NationStates Jolt Archive

Neptune Mission: Triton Colony Construction (Open Story-RP)

14-02-2004, 22:40
Somewhere in the USSNR

General Valdri looked at the massive ship. This one would send the USSNR into the true space age, not just launching the beautiful Buran Shuttle with payloads. Sighing happily, he looked to his side. Chief Commandant Robert Alexi stood, his Second-in-Command.

"So Brethren Alexi," Valdri started to his Comrade, "what do you think of her?"

Looking at his Commander, Alexi looked back at the ship, "Beautiful, I'd say. Amazing how no one finds out we do these things."

Valdri shrugged, "They do, I suppose, just this time we built this massive beast underground."

Alexi nodded, "Yea, makes sense. Yet, still, why is she packed full of experimental technology, and why should we make one now of all times?"

"Well," Valdri yawned, "I have no idea, my friend. Just the fact alone we built something twice the size of the largest Aircraft Carrier seems we are able to do so."

Nodding in agreement, Alexi stood there, watching the crews and machines finishing jobs that needed time before. He sighed, "Well, General, I suppose we launch in three hours?"

General Valdri nodded, "Indeed, and we need to load those modified Sabre's if were going to have some fighter support."

Alexi nodded, "I'll get on it, General."

"Good," agreed Valdri, "And please make sure ALL of our supplies are loaded."

With a salute, Chief Commandant Robert Alexi was off, going about what he said he'd do.

This is a continuing mission story-line rp for anyone intresting in perhaps placing their right as a nation to be noticed in. The USSNR plans to build a base on Triton, one of Neptunes moons, as a Long Range Base for the New Peoples Socialist Defense Space Forces, called the Socialist Colonial Defense Force

Alrighty, I'll give the specs on the ship right now:
XSS-01 Class Space Cruiser
SCSS Colonial Tiger

875 ft.
284 ft.
122 ft.

On-Planet: 48,942 tons
Cargo Capacity:
12,525 tons

x4 Experimental Hydrogen Reactors - 70,000 kW each - 280,000 kW overall
x8 Hydrogen Plasmatic Boosters - 20,000 Thrust each - 160,000 Thrust overall
x2 Hydrogen Fuel-Cell Secondary Reactors - 40,000 kW each - 80,000 kW overall
x4 Electro-Magnetic Turbine Generators - 20,000 kW each - 80,000 kW overall
x4 Electro-Magnetic Anti-Gravity Generation Systems
Experimental Ionic Titanium
Life Support Systems:
x20 Oxygen Regeneration Turbine Filtering Generators
x5 Plasmatic Fusion Coolent Temperature Control Generators
x10 Electro-Magnetic Enviromental Stabilizer Generators
x40 Electro-Magentic Graviton Type Gravity Stabilizer Generators

x6 280mm Experimental Main Ion Cannons - Location: Two on each "Wing", two on Front Mounts
x12 Main Ionic Coolent Systems
x48 100mm Rail-Gun Turret Cannons - Location: Universal
x24 24mm Pulse-Laser Cannons - Location: Universal
x24 Pulse-Laser Coolent Systems
x8 Hidden 220mm Main Platform Cannons - Location: One Universal
Missile Systems:
x80 Space Viper Missile Launching Platforms - Location: Universal
x24 Space Torpedo Launchers - Location: Twelve on each side
Missile and Torpedo Load-outs:
x800 Type II Space Viper Tracking Rockets
x200 Type I Nuclear Space Torpedoes
x400 Type II High-Yield Space Torpedoes

x24 XSF-02 Star Sabre - Armament: x8 Gatling Cannon
x2 Modified Buran Space Shuttle
x4 Energia Heavy Lift Launch Vehicle (HLLV)

Officers: 24
Crewmen: 248
Overall: 272
Five Years/Max is Twelve Years with Resupplies
The Eastern Bloc
14-02-2004, 22:48
OOC: A question. Where exactly are you located within Sol? I'm assuming Earth, but with everyone scattered around you can't really be sure.
14-02-2004, 22:51

Indeed, Earth, the USSNR. Join in if you wish, I shall be posting again soon.
Der Angst
14-02-2004, 22:52
[tag, for the time i know ICly of this, having an outpost on Triton, a shipyard orbiting neptune & all...]
14-02-2004, 23:15
In orbit, Earth

Skylab Delta had been up in orbit for some time now, the crew already finished many experiments and tests, including some military projects. Now, however, they were monitering the situation on the ground, and looking at the small screen where the Stations camera was zoomed to, it seemed the new ship was already beginning to lift off the ground.

They didn't know weather or not just to continue watching, personally they had things to do. So the Station Commander just watched, informing the crew of the status as his responsibility, looking in on the new ship from time to time.

Buran Class Space Shuttle, in orbit, heading for Skylab Delta station

Not long from launch the Buran Shuttle was stabilized in orbit, heading to dock with the Skylab Delta to unload supplies for the crew. Four people where currently onboard the shuttle, yet none knew the new Space Ship had already begun to boost itself into orbit, too near to their current path.

Minutes past, long ones, as the Shuttle Commander sat back talking with his crew. Suddenly the lights flashed, something was getting TOO close for the Shuttles AI to ignore. Looking out the cockpit windows, they saw what looked to be a ship, with the flag of the USSNR, and about the length of a Battleship, if not longer.

The Shuttle Commander pressed a few buttons, shrugged, and continued. He hadn't looked in on that project in a while, and they had sufficient time to finish. Oh well, thought the Shuttle Commander, Not much I care to look into anyways. Godspeed Brave souls.

SCSS Colonial Tiger, Bridge.

Small to a point, the bridge of the SCSS Colonial Tiger was situated in a way in which the Generals Chair was sitting ontop of a platform, the Chief Commandants Chair on the side, and a console on the other for the General to use. On the left side of the platform, looking towards the view-ports that showed space with digital information, there were a few stations. One was Communications, one Science, one Engineering, and the last was Ship Communications, moniterd by an Officer all were. The right side had the Security Station, Medical Station for reports from Med-Bay, Weapons Stations for Weapons Officer, and some others which were unimportant at the time.

Looking back the the line of view-ports, General Valdri sighed. In a few moments they would have to use this new "Sub-Space Drive" to transport them halfway across the solar system. No one knew its effects on humans, and so far the only Deep Space Probe to have one was still operational. That was good news for electronics and robotics, yes, but still what about Humans?

Sighing again from too much though, Chief Commandant Alexi looked at his Commanding Officer, General Valdri, with some worry. "General," Alexi started to ask, "What do you think is going to happen if the Sub-Space Drive fails?"

General Valdri just kept stareing out into space, "Well, son, I'd say we'd be either destroyed or spared. I truly don't know, either way."

Nodding with an partially answered question, Chief Commandant Alexi looked back at his panel, doing some checks befor ethe time would come.
14-02-2004, 23:31

Sorry I skipped the launch thing about describing it, didn't want to waste time on lots and lots of information.

Will post when I can, perhaps VERY soon, or sooner, or whatever. Join in if ya like, just don't kill my ship, I'm a Modern-Tech Experimental Nation. :shock:
Der Angst
14-02-2004, 23:44
ooc: Now, why would one try to shoot the ship? o.O


The light frighter Orchidee, 99m long, just docked on the Guardian station, when the ships pilot, or rather, it`s CPU, registered something with the sensors on the hull...

A medium- sized ship, surprisingly enough coming from the earth surface, something he could never do... It looked fairly bulky, though, not nearly as smooth as his spherical design, but then, it had some very nice archaic touch...

However, the docking process occupied him, and he stopped paying attention soon. His payload of Iridium, mined on the smaller jovian moons, was more important.. at least for now.
14-02-2004, 23:58
SCSS Colonial Tiger, Bridge

It was near time to test the drive, thirty seconds until activation. Everyone on the bridge was either getting near hysterical from being nervous as hell or just trying to relax and not think FULLY about the test. Soon, however, as the ten second mark approched, all the crew on the bridge, perhaps the entire ship, grabbed something, anything, in a vain attempt to feel safe.

5.....4......3......2.......1.....The entire ships image fluxuated, space started to become as if a beautiful swirl, then, without warning, a huge explosion, like sphere expanded, so bright and amazing that the ship was no more, perhaps on its way to Neptune.
15-02-2004, 00:31
The SCSS Colonial Tiger appeared in a streamlike motion and stopped, the sphere non-existant in this exit. Onboard the Colonial Tiger, the bridge crew marcled at what they saw.

"My Lord," spoke the Chief Scientist, "Neptune....I'd never dream in my lifetime we'd be able to see this....."

Everyone on the bridge just gasped at the beauty, no one spoke, no one did anything, expect for the Helmsmen, "Sir...w-were on target, Triton should our right...Man this is amazing."

Nodding in agreement, everyone, and General Valdri sighing a sigh of relief at their correct destination point, the Helmsmen was then ordered to turn the ship in the direction of Triton, the entire bridge crew realizing how exact the Sub-Space Drive was.

"Amazing," said the Chief Commandant while looking at his Chair Arm Console, "we are in an almost exact orbital range around Triton. The AI must have looked up records and coordinates and.....Wow...."

General Valdri nodded, "Indeed, we must have one hell of a ship." Valdri looked to the Flight Officer, "Get some of those Sabre's patroling around for a few, I want to see if we are infact alone."

The Flight Officer nodded going to his console and getting to work. Moments later through the line of Digital View-Ports did a few Sabre's be seen flying effortlessly into a patrol pattern, their stabilizers activating every so often by their own craft AI to ensure proper stablizing.

"Just to think, all this is Modern Tech compared to the other nations," said Valdri, "Amazing how much one Nation can do to catch up while using that Modern Technology for help."

Everyone went to work, some way or another. They wouldn't head down to the planet just yet, more likely just stay in orbit for some time to view the amazing sights, gather data on Neptune and the near Moons of Neptune, and other things to attempt to understand and attempt to be safe while they were out here.
15-02-2004, 00:33
(OOC: Woohoo! Another Battlestar fan! Right, well, carry on.)
15-02-2004, 00:56

Dang right! Heh....Workin on post soon, or very sooner, or if ya want to, make the story just a bit more interesting please!
15-02-2004, 01:08
XS-02 Star Sabre King Viper On routine Patrol, Neptune System

Caldav turned the Sabre to the left a bit with a gentle nedge to the stick, looking at his instriment panel and radar screens at the same time. Looking out of the canopay at Neptune he let out a long breath, sighing with wonder that the USSNR could even be here. Amazing as it was, he still had to do the patrol, and had enough fuel to last for days if needed. He wore a space-like suit, keeping him both comfertable and safe just in case the unlikley event of the canopy going off doesn't kill him.

King Viper, this is Tiger Command, requesting report.

Caldavpressed a button on a number panel, then spoke, "Roger Tiger Command, this is King Viper. I've got nothing on radar or with Microwave Pulses. Everythings clear here."

Seconds later, Copy King Viper, keep patroling as ordered, be safe out there, Tiger Command out.

Smiling under the helment that masks his face, he went about checking everything again, aware of his surroundings so far, going about the patrol.
15-02-2004, 01:29
Buran Shuttle Bay, SCSS Colonial Tiger, Orbiting Triton

"So, Joe, whatcha know," asked Fanta playfully, "Bet we gonna used these some time, no?"

Lt. Joe nodded, "Sure will, going to use'em for landing the stuff and Elite Teams on the planet, leaving the main ship to orbit until we decide its safe."

Nodding, they went back to their business.
15-02-2004, 01:51
Engineering, SCSS Colonial Tiger, Orbiting Triton

Chief Engineer Xandra Domani looked at the Sub-Space drive carefully, still seeing that malfunction in its console logs. For hours now he had been trying to figure out what caused the malfunction, and could only figure it could be the Ion Plating on the Titanium Hull. Checking for the last time at a guess, he found out it was, yet the Ion had regenerated itself across the Hull.

"Another problem averted," sighed Xandra, "Man this is annoying."
15-02-2004, 02:47
Come on people, join in on the fun!
The Eastern Bloc
15-02-2004, 02:49
OOC: I wouldn't mind joining in. I just don't have a reason to. My only asset within Sol is The Farstation. If you can think of something, I'll work from that angle.
15-02-2004, 02:53

Hmmm....then a Sabre will be inbound....where is this station?
The Eastern Bloc
15-02-2004, 02:55
The Farstation orbits Mars.
15-02-2004, 02:59

Dang, oh well, guess I'll have to wait for someone and continue......::sighs::


General Valdri looked at the current map of Triton, the supplies and men on the shuttle, and the amount of time they had. Pushing a button, the Buran Bay Doors opened, Two Modified Buran Shuttles flew out and towards the moon of Triton, heading to begin the colony.
15-02-2004, 03:12
XSF-02 Star Sabre Dark Falcon, On Patrol

Justan looked at the controls again, he was new to this gig. Wasn't much difference from actually flying in air, just how easily you could spin out of control without proper guidence. Luckily for Justan there was a ever-watchful AI on this flying airplane in space. Looking at the instrument panel, Justan pressed a few buttons to begin another sweep, and still nothing.

"This is getting boring," Justan said to himself, "still, I like the view of Neptune."

Modified Buran Russian Space Shuttle Buran Two, landing on Triton

Shuttle Commander Davi steadied the Buran Two, the Shuttle AI activating its landing thrusters before the Shuttle touched down. Davi looked back at the three other Shuttle Crew, nodding to the Marine Commander to go ahead with unloading everything. Nodding back, Marine Commmander Contani Vicri unstrapped and headed for the door to enter the cargo bay.
15-02-2004, 03:32

Com'on dangit! Please someone! I can't just write these freakin short posts, I need inspiration from someone with this! Post, post post, and RP!
15-02-2004, 03:42

::sigh:: Ok, whatever....


Marine Commander Contani Vicri looked at his men at work, he too was helping, but more of a supervising duty so far. Looking at a marine who had a heavy load, he signaled for another free marine to help out. After that, he looked at the shuttle, then the supply list. It was almost done, just a bit longer.

The other Buran Shuttle, Buran Three was unloading as well. Vicri's Lieutenant was onboard that one, dealing with that storage. So, very soon, they would be done. The shuttles would be off, and they, the Marines, would start construction. Very soon.
15-02-2004, 04:04

I'm adding some bits here and there to get a story going, trying to get myself to do a long post soon. I'll continue the story, alone or hopfully not. Help me out if you can, or post comments, either way whatever.

Posting again sometimes soon, very soon, or whenever.
15-02-2004, 04:12

Still thinking of what to Post, long or short, I hope I didn't mess anything up in this....
15-02-2004, 04:53

:;sigh:: :(
15-02-2004, 05:15
On the bridge of the Admiral Ship James I:

Sir we are coming up on Neptune. Ok launch the marines. Yes Sir.

600 Marines land on Neptune to check out the situation and make sure its clear for the rest of the fleet to come in and start a colony.
15-02-2004, 05:24

Well, lets just end it since no one has come along or whatever. Built the base, k?

Heres the Building List:

Base Includes:
x1 Colonial Triton Headquarters / Triton Command
x5 Marine Barracks / Barracks
x3 Recreation Facility
x1 Communications Center
x4 Electro-Magnetic Power Generators - 20,000 kW each
x8 100-mm Experimental Guard Towers
x2 Vehicle Bay
x2 Colonial Air Strip - Side-by-Side
x4 Hangers - Can Hold 12 Super Sabre's
x1 Medical Facility
x4 Enviromental Control - H20/CO2 Filter
x2 Waste/Water Control Facility
x2 Buran Shuttle Bays
x1 Buran-Energia Launch System
x1 Construction Facility
x8 Military Arms Control - Weapons and such
...More coming soon....
15-02-2004, 05:36
*Near the Planet Neptune the Miranda-class Vessel "United" lies adrift in space, they appear heavily damaged and one of their warp nessels are missing

onboard over 3/4 of the Crew lies dead at their posts.

the Bridge crew now consists of 2 Ensigns and 1 Leutenient, who is now in command.

The NOD Leutenient Activates the distress signal and hopes that their allies colony on Neptune can hear them*

"This is the NSS United to the Neptune Colony or the Nod 7 Colony on Asteroid 22-24B orbiting Neptune! we have struck a sub-space mine and we are LOSSING power rapidly!"

OOC: The NOD base on the Asteroid consists of

1X Primary Operations Complex AKA POC AKA the Communications link to the outside world and to the PODS

1X Foward Observation Pods AKA PODS, research Center

3X Millitary garrisons consisting of 200 Soldiers each one, each based on different areas on the Asteroid

2X medical Centers

4X Armories In POC and PODS

7X Anti-Spacecraft Distruptors, distributed in key positions around asteroid's surface.

2X Hangers (Each fits 6 Danube Class Runabouts or 2 Lamba Class Shuttles)

1X Construction Yards/Veichle Storage bay's

2X animal Storage area's.
15-02-2004, 05:42
Hearing a distress signal the General of the SCSS Colonial Tiger orders, just after the construction and return of all but the marines that live at the Base, Sub-Space to the signal location.

Suddenly, out of no where, the SCSS Colonial Tiger appeares beside the wrecked NSS United, a squadron of Star Sabre's launching and seperating to ensure that everythings safe. The General of the SCSS Colonial Tiger attempts to contact the stranded Miranda Class ship.

[code:1:e89bbcfb94]This is General Valdri of the USSNR Star Cruiser Colonial Tiger, we recieved your distress and ask for a situational status[/code:1:e89bbcfb94]
15-02-2004, 05:55
*onboard there is nobody left to hear it, their life support systems failed 1 minute after they sent the signal, it is laid upon dead ears the commanders signal, men and women are slumped against their consoles, bleeding, some have brain damage, nerve damage and many other types of wounds, the bridge and the rest of the ship is in shambles, crewmen lie dead in the corridors and in Engineering the Cheif engineer and his maintinance crews are dead also, all died when the air ran out*
15-02-2004, 06:01

All of the crew almost fell over in shock, it was as if a Brother had died, a Comrade Brethren. Sadly, they could do no more, expect contact the nearby base for them to pick Their People up, for it wasn't the job of the USSNR to mess with the dead of other Nations.
15-02-2004, 06:08
*Our of warp a Oberth Class Frigate approches the "United", when they see their allies ship they think that they where attacked by them, they arm both Phaser banks and their Photon Torpedo's, Captian Nelson appears on their screen*

"This is the NSS Terran to the unidentifyed Craft, surrender and prepare to be boarded, on the charge of attacking the NSS united"

*A leutenient approches him looking saddened*

"Sir? there is nobody alive on the United, they are all dead"

*Captian Nelson looks at the Leutenient in shock*

"What? all 300 Crewmen and 20 Officers?!"

*the Leutenient nods sadly and the captian glares at the other ship*

"Raise the shields and fire photon Torpedos!"

*The Terran opens fire upon the Colonial Tiger, they swing around for another pass and open fire with phasers, while their enemy is dealing with the possible damage they keep their distance and reload Torpedo's, the come in for another pass and fire phasers and Photons at the same time, sweeping over their enemy like a bird over a small critter*
15-02-2004, 06:18
The SCSS Colonial Tiger shut its systems down, defensive and all, trying to show their allies they were not responsable.

"Board us, Comrade Brethren Allies, and we shall explain the....death....of your Brethren by lack of Oxygen. We cam eto assist after hearing their SOS, found them this way. We are sorry. If you board us, we shall not attack. We shall never attack Comrade Brethren Allies."

The General sighed, "Man, Comrade Brethren in space, one ship dead and another mistakingly attacking....boy what a maiden voyage for this ship.."
15-02-2004, 06:24
*The Terran dosn't answer their hails, they continue to attack, targeting the Engine Room of the enemy ship

They Come at it from the side and ready their weapons*

Lt Harrison:They still havn't raised their shields.

Captian Nelson:Excellent, it'll make it much easier to avenge our brothers, Lock phasers on Target

*On harrisons screen it shows a 3D image of the enemy vessel and harrison activates auto-targeting for phasers, it shows Crosshairs locking on their target settling on the engine room*

Lt Harrison: Locking phasers on target *he grins*

Captian Nelseon:FIRE!

*Harrison press's the Fireing controls for the Phasers and 2 red beams beifly stoping to very quickly recharge open fire causing blackmarks on the enemy hull most likly causing heck for the engineers inside

Harrison press's it again and once again the red Phaser beams lash out at it's target, then they fire their Torpedo and it causes a large blackmark on their hull*
15-02-2004, 06:34
Pissed off, the General orderd the Ionic plating to regenerate on the hull, easy process, just flip a switch. The Engine room was almost a mess, but fixable. The Ionic Hull Plating covering the ship in an instant, making the ships hull glow bright blueish green, then back to normal.

General Valdri ordered the SCSS Socialist Tiger to aim itself at the Allied Ship, put its Ion Cannons on low, and fire. Thats what they did, the Photon torpedo being destroyed by a beam as six Ion Cannon Beams raced towards the Allied Ship, enough charge just to damage them.
15-02-2004, 06:36
*but being a frigile ship the Terran breaks apart, separated at the neck and it's torpedo bay's go up and takes the ship with it.

The Warp core does the final blow when it is reached by the ion cannons, it looses containment and the warpcore goes critical

The rest of the drive section of the ship exploads and sends out a great shockwave that damages the "United" even more*
15-02-2004, 06:38
"Oh shit," said the Chief Commandant, shocked, "Were screwed......"
15-02-2004, 06:40
OOC: The crew complenment of the Terran was 100 Crewmen and 12 officers.

the United was 320
15-02-2004, 06:45

A long pause for the ones whom were accidently killed, attacked because of their accidently misunderstanding. Not long after the pause, about an hour of silence in some prayer, the crew continued, hopful the souls were in the Peoples God, Lord God Almighty, hands in Heaven.

"Well, we tried, I have no idea what to do now....."

"Still," said the Chief Commandant to the Generals remark, "We must keep going.....we must find out why they believe we would attack them...."

Everyone just stopped, they couldn't help it, everyone shed a tear or a few for the crew. It was hard, Comrade Brethren were considered just that, Brethren, and most fo all they were Allies to The People.

"Damn, why all this," said the General silently, a tear by him shed, "Why must we have to attack them.....why didn't they just...look."
Steel Butterfly
15-02-2004, 06:47
[OOC: If you want to use this as your example of your RPing for the future RP, simply post the URL in that thread.]
15-02-2004, 06:50
Thanks! :)
15-02-2004, 06:52
*out of warp 3 Miranda-class destroyers come out of warp and try to hail the Terran and the United, when they recive no responce they noticed that there was a unknown ship among the debris and the derelict, All three raise their shields and arm their Phasers and Photon Torpedo Banks, these ships are Destroyers, 4 Phaser banks, 2 Torpedo bay's fore and aft

They assume a attack pattern and they fire Phasers at the Colonial Tiger, approaching it from forward and aft, 2 fore 1 aft

When in Torpedo range they fire one Torpedo each and fire their rear Torpedo's when they face away from the enemy ship*
15-02-2004, 07:05
The General ordered all arms to bear, the ship aimed itself at one Miranda, shoot to disable was the orders, not harm or kill. Two Ion Cannons Fired at it, just in case it would do worst with more, a stream of exhaust going into space from the heat.

Guns flaring from the ship at the others, Disabling Missiles firing at one Miranda class, and the Rail Guns firing at Low-Power, the Main Cannons firing at the second Miranda with medium power.

It was a battle, hopfully not a war.
15-02-2004, 07:08
*The Miranda was more manuverable then it looked, it danced out of the way of the Ion cannons but was hit by the missles, it's shields go down 30 percent

The other two Miranda's wern't so lucky, when the ion cannons hit them they where going right at eachother , the 2 ships crashed into eachother, breaching their warpcores and detonating them, the explosion caused by the destruction of the 2 vessels nearly destroy's the United, the remaining Vessel, the NSS Wraith Jumps to warp for the Omacron Shipyards where the rest of the Fleet was to warn them*
15-02-2004, 07:10
The General looks to the Chief Commandant, "Are we lucky, or are we cursed. I still can't figure it out. Man these NOD ships are.....unstable."
15-02-2004, 07:13
*Out of warp 20 Miranda's and 3 Constitution Class Battleships come out of warp

The Constitution is armed with 4 Phaser banks and 2 Torpedo Tubes fore and aft

They assume a attack pattern and they encircle the Enemy ship and come at it from all sides opening fire with everything they had, Targeting the enemy Bridge*
15-02-2004, 07:26
The SCSS Colonial Tiger revealed its Main Cannons, one on each side, eight in all. The Forward fired at the ships forward, back fired back, top fired to left side, botth to right side, and left side fired to left, right side fired to right, and so on. The Torpedoes fired Thermal Nuclear Warhead Payloads at the Constitution classes, and the Missile Platforms each fired at the Moranda Classes. The 48 100-mm Rail Guns fired at each target, the 24 24-mm Pulse Laser cannons fired at the two Constitution clases.

Finally, all six Ion Cannons fired forward at three oncoming Miranda Classes, and shook violently as their hits damaged the bridge area, the Ionic Plating taking much of the damage, the Titanium Hull taking the rest.

"If this don't stop," said General Valri over a enemy torpedo hit, "Then launch all Star Sabres, that'll get their attention."
15-02-2004, 07:29
*The NOD Fleet losses 5 Miranda's and also 1 of their Constitutions.

Nod decides to bring out the Fighters from the Asteroid, They send a signal to the base to launch all fighters, over 30 Small runabout shuttle/Fighters armed with 2 Phasers each and a micron Torpedo launcher come from the Asteroid/Moon

The Fleet concentrates it's firepower on one specific area of the bridge and only there, the fighers start to use their phasers to take out the turrets*
15-02-2004, 07:36
"Launch the all, damnit! Kill the fighters, kill that damn Constitution!"

Everyone was enraged at these actions against the USSNR, and now it was serious. This time, there was no playing.

All 24 XSF-02 Star Sabre's launched, loaded with two Viper missiles each. It was enough for four squardrons, each sqaudron heading for the Runabouts, and when they neard, each fired one viper missile while firing their Gatling Cannons, out-manuvering the runabouts easily with thrust and speed, not to mention armor.

The SCSS Colonial Tiger aimed all six Ion Cannons at the Constituition, firing, hoping to destroy these Space Rebels of a Worthy Ally. Comrade Brethren Ally NOD needed not these renegades, for they knew Comrade Brethren wouldn't attack without investiagtion.

To further its abilities, the Colonial Tiger moved forward slowly, firing all weapons at the remaining ships, and only the 48 100-mm rail gun turrets were firing at the enemy fighters.

This would, indeed, be a worthy battle.
15-02-2004, 07:38
*After reciving reports that the Flagship was destroyed the Nod Fleet jumps to Warp with it's tail between it's legs.

soon all that was left in the area was Neptune, the asteroid, Derilect Vessels (3 Miranda's including the united and 2 Constitution Derilects) and wreakage from the other ships destroyed*
15-02-2004, 07:43
All systems were lowered, Star Sabre's returned, the entire crew onboard the SCSS Colonial Tiger heading for a four hour service of mermorial for their fallen Comrade Brethren of the Renegade NOD Forces. Prayer was included, as with some emotional silences, no speeches, just silence, prayer, tears, and four hours of rememberence and forgivness, mercy for the souls that died, and much more.

Later, the SCSS Colonial Tiger Sub-Spaced back to Triton Orbit, reparing the damaged systems, healing the few that were injured.
15-02-2004, 07:52

Nice RP there NOD, more RP Information put in would make it better, but I could EASILY imagine it all out. Great Job, Good Skills, perhaps Moderate, and no GodModding either! :D

Cool, hope to RP again....perhaps sooner in this thread? O.o
15-02-2004, 08:04
The Snel Race
16-02-2004, 00:15
Unscheduled radiation detected, investigating...
Cause identified. Ship-to-ship battle in progress. Determining threat...
No direct threat to Node. Will wait for completion.

Upon the completion of the battle, three small black triangular spikes shot out of the Neptunian atmosphere and headed for Triton, followed by a repeating radio message.
Greetings. We are the Neptunian Node. Please identify yourselves.

As they ascended, two of the craft broke formation and flew off to begin collecting debris. They were soon joined by several more of various shapes and sizes, while one continued to head towards Triton.
16-02-2004, 00:40
General Valdri nodded to the Comms officer, "Ok, tell them we are of Earth, from the Nation of the United Socialist States of Nodea Rudav, and we wish to have peaceful relations to prevent what had happened earlier with a Renegade bunch."

The Comms officer Nodded, sending the message.
The Snel Race
16-02-2004, 00:46
You intrigue us. We have had no visitors from Earth for quite some time. Do you wish to visit the Node?
16-02-2004, 01:51
Perhaps, however we ask you identify your race and culture, just in case ours might be in conflict I wish not trouble.
The Snel Race
16-02-2004, 03:36
The Node is Crana. The Masters are Snel. We are of Clan Intair.
16-02-2004, 03:45
Alright then, I believe no conflict of Cultral Levels will arrise. We consider all Comrade Brethren, anyways. So, where do we go again?
The Snel Race
16-02-2004, 14:26
The spike made a fast, low orbit 'round Triton, and began heading straight down, back into the clouds.
16-02-2004, 17:50
The SCSS Colonial Tiger followed, decending into the atmosphere and clouds, seeing where the newfound Aliens would take them.
The Snel Race
17-02-2004, 04:16
As the spike dived, clouds in its path began to part, more so than would be expected from the heat of re-entry. A collumn began to open through a full three layers of clouds, revealing a mountainous black mass below, easily ten kilometers across. A series of blue and yellow lights began flashing in sequence along a large flat section, apparently a landing strip.
17-02-2004, 07:23
Not all was understood, yet to keep respectful to these aliens no comms was transmitted of the....words....of the crew.
The Snel Race
19-02-2004, 05:27
The black spike dissapeared somewhere under the edge of the Flying Island. Soon, the island began transmitting, using a voice like a crowd speaking in unison.

If you can, you may land.