Experimental Fleet tests of coast of former nation.
Manarth News Network
08-02-2004, 18:57
Patrick O'Duffy: Hello, this is Patrick O'Duffy for MNN/CoC 5 news. Today, we have a chance to see, live, the joint CoC/Manarth experimental fleet. Here, bringing it to us live, is a midget in a bikini.
Midget: Thanks Patrick. Here with me is CoC Vice Admiral Nathanial Abercrombe. Perhapse he can explain what ship we are on now, and what demonstations we are about to see...
Eastern Detroit
08-02-2004, 19:13
Abercrombie: We are on board the FCSX Clan it is a new class of battleship that our navy just recently developed. Following the Succesful Connery Class this ship is to replace Iowa Class Battleship in Amphibious Assault Roles. It has New armor, a better powerplant, and different weaponry.
Midget: What sort of Weaponry is it carrying?
Abercrombie: Well, we removed one of the triple 16" Gun turrets from the design and replaced it with 4x12 Rocket MLRS launchers in a specially designed missile turret. Giving them the ability to swivel around and attack targets within a 180 Degree Arc. This will help with shore bombardment. We will be able to spray cluster munitions over a wide area, both Anti-Personell and Anti-Material rockets will be used. And on the plus side, this MLRS system will be useful against fleet assualts on the Amphib forces since most Destroyers, Cruisers and Carriers are lightly armored. Those these munitions may not out right sink those ships it will take those ships out of the fight.
Midget: What is this new Armor?
Abercrombie: Well its not totally new, its the same armor we use in the Great Lakes, Huron and Connery Class Battleships. It's Ceramic/Steel Intermixed and provide excellenant protection from penetration warheads.
Midget: Ah I see, very expen.......What's That?
::Off in the distance a Submarine surfaces, a AV-8B II Harrier Jet comes up out of the Submarine and takes to the air::
Of the council of clan
08-02-2004, 19:29
OOC:Read above Post as as Of the Council of Clan :oops:
Abercrombie: Oh thats our new Mosquito Class CV Submarine
Midget: CV?
Abercrombie: It means Aircraft Carrier, it carriers 6 VTOL aircraft, right now we are using the Harrier because it carries a good payload. This boat is not designed to fight in actuall fleet engagements, its a harassment vessel. It is also good for special operations air strikes and air support.
Midget: Well that is umm interesting.
::At that moment a Volley of MLRS Rockets Ripple off to the left of the camera. then to the right the 16" batteries fire, both are firing at shore targets::
Of the council of clan
08-02-2004, 19:54
Abercrombie: And if you will direct your attention over there. ::Points out back across the open water to what looks like an Iowa Class Battleship only no turrets or missile luanchers evident. Just a single large gun.::
Abercrombie: that is one of our test beds testing a new caliber gun, its the 20.1" naval rifle. It will fire upwards to 4500lb naval ordinance shell. We plan on mounting 4 on a new class of Battleship
Abercrombie: Those are it for the tests we are conducting today
::Off to the west of the ship, a cruser sized ship can be seen. Completely without guns, it sails off to toward the south::
Midget: And what is this ship?
Abercrombie: It's a Manarthian design. The URMS Crossbow. Just watch. The test should be starting soon.
::As they wait, three missiles streak out of the ship toward the south. Two explosions follow, way off in the distance::
Abercrombie: The ship is designed as a light cruser built to be an AA platform. The ship has several different designs of anti-air missiles as well as a PAC-3 launcher installed on the aft to make it an huge addition to the anti missile shield of any fleet. And that dot above it is one of Two Ospreys it has onboard for AWACS duty. It still rocks abit when it fires the PAC-3, even with the counterfire ballast. But other than that, it looks like the tests are sucessful.
Midget: Very nice. Any more ships to show us?
Will any of these ships be for sale? I am very interseted in buying a few.
Of the council of clan
08-02-2004, 20:13