NationStates Jolt Archive

Gobbergunch & saQaaolchoura: In search of Siroc and News

08-02-2004, 19:10
President Luke saQaaolchoura, sa(of) Qaaolchoura leaned back at the Democratic Unerground Civil Headquarters building in Gooberguch City, Gooberguchia -- in athe armchair woven of old tech forum threads, reserved for his puppet in DU.

"Glad you saved these before the purge Goober, he adressed Lord Martin Goobergunch of Goobergunchia, very nice and cozy." He read one of them. "Huh, Myrth's been heling people for quite a while longer than even I thought. He's still among the most helpful in the Technical Forum ( today, even with it's decay"

"Rather sad, the way that it seems to be decaying, yet in a way, it is rustic as well.

He paused, mulling something over.

"Say Goober," he commented, "We haven't seen Siroc and Newsted of Sirocco and NuMetal around here for quite some time."

He paused again.

"I mean, I realize that Siroc has been made a prophet of Max, which is quite a heavy task, yet even prophets of Max continue to show their faces in the Technical Forum. This still leaves no excuse for Newstead

"I wonder, they don't seem to be in Sirocco or NuMetal, and in fact, as far as my intel gathers have been able to glean, they have been gone since they met to discuss cessation of hostilities."
President saQaaolchoura
08-02-2004, 20:09
President Goobergunch realized that saQaaolchoura was correct.

"I've seen Siroc in the Forum of the Prophets [Moderation] a bit, but apart from that neither have been seen for months."

Goobergunch glanced at the video feed of the Technical Forum. A rumble shook through the area as yet more threads were purged.

"It's kind of sad how Newstead's and Siroc's noble legacies there are being destroyed every day, isn't it?"

He got up out of his chair. "By [violet], it is probably time we did something about it!"
08-02-2004, 20:37

President saQaaolchoura twirled his hair between his fingers.

"But where shall we find them?" he mused. "Those who appear in the forum of the prophets ( appear not in physical manifestation."

He considered.

"Perhaps they might be along The River Styx? 'Twas controlled by NuMetal back in it's heyday, now it contains but one nation who does nothing. It's really quite eerie. Mayhaps they found it a good place to meet in private?"
The Soul of Siroc at gate to the Forum of the Prophets
The Basenji
09-02-2004, 03:45
A prophet of The Basenji entered the room, every inch of skin hidden by his long, flowing, black robe of silk. He bowed deeply, and lowered his head

"Excuse me sirs," he said with a low, deep voice, "but my master has sent me to give a <tag> to this topic. If you don't mind..."

He took a single, red rose from his robe and placed it gently on the floor. Bowing again, he walked out without uttering another word.
12-02-2004, 01:13
12-02-2004, 01:28
07-03-2004, 19:38
Lord Goobergunch pulled up a map of The River Styx area.

"Quiet place," he noted. "It's allegedly a member of the Spectral Confederation, but this alliance is not noted in any of our books. Perhaps this has something to do with Siroc and Newstead's disappearance?

"Either way, we might as well check it out."
07-03-2004, 19:58
President saQaaolchoura nodded.

"It does make sense that Newsted's dissapearence might have somewhat to do with this.

"But first we must find a port to gain entryway.

"Your region is underground right? Any entrances to this river to Hades there?"
07-03-2004, 20:49
Lord Goobergunch pored over his chart of the underground regions of NationStates.

"Well, Democratic Underground is located just to the north of Elysian Fields, and the river Oureborous running through that region flows into the River Styx. I believe there is a passage through the Haven Straits adjoining Goobergunchia that leads to the area in question.

"The Haven Straits lie in the southerneastern corner of Goobergunchia, and are best accessible through the small port city of Chuk Bon. As Goobergunch City lies in the north coast of Goobergunchia, we'll have to leave immediately to make it there any time soon."

Map of Goobergunchia (
07-03-2004, 21:29
President saQaaolchoura nodded. He didn't really have much to add, although he did realize that Goobergunchia was a vast country.

"How will we get to the port though? It looks to me to be several hours by flight, and that's assuming that you even have an airport there."
07-03-2004, 22:13
"We'll go by Air Goobergunchia - I've got a reserved transport that we can use."

With that, Lord Goobergunch telephoned his pilot and requested that the flight be made ready to Blagoso Airfield in Chuk Bon.
07-03-2004, 22:36
President saQaaolchoura nodded.

Being a hereditary ruler of a country had its advantages he supposed.

He climbed on board the aircraft and took a seat by the windo.

About an hour into the flight he looke down and observed some hills which appeared to the the foothills of a larger mountain range off in the distance.

"What's that range called Martin?"
13-03-2004, 21:05
sorry and all but....*flag*...oops, I mean *tag*
Liverpool England
14-03-2004, 01:10
sorry and all but....*flag*...oops, I mean *tag*

Agreed. TAG....
15-03-2004, 02:20
Noticing that Lord Goobergunch seemed to be asleep, President saQaaolchoura poked him, then when that failed, grabed his shoulders and shook him. Proper social ettiquitte be darned, he wanted to know the answer. Social rules were made up by a buch of bored sadists with too much time on their hands anywhen.

"Martin, what's that mountain range called?"
19-03-2004, 02:24
Noticing that Lord Goobergunch seemed to be asleep, President saQaaolchoura poked him, then when that failed, grabed his shoulders and shook him. Proper social ettiquitte be darned, he wanted to know the answer. Social rules were made up by a buch of bored sadists with too much time on their hands anywhen.

"Martin, what's that mountain range called?"

Goobergunch awoke with a start.

"Wazzat? Ah, the Quagolem Mountains. We'll soon be past them, and I'm fairly sure we're flying high enough to clear their peaks.

That's Mt. Varesnevin over there - the highest peak in Goobergunchia."

He pointed nearly dead ahead, but slightly to the right.
19-03-2004, 16:04
Quagolem, a nice enough sounding name.

Sounded a bit like stupid foreigners pronounced "Qaaolchoura", but it didn't have the sort of confused sneer that foreigners used when pronouncing "kgya-auwlsh-CHOR-ha" as "KWA-ow-al-chor-ala" or something to that effect.

He stared across at Mt. Varesnevin as they flew past it.

"The highest peak in Goobergunchia? Whatssit's elevation?"
24-04-2004, 21:59
"5,964 meters," he responded.
24-04-2004, 22:29
Since Qaaolchoura didn't use meters, or a base ten system of any sort, President saQaaolchoura decided to just shut up.

He took out a copy of Best Works of the Earth ParaUniverse: Volume 4, a thick book in a series of books from this weird parauniverse outside the NationStates ParaUniverse. He opened up to Jenifer Government, a fiction story about the countries of this planet called Earth. The leading one, called "The United States" took up about half the world in this book, and functioned much the same as the Capitalizt countries of the NationStates ParaUniverse, only with fewer civil rights. Perhaps a Capitalist Paradise?

Ahh well, at any rate, they still had hours more of flying.