NationStates Jolt Archive

FHBC - The ultimate warrior

Foe Hammer
14-02-2004, 03:48
FHBC - Nordlund City, Planet Nordlund
Mind control - cheap, efficient, and the perfect chance to strengthen your special forces.

The Banner Project, a commitee overseeing the use of Mind Control forms throughout Foe Hammer, has recently presented an idea to the top brass.

"If we can "rehabilitate" death-row inmates by means of AI Mind Units," explains noted psychologist Dr. Shwart Shwartz, "why not take it a step further? Special Forces. Yes, that's right. Why not turn suitable death-row inmates into Special Forces operatives, controlled by AI cards? Besides, this would more than deal with the crime rates, and also boost Special Forces numbers. It's a win-win situation."

This proposal has sparked increasing tensions between Human Rights activists and the Government. Currently, only three Hammerian citizens have ever undergone such a procedure. If passed by the Interplanetary Senate, death-row inmates will go under the knife and become ranking members of the valiant Fourth Special Operations division.

(MORE INFO: Ok, here's the plan.

1) We install the AI card receivers in the death row inmates
2) The AIs take control of their bodies and their thoughts, and basically become that person, only law-abiding and willing to fight for Foe Hammer.
3) We put the "recruits" through a rigorous one-week training period, since all the information has been uploaded to the AI. This session merely increases the strength and stamina of the subjects, and allows for the armor to be broken in.
4) The subjects are shipped off to battle.

When a subject is unable to fight any longer, the card is removed and the subjects have no recollection of the great deeds to their country.

Background on Foe Hammer mind control - Basically, it's an electric current transmitter attached to the Cerebral Cortex (suh-RE-bral COR-tecks :P) controlled by an AI card. The AI has complete control over the subject, and for all the subject knows, he/she's been sleeping for a decade or two :P)