yea we needed the help"he looked over at his wounded 1st rifleman and checked the wound.It was a bit serious,he got a bullet almost dead next to his aderey in his leg.He called for a Medic for this,he only gots a bandage with him that could help him.He walks back towards Bauer and says"We got 3 Polish machinegunners and alot of Polish Riflemen.I did see 2 tanks in the treeline but barley sir".After he said that,he joined the firefight with Bauers men,Firing his MP38 away.
"AHH Hartmann! how are you my friend, and i presume you are Klein..." said Bauer smiling, then removed his hat in the presence of the Major..
Richard clasped the captain's hand with his.
"I am doing well, my friend, and I am assuming that things on the front are going just as well... tell me, which squadron of the Luftwaffe are deployed here?"
Richard turned to hans beside him.
"And I assume that you have heard many great things of this gentleman here..."
18-02-2004, 23:21
I, Sean Farrell, sniper of the U.S Rangers, was ticked as I paced back and forth on the ships deck. I was angry at my father, a rich businessman, and at my own country for not entering the war. When I decided to volunteer rather than wait for America to enter the war, my father was...displeased about it. He was already angry with me for not going to college as he had done and joining the Army, and he didn't want me to "throw my life away" for foreigners. I had strormed out and boarded a ship with other volunteers I had met in a bar. I had been on the ship for weeks and still haven't gotten over the argument between my father and I. I guess I could understand how he felt about me leaving, being that I was his only son and last family member, but he didn't have to downgrade my job and my cause.
Suddenly an alarm sounded. Sailors scattered around the decks, manning their posts as it sounded.
"German U-Boat off the stern!" sounded the voice on the intercom. "I repeat, German U-Boat off of the stern!"
"Damn!" I thought aloud. This ship has no guns! I ran to the railing and peered out and into the water. I could see the dark image of the U-Boat in the ocean blue water. It seemed to be surfacing, but for what reason I didn't know.
I looked up as I heard the roar of plane engines, half expecting to see the whole Luftwaffe to be flying over, but it was a RAF plane. It flew past the ship and looked as if it would keep going, but the captain of the ship must of sent an SOS to it, because it turned about and flew a bit lower toward the U-Boat. It was a dive bomber! The u-boat was close enough to the surface for the planes small bomb to do some damage; but what was a dive bomber doing all the way out here in the Atlantic Ocean, could we be near Britain already?
The plane flew lower, and as it flew over, it dropped its bomb. It fell like a lead weight into the water and landed on the sub, letting of an explosion that sent water everywhere. I squinted my eyes against the ocean spray that fell over the stern of the ship. When it cleared, the image of the u-boat was gone, and was replaced by bits of wreckage and oil was leaking to the surface.
I smiled at that. I guess I would make it in one piece after all, and we were probaly only a day away from Britain. Soon enough I would be in France or some other country fighting of the Krauts.
OCC: Hmmm, can someone give me a date that we are at at the moment? By the way, my character is an Irish immigrant that came to the U.S when he was 16, so he still has many Irish characteristics.
Bauer sat on his desk and started to speak
"yes things are going well,there is a Pole fort out there into Warsaw but my men are assisting the regulars as we speak,the Luftwaffe Squadron here is the...Luftflotte 1 and Luftflotte 4..that consists of 1538 planes all togeather i really do beleive, He-..Stuka, Bf-109,Ju 88's..Donier..haha you name it we have it Major! the first engaugement was near cracow on the first of september" Bauer paused then looked at Klein..
"hello Mr.Kelin i have heard great things about you, therefore i should address you as sir haha, god Richard..it's good to see you commrade..i mean SIR! haha, but err Klein..we leave for the front in 3 hours..you are now a member of the Waffen SS congradulations yor uniform will be brought in soon! now lets have some of my 35 Hennessy shall we Gentleman? also have you any information on those..camps..or a Major Dorf at a certain one called Acshwitz?"
OOC: my unit in Poland which explains why i have Vehicles is i am the SS-VT moterized infintry division..
Drizzts Army
19-02-2004, 03:57
Walther heard the soilder telling him that the men behind are under his command for now.He nods at the note and he looks at the fort."I wonder why they had it so well defended"he said to himself,gathering ammo for his MP38.He then asked 4 men to come with him and see what was in the fort at the moment,after that,they can camp there.He then waits for 4 volunteers to come with him.
The Holy Saints
19-02-2004, 05:41
He had seen it again... This time it wasn't as bad personally, but mentally it was devestating. One of the green privates from back home got his brains blown out through his eye. That image would stay in Olsen's head for ever...
'Muller! Get up Muller!' though he knew it was futile, he kept trying.
'Come on! You're still alive! Dont die! You're still here! .... No... no, you're gone. I guess we won't be having tea together today then.'
Picking up his K-98, Olsen got back to his position picking off numerous soldiers in the bushes below.
'Die you bastards! Just DIE!'
He fell back... he had lost another friend... This is why they had all those impersonality courses during training... well, you make friendships after training... and you lose them in war.
'Olsen! Calm down! They've surrendered!'
'Why, yes, they have, havent they?' replied Olsen in a cynical tone. 'Yes, they've surrendered after killing our friend!'
'Olsen, you've just killed 15 of theirs. I'm sorry to say, but you are the worse one here.'
Looking at the bodies strewn about the road, ditch, and bushes, Olsen was in shock
'Oh... My goodness!... I.... I...I didn't realize.... I was so mad...'
'We know, we know. Just remember this for next time.'
19-02-2004, 08:41
"Thank you Captain Bauer. Please, call me Hans, I do not care for these "ranks" given to men. What truly matters in a soldier is the service he willingly gives for his family, his home, his country. I proudly serve the Reichstag, and will remain loyal always. I greatly appreciate the commission into the SS, and it will be my honor to serve. As for the uniform, I will accept it, but I must request that I use my own clothing specially made for hunting...or in this case, sniping."
Hans considered taking a glass of the Hennessy, but decided against it, and explained himself:
"I cannot accept this. It will only serve to have me commit mistakes, mistakes that my enemy will see. You see, this world that I live in, is a dangerous game of cat and cat, so to speak. We are two ferocious hunters, experts in stalking, experts in killing. To have outside influences affect us would be our last mistake. Surely you understand my situation?
As for the information on this...Major Dorf, I believe is what you said his name was? **waits for a nod** I do not know of any infomation that you seek, as I am often out in the field, 'plying my trade'."
Hans grinned at his little joke. It was nice to still retain humanity despite the already brutal fighting that had occured thus far. Humor would probably be one of the few things that would get any of them out of this war alive, and no on knew how long it would last...
19-02-2004, 12:24
November 21st 1939
John stood next to the metal frame of the bed, which John could feel the coldness of it jump out at him. His shirt had no rank patches on them, showing that he was a private, and the patch of the 2/9th Infantry Battalion, was the only one on his sleeves. The battalion was full of Queenslanders, from all over the state, and they were in barracks around Brisbane.
A young Lieutenant walked in, and everyone stood at attention.
"At ease" he told them, and looked down at a sheet of paper that he held in his hands. "Is there a Private Braun, John Braden, in here somewhere." John walked up to the Lieutenant, and stood straight, his chest pushed out, looking like a soldier of His Majesty's Guards. The Lieutenant looked at John, and asked, "Braun is German, isn't it?"
John smiled a little, and said, in his high-school German "Jah, das ist richtig."
"Oh, a smart-arse, huh? Well, you're wanted at Battalion Headquaters. Hopefully for a court-marshall." The young officer snapped back, his face red with anger.
"Dunke, Herr Oberleutnant." The officer grunted and fummed out of the barracks, to an incredible uproar of laughter at what John had done.
John reached the Battalion HQ about ten minutes later. He knocked on the door, and after he was given confirmation of his entry, he entered. After about fifteen minutes of conversing with the Major, who commanded the 2/9th, he was told he was promoted to Lance-Corporal.
(ooc: Had to cut short, ran out of time, too tired and too lazy)
Athel Nora
19-02-2004, 15:54
Bauer grinned then sipped his Hennessy
"Very well,your hunting clothes are permitted Hans,is there anything you require..you seem VERY focused..very devoted to service, Welcome to the SS, get some rest because we leave for the fort soon..i have halftracks..Armoed transports,Opels and afew Stug III's..we won't be alone out there, i really not sure of what you do but i will probally see the after effects when you get greedy and take out all the enemys hahaha"
Bauer senced somthing about Hans he liked,he had a good head on his shoulders
"one more question..do you like Frank Sinatra? or American Swing? if not i got Bach and Mozart" Said Bauer picking up his records
19-02-2004, 20:51
"I listen to a variety of music, ranging from Sinatra to Mozart to the American Swing. My preferred rests with Sinatra however."
Hans took a seat in one of the chairs offered to him and Hartmann. Hartmann sat down as well, obviously wanting to show respect for Bauer, but the imapatience to get to the airfield and see to things there was apparent. After several songs, Hans took the initiative to stand and address Bauer:
"If you do not mind sir, I would like to get to my quarters and prepare myself for this trip. I'm sure Major Hartmann here also would like to head to the airfield as well."
Bauer filled his glass with some more of the Henessy before replying.
"Sure thing Klein, Hartmann. Klein, I will send an attendant for you when we are ready to go."
"Thank you sir. Heil Hitler!"
"Heil Hitler!"
Klein and Hartmann walked out of the tent and walked in the direction of the airfield.
"Well Richard, war is upon us yet again. I must head this way now **indicates to the left** as that is where my quarters are. Take care my friend, and I'll see you when we get back."
"You better come back, or I'll bring you back to life and kill you myself!"
The two chuckled as they held each others hand in a firm handshake, then departed for their destinations.
Once Klein got into his quarters, he immediately changed into hunting clothes, clothes that would blend in extremely well with the surrounding landscape. Taking out his K98, he held it lovingly as he began to meticulously clean it. After a little bit, he finished, and took out his 4X and 6X scope, and laid them side by side onto the bed alongside his rifle. He pulled his sniper's pack out, and laid it alongside them.
Just as he was about to finish closing his duffel bag, he spied a small book near the bottom. Pulling it out, he flipped open to the last page. It was a book of his sniper training at Seetaleralpe:
Sniper courses at the training area Seetaleralpe
Head up to 400 metres.```````````````````````65 percent
Breast up to 600 metres. `````````````````````30 percent
Standing Man up to 700-800 metres `````````````25 percent
**By observation and confirmation by an officer, non-commissioned officer or two soldiers.
**This is why the number of certified hits is smaller than the actual score.
OOC: Although these don't seem that great in their success percentages, these were actually very good in the sniping world of WWII.
Klein closed the book and replaced it. He picked the various gun assortments on the bed, and put them into the many pockets of his outfit. Soon, he was finished, and all he held visibly was the K98, with the scopes within his pockets. He had a third scope, more powerful than the 6X but he knew he would not need it, and so had left it within his duffel bag. The bag was shoved underneath the bed, out of view.
Klein sat on the bed, and began to wait for the attendant.
Bauer dressed in a clean combat uniform and went outside to the waiting Kubelwagon, then his aide appeared
"inform Klein we are leaving,to bring shaving kits,extra rashions and two bottles of water, this drive into warsaw could drag on all the way to the other side"
"Jawhol heer Kapitian!" replyed the Leiutennet aid jogging towards Kleins quarters
Driving down the road 4 more Halftracks,1 AT and 3 opels with soldiers in the back along with a medical vehicle drove toawrds the line, Bauer looked at Klein
"were you conscripted of enlisted?" he waited for the answear then spoke again
" the poles have the will to fight but turning caverly on our panzers..for christ sakes it gets them nothing but destruction on their side and another victory for us,on the way in on the train i seen about 100 horses and men of the cavelry in a feild getting flattend by tanks and artillary..there was only 4 panzers and 2 88's...ahh there is is the line!"
Bauer floored the pedal, the other vehicles sped up aswell
"by the way Klein...what do you think of me as a fresh Captian? my Father is in the Krigsmarine you know"
Takeoff. Drobinski sat back in his seat and looked out the cockpit window as the aircraft began to gain altitude. Their flight was a motley assortment of bombers and transport aircraft, carrying what few pilots and command staff remained, and were willing to leave their country. He had already flown one mission to Sweden, and the Swedes weren't very receptive to them. Even so, it was the Swedes who had made their escape possible...
Russia had just invaded the east of Poland, a stab in the back that the Poles were not expecting. They claimed that they were "Protecting the Byelorussian and Ukrainian population" but all that they heard was reports of hundreds of officers being lined up and shot, and Polish people being forcibly removed from their homes.
He sighed. This flight was probably the last of the Polish airforce.
After a while, the Baltic coastline came into view. Curiously, they had not been intercepted. Drobinski had made up his mind as to the next stop of his journey. He would take a boat from Sweden to Netherlands (Neutral shipping so as to not be attacked), and make his way from the Netherlands to France. He vowed that he would then join whichever squadron he could gain entry to, and take revenge for his home country.
EDIT: OOC: Caveronia, i don't think anyone is playing to a set time frame. Just play along as close as you can to the dates other people give... (Though i'm two months behind, obviously a lot more is happening to my character in a short time frame than some other people.)
20-02-2004, 03:31
Anyone RPing a Japanese?
20-02-2004, 03:31
Anyone RPing a Japanese?
Gerald Wallace was standing in line with a quite a few other men, all preparing to enlist. He wasn't too sure what was going to happen if he was accepted, Britan still hadn't made any moves to stop the Germans from walking all over the Polish. He hoped to be able to join the British Expeditionary Force, and give those Germans a licking.
OOC: hope thats close to history, I'm not too keen on early war history.
Drizzts Army
20-02-2004, 05:24
Walther checked out the fort and found out the tanks were empty at the moment.He finds pictures of polish familys in the barracks of the fort.It reminds him of his wife and his 3 month old son that live in Dresden.He cried about the familys of these dead polish soilders.Well thats how war is.
Walther and the other troops now camp out at the fort.Walther had a good meal for once,ham,eggs,and some polish wine.He goes out to his office which was the polish commanders office.He unpacks and settles in.He writes in his diary.
September 21,1939.
I had a werid week so far.I was cut off from my company 3 days ago and just recently I attacked a polish fort.Just a fast week wasn't it?I have my MP38 at my feet,thinking of the many bullets I fired on the enemy.So war is really heating up.But Britain and France haven't acted yet,why haven't they attacked.Well that will be the day when they do
He then got one of the Sarges of the unit and told Walther:"Um sir,you have a telegram from a Captain Zeggel sir"
Walther was waiting for a response from him for a while now
"Thank you for the message Sgt."he reponded.
"Heil Hitler sir"
The Sgt walked out and wasn't seen.
Walther read the telegram from Zeggel
"Walther,we heard of your seperation from your company.We also heard of your raid on a polish fort and I talked to one of the higher people and we decided to give you F Company from the 556th Regiment of the 5th Motorized divsion.They have some vechiles,mainly Opels and a few PzKpfw IIs with them,but we give you this company because of your courage to make it alone with a squad left.And you are beng promtoed,Captain Walther"
Walther was stunned,a captain now.Well ain't that pretty,but they are giving him a company so far,but captains command battilaons,not companys.Well maybe they couldn't find one yet.Well the company would do,they had Panzers which he needs alot.
20-02-2004, 06:10
Klein grimaced as the truck bounced over the ruts in the road as it moved quickly along.
"I joined Germany's armies to simply earn my honor and serve my time. Every able young man should volunteer their services. Serving in the armies will make him a true man, and should he survive, a hero in the eyes of his own people. Besides, I cannot sit idly by as my fellow countrymen fight for our glorious nation without doing anything to assist them. Sniping is my best skill, and one I plan to continue using to the best of my ability.
Recently promoted eh? Congratulations sir, I'm sure you're the man for the job. I do not know of your father, but I can say it is nice to have contacts spread about the Reichstag. Use them wisely sir, and you will be none the wiser."
Soon, the truck stopped, and they got out. Klein nodded toward some soldiers who passed by and had noted his special status as a sniper. Few were allowed to wear clothing other than uniforms in the ranks, and snipers were part of that few. Klein watched as the men passed by, and shook his head slightly, as he realized that many were only recruits, having just joined up.
Speaking toward Bauer, he indicated toward the men,
"They probably have never fired a gun before. Keep an eye on them, or your ranks will become chaotic. You are a leader, and I have confidence you shall lead them well.
Now...where do you want me to nest?"
OOC: NBI I need a geographical description of the terrain, any buildings, etc.
20-02-2004, 07:23
OOC: Valient...IM me please lol.
Bauer called a meeting in the officers mess inside the fort that the Poles once occupated
"ok, this is our chance for the drive into Warsaw..my entire 1st SS VT division is on the move here now and Captain Walther congradulations on the promotion and i will assume you your men will move with mine? Klein the area is mostly rubble thanks to the Luftflotte 1 squadron therefore there are many unoccupied buildings along the way making it easier for you to do what you do"
Bauer grinned then looked around the room
"this is it gentleman, they are hurting with the wounds we all inflicted upon them..they got will but no wepons, GENTLEMAN WE HAVE BOTH! SEIG HEIL!..assult starts in 45 minutes, we will be moving right after the 88's and mortors clear the way, as far as i know the fly boys will be comming aswell lead by a dear friend of mine Major Hartmann, preperation starts now! scrounge up all you can this could drag on to the end!"
Bauer shook the hands of the other officers and went for the door thinking to himself
"i just put the fire and will in their hearts..nothing can stop us now"
The last two weeks had been horrible.
His stay in Great Britain lasted 10 days, 10 days of mud, rain, vehicules constantly getting stuck on backwater roads, more rain.
Yesterday, the captain of the unit gave a speech:
Men, Poland is getting torn apart,soon the only thing that might stop the germans is the combined might of France and Great Britain. To make it short, the whole unit is going to be sent to reinforce the BEF. Get ready, we have rough month ahead of us. Good luck.
A old passager ship ferried the whole division to Cherbourg.
Then, two days later:
Fallantyne was as happy as a child on christmas eve. Well, everybody was. His unit had been issued new weapons!
Pvt.Perkins: Pretty neat gifts we got here, corporal.
Cpl.Fallantyne: Yeah, I'm starting to like the lend-lease program. I also like this thompson.... I feel like a gangster.
Both men started to chuckle.
21-02-2004, 10:22
Davidsons was asleep, sunbathing on the back of his Tank
Philip: OI! James Wake up!
James: wehhagshasgd?
Phill: Poland getting torn apart, at this rate we'll have to get ready...
James: alright wake me up in an hour or so, or when jerry comes, whichever comes later...
22-02-2004, 18:02
I rubbed my eye as the rain constantly poured from the grey sky overhead. I was one of the many volunteers from America staying in Britain. I haven't been sent the fronts yet. Instead the commanders saw that I did some extra training in the mean time, and worked me as hard as any other soldier. For the last two weeks I had trudged through the mud left by the constant rain, grappeled with other soldiers in hand to hand training, and had even gained an amount of respect from the soldiers for my marksmanship.
I stared through the scope of my Springfield. I took in a deep breath as the other soldiers, mostly of the U.K, wagered on this shot. During the spare time in between the hours of rest, training, and meals, gambling had become a favourite past time. Today the trooops wagered on me or the other sniper in the company, John Hastings, marksmanship. I released my breath slowly, slowly squeezing the trigger as I did so. The rifle shot rang out with a loud bang, and the bullet pierced right into the targets center circle. A bunch of troops cheered as others groaned and handed over the money to the winners. I stood up and turned to my opponent, John.
"Good job," said John solemnly, handing over his debt in cash to me.
I nodded and took the money. I shook hands with John and turned to the chow hall for some dinner along with the others. I'm making some good money here, I just hope I live long enough after the war to spend it.
Drizzts Army
22-02-2004, 18:15
Walther stared to Warsaw,it was beautfil when he visted it when he was a boy growing up in Berlin,but now it was ruin,handy work by the Luftwaffe,looks like them biys in the air love to see beautfil citys go to ruin.He wanted to join the Luftwaffe back then,but he now doesn't want to tear down so many great cities like Warsaw.
He sits at his Volkswagen Military transport open topped car wacthing his troops prepare for the upcoming attack on Warsaw.He walked over to his Panzer commanders that commanded the Panzers Walther was given,he ordered them"If an enemy is next to a building,don't blow up the building ok,I've seen enough of Warsaw be in ruin"
The Holy Saints
22-02-2004, 21:33
ooc: i have one Q; are we still in late september or is it early october now? cause i havent had time to go here recently cause of Tech week for my school musical.
also, is anyone playing on the russian front? cause i could start up a russian for that if no one is.
22-02-2004, 22:22
OCC: I think some of us are in September, while other are in October, November, and I think I saw a post with march on it, though, I might be thinking about something else. Also I have a question myself. My memory is kinda fuzzy with Ealry WWII until about 1940, can someone tell me if the UK has forces fighting in North Africa or Europe in this time period? I know the RAF was involved in quite a bit, along with the navy, but I don't about the infantry at the moment. I wanna get my guy into some combat already, gambling on base isn't as exciting as blastin' a few Krauts to oblivion. ;)
Drizzts Army
23-02-2004, 02:37
OOc:The RAF didn't see action till 1940 and there was no fighting in North Africa at the time in 1939.It was called the Phoney War till Germany invaded France and Low Countries.In 1939 it was mainly Germany attacking poland,Russians haven war with Finland,Allies gearing up and Germany attacking Denmarck and norway in the winter of 1939-1940
23-02-2004, 03:00
OOC: Ah, I see now. Thanks for that. Well, lets see. Its September....oh boy, my guy has a long wait ahead of him. Ah oh well. At least I'll be rich by the time its time for war.
Gerald, though having passed inspection, was told that all active units were still being held in England. He would be assigned to a unit that was designated for front-line service, because of the results of the tests. Until the time for deployment, he was to sent by bus to the base of the 157th Infantry Brigade, where he would be trained and molded into a proud soldier of the BEF.
Captain Ralph Bauer lead the assult on Warsaw with his 1st SS VT Battalion assisted by Captain Walthers panzers, Bauer issued orders to his men
"A company is to take center of the city,B and C to the north side and Walthers men will take east, i will be with A, the horse drawn artillary is to set up where they think is right but be sure to make constant radio contact with Hq, get to it!"
Bauer sat in the passenger seat of a Halftrack shooting out the veiw slots at enemy troops, mortor shells from his crews blew the hell out of houses and streets catching afew Poles in the process. Going down an ally way with buildings on both sides fire bore down on the advancing German vehicles and troops, Bauer hopped out shooting at the windows
"rifle grenades on the top floor to the right!!,same to the left!"
3 or 4 of the SS men hit the ground before chunks of the building were blown off, 3 Polish soldiers surrendering came out of one of the houses, immeaditly a MG-34 was turned on the and opened fire
"stop!!, stop!! those men..." Bauer paused as he looked at the 3 dead men sprawled out of the ground, then glared at the faces of his men
"that is not accpetible!you are under my command so you will obey or i will have you sent to the Gestapo cellars!! do you f****** hear me??"
The soldiers nodded, the man at the MG just shrugged and light a cigerette, Bauer looked at him then strolled up hauling him off the halftrack sticking his Lugar to the mans throat
"did you hear me corporal? i really hope you did for your familys sake pf not getting a letter from your recent depart"
The man looked at him with a terrifyed expression, "i understand heer Kapitian, please, please don't"
Bauer let him go getting back in his vehicle, "lets moooove!" he bellowed
24-02-2004, 04:57
Klein moved quickly, silently as the war raged not too far from him. He moved with the skill of a hunter, so careful were his movements that even deer would not have noticed him.
He made his way into an abandoned warehouse, it's walls severely damaged by the bombings. Setting up quickly, he sought out a strategic firing position, which he found from a fourth floor window, high enough above the fighting that no one would notice. At least not right away.
He attached his 4X scope to the K98, took a sip of his water, licked his lips and then started searching through the scope at the Allies. In a few moments, he was able to locate one of the commanding officers, a major, it looked like. Nevertheless, CO's were prime targets...
Taking a deep breath, he noted the wind speed and direction, adjusted his rifle slightly to compensate, and aimed carefully. His finger pulled the trigger, at the perfect time between heartbeats. A moment later, the bullet tore into the major's head, entering through his nasal cavity, and splattering blood and brain matter onto several of the men by him. The men got up, panicked, and ran for other locations. The fear was evident within their faces, even at just under 400 meters away...
Number 19...
Taking aim again, he searched along the enemy lines, and spotted a machine gun nest. Following the firing paths of the gun, he spied them attempting to take out a small group of Germans, not far from where Bauer was, if his calculations were correct. Moving the scope back to the nest, he aimed once again, waited between hearbeats and fired. The gunner took the hit to the chest, throwing him back several feet from the impact. This gave enough time for Klein's friends to toss a grenade stick into the nest, effectively disabling it, and killing several of the Poles there.
Number 20...
By now, the Poles were aware that a sniper was hunting them, and began to attempt to get all important people and strategic persons into safe positions. Yet, none knew where Klein was...
A smile grew upon his face, as he watched them move frantically about. It was amusing to see that he could so effectively and indirectly control the movements of the enemy. Suddenly his scope caught sight of a high ranking officer, and upon further inspection, was able to be made out as a commander.
There you are, my prizeful prey...
Klein once again went through the process, as he waited for a clear shot of the commander. His head popped up from behind a ruin of wall fragments. Klein fired, and smiled, satisfied, as he watched the head explode from the impact, and reeling the body backwards. Several more of the soldiers had clearly seen this and started screaming at one another. One pointed in Klein's direction, and recieved a bullet to the side of the head in response. The man's body plummeted sideways, as the remaining men wisely ducked below the debris.
Numbers 21 and 22...
Out of the side of his eye, Klein noticed that his comrades were advancing upon the enemy. Bauer was in that group he knew. Bauer would find the four dead bodies and confirm his kills.
Machine gun fire began to strafe the area Klein was in, who in turned ducked as the bullets flew overhead and riddled the opposite wall. He moved away from the window, collecting his things, and his spent bullet shells. He pulled a white star out of his pocket, and tossed it onto the floor by the window where he had been sniping. The enemy would find it, that he knew. They would come looking for a dead body, and only find the star. "If you're not careful, you'll be dead and among the stars above." they would say to one another, as they fondled the white star and wonder where its elusive owner was now at.
A few moments later, the room lay empty, the ghosts of war only remaining. Klein had moved on toward his next nest...
OOC: NBI= Bauer, have an officer(maybe even yourself!) or two regular soldiers confirm my four kills please...just sniper procedure of confirmation for kills...
Drizzts Army
24-02-2004, 05:44
Walther was in the back of the main force of his men,already hearing bullets and such from Bauers men,he watches as his troops and panzers swiftly occupy the path.There was little resistence,only a few Polish Machinegunners and some of their Rifleman,no big deal.But then when he turns to a apartment building he notices 7 Polish 7TPs were heading towards his panzers.He kocks out 5 and damges 1.The seventh polish tank was afraid and climbed out of the hatch with their hands rasied in the air.3 German Riflemen came and escorted them to a POW spot near the HQ of the assualt.His sector was just 8 ot 9 blocks away from the Polish parliment building.But once he occupys the building,he will turn around and attack the attackers that is attacking Bauers Batallion.
Drizzts Army
26-02-2004, 02:45
OOC: None replyiing?Well then BUMP
Drizzts Army
26-02-2004, 04:59
Fallantyne was bored, very bored.
Three days ago, they arrived near this empty village, and took defensive positions. He was sitting in a small trench, between the woods and the village, along with 3 other soldiers.
War was nowhere near. Not near them, anyway. Of course, there was the occasinal dogfight between a few Messerschmitts a couple Dewoitine, a few mortar and artillery stonks, but nobody fired directly at them, yet.
Boredom was getting on the nerves of almost anyone. They were in a war, no germans were coming, but they were not allowed to advance, it was frustrating for the allied soldiers.
Deckers, an ancient student in politics, started to whine, as usual.
-Guys, think about it, we are here, near the german border, but we're not allowed to move. While whole divisions of perfectly able-bodied british, french, and canadians, are sitting in their bunkers and trenches, there's thoushands of poles dying for their country. It's just not right.
-Shut up. Perkins hissed.
-You guys can debate later, we've got a road to watch...
Fallantyne got back to cleaning his weapon.
Occ: Come on guys! it started nicely, don't let it die!
Drizzts Army
26-02-2004, 06:24
Walther contiuned his route to the polish goverment building in Warsaw,his panzers steaming along the way while his infantry move behind the panzers.
Walther was amazed when he fianlly saw the building in front of his eyes,its waving the polish flag.A soilder is next to Walther holding the swatsika flag on it.He order his panzers to go back and help Brauers men.Him and his 2nd platoon moved to the building till 3 Polish Machineguns fired from windows of the building.Then 10 Polish cavarly appered from the back and charges toward them while a MG34 Machinegunner fires on them.34 polish rileman come out of the building,shootos and already killed 14 germans from 2nd platoon.They germans kept throwing "potato mashers" grenades to blow the rilemen away.
Drizzts Army
27-02-2004, 01:40
OOC: I hate to do this:BUMPsy dasiey!
Captian Bauer pushed on through the town, low resistance was encounterd besides afew groups of cavelry and machine gun nests, so far he had only lost 1 opel transport to a grenade and at most 12 men
"Leiutennet Strauss! the goverment building should be to the east on Captain Walthers flank, i want 2 squads with 3 mortors and 2 MG-34's to move on over there immeaditly! also i want Kleins exact count!"
"Jawhol heer kapitian!" replyed the young Leiutennet taking off on foot
The day was sunny but getting cold as the fighting contined, an hour and a half later Bauers sector was clear and HQ in Warsaw was set up in a church to the north of town.
"Bauer here, i am requesting air support to the north, *cordinates given* just a sweep? over"
he waited for the reply from the Luftwaffe
27-02-2004, 22:45
I ran through the woods on the war games field. I dove into a trench and took a glance over the edge and was answered by some blanks being fired. I ducked back down quickly. THe objective was basically capture the flag. I was on green team against the red team. Someone on both teams had to get to the enemies flag and run like a bat outta hell back to their bunker. I bent low and ran through the trench as fast as I could. I stopped when a soldier with a red badge suddenly dropped down into the trench. I quickly fired a blank, causing him to be out. I stepped over him and continued through the trench. I jumped up and out of the trench and behind a log. I could see the flag waving above their bunker, and about a dozen men guarding it. I took a breath and jumped up. The guards were suprised at that and fumbled with their guns. I siezed the moment and ran as hard as I could toward their bunker. I slammed one of the guards into another, sending them both to the ground and jumped up onto a crate and from there onto the bunker. I stopped as two guards fired their guns. Then jumped to the flag, grabbed it in mid air, and sailed right over the bunker and landed with a roll. As soon as I rolled I jumped to my feet and ran as fast as possible, jumping over roots and dodging branches. I jumped clear over my teams trenches. My team cheered as I thrust the flag into the ground. I took off my helmet and wiped the sweat from my brow and let out a sigh of relief.
Drizzts Army
28-02-2004, 15:13
Walthers men kept firing at the polish riflemen.Walther relized what he should do.He decided and told his men,"Fix Bayonets!".All his men with riles fixed bayonets to their rifles.Soon Walther along with his rilemen and machinegunners soon chraged to the building.They are shooiting and bayoneting every Pole soilder that comes in the way.The Poles all run inside the building and Walthers men still charge inside,Soon Walther along with his Lt. ran up some stairs that led to the roof.Then Walther pulled the Polish Flag off the flag pole.Then he rasied the Nazi Flag over the building signaling they captured the building.The company roared and cheered over the capture.Now they all begin rounding prisoners.
Athel Nora
28-02-2004, 18:38
OOC: Just noticied that nobody is playing the Poles so...
14.IX. 15:00, near Warsaw
Artillary and planes contineud bombarding Warsaw trying to destroy the resistance their, despite the fact that his capitol city was under siege and in threat of being destroyed Trooper Kowalewski was glad because it meant that they were still fighting.
Turning back he looked at his collegeus from the 14 Ulans Brigade. Despite the fact that for the last week they have been constantly falling back morale was still high as they have both suffered light losses and even managed to wipe out a fritz supply train or two. Looking up nervously at the sound of a plain he felt lucky to be in the cover of the woods.
'"Syren" repeat.'
'Get your brigade ready and break through the fritz lines, do you copy?'
'Understood "Syren", but how? Without artillary or air soppurt on dug in positions?'
'Order from above. How you carry it out is up to you. "Syren" out.'
Gen. Frankowski sighed before turning from the comm and turned to his officers,
'Well.' he asked,
'Impossible' one said, 'Weve got some 75's that could lay some support and a couple of 37's to take care of the tanks but we'll never cover that distance on foot.'
Others gave their opinions that more or less agreed with the first one, gen. Frankowski listened in silence before standing up, straightened his coat before saying,
'Than will have to do it the traditional way, saddle up.'
Lt. Hedrich looked with some satisfaction towards the smoking city some distance away, along with all the reports from units pushing forward he felt that despite the near fanatiscm this "Slave Race" presented during the war the city would be theirs in a matter of days.
Despite himself his thoughts went back to barely two weeks ago when his father was warning him not to underestimate the Poles, he reminded him about the uprisings after WW I near Poznan and in Upper Silisia where the Poles crushed the German armies sent their and of the Polish-Bolshevik war were the Soviets met a humiliating defeat at the hands of the Poles. As far as Hedrich was concerned his father was simply paranoid.
His train of thoughts was broken by the sound of a trumpet cutting through the air. As the sound was repeated he and a number of his men began looking around searching for the source, when they located it many jaws, including Hedrichs fell open. From one of the numerous woods a force have cavalry appeared and began moving towards them, blades in hand. The silence was broken by his observer shouting,
'Enemy Force, 500 meters!'
Immediatly the spell was broken and orders were given, men began rushing to their positions weapons were cocked and readied, at the shout of '450 meters' shells began exploding amongst the charging cavalry, MG's and rifles began adding their fire to the carnage, the nearby panzer division added their fire.
At the shout of '350 meters' Hedrich began to feel uneasy, at '250' he pulled out his Parrabelum and cocked it, at '150' he had to shout and threaten his men to ensure they held their positions.
'100'- men began running,
'70' - sergeants stopped trying to force their men to hold and also began running.
By '60' almost everybody was running, the few that weren't as Hedrich were frozen, only when he saw the blades descending on the soldiers still at their positions, when he saw the blood squirting from their wounds did he regain control of his feet, he began running, gun in hand forgotten, he ran hearing the snorts of horses, the screams for mercy quickly cut off by high pitched shrieks.
Before he got far he felt for a second as something smashed into his back, even as he fell he saw riders, one of them so close he could see blood flowing off the blade, his blood?
He hit the ground hard, for a second he still heard screams before he closed his eyes, never to open them again.
Captian Bauer strolled through the destroyed streets, the sound of combat just outside the city echoed through the air. He light a cigerette looking at the horizon thinking of back home..his feonce Lieseil also of his many friends that were stationed elsewhare, he was about to sit down when machine gun and rifle fire opened up
"Poles!! to positions SCHNELL!! HERRAUS!!" he screamed as bullets flew all around him but contined to bolt for cover.
Bauer ran into a house in fairly good condition then dropped to the floor as bullets riddled it
"where is my god dammned air support!! Leiutennet!!, LEIUTENNET!!"
No reply came, but the door swung open..footsteps carefully approached, Bauer reached for his Lugar but he forgot his holster and belt in the Hq, reaching for his trenchknife he took a deep breath getting right on the other side of the door. Sweat beads poured down his face,his whole body shook as the boots entered the room, all of a sudden he jumped out
"AHHHHHH! DIIIIE!!" he screached sticking the knife in the Polish soldiers throat, he never knew what hit him, the young man slid down the wall to the floor making a sickening gurgle noise. Bauer sttod there looking at his kill holding the bloody knife then put his back against the wall slumping to the floor holding his head in hands. The SS leiutennet entered
"Sir, sir?come..it is over"
Bauer looked him in the eyes
"it's far from over Leiutennet...far from over.." he stuttered holding a hand out
Drizzts Army
01-03-2004, 02:41
Walther sits on the steps of the building he and his men captured.He then soon gets serious.He walks to 3rd Platoon,and 2nd Platoon and tells them"Go to Brauers postion and you give him support and tell him that my panzers are on their way"He then orders 1st platoon to help Walther to clean the place up so they can make it another HQ.He calls general HQ that they captured the polish goverment building in Warsaw
OOC: Just noticied that nobody is playing the Poles so...
Wrong! :) I'm a Polish pilot (Who has just escaped to France)
Stanislaw Drobinski approached the French/British recruiting station he had been directed to, that catered specifically for Polish refugees. "Name" said the attendant in French accented Polish.
"Drobinski, Stanislaw."
"Do you have military experience?"
"Yes, I.."
"A lieutenant?"
"We can get you into an all Polish squadron based in Britain."
"Britain? But I wont see any action!"
"I'm sorry, but thats all we have available for someone of your rank and experience. NEXT!"
"Inexperienced!? I'll have you know..."
"Speak to me like that again, and you wont have a squadron to fly with. NEXT!"
Drobinski walked off red-faced. Before he could get far, a British officer signalled him over. "What's your name, pilot?" He said in strongly accented English. "Stanislaw Drobinski." Drobinski had a grasp of English, he had been studying it for a couple of years. "Wing Commander David Woodley. I heard your talk with our friend over there. Just what experience do you have?" "4 Kills. And one heavily damaged." "Nice...listen. I have an opening in my roster, and I could use a good pilot to fill that. We're a Hurricane squadron, and we're stationed over here...so you won't be getting any useless patrol missions. We've been flying over Germany testing out Jerry's defences, and we know they're up to scratch. But, of course, you know that don't you?" Drobinski nodded in silent agreement. "The Hurricane is a good aircraft. I have no idea what Polish aircraft are like to fly, but I can honestly say that the Hur' is lethal in the right hands...and I'll bet that you can learn to use it very well. Would you like to sign up with us?" "Would I? I'm just waiting to pay the pigs back to what they did to my country!!" "Excellent. We'll go together on a test flight tomorrow, so you can get the feel of the aircraft. I'll give you the rank of Flying Officer." "Thankyou sir!"
OOC: I have an idea for some alternate history that isn't actually part of my pilots experience, but it will affect him later (and probably everyone involved). Can I add it in? (Not immediately....the event i'm talking about changing, which will be a surprise, happens later in the war) :D
Bauer received the message about the panzers comming to assist the 1st SS VT battalion and set up a well fortifyed perimiter around Hq. As the first few tanks rolled in the SS men cheered, it was always a welcome sight of tanks approaching, Bauer went into the church Hq to the communications room
"Captian Bauer sir, 56 polish prisoners are arriving to Leiutennet Rhinehardts position any minute now..orders from Feildmarshall Ritter Von strattenburg have been issued..you are to get there immeaditly to the town square"
"ok, im on my way" replyed Bauer strolling out the door
The Kubelwagon pulled up to the Opel transports that the prisoners came on, they were out streatching their legs
"Ahh Leiutennet Rhinehardt, Von Strattenburg said i was to join you?"
Rhinehardt looked at Bauer then to a motorcycle crew who then turned their MG-34 towards the prisoners
"yes Heer Kapitian, my orders will be carried out immeaditly"
Bauer's expression turned grave as the MG- opened fire on the poles moeing them to the ground, their screams were loud and full of pain aswell as terror
"tha...that was the order...." Bauer stutterd
"Jawhol heer Kapitian, the Feild Marshall thought it best you witness this to report directly back him him, it is good the people witness it too..keep sily resistance ideas out of their heads"
"but they were not resistance..they were uniformed soldiers..."
"uhh sir..any one who resists the Reich is a criminal....do you object"
Bauer looked at the other officers then back at Rhinehardt
"n..no you are follwing orders from those who know what is right.."
Rhinehardt grinned then saluted
That night back at Bauers position all the panzer crews were instructed to fire only at enemys armed, no buildings or civilian targets period without first consulting Bauers staff who were directly connected to him.
Bauer received the message about the panzers comming to assist the 1st SS VT battalion and set up a well fortifyed perimiter around Hq. As the first few tanks rolled in the SS men cheered, it was always a welcome sight of tanks approaching, Bauer went into the church Hq to the communications room
"Captian Bauer sir, 56 polish prisoners are arriving to Leiutennet Rhinehardts position any minute now..orders from Feildmarshall Ritter Von strattenburg have been issued..you are to get there immeaditly to the town square"
"ok, im on my way" replyed Bauer strolling out the door
The Kubelwagon pulled up to the Opel transports that the prisoners came on, they were out streatching their legs
"Ahh Leiutennet Rhinehardt, Von Strattenburg said i was to join you?"
Rhinehardt looked at Bauer then to a motorcycle crew who then turned their MG-34 towards the prisoners
"yes Heer Kapitian, my orders will be carried out immeaditly"
Bauer's expression turned grave as the MG- opened fire on the poles moeing them to the ground, their screams were loud and full of pain aswell as terror
"tha...that was the order...." Bauer stutterd
"Jawhol heer Kapitian, the Feild Marshall thought it best you witness this to report directly back him him, it is good the people witness it too..keep sily resistance ideas out of their heads"
"but they were not resistance..they were uniformed soldiers..."
"uhh sir..any one who resists the Reich is a criminal....do you object"
Bauer looked at the other officers then back at Rhinehardt
"n..no you are follwing orders from those who know what is right.."
Rhinehardt grinned then saluted
That night back at Bauers position all the panzer crews were instructed to fire only at enemys armed, no buildings or civilian targets period without first consulting Bauers staff who were directly connected to him.
Swordmasters of Ginaz
01-03-2004, 19:59
(OOC: Mind if I join in as a British armor commander?)
it's ok with me...ill enjoy going head to head with another officer in some time
Drizzts Army
02-03-2004, 03:05
Walther then turned the former goverment building as his HQ for now.He sat at the former presidents chair,thinking about when he first arived in Poland on Sept. 3rd and now he was sitting in the chair of the former head of Polands goverment chair.He looked over some papers that the polish president reviewed.Mainly building projects and military forts......What?Military Forts?He looked at these postions of the polish divsions the polish army had.But these were Sept 2nd maps,but they were still useful in case.He decided not to call Captain Brauer thou.He then recieved a call about finally getting a Batallion from the 6th Motorized Divsions,234th Battalion.Fianlly more men,they were going to arrive here in 2 days.In the meantime,he should occupy the goverment building till his batallion arrives.
02-03-2004, 15:25
Do we have anyone playing as a Finn?
Me :D
I'll play at least the Winter War with my Finnish char.
"Attention machinegun platoon!" Lt. Björn shouted at a Finnish training camp and the soldiers gathered outside the buildings, under the blue-cross flag. "You have propably heard that ruskies have attacked us. And YOU will go and drive them back! Get ready for marching, one full set of change clothes and of course full arms. Any broken equipment must be changed to new. Go!" The soldiers ran to their houses, and after 4 hours, all was set. They loaded in their trucks and sang as they left the camp.
The night began to get darker. Lahtinen and his friend Susikallio were put on a guarding duty. "Man, what are the russians thinking? What do they think they will get?" Eero said to Susikallio. Susikallio replied, lighting a cigarette: "Ah, who understands russians? Go ask them. Want a smoke?" "Yes, why not. aww, it's starting to rain. What could be worse?" "At least the russians aren't attacking us." They didn't talk much on the rest of their duty.
At the morning, they packed up and started moving out. "Stop! And keep quiet" Sgt. Kaarna, leading Eero's squad, said. "The enemy has a camp there... I'll take a look with binoculars... They have about 10-15 men, and 1 machinegun. Quick! Deploy the machineguns and cover them with bushes! Everyone else hide in the grass or the bushes. We will ambush those bastards at night, when most of them are sleeping and everyone else is so drunk that they won't see the difference between a Finn and a Russian."
OOC: Anyone else playing as a Finn? And anyone playing as a Russian at the Finnish border?
Athel Nora
02-03-2004, 17:19
Kowalewski dismounted hissing in pain, a number of bullets hit him though he stayed in his saddle, unfortunantly his horse was also wounded.
Riding through the city he somehow kept calm as infantry and civilians were cheering his unit on. He smiled at the thought as he led his mount to their newly assigned barracks and treid to chase away the thought that his horse would end up being put out of it's misery.
'Right put your horses in the "stable" over their' his seargent was shouting,
'And then get yourselfs to the medic station.' he waved at a pockmarked building with the red cross flag on it.
Limping along with the rest he joined the conversation on who died in the charge.
Frankowski finished writing his report though he doubted that HQ would believe him, he hardly bielieved it himself when his aid informed him of the casualties taken, 18 dead, only 18! Almost everybody was wounded but a wounded man still fight. Shaking his head he stood up from the tablea hiss escaped his lips as his newly acquired wound sent a wave of pain. Walking out of his new office he gave the report to the radio operater and stood nearby to confirm it.
The charge really did take place and the unit really did suffer only 18 dead (and almost everybody else wounded) One of the most glorius cavalry charges in history.
Bauer picked up the phone at Hq to hear FeildMarshall Von Strattenburgs voice, it was really him! speaking to Bauer!
"Captian,very good work out there if there is anything you need please call me, also the Fuhuer is going to arrive in Warsaw for a visit to put the morale up! as i am short of combat experinced officers working in the feild i would expect you to..with your good service in this war already...take the rank of Major?"
Bauer's jaw dropped, he stayed silent for afew secounds then replyed
"uhh yee..s sir, i would be honoured to be a Major with the SS..."
"good then...i do not know you personally but like i said we are short of combat officers and you are needed, there was two choices a certian recently promoted Captian Walther or you, i spoke to a certian Major Dorf and your father Admerial Bauer yesterday...do not dissapoint me Major..it would look bad on my behalf"
"Jawhol heer Feildmarshall!"
Bauer received his brand new SS uniform, he still only had a iron cross and some leadership medal but it was acceptable for now. Later that day Bauer drove up to Walthers position to inform him of his step up the ladder also to congradulate him on his new command. He entered the Hq and stood at the door to the presidents room waiting to be announced.
Drizzts Army
02-03-2004, 23:38
Walther hears the knock on the door and says"Come In".Walther looks up at Brauer in his new SS uniform which is in Major rank now,he standed up and salutes Brauer"Well,Im empreseed with your new rank,Major.Heh,well the SS really needed some men out there to command the troops,heh,I needed far more than what I did today to get the rank of Major,besides,I needed not to be rushed on the levels of rank anyway,I just been made captain hours ago so I don't needed to be rushed at all.Oh and one more thing,When I got setled in here,I found a map of Polish Forts and Divsions in their lands at the moment,I wasn't sure if it was important or not"
Bauer returned the salute then removed his cap
"Thank you captian, i wasn't sure to accept the commission at all..but all back home will be proud and if the Reich thinks it best then their wish is my command, as for the SS..this suprizies me to the fullest"
Bauer looked down at the table to the maps
"i trust the german army can handle this issue?you have found them Captian therefore it is up to you to decide the action, i wouldn't dream of instructing you on what to do..your victorys make all those above proud..and when the Fuhuer arrives i hope you will join me in welcoming him"
Bauer smiled and yanked on his collar tabs
"i still don't feel like one...i know you have more experiance then i do..i will admidt Walther..but i am understanding the SS is not your..well to your fancy ja?o well..o and i am to inform you the Gestapo are moving in tonight.."
Bauer paused and studied Walthers face
"i have no power over that..all we can do is make sure they are comfortable..like most officers i feel they have most..un called for tactics but continue with your dutys i will not hold you any longer..and don't hesitate to ask for anything Heer Walther,"
Bauer gave him a normal salute and turned towards the door
Bauer returned the salute then removed his cap
"Thank you captian, i wasn't sure to accept the commission at all..but all back home will be proud and if the Reich thinks it best then their wish is my command, as for the SS..this suprizies me to the fullest"
Bauer looked down at the table to the maps
"i trust the german army can handle this issue?you have found them Captian therefore it is up to you to decide the action, i wouldn't dream of instructing you on what to do..your victorys make all those above proud..and when the Fuhuer arrives i hope you will join me in welcoming him"
Bauer smiled and yanked on his collar tabs
"i still don't feel like one...i know you have more experiance then i do..i will admidt Walther..but i am understanding the SS is not your..well to your fancy ja?o well..o and i am to inform you the Gestapo are moving in tonight.."
Bauer paused and studied Walthers face
"i have no power over that..all we can do is make sure they are comfortable..like most officers i feel they have most..un called for tactics but continue with your dutys i will not hold you any longer..and don't hesitate to ask for anything Heer Walther,"
Bauer gave him a normal salute and turned towards the door
Drizzts Army
03-03-2004, 04:02
To reply to Brauers message"Yea,its a bit,not my world anyways heh"
"Good Luck,Heer Brauer,Heil Hitler"
He then sat back down and studied the maps that the Polish had for soo long kept to their heads.He is a bit glad that the gestapo is moving in but till then,his men are too hold here till they arrive.
He calls Major Zeggleir of the 6th Motorized divsion about the Maps he found
"Sir,I have important papers about the pole postions sir"
"Excellent,Just send them to me and I'll read them when you get the orders to come back here"
"Go back sir?"
"Yes, I might need you back here when I call you the next time,out"
Drizzts Army
04-03-2004, 02:09
04-03-2004, 03:56
A lone shot snapped the silence song of the still air. A moment later, screams could be heard as the Polish soldiers became frantic once again when yet another commanding officer was killed. Klein had been close enough to see the bullet enter the man's eye, travel painfully through the brain, and exit the back of the head, finally burying itself well into the concrete wall behind the officer. There woud be no need for a confirmational report, no man could have survived that much damage.
Number 23.
Time was short, the Poles would almost immediately search all the buildings within a mile radius of the dead officer, seeking out to find the sniper. Klein quickly picked up himself, picked up and pocketed the empty shell. Out of another pocket came yet another white star, to which he tossed to the floor of the third floor of the hotel.
Moments later, he was gone, heading back toward Bauer and his company of men.
OOC: NBI, feel free to rp Klein approaching you whenever you want, but don't voice him. Thanks!"
The Polish soldier looked about the hotel room, as he companions did as well.
"Looks clean here."
Suddenly, one held his hand up.
"Wait! Look at this."
The soldier picked up the white paper star that lay near the window.
"This looks like the ones from the other nests as well."
"Looks like we've got more than just a good shooter gunning for us. Let's go, the commander will want to know this."
Twenty minutes later, the five men stood in front of their commander, and handed him the white star. The commander had a look of curiosity upon his face as he asked,
"What is the meaning of this?"
"Sir, we've had four other kills, to which we found the similar stars. It looks like we've got an extremely deadly sniper out there, hunting us down. There have been reports of other kills that were claimed by this sniper, 23 in total, including these five."
"What?! Dammit!"
The commander pounded his fist into the makeshift desk in front of him. They were going to need to bring in a sniper to take out this German...
"Thank you....dismissed."
The five men saluted, and exited.
The Gestapo disembarked off the train then strolled towards Bauer
"Major Bauer we expect your full co-operation in our actions?"
Bauer eyed them then replyed
"of course gentleman,but...you will listen to me while here do you understand that?i have afew rules that i have reveiwed carefully that you WILL abide by or first speak with the Feildharshall, there will be NO harrassment of civilians,interrigation will be to the..minimum of your certian skills....prisoners will not be exicuted by your order!"
The Gestapo officer glared at Bauer then nodded
"then we have an accord..you will have private quarters at the Hq, go about your buisness"
"ahh Major Bauer we understand as i speak for the rest of us but..orders from Berlin are to gather the Jewish citizens togeather for identification for their own saftey..i have your co-operation there?"
"of course, but remember what i said..there will be no rash actions, this is my command therefore it will be how i decide"
"yes Heer Bauer"
Ralph didn't know what Berlin had up it's sleeve but he had matters of a combat nature on his mind which needed attension. Later that day after Luftflotte 1 had laid an airstrike out on the North side of the city the SS VT moved in, more resistance was encounterd then expected.
"Major! pole Cavelry comming in with maybe 50+ infintry!!"
Bauer hopped out of the Kubelwagon signaling men to follow, the cavelry charged in shooting and slicing
"Left flank!! Left flank!! is being crushed!!" Yelled a Sargent
Bauer barked orders to his soldiers
"Sargent Von Blitzer! reinforce them!Leiutennet Danke move your men to the center! they will regroup!"
Sure enough the Cavelrey rallied for another charge at top speed, SS men were half way to terrifyed scrambleing around hearing the screams of the charging men
"the lines are breaking Major!! what the F*** do we do!!"
"Conentrate fire to the center!! it's all we can do!!fire on my order!!"
The cavelry came in for the kill fast as possible letting out ferice battle crys
All the SS men opened fire dropping the Poles in large groups but they didn't give up
"this is it..." Bauer lowered his head while he thought
Then all of a sudden shells screamed down into the center of the attackers, 2 panzers smashed through a small brick wall giving the Poles all they got, then 2 more rounded a corner, Bauer bellowed
A new hope rushed through the mens minds as they let out crys of fear and anger rushing towards the stunned enemy, Bauer pulled out his Lugar and started shooting,a Cavelry sword brushed his arm he winced in pain then turned around emtying the rest of his clip into the dismounted man.
It ended shortly after, all were tired..wounded but still glad to be alive, some even patted their officer on the back which wasn't a common thing to do in the SS. Bauer looked at his downed men, the dead and the dieing sprawled about, the enemy was so close they were scattred among the Germans, Bauer walked over to a wall and slumped up against it holding his wound
Drizzts Army
05-03-2004, 00:34
Walther gotten the call to move out of Warsaw for His men to move for a different location since the Gestapo.Already his Batallion is at Major Zegglers HQ 2 miles from Warsaw,He prepares to move out with the rest of his F Company to regroup with the other men.He hops on one of his Panzer IIs and the whole Company now exits Warsaw.
Man, 20 mintues when the company left Warsaw and we took light resistance,just a few Polish Deserters.They might have been far away of the city,but they can still see Rounds going up in the air and explosions of battle as Brauers men fight over there.
The HQ is over a hill overlooking Warsaw,man still just like it was when Walther arrived in the Warsaw sector.His men unload the trucks and gets in barracks and such.
Walther then moved in to meet the Major at once.
OOC: The Poles weren't known for large scale cavalry charges with melee weapons. Polish cavalry functioned primarily as scouts, and carried rifles typically. Nearly all combatants in the early years of WW2 did the same. It was the Russians who were fond of suicidal cavalry charges, but often the enemy that they charged were frozen and on the brink of death so that they were often very successful...
um, not meaning to sound like a smart-arse lol, I just think people are interpreting that the Poles were suicidal fanatics.
Athel Nora
05-03-2004, 16:57
OOC: I never said it was a large scale cavalry charge, a small unit used the advantage given by horses to break through entrenched positions, and it is also true that the charge really hapened.
Cavalry was used by most armies in WW 2, though they usually had only a couple of units used only for scout duty. Poland had the largest cavalry force in the world at the time(unfortunantly). Polish cavalry was mostly used as dragoons (ride on horse back, fight on foot) and were equipped with AT and AA guns to support. Besides standard equipment (shortened mauser bayonet etc.) they also recieved sabers. Due to the supierior fire power of the germans poles would often make tactical decisions to charge the enemy, in 1939 the tactic was effective for a short while becouse german soldiers usually began to panic. Such things like this and the unwillingness to surrender lead to the belief that poles are suicidal fanatics(like the japanese only in a lesser degree and without kamikaze).
OOC: I never said it was a large scale cavalry charge, a small unit used the advantage given by horses to break through entrenched positions, and it is also true that the charge really hapened.
Cavalry was used by most armies in WW 2, though they usually had only a couple of units used only for scout duty. Poland had the largest cavalry force in the world at the time(unfortunantly). Polish cavalry was mostly used as dragoons (ride on horse back, fight on foot) and were equipped with AT and AA guns to support. Besides standard equipment (shortened mauser bayonet etc.) they also recieved sabers. Due to the supierior fire power of the germans poles would often make tactical decisions to charge the enemy, in 193 the tactic was effective for a short while becouse soldiers usually began to panic. Such things like this and the unwillingness to surrender lead to the belief that poles are suicidal fanatics(like the japanese only in a lesser degree and without kamikaze).
Yes this is true. I'm no expert on WW2 cavalry warfare and don't claim to be. But, i interpreted the above post as a Melee cavalry charge, sword in hand, against a well prepared opponent equipped with machine guns. Unless the Polish military was chiefly composited of psychotic, deranged lunatics, I can't see this happening. But then again, it did in Russia, and I know less of the short conflict in Poland than the Russian Front. Okay, i'll take back my previous statement.
BTW, i was actually referring to New britian isles' post, not yours :)
Posting more of my RP a bit later...
Athel Nora
06-03-2004, 08:25
The group of men stumbled into the basement the same time a shell exploded nearby sending wafsts of dust falling from the cieling, one of the men that ran in shouted, 'Damn fritz! Don't they know when to give up!'
'No, they don't. Settle down boy and drink something.'
Kowalewski looked at the man with understanding, he was in the city for only 3 days and he already hated it. Every biulding could contain a nazi patrol or become a death trap if t was hit by a siege shell. The rats that didn't run were now running amock eating out their rations, carrying deseases. And if they were to listen to some veterans they would soon be living off horse meat, "Including his horse" he thought grimly.
The infantry, he could tell this by their newer helmets, walked to their make-shift tables and accepted cups of tea that were handed out.
'Is "Warsaw" on?' the infantry asked. Looking past his own "french" helmet he clicked on the radio and sure enough "Warsaw" was on, though with some static though,
'Today, the 17 of september 1939 the Soviet Union without declaring war invaded Poland. Units of the Border Defense Korps (KOP) and regular forces moved to fight the treachoures enemy of our nation.'
At this news their was commotion amongst the soldiers, a new enemy at such a dire situation! Kowalewski felt sick, his brother was a officer in KOP. Only when the sergeants began shouting for order they settled down,
'...Britain and France are still not showing signs of attacking though they promise to move soon.'
'Sure they will.' Kowalewski muttered only to be silenced by the other men, the radio contineud,
'The fortress at Hel is succesfully breaking attacks of the German invader and is showing no sign of falling. Warsaw is also standing firm and the only advances made by the invaders are bought with heavy casualties on their side. The Germans and their Slovacian allies have also had no succes in crossing the southern border. Also in further knews our counter attack is still succesful.' the knews ended and some sort of melody was put on, Kowalewski turned of the radio.
'What offense?' somebody asked. A lieutenant spoke,
'On the 9th armies "Wielkopolska" and "Pomorze" attacked the germans near Bzura and pushed them back almost 20 km, looks like their still fighting.'
A different lieutenant spoke up,
'May their attack prove succesful and may all germans and soviets die a terrible death.'
Everybody in the basement rose and repeating the phrase drank a toast.
Drizzts Army
07-03-2004, 04:23
Walther walked up to the Major presenting himself
"Captain Walther reporting Sir
"Ah yes,Walther.Um I suppose you want to know why your here?"
"Well,I got orders from Berlin and and they got somethin up their sleeve and they want me to transfer troops to Hamburg for something.So I think I need you up there"
"Yes sir"
"But you won't leave till Warsaw is fully taken yet"
"Ok sir" He starts to walk off
"Oh and Walther you'll be getting a new Captains Winter Uniform and a Brand new MP40"
"Thank you sir"
Walther walks to his barracks,taking a nap there,he haven't taken a nap in a while now.He sleep good dreams and calmly on his bed and slept.
Drizzts Army
07-03-2004, 04:24
Walther walked up to the Major presenting himself
"Captain Walther reporting Sir
"Ah yes,Walther.Um I suppose you want to know why your here?"
"Well,I got orders from Berlin and and they got somethin up their sleeve and they want me to transfer troops to Hamburg for something.So I think I need you up there"
"Yes sir"
"But you won't leave till Warsaw is fully taken yet"
"Ok sir" He starts to walk off
"Oh and Walther you'll be getting a new Captains Winter Uniform and a Brand new MP40"
"Thank you sir"
Walther walks to his barracks,taking a nap there,he haven't taken a nap in a while now.He sleep good dreams and calmly on his bed and slept.
Major Bauer sat in Hq rubbing his wound from earlier that day,there was only about 12 or 13 cavelry but the infintry was massed, like somthing he had not seen in poland yet, the phone rang, Bauer picked it up
"hallo?Major Bauer"
"Major Bauer it's Captian Von Lugar here, the SS VT has been ordered to pass positions over to the Regulars from Hamburg that are arriving today, you are to move to Ciechanow and occupy the area, it will be fully SS controlled just how we like it"
"Jawhol give my regards to the Feildmarshall, best of health you know"
"I will Major, good luck"
Bauer hung up the phone then petted the large German Sheapard on the floor thinking about why they would transfer him before Warsaw was captured...quite odd
Drizzts Army
10-03-2004, 23:32
(OOC: Man internet connection down for two and a half days feels like a month,arg)
Walther woke up from the nap he tooken.He wipes his face witha wash cloth,already felling a bit hot already in his quarters.He sees his new uniform and weapon on the table next his bed.He goes to the mess hall and drinks a cup of coffe and eats some ham.
He then his tabbed on the shoulder by a corporal next to him.
"Um,Captain Walther sir?"
"Yes,what is it Corporal?"
"Um sir,Our Batallion is about to be shipped out to Hamburg here in a Hour sir"
"Ok I'll prepare to move,dismissed"
Walther thinks to his head about it being so early about going to Hamburg all of the sudden.They must really need him at Hamburg.Walther then got finished eating and went back to his quarters and starts to put his reqular uniform on.
Drizzts Army
12-03-2004, 00:42
Athel Nora
12-03-2004, 13:44
The biulding fell down into a heep of rubble sending a wave of dust hitting the men crouching behind a barricade.
After some coughs Kowalewski who was part of the group looked up and looked around, the cavalry men though fighting like infantry kept their specific helmets and shorter mausers.
A number of infantry crouched behind the barricade, some AT guns and 75's giving them the support to fend off enemy attacks, the nearby biuldings also held infantry plattons shut in the besieged city.
The cavalry where here to replace the current occupants of the barricades, when the heard the infantry gladly handed over their positions and were ready to leave when the comm came alive alerting of enemy movement.
No sooner had the warning come did the sound of tracks on road and soon a tank appeared around the corner, soon it was burning and german infantry came into the street trying to push the poles back. Kowalewski sighed as another tank showed up to be turned into a ball of fire, this could take a while he thought aiming at the advancing germans...
12-03-2004, 21:55
OOC: Just wondering, but what's the date? I'm gonna RP again as soon as it gets to the right date for the Brits and volunteers to enter.
Drizzts Army
13-03-2004, 03:12
OOC:its 1939,but some of us are in Septemeber,October,and November and we cleraly don't know the actual game date
13-03-2004, 11:57
OOC: Man, i forgot this thread for a loong while...
"Ok, we have everything ready. Fire at will!" Kaarna told the soldiers in the bushes. The Finnish soldiers ran towards the enemy positions, while their Maxim provided fire support. The Russian guards were excecuted quickly, but then, the rest of the camp were awaken. "Mediiic!" Kaarna screamed after his leg got hit. Eero ran towards him. "Are you ok?" He asked. Kaarna replied: "Yeah, i'm just lying around here and waiting for coffee. What the heck are you thinkin? Of course i'm not ok! I'm going to die soon if i can't get medical support. Go back to the battle, Lahtinen!" Eero ran to a Finnish field medic and told him where Kaarna was lying. Then he took a Suomi M31 Submachine gun from a fallen fellow. "SAATANAA!" He shouted while running towards the russian camp, trigger pressed all the time.
The fight was soon over. The Finnish had token many casualties, but still, had won the battle. They built their camp to the same place where the russians had had theirs, and soon, most of them fell asleep...
Drizzts Army
15-03-2004, 06:05
OOC: Bump comon people,Im going to keep bumping until we get posts I think this is not one of those threads that should be in the shadows of old topics so..BUMP
Occ: I just want to let you guys know that i'm still here....
Unless you guys would be interested in alternate history, i can't do anything but wait.
The bfe and the french army could do a quick surprise-attack to relieve some pressure on the polish.
I think it could be fun.
26-03-2004, 01:14
I'm still here Drizzts...just waitin for my time in the sun....BUMP!
Occ: I just want to let you guys know that i'm still here....
Unless you guys would be interested in alternate history, i can't do anything but wait.
The bfe and the french army could do a quick surprise-attack to relieve some pressure on the polish.
I think it could be fun.
I'm all for it. I can't do anything except wait really either. My Polish pilot has escaped to France and joined the RAF there, so a counterattack in the rhineland would be interesting. (And when playing WW2 games, I always do that when playing the side of the allies. It's just common sense really :P)
I wanted to put in a bit of alternate history as well. How about Stalin getting assassinated and Trotsky returning to the Soviet Union? A civil war there before the Nazi's invade, hmmm.
Athel Nora
26-03-2004, 17:27
I'm all for it. I can't do anything except wait really either. My Polish pilot has escaped to France and joined the RAF there, so a counterattack in the rhineland would be interesting. (And when playing WW2 games, I always do that when playing the side of the allies. It's just common sense really :P)
I wanted to put in a bit of alternate history as well. How about Stalin getting assassinated and Trotsky returning to the Soviet Union? A civil war there before the Nazi's invade, hmmm.
Or maybe the Nazi's never get a chance to invade the USSR?
If the British and French attack germany from the west than possibly they will be defeated and then the USSR nervous that it's going to lose any chance of territorial conqeust will attack europe?
Than WW 2 would be between a coalition of Britain, Poland, Germany, Finland, Japan and France fighting against the Soviet agression?
27-03-2004, 01:27
OOC: Lets just stay with the war the way it really happened, like it was meant to go in the first place. Waiting a lil bit isn't so bad, other things to do in the mean time...
28-03-2004, 02:14
The Holy Saints
01-04-2004, 04:50
go like the war went in the real world, just small differences, such as for example some invasion and or battle happens earlier or later than it did.
04-04-2004, 09:53
BUMP! This is a tiring job...*wipes sweat off brow*
04-04-2004, 10:13
OOC: I'm going to officially resign from this thread. I've got too many things to worry about both on NS and in in the real world. I've gotta keep my priorities straight. Thanks for understanding, and thanks for the fun rping!
06-04-2004, 01:21
Goodbye to ya! Well, it should be 1940 by now.
I peered around a rock at the NAZIs marching between the dunes of the North African desert. Rommel was tearing the Brits to shreds, and I had taken a few scrathces and bruises fighting with the limies as well.
I raised my rifle to my shoulder, taking careful aim, waiting for the Colonel's command to fire. Sand blew around my face, which I had covered by a cloth across my face and the back of my neck. I ignored the sting in my eyes of sand getting caught as it swirled around in the wind. The colonel stared through his binoculars. I pulled my helmet down over my brow, to stop the cloth covering my face from blocking my sight.
"FIRE!" shouted the colonel.
I took my shot, hitting on target and quickly cocking back the bolt and pushing it foward again. I seeked another target, at first aiming at a common soldier, then noticing a NAZI commander on a tank shouting orders. I took aim, and a breath. As I let my breath out slowly, I slowly squeezed the trigger. "Shut up Kraut," I muttered as the bullet tore through his skull, splattering blood and brains out the back of his head.
A string of bullets swept the sand in front of me and I rolled behind the rock. A man beside wasn't so lucky as more lead nearly blew his entire left rib cage off. Suddenly the roar of plane engines joined the sound of gunfire and the planes added the whistling of bombs that blew the sand and dunes apart around us. I dove into a crater to hide from the bombs and found the colonel lying dead, arm missing. I backed away from his corpse, his blood upon my hands and forearm from landing. A quickly crawled out and ran for a new crater when the command for retreat was shouted. I jumped up and turned around to see the NAZIs advancing up the dunes that we once used as cover, for what good it did us. I fired a shot, hitting another NAZI, then cocking the bolt back and pushing it forward and firing, taking another in the chest. I tripped backward over a steep dune, as my attention was entirely in front of me. I rolled and landed hard on my stomach. I struggled to get up quickly and a soldier stopped to help me up.
"Come on!" he shouted with a thick Scottish accent.
I ran with him til we reached a line of trenches which must of been two hours later. I practically fell into the trench from exhaustion along with the Scotsmen. I reached out my hand to him.
"The names Sean," I panted. He glanced at me and grinned.
"William," he said as he shook my hand.
I leaned back against the reed and wood thatch wall of the trench that held the sand up. I hugged my rifle close as I nodded off to sleep.
10-04-2004, 00:45