NationStates Jolt Archive

Total Control-- letter to Authoritarian States

02-02-2004, 04:57
To my fellow Dictatorships, Police States, Military States, and other countries under one form of authoritarianism or another:

Despite our many differences, we are all perfectly sensible countries that share a common bond of Total Control. I know some of you may have your doubts, but this is a good thing. And don't let those trouble-mongering, civil rights, everyone's equal, Left wing sonuvabitches tell you different.

The fact is, we're right and they're wrong. And they're too stupid, unwilling, or both, to realize that. Yes, we are right, and they are wrong. You can go on bitching about civil rights and political freedoms, but in the end it all comes down to power and who has it. Look at all peoples and what will you see? Hierarchies, levels of power, the little people answering to the bigger and more important ones. Whether in governments, schools, hospitals, or in our social systems, it's all there. Hierarchies. Power.

And our countries are special because we realize this, and do not attempt to delude ourselves unlike some Left-wing Republics that we know. Yes, they'll try to throw their whole "everyone is equal" philosophies at you. But look at them. Is everyone equal in their government? Is there not some political leader that is giving you all this B.S? If there is a political leader, does that not mean that there must be some followers? Is a follower equal to a leader? I think not. They are merely hypocrites.

Throughout human history, this unequal distribution of power has been what has kept mankind going. And the occasional illusion of the masses actually having a voice was merely to keep them happy. Everyone shouldn't be equal. Should morons, idiots, and other unsavory characters unfit for any political voice what-so-ever be given just as much power as intellectuals, and those who are just plain better than them?

The fact is, the masses are ignorant. And they just don't know what's for their own good. Really, they couldn't care less about what their country is doing, they're just made to think they do. Propaganda is law when it comes to the masses. One persuasive person can make them think one thing one day, while another equally persuasive person have them completely turned around the next. Take any idea, make it sound pretty, and the masses will eat it up, right out of the palm of your hand. They don't know what's right or wrong, they are merely told that they do. Do you really want such idiots having any say in your government?

When the masses rule, you have morons in office and an overrun of reality television diluting the noble structure, and intellectual purity of your national government. When the masses are left in charge, you have mobs and chaos. Put the masses before the government, make everyone equal, and you have anarchy. And even in anarchy, the strong are free to bully the weak into submission.

So, my fellow authoritarian states, do you want this to happen to your country? I would think not. How can you prevent this? Well, I am perfectly happy to tell you.

1.) Do not let the masses think for themselves. This is quite simple, since the masses simply don't think for themselves. However, every now and then some charismatic, persuasive, and too-literate left-wingist pops up causing trouble and influences the masses. You must prevent this from happening. This is your number one concern. Don't give people too much free time. Make them work, so that their only thoughts are to stay alive and do what they're told. Trust me, everybody is happier this way.

2.) Limit luxuries. You give people more than they need, and they only want more. They might even start to think that they deserve it. Give them only enough to keep them alive and useful.

3.) Be careful who you teach to read. People read too much and they start getting ideas and then sharing these ideas with other people.

4.) Weed these too literate, left-wingist people out immediately. Simply abolish civil rights, and work on catching these people before they start to feel too important than they really are. Obviously, these people aren't going to turn themselves in, so you must make others want to turn them in. How? Simply offer big rewards to whoever turns them in, and severe punishments to sedition, treachery, and anyone merely suspected of trying to undermine the government,

5.) However, some people are just born intelligent. Find these people quickly and brainwash them to your side, if they aren't sensible enough to do it by themselves. Keep intelligent people in charge of your government. For domestic issues, simply give plenty of funding to propaganda & media control and law & order. Do this, and you can get away with anything, especially if you have extremely charismatic and persuasive people in charge of your propaganda & media control.

6.) Foreign policy. Even though this letter to you is primarily concerned with domestic rule, I should offer some basic advice in the area of foreign policy. Obviously, other ignorant and naive nations are going to not like the fact that your people have no civil rights and that your government is practicing Total Control. But this is to be expected. Keep your calm. Don't tell them the truth about their ignorant ways, yet. Remember, some of these nations-- whether run by idiots or not-- are powerful. They must be handled with care. This can be done through various means. And each case is different. However, whatever the means, the key is to be extremely convincing and manipulative. You can justify anything with the right words.

I hope that this letter has helped renew faith in our noble governments, and that-- no matter what kind of country you are running-- we can all unite under a policy of Total Control. It is the Answer. It is a way of rule that has been rooted deeply into our human nature, a silent constant in our way of life. I merely bring it out into the open. Power has always innately ruled our world. In nature. In society. In governments. In life. Whether you wish it or not, Total Control is the right, sensible way to go.

~~The Dictatorship of Noble Cyanic States~~
02-02-2004, 05:00
As you already know, I love you <3<3<3
02-02-2004, 05:10
02-02-2004, 05:19
I would also like to say that it is good to separate the intelligent people from the morons. Lest we'll have to kill the people with any brains just because they start feeling compassionate with those inferior to them. I recommend classes are divided not by wealth, but by intellectual superiority and usefulness to the government. Each class shall attend different schools that train them for their different futures. People who are only expected to farm and build buildings should be taught only to farm and build buildings. No use in wasting our resources through excessive education on those who could benefit the nation better by being without it.

Also, it is impertinent to teach everyone to put the government first and before all things. Individual happiness is fleeting in nominal, the nation will outlive you, it keeps you, and therefore the nation's concern should be held above the individual.
02-02-2004, 05:36
02-02-2004, 05:42
Hm... tag for future consumption... yum.
02-02-2004, 06:01
Beth Gellert
02-02-2004, 06:11
"Ah, the 'you're not perfect so you can't criticise our ----hole excuse for a governmental system' argument!" -Comrade Vera Igo.

Commonwealth Consul comrade Jon Barrie raised an eyebrow to the Cyanic blanket accusation of ignorance.

"Who is insisting that all are equal?" Asked Barrie.

"Why, we all of us are!" He hastened to answer, before explaining that there was in The People's Commonwealth no head of state, elected or authoritarian.

Comrade Graeme Igo, CPCS, insisted that the consul's reaction include a nod to the over-all superiority of the Beth Gellen nation when compared to a typical despotic regime, or any other conventionally administered nation.
02-02-2004, 06:19
Ah yes, but show me a country with no form of a leadership body has survived? And I assure, that the alphas find a way to get on top-- if only in the social structure.
02-02-2004, 06:34
bump (yes, i really have nothing better to do with my time)
02-02-2004, 06:37
I figured. Go start a sensible war or something.
02-02-2004, 06:40
Can't. Gotta wait till the region gets stabalized and has a government set up.
02-02-2004, 06:47
shame... no chance in convincing someone else to get in a war? You could play the Loki, causing trouble just because you can. Whispering rumours about how Country A is planning on ruining Country B's economy by raising unreasonably high tariffs on their main export.

Or how Country B is creating secret Weapons of Mass Destruction to use against Country A.

Or Country B dried up all the water in the canal that Country A uses for trade because Country B wants to start a Bathhouse Industry, and needed the water because it would provide an international rest and relaxation spot and would do more for the international morale than allowing Country A to use the canal to export its crappy products that nobody really needs anyway.
Dread Lady Nathicana
02-02-2004, 06:49
<amused tag for posting possibly when I'm more awake>
02-02-2004, 06:49
Mm...would be fun, but I'd probably get caught, and drug into the war myself, and I don't think my country is even remotely prepared for a war.
02-02-2004, 06:54
what if you wage the war against countries equally or less weak than yours?
02-02-2004, 06:57
not many of those who would actually be willing to engage in a war.

Except you :twisted:
02-02-2004, 07:03
true. Most things get turned into a flame war anyway... hmm, maybe some time we should schedule a war that won't get turned into a flame one? I really should look on my agenda to see when would be the most opportune time to do so. I think it is best if we start planning for it now.

Out of the choices I listed in my previous post, which one would you pick? Or do you have any other suggestions?
02-02-2004, 07:05
Hm? Choices? I must admit to being a tad confused, owing to the lateness of the hour.
02-02-2004, 07:07
all I'm saying is that if we're going to have a war, it's nice to have a reason why. So, before we fight, I think it would be best to come up with a reason. Or at least one we could feed the international community to cover up our ulterior motives.
02-02-2004, 07:09
i was under the impression that boredum was good enough, but...probably the everlasting struggle between the democracy and the dictatorship.
02-02-2004, 07:11
yes, yes, but there has to be a spark. Besides the fact that you're a hopeless, naive, doomed to fail, Canadian democracy and I quite hate you. That's all wood for the fire, but there must be a spark.
02-02-2004, 07:15
Mm. I'm too tired to think of some thinly veiled insult to fling at you at the moment, and I refuse to sink so low as to use your straightness as an excuse for a war. So I leave it up to your everlasting, oh-so-superior intelligence.
02-02-2004, 07:35
"The truly sad thing about this is that we're being given advice by nations that we could conquer in two minutes with 1/12th of our armed forces." Prince Alexander said.

"Shh... let's see what they do next."
02-02-2004, 07:38
Unfortunetly, my "beloved comrade" has decided to give in to the temptation of her bed.
As that is the case, I declare her an utter twit, and am going to go back my immature fun.
02-02-2004, 07:42
Unfortunetly, my "beloved comrade" has decided to give in to the temptation of her bed.
As that is the case, I declare her an utter twit, and am going to go back my immature fun.

OOC: You know, real evil dictators don't need real reasons to invade... especially not obviously weaker nations such as yourself. :twisted:
02-02-2004, 07:43
Unfortunetly, my "beloved comrade" has decided to give in to the temptation of her bed.
As that is the case, I declare her an utter twit, and am going to go back my immature fun.

OOC: You know, real evil dictators don't need real reasons to invade... especially not obviously weaker nations such as yourself. :twisted:

OOC: yeah, but she knows that I can throw things at her IRL if she decides to do something like that :)
02-02-2004, 09:48
I'm not seeing very stunning numbers here... hmm...
The Brotherhood of Nod
02-02-2004, 11:06
The Brotherhood has already done almost everything Noble Cyanic States suggested a long time ago. When you grow larger in terms of population, why not join the glorious dictatorship alliance known as the Global Dominion Of Dictators Against Democracy aka GDODAD?
03-02-2004, 01:53
"The truly sad thing about this is that we're being given advice by nations that we could conquer in two minutes with 1/12th of our armed forces." Prince Alexander said.

"Shh... let's see what they do next."

True. However, the size of my nation doesn't change the truth of Total Contol any less. Authoritarianism is the Right Way. Whether my nation is 1/12th of your size or twenty times it, this will not change!

*bangs fist on the podium*

The Brotherhood has already done almost everything Noble Cyanic States suggested a long time ago. When you grow larger in terms of population, why not join the glorious dictatorship alliance known as the Global Dominion Of Dictators Against Democracy aka GDODAD?

Why yes, that does sound appealing. And I congratulate you on being on of the wise who have already seen the truth to Total Control.
03-02-2004, 12:27