NationStates Jolt Archive

Return of the Corporates

14-02-2004, 21:44
"We end isolation?"


Two men shake hands and part ways, as one of them leaves the office and the other one turns his seat around, proceeding to stare at the skyline of Uthar...
14-02-2004, 21:47
A message is released to all former allies and alliances of which the Vortex Corporation used to be a member.

Lectori Salutant,

The Vortex Corporation regrets having to make this move, yet is determined to execute the following: we hereby sever all ties with all existing organizations, be that ties of hostility or friendship. Except for the SFN and WTE, of which we have sworn to always remain a member, we are therefore considering our relations with every other institution as neutral.

Thank you.
14-02-2004, 22:31
14-02-2004, 22:45
Taurevanimë sat behind a desk, going through various pieces of paperwork when there came a knock on her door. "Please your highness, we have a message which may concern you." A voice shouted from behind the door. "You may enter." She said and the doors we're pulled open by two guards as an Elf dressed in fine clothes which hang a bit loose from his running walked in and bowed deeply to her. "I carry a message containing news about a nation within this region." He spoke in the typical near shout with which a messanger speaks. "Please rise and read the message to me messanger." She spoke and gave a gesture for him to get up. The messanger got up and unrolled a scroll and held his arms stretched out with the scroll in front of him as he started to read Taurevanimë the message.

"Lectori Salutant,

The Vortex Corporation regrets having to make this move, yet is determined to execute the following: we hereby sever all ties with all existing organizations, be that ties of hostility or friendship. Except for the SFN and WTE, of which we have sworn to always remain a member, we are therefore considering our relations with every other institution as neutral.

Thank you. "

Taurevanimë grabbed a piece of paper and a quilted pen, although they had the means of electronically sending a message, they still prefered the old style of quilt and paper. Slowly she started to write in the beautifull Fëanorian characters that make up the Elvish script.

"Greetings people of the Vortex Corporation. Although we do not know each other, we welcome your return. We are curious as to what these SFN and WTE are and hope you might enlighten us about them.
Furthermore we would wish to start talks between our nations as to start favourable relations with one another.

~ Taurevanimë, Tàri Taurenor."

She rolled up the piece of paper and slipped a leather ring around it which displayed the symbol of Taurenor, she then handed it to the messanger and spoke once more. "Make sure this message reaches the leader or leaders of the Vortex Corperation." The messanger bowed and quickly ran off to deliver the message.
14-02-2004, 22:55
IC/OOC:Top Secret Grand Ducal transmission to TVC.

The Grand Duchy hereby welcomes the move undertaken by the Vortex Corporations to end their period of isolation. We are looking forward to further cooperating with your glorious nation.

Der Angst
14-02-2004, 22:59
Lectori Salutant,

The Vortex Corporation regrets having to make this move, yet is determined to execute the following: we hereby sever all ties with all existing organizations, be that ties of hostility or friendship. Except for the SFN and WTE, of which we have sworn to always remain a member, we are therefore considering our relations with every other institution as neutral.

Thank you.

From: DA
Subject: End of Isolation + sewering contacts

"We are surprised that all ties with organisations other than the SFN/ WTE are severed, but we are sure that your interests are also our interests. We are furthermore glad that you decided to stay in the SFN/ WTE, this being a island in the storm, withstanding all dangers.

Considering our close ties in the past, we welcome you back, as yet another stable factor in the world."

~ The councils
15-02-2004, 10:40
As the following morning slipped into afternoon, digital traffic between TVC and other Sisgardian nations increased to a level not reached in years. During the isolative period, only the biggest of corporations had managed to maintain their contacts with the outside world.

Now, smaller sized ventures rose to the opportunity and immediately renewed their ties with the rest of the world. For the rest of the day, messages to and from the Corporation created a continuous stream of information. A major part of these communications were contacts with Der Angst and Tarasovka, sent by captains of industry, kiithid patriarchs and matriarchs, as well as leading Council politicians. At this pace, analists predicted, contacts with other nations would be back to their old levels within a matter of weeks.

In the streams of data, one message had special importance. It was a return message to the nation Taurenor, who surprisingly had been the first to send an official message to Council, even though no prior contacts with this country could be confirmed...

"Honored Taurevanimë,

It would be bad to start out our relations with political maneuvering and tactical use of words on the first account. Therefore, we must admit that your message surprised us, Taurenor being a nation totally unknown to us. Quick research and some communications with foreign friends have learnt us some facts about your nation, and we admit that we are highly interested in the possibility of creating ties between our two countries. If possible, we would like to arrange a meeting of some kind, in order to come to a general outline of how those ties would be structured and what they would contain.

We sincerely hope to receive an answer soon.

Best of wishes,


After being composed, the message was given to a S'Jet courier and taken to a room high up in the centre skyscraper in the Council district. There, a man dressed in the blue and grey of the intelligence services encrypted the message, and then proceeded to encode the encryption even further. Repeating this process several times, he ensured that the actual message was embedded in several layers of code, making it highly unlikely that a third party would get hold of it. After all, these first contacts were still business. And business was something that should always be kept private, according to the Corporation. There was absolutely no need to let possible competitors now what TVC was planning at the moment, not even if it merely concerned a friendly exchange of words.

Half an hour later, the message was sent. Through other channels, the keys to decypher the codes were dispatched to Taurenor, which created the possibility to continue future communications over this secure line.
15-02-2004, 14:25
Svea Riga
15-02-2004, 14:34

ooc: We got your soldiers lalalala la!
15-02-2004, 14:44
ooc: yup...and since nobody knows they're there, I can't IC-ly act on it
15-02-2004, 18:57
ooc: yup...and since nobody knows they're there, I can't IC-ly act on it

OOC: I believe I "forgot" to withdraw my little submarine fleet(counting attack subs, subcarriers, subtransports, etc.) from the neutral waters around Skargarden :roll:
One of the subs detected the barge heading to Svea Riga and the explosions of self-destructing dynes in the ocean :)
18-02-2004, 11:15
Well, just let me know about it when it becomes IC, after all you DID say on MSN that the Tara/Vort/Knoot intelligencesharing pact still as valid :)

Oh, yes, that reminds me
*brings Vortex ICly up to date of all world events by sending him an e-mail with a 512 gigabyte attachement on intelligence data*