NationStates Jolt Archive

Soliminian Dictator, Rudolph Rinnsed, assassinated... (News)

07-02-2004, 17:59
Soliminion news correspondant, Huey Lorpem, announces internationaly on multiple News channels.

"Soliminan Dictator, Rudolph Rinnsed, was shot in the head Friday night at 21:47 SMT (Soliminian Military Time), by an unknown gunman, while walking into his palace. He died during transportation to the Sornan City hospital at 21:51:22 SMT. He had six armed gaurds, who rejoiced when their "beloved" leader was announced dead. Rinnsed's nephew, Monk Solrin Hiespon, his sole heir, has decided to convert to nation into a Holy Empire. He publicly announced this at 8:01 SMT. Monk Hiespon has yet to name his council members, nor any of his plans towards converting the nation. More on this story as it developes."
07-02-2004, 19:00
"Monk Emperor Hiespon has officially announced that he will hold a press conference at Approximately 7:30 GMT. He has also said that he has plans of, after years of torment by Rudolph Rinnsed, to it's former self as a Holy Empire. He says he wishes to focus on religon and education. He has said he wishes to restore the old Soliminian religon: Sankris Jin, which enforces genorosity and kindness to other people, animals, and plants. He also plans to educate his Empire in math, science, history, and other common school subjects that have been untaught for decades, due to the evil rule of Rinnsed.

"There have also been rumors of the Monk Emp. planning to buy as much as Ệ(Eri)500,000 (2,000,000 USD) worth of Cannabis from Edoria for distribution to the churches he wishes to restore, but he has not officially stated anything. I'm Huey Lorpem, be sure to watch SNN."