Melkor Unchained
12-02-2004, 10:56
In light of recent events on Mars and Io, and certain facts which have been brought to my attention via various agents both at home and abroad, and statnements made reagrdin Io, I have been instructed by Lord Melkor that all arms sales with the NDA are to cease effective immediately, and any shipments inbound will be diverted home. Monies received for products en route will be refunded, as per proper business policy.
Also, we rescind our offer to train NDA officers in our academy. We wash our hands of this organization. Anyone important with pertinent enough questions about this matter can contact me personally.
--Warlord Marcus Garrand
United Indiastan
12-02-2004, 11:24
While sifting through the daily pile of reports and breifs, President Hiren read the Melkorian statement regarding the NDA deals. Being a member, he felt the neccissity to release a short statement.
"Oh. They've cut us off then eh? Well, our products always were better. Perhaps the other Alliance members will contract us to fill the void?"
After this statement, investment in the various Indiastani arms manufactures, such as PulseTech Inc, Rocketdyne Corp, and Armaplas Construction rose slightly, causing a slight ripple in the markets. Other then the INNS junkies and the politically concerned, no one really seemed to notice.
-Esana Hiren, President, United Indiastan
Melkor Unchained
12-02-2004, 11:31
"Nothing's stopping you, and frankly we don't care what happens now that this is done. Interesting that you should respond so quickly, because as it happens, there are a number of issues I'd like to discuss with you. Is there some way we could possibly arrange for an exchange of emmisaries?"
--Warlord Garrand
United Indiastan
12-02-2004, 11:43
"Yes Lord Garrand, a summit meeting could indeed be possible. Perhaps you or an ambassador would like to vist Indiastan? The weather this time of year is most agreeable, and summer is just around the corner. Unless, of course, you'd prefer a more neutral location? But, yes, a meeting will be called at your earliest convience. We look forward to meet you."
-Esana Hiren, President, United Indiastan
Seraphim Order Embassy
12-02-2004, 12:24
"Noted and monitored."
OOC: My version of a tag.
Dread Lady Nathicana
12-02-2004, 18:59
"After all those closed meetings, this is the result? What the hell has that woman done?" Giancarlo Torino, Dominion Minister of Defense was furious, and for good reason. The trade had been good, and the prospect of learning a few tricks from the Imperium had been much anticipated by several within the ranks.
Marissa del Vecchio, current Minister of Internal Affairs shrugged and smiled softly. "Well, it's clear at least that there is more going on behind the scenes than we've been told. The question is, is this the result of something she's done, or the rather ... rash words of the Treznorian delegate on Io?"
"He was rather offensive there, no doubt. The next question is, do we circumvent and attempt to salvage this quietly, go push her for some answers, or wait and see where this goes?" His brow furrowed as he looked over several reports, drawing his own conclusions to a thing or two. "I understand we don't wish to give the Imperium any more space on Io than neccessary - this much has been made clear. I also understand that we're trying to help pull our allies there together. Damn mess, that, with Lancaster and all."
"Patience," Marissa said, watching him closely. "I think tomorrow would be a good time for the questions. For now, perhaps less is more. I say we bide our time, see what she answers, if anything, and go from there.
From the offices of the Dread Lady, silence. No response was forthcoming, for one reason or another, and her thoughts on the matter, she kept to herself.
The Ministry, quite reasonably, was nervous. Conclusions were drawn, plans were laid, and the eyes and ears were out in force.
Security was tightened further in many sectors, notice going out to the citizens to prepare appropriately in the event of action, and the military continued with the mobilizations. Reserves were put on alert, the naval fleet was out in force, silently patrolling the coasts, and inland, the northern border, and all throughout the Dominion, the heavy equipment rolled.
Melkor Unchained
13-02-2004, 03:27
Foreign Minister Jay Reaven strode into the chamber confidently, having left his bodyguards in the foyer below. He carried with him an large case filled with various papers--packed mostly with international communiques and diplomatic missives. smoothing out his shirt, he extends his hand to the Indiastani president. "Thanks for seeing me on such short notice, sir. I've some information here you may find interesting."
Hiren stands slightly, leaning over his desk to shake Reaven's hand. The odd paper falls to the floor, as the President seems to be rather awash in paperwork. "It's not much trouble at all Minister Reaven. Just about anything's better then damnable Parlimentary Oversight Committee reports..."
Reaven snickered and set his case on the ground, taking his seat and leaning back. "Indeed. I'm afrid I come to you with grave news, however, which is probably going to weigh more heavily on your mind than the Committee reports, such as it were.." He leaned down and opened the case, and rooted through it. The man had an odd capacity for finding exactly what he was looking for despite the intense clutter. After a brief search, he produced a file folder and tossed it on the desk.
Hiren figured as much, though he keeps his geniel smile in order to mask his apprehension. As he picked up the folder, he asked, "So, what could be as bad as two dozen bickering politicians fighting each other over their petty interests?"
Reaven laughed slightly. "This."
He casually cracked his neck, and continued. "These are transcripts of a conversation that Warlord Alkanphel had with Devon Treznor and Lady Nathicana not but a few days ago. In it, they implicate you as trying to overthrow the leadership of the Arda Alliance."
Hiren is somewhat dumbfounded. He knew that Emperor Treznor had contacted his military for some sort of mission on Mars, but, for this exact reason, he had intentionally been left out of the loop. "Implicate that we're... what?"
Reaven heaved a sigh and leaned over the desk. "Don't worry, we're not buying it. We've been hearing reports now for weeks that Treznor himself is contacting several nations in a bid to get them to rebel against Ardan leadership, specifically Lord Melkor. Once they discovered we were on to their game, they changed their tune and tried to drum up some hogwash about you."
Hiren blinked "Now, I have been informed that Emperor Treznor has had recent contact with the military authorities on Mars, but I was told that he was inquiring about the state of readiness of the Joint Forces units that we train there..."
Reaven nods knowingly and raises a hand. "Indeed, but alas you've been deceived. What we have here is a case of alliance leadership covering themselves by implicating a lesser member. I've been noticing no small amount of discord from Mr. Treznor, and he seems to have both the will and the means to do something like this."
"...But this..." Hiren sunk back into his chair slightly, "This is nothing but cold betrayal. However, if any records of the communication between Treznor and the UIMC Command exist, they will have been logged and placed on the InformNet, and should be able to bring them up here. That is, unless he's reduced himself to liasing via a very long set of tin cups and string...."
Reaven stirred in his seat. "They've already come to us with some sort of communique, supposedly from Indiastan, urging Lord Sauron to turn against his Master. We first heard from Sauron that it was Treznor who contacted him, and we are thus inclined to beleive him over the NDA."
Hiren popped a small display from the corner of his desk, and browsed the archives breifly. "No, nothing offical was logged... but its possible we've been the victim of external interference. If you'd just hold on a moment..." He picked up telephone reciver that sat next to the small computer, and quickly told the secretary to bring up everything related to communications in and out of the UMIC in the last few weeks from the X-10 in the base
He shuffled through some more papers in the meantime. "Ah yes, they claimed you faked the transmissions, making it look as if it was Treznor himself. Tried to deceive Sauron, apparently," he concluded, with a chuckle. The irony was not lost on him.
"Well, I assure you that these communications cannot be faked. Everything that goes through the official channels is logged, recorded, and then sealed on our independant storage system. And everything on that thing is read-only. Not even I could tamper with it. Not that I would."
Reaven shrugged. "Moot point, really. Sauron is a Maiar, after all, his sight is not clouded by illusions or false visages. We need only to talk to him and learn about the nature of the communication. The NDA's claim may flawed on that principle alone."
A few moments later, the secretary hustled into the office through a side door, carrying a small disc. "Its all here sir." 'Good, thank you." He popped the disk into the computer, and after it loaded, his jaw dropped slightly. "Well, it seems that an over-zealous UIMC commander thought that having the Emperor Treznor on his refrence list would be a good thing..."
Reaven arched a brow. "Care to elaborate?"
"It seems that several transmissions came in through some of the official back channels of the UIMC. From Devras. The content is encrypted with a cypher that isn't a recognized standard. There's no way to know, right now, what was said, but the communications link is there."
Hiren scowled. "Damn. This goes all the way up to the Governor Primus. Its no wonder that I've not heard anything - he had enough authority to seal all this up long enough that it would be purged from the main system before anyone was the wiser. Goddamn."
"Nonetheless, something's got to be done, and done quickly. The NDA council appears to be getting ready to evict Indiastan from the alliance and reveal some rather nasty secrets about your doings on the Red Planet."
"We'll soon be contacting Santa Barbara to discuss this framed attack, but we don't plan on implicating you, for a number of reasons. We're going after the big fish. Right now the current line of thinking back home is that Treznor framed the attack from Indiastani holdings to accomplish a number of ends: first, it discredits you, and serves as the impetus Treznor needs to turn nation after nation against Lord Melkor, starting with Santa Barbara. Secondly, it sets up this whole diversion in the first place. Given that we already deduced that UI was the only power in the area with access to those weapons systems, he'd obviously think that we'd rush to blame you. Not to say we didn't want to, at first. It all made sense enough until somone checked out the satellite shots. Those ships didn't originally launch In Indiastan. They came from somewhere else--from where we haven't been able to tell yet."
"That's no suprise. After I personally sack the Governor and have him shot for treason, I think I'll send a little message to dear Emperor Treznor. I'll sooner resign then stay part of this corrupt and backstabbing alliance. As for Santa Barbera - tell them the truth. And offer them the head of the commander responsable. He too will be shot. Ah, but who would have thought that the rot would have spread so quickly. I wonder just what lies and false promises he used to deceive them."
Reaven scolwed. "That, alas, I do not know, but he must be stopped, that much is certain. I'm given to understand there's some... alarm in the DLN and Treznor. Know anything about it?"
"I've had a few scattered reports, but we've not usually found it neccissary to spy on our allies. That may change, however..."
"Indeed. We're watching them rather closely now, as a result of all this. Though for the life of me I cant understand why the NDA of all people would turn against us." Reaven snorted. "Bastards."
"It likely has more to do with the Triumvirate connections of both Nathicana and Treznor. You forget, they are both members," deduced Hiren.
"Yeah, probably. They've been more vocal against us in the last few weeks than they've been in a while, the Trium has. Quite perplexing."
"Arch enemies never sleep, eh? Neither side has ever given the other a respite from the constant threat of a final holocaust. Can you blame them?"
"Heh. Guess not, but still they've seldom made moves like this. Wonder if they'll actually have the wherewithal to actually shoot at us. Usually they just loom and watch," Reaven chuckled.
"However, that said, I suspect you have a plan as to what Lord Melkor would *like* us to do, so lets have it."
Reaven shrugged. "Depends how mad you are, really. We're not going to fall for Treznor's trap anyway, so to hell with it. If I were you I'd just be worried about the NDA's plans for an Indiastani regime change." He instantly produced another document--a transcript of the conversation Alkanphel had a few days earlier. He pointed out the passage. "There you have it, right from the Dread Lady's mouth. 'Regime Change.'"
Hiren grumbled. He now regretted calling in unneccissary JF reinforcements for putting downt the suprisingly spineless rebellion in Pakistan last year. Now, three field regiments sat a few hours away from New Delhi, and he knew that they'd probably be able to seize the capital before a responce could be mustered, if they were determined. memories of the last 'regime change' also flashed into his mind, where he had assumed control after the control after the chaos of the Machine War and the downfall of Namir Al-Zwahiri. That conflict was bloody enough. Another wasn't needed. Speaking slowly, Hiren did his best to try to gloss over the obvious anger that was boiling just under the surface. "They'll be lucky if they get off we just my resignation. I wonder what they'd do if the JF Field Regiments here were arrested..."
"It may be all you can do, while we sort this all out. I dont think they should be allowed to continue their opeartions, given the circumstances. I dont imagine the new ruler would be much to anyones liking. A puppet of Treznor and the Dread Lady." Reaven's eyes became slits as he peered at the President.
"However much the Dread Lady and Treznor have earned our ire, we're not going to abandon all of our allies. We'll likely try to work out some new arrangement with the Der Angstians and Tsarainese, as they've proven relativly faithful. However, the rest be damned."
Reaven steepled his fingers before his face and pondered for a bit. "I wouldnt trust anyone at this point. Perhaps we dont' perceive enough of his plans and this too was foreseen, but nonetheless an effort must be made to end Treznor's meddling."
"Indeed. However, at this point concrete evidence is lacking. Therefore, my course of action is limited. I'm prepared to withdraw all Indiastani JF units, arrest and deport or detain all foriegn JF units here, and close my borders to all NDA and Triumvirate traffic."
Reaven nodded. "A solid and just opening course of action. We should keep in touch."
"Yes. Thank you for bringing this foulness to my attention. If another conference is required, do not hesitate to ask. My secretary will show you and your entourage out, if you woldn't mind.
He stood and extended his hand with a toothy grin. "Of course. It's been an honor meeting with you, Mr. President."
He stood and shook the offered hand firmly. "Likewise."