What is the document that limits UN Resolutions? If the majority votes for the legalization of killing everyone over the age of 30, does it get enforced? In short, where are the checks and balances against amoral and unethical resolution?
10-02-2004, 11:00
reality is amoral. the best way to prevent harm is to avid causing it.
sure that doesn't mean someone else can't or won't. but it does improve the odds.
the more people or nations prioritise the avoidance of causing harm, the better the odds for everyone of avoiding it.
checks and ballances may be a good idea, none of them absolutely guarantee anything
somehow i seriously doubt a logan's run resolution would ever get the deligate endorsements to reach the floor for a general vote.
but then i also rather doubt one to universaly define morality or ethics would either.
i do suspect though, this topic belongs in the united nations forum and not nation states rollplay.
if this was intended as roll play i having a hard time immagining how.