NationStates Jolt Archive

Assassination in Transnapastain

04-02-2004, 20:11
Okay Laura, here’s how we cook the roast, you place it in the----

The screen fades to the Transnapastain Flag


“Attention all citizens, we interrupt your regular broadcast with this URGENT news bulletin”

The screen fades back to the Transnapastain Flag, with the words, “EBS Activated, please stand by…”

The screen cuts into the familiar sight of the TNN news desk, and the full-time news anchor Linda Warner

“Citizens of Transnapastain, I come before you today with sad news. At 11:21am TCT, Chancellor Main was assassinated by a dissident religious faction, He was shot today as he was leaving his estate to attend daily worship services. Shortly after the sniper attack, OIS officers apprehended the assassin as he attempted to board a privet airliner at Transnapa National Airport. The Chancellor was pronounced DOA by EMT units on the scene. We now go live to Alexander Simon I, Grand Executer of the Church of Gods Will, and acting-chancellor.”

The scene cuts to the Grand Executer, sitting at his desk in Capital Hall. Two Marines flank him, and the Transnapastain Flag hangs behind him

“This will not be tolerated. This is not only an act against the state, but also an act against the church and an act against God himself! These dissident factions will be hunted down and eliminated without hesitation. For the glory of the God, His will be done! Schools will close immediately and remain closed until after the funeral, the flag will be flown at half-mast, and the official morning period will begin, effective immediately, for no less than one week. ”

The scene returns to the TNN News Desk

“Already, Military and OISCRU teams have begun the massive hunter killer operations, and rumors of Scorpion Team involvement are running wild. We have footage taken just moments ago in the field, released by the Air Fleet as a warning”

The scene cuts again to the infa-red camera on an A-20 Cinder. The camera showed a building somewhere in the countryside, a bright-white flash of a shoulder launched SAM light up the screen, the fighter banked sand the missiles shot past. The re-oriented itself and released it ordinance, the explosions turned to the screen white, and the plane roared away from its destroyer target

A news team was on the scene 10 minutes after that footage was filmed. It showed only a smoking crater where the building had been, bodies were strewn around the sight.

“Let that be a warning to you all, submit to the Lord your God, or perish and burn in the fiery pits of Hell,” said Simon

TNN and the Transnapastain government wishes to now point out that the warning is of a domestic nature and is in no way a threat against any other sovereign nation. “We continue to pray for your souls you to see the Light, and are open to help guide you along the path” commented Simon.

Also, funeral arrangements are being made for two days from now. All allied nations are invited to attend. Any neutral nation is also invited, but will be thoroughly investigated prior too being granted into the nation.

This has been a TNN Emergency Broadcast, We will keep you updated on further developments, please tune in for the 5 o’clock broadcast. We now return you to your regular program

The screen fades back to the Transnapastain Flag, with he words, “So let it be written, so let it be done” in gold under it”

…And now, for the exciting finals on, “Who wants to be an immigrant!”
Armed Lumberjacks
04-02-2004, 20:33
Armed Lumberjacks News Network

Today Chancellor Main of Transanapstain has been assassinated. Chancellor Bruno of Armed Lumberjacks today has expressed his remorse for the incident. He will make all efforts to mourn for Main. The Confederacy of Armed Lumberjacks will also half mast its flags for the next two days in his honor. The Agricultural Department will offer any help to Alexander Simon I if needed. We asked all residents of Armed Lumberjacks to give their respects for the late Chancellor. Chancellor Bruno will attend the funeral to give his respects.
05-02-2004, 03:35
This is truly a sad moment for the international community, and Kaukolastan shares in your sorrow. As of today, the flags were taken to half staff, were they shall remain for a period of mourning. This evening, the Corsis Symphony has struck a hollow chord for you grieving nation. I send my personal condolences to Chancellor Main's family. I knew him well, and it is a personal loss for myself and my staff as well. I would humbly request to attend this great man's funeral.

-Chancellor Peter Fenris

PS: If you need any help in cleaning up those bastards, let me know.
05-02-2004, 04:02
To Kaukolastan:

Thank you for your support in this time of morning. We thank you for your respect in lowering your flags, and the recognition by your symphony
Indeed, Chancellor Fennis, the loss of Drederik Main has been hard for all of us. You did know him well, he was a good man, a God Fearing man, and his wise and noble leadership will be sorely missed, I, too, knew him well. I will also sorely miss him. He is with God now, he has found his place in heaven, and he sits among the righteous. We welcome you to attend and will ensure no harm comes to you during your stay. You may bring any number of, thoroughly screened, security personal you wish.

Psalm 68:20
Our God is a God who saves; from the Sovereign LORD comes escape from death

Alexander Simon 1
Grand Executer of the Church of God’s Will

To: Armed Lumber Jacks

We thank you for your reverence and invite you to join us in mourning at the funeral.

Psalm 78:31
God's anger rose against them; he put to death the sturdiest among them

Alexander Simon 1
Grand Executer of the Church of God’s Will
05-02-2004, 04:09
Images of lush pine trees are flashing on the screen when suddenly the picture turns black. After two seconds of the black screen being aired, the screen flashes white then fades to the Nailiak flag with thier nation's moto flaming under it.

A voice erupts from the speaker.

"This is the Nailiak News Network coming to you live from within Transnapastain where OISCRU are securing the area where rumor has it Chancellor Main was assassinated by a fanatical religious worshiper. What? Ladies and gentlemen, we have feed from anoth..."

The sound stops abruptly. The screen remains the same for a few more seconds. The screen becomes fuzzy as new feed is transmitted across all of Nailiak.

"Is the feed coming through? Voice test 1..2..3.. ok!" The camera spins and centers on a beautiful young reporter dressed in a full red business suit who is attempting to tie back her long, wavy golden hair.

"Ahem, we are here live at the scene where Chancellor Main's assassin was caught at the Transnapa International Airport. OISCRU are currently beating the suspect to a pulp." She waves her hand at the camera. "Tom, come with me! Folks, if we are lucky we can get an action shot of the OISCRU and the suspect!" The picture begins to shake and wave as the cameraman Tom tries to keep up with the reporter.

The screen blanks again and you can almost here the entire nation of Nailiak moan 'awww'. The screen begins to come to life as the feed connection is restored.

"My apologizes ladies and gentlemen, we lost our connection for a moment there."

The camera focuses on the OISCRU as they are beating the suspect mercilessly. One of them happens to look back and spots the camera crew. He turns and yells something at the rest of them and they all stop their beating for a moment. Then, in unison, they all turn around and begin waving to the camera.

The feed becomes unfocused and fuzzy as the cameraman shifts and moves to a new spot to record from. As the camera becomes focused again, three figures appear and the badly beat and bruised suspect is tied to a hanger wall.

"Here, folks, we see the wife, who's age is a very well kept secret, the son, who is 17 years old, and the daughter, who is 25 years old, of Chancellor Main being armed with the newly implemented XM8 in the SMG mode." The camera zooms in on the three as the OISCRU retreat from the area. A faint order is barked from the OISCRU crowed as the family of Chancellor Main bring their weapons to bear on the suspect.

"Oh my god folks. The Family of Chancellor Main is performing the much-loved Firing Squad execution technique. Lets watch! This is the first time in Transnapastain's history that this has happened!"

At that moment fire erupted from the wife's gun shortly follow by the two children. The body of the suspect shook violently and disappeared in a cloud of dust. The many pools of blood were the first things to be seen as the dust was settling. Slowly the suspect’s body was revealed and the disfigurement was too much for the young reporter to witness. She ran off camera and sounds of retching could be herd ever so slight as the crowd behind the cameraman was cheering and screaming.

The reporter walks back on camera and brushes her suit free of any errant vomit.

“I apologize ladies and gentlemen of Nailiak. Earlier we tried to question the acting Chancellor Alexander Simon the First but were denied access to him due to security risks. When things settle down, we will be the first to bring you the news of his plans for Transnapastain, but until then, I’m Cynthia Albright and this is Nailiak News Network, the only news you need.”

The camera cuts out and the screen returns to its previous showing of lush pine trees.
05-02-2004, 04:25
The Transnapastain logo appears on the screen

“This is TNN, Transnapa City, Transnapastain, Linda Warner reporting” said the bumming announcers voice

“Good evening” she began “As you all know, tragedy struck out nation today, is our beloved Chancellor Main was slain by dissident religious fanatics. We have received much support from our allied nations. The funeral will be held in two days. The convoy will process from the General Hospital down the main street, under the Arch of the Lord in Transnapa Square, and the body will be carried from the convoy into he Cathedral of God’s Will, where the funeral ceremony will take place. Alexander Simon 1, head of the Church of God’s Will, will preside over the services.”

This is map of the funeral route, security will be tight, well wishers are welcome and encouraged to line the street and plaza.

In other news…
05-02-2004, 06:49
06-02-2004, 08:50