Greater Prussian Estates-General
27-01-2004, 06:39
Here is where the regional construction of Greater Prussia shall be continued to free up the Regional Forum. Before you now is a proposal of things to enact.
1. Establish a Regional Army that answers to the Estates General and will assist in projecting power abroad. This was an effective tool in the Reich and was used rather well. I propose we enact these measures here.
2. Establish more Regional Offices to delegate power.
Rep. Thomas stands, his escort snapping to attention. "We have a small airforce (known as the Celestial Force), that is primarily used for home defense, but we are building more aircraft as we speak. We just recently upgraded to a new design based on the F-117, known as the Archangel, only instead of black it is a highly polished mirrored finish. The hull of the aircraft is designed to direct the light rays to immediately in front of the craft, causing any opponents to be blinded. This allows the pilot to target the bogie at his leisure. Our new bomber, codenamed the Seraphim, is basically the B-2 design with an improved targetting system.
"Our main role in the past war in Prussia was using missionaries to aid the peoples in the nations under attack, which we have decided should be our main role again in this war. Obviously, the Celestial Force will be at your disposal, and Air Battle Manager (ABM) Bartholomew Johnson will be more than happy to try out his new toys. However, our missionaries are prepared to enter this war and get their hands dirty.
"Our reports out of the Rhineland indicate that underground churches are on the rise, and are finally realizing they must unite if they are to make a difference in the land. As the poison clears away, the churches are searching for survivors, under the leadership of our missionaries, and once all the damage has been totalled up we will recall our missionaries to prepare them for this new threat."
27-01-2004, 18:50
"I am glad to hear of this, Representative Luke." Viktor Responded. "I am also sending missionaries to assist with the recovery. Our Puritain, Calvinist nation will preserve Christ in every way it can. However, as technology improves, most dogfights occur when planes are not even in sight of one another due to radar and smart missiles. This light effect you speak of is very interesting, but will have little effect unfortunately in my view. I say run some of your plans past my designers. They may have some thoughts."
29-01-2004, 06:08
As little progress has been made in the Estates General, and our region and allies are imperilled, it is my duty as First Consul to establish a strong foundation for the region. I am setting into place, by decree, a regional government. This may only be repealed by another decree from the First Consul or, through the Estates General, should the Consul decide to allow it.
New Powers are to be given to the Second Consul. He shall manage the internal affairs of Greater Prussia and ensure unity and strength among its members. To this end power shall be given to him to enforce decrees made by the First Consul provided it is in such a way as to not harm the well being of a loyal and cooperative member nation. He shall also be given power to create offices and appoint nations to fill them such as regional treasurer, or any other office that has to do with internal affairs.
The UN Delegate will be given the title of Third Consul of Greater Prussia. The Delegate's job will be to represent the region's views in the UN and to abstain from elections where it is necessary to do so. He shall also be given power to handle Foreign affairs and toward this end, shall work in conjuction with people from the office of the First Consul who will establish the Department of Foreign Affairs. The 3rd Consul will be given the ability to express the views and thoughts of this region to the world, and could well advertize this region on the forum, but it is the role of the First Consul to set down policy. The 3rd Consul may advise, the 3rd Consul will vocalize the policy on many occasions, but it is not within his power to dictate the policy.
In the Reich, nations were required to give 50% of their ground and Naval Forces to the combined Reich Wehrmacht which soon became one of the many terrors of the earth. This is a policy I look to implementing, the goal of donation is 50% but I will accept a 25% minimum donation if there be good reason. The troops and supplies you donate shall not leave your service though, they shall be in your uniform, under your pay, and under your roofs until they are called up by decree of the First Consul or by Order of the Estates General. At which time, they will don the uniforms of the Greater Prussian Regional Army and be supplied and paid by the estates General. These armies shall respond to the orders of the commanding General who will be under the orders of the First Consul. The Commanding General I have selected is a Scottan by the name of General Feld Marschall Count Friederich von Magdeburg, the hero of the Second Scottan War, a fine commander indeed.
Work shall immediately begin on the establishment of a region wide anti missile defense system. Such a system was created in the Reich and worked very well. Such a system still exists in the Triune Kingdom. We still hold the blueprints and will give them to every nation that is going to finance the building of their own SDI installations. The SDI, upon completion, shall become a new wing of the Regional Military and the SDI shall not answer to any state leader but only to the First Consul, the Second Consul, and to the Estates General. Other State installations can be made if desired though.
Airforce policy. All air units are subject to being called into the service of Greater Prussia, yet no more than 10% of all air units can be called up without the consent of the Estates General. All airfields will be open to inter regional trafic and all bases shall have at least one regional command officer within them.
Benefits to be given to new and current members shall be military and economic. Besides the SDI system, nations shall recieve new military equipment, training, and supplies upon request in return for allowing manufacturing of goods within their nation. A Corporation shall be started to unify and coordinate the manufacture of arms and vehicles. The CEO shall be the Second Consul. This corporation, Kriegcorp, shall give 20% of all weapons made within the factories to the nations who host them if the nation hosts 10 or more factories. For 5 factories, it is 10% and so on. Citizens are also given jobs through this corporation. By embracing Kriegscorp, you will make your country economically stronger and thereby make the rest of the region stronger.
Most favoured nation status shall be given between all region members. There will be no inter-regional tarriffs in order to foster a strong regional economy and to promote free trade. On my part, I am offering large discounts on Reichskamphian goods to region members ranging from 10-50% off. Other nations can make similar offers and their offers will be recorded.
The Estates General shall have no power to tax unless given one at some far distant date. And should it ever be given power to tax, the amount it taxes shall not exceed 3% of the member nation's Gross Domestic Product. This decree is permanent. There will be no over taxation here.
However, if nations wish to donate to the Estates General, as the Triune Kingdom shall every year, you are welcome and encouraged to do so. The more money donated to the estates General, the more benefits you shall recieve from the various companies run by them as well as recieving better military technology from nations like min.
I am establishing a food corporation and a raw materials corporation that shall be headed by the 3rd Consul and overseen by the Estates General. Any subsequent Companies created by them shall be headed by whom the Estates General appoints but the 3rd Consul shall remain head of these two companies.
The Estates General shall serve as a Governing body, only insofar as it is given power by the office of First Consul. However, it shall not be able to dictate policy. But it shall be able to enforce the policies set down by the Consul. Regular Majority votes shall be used for all regular issues pertaining to domestic and foreign policy. The Second Consul shall be the moderator of the Estates General. I relinquish that responsibility to him.
Insofar as Veto's of Consular decrees, there must be a 2/3rds Majority. However, a veto does not neccessarily have to be acted upon by the First Consul as he can continue to pursue said policy. However, in advice to future first Consuls, it is best to listen to the words of the Estates General in most situations. One does not wish to risk disunity within the lands or any rebellion whatsoever. One must see that the will of the people is done, and that will, does, in most cases, surpass one's own. A vote of no confidence in the Consul will requre a 3/4ths majority to create elections for another Consul. However, it is the choice of the First Consul whether or not to act upon the decisions of the Estates General or to otherwise nullify or ignore them. A vote of no confidence can be, by decree, nullified, but advice to all future Consuls, do not make such a decree, for you shall be giving fertile ground for the seeds of unrest. Simply accept the decisions and work in the elections. Once the election takes place, the election results CANNOT be nullified and the winner shall be installed as Consul.
Elections shall not be held for any of these positions unless a vote of no confidence by the Estates General initiates them. The last thing we need is to be in the middle of a power change when an attack comes. One must keep steady and strong.
By this decree, I do establish the regional government of Greater Prussia. God be with us even until the end of our days, and should we stray from the path, would that God strike us down that we sin against him nolonger. To God be, the power, the honour, and the glory, forever and ever. Thy Will be done, Amen.
His Royal Highness,
King Viktor Leipzig I
First Consul of Greater Prussia.
29-01-2004, 06:28
God bless,
The Republic of Syskeyia
31-01-2004, 00:31
I am in agreement with the terms stated. TAP Empire currently has a Missle defence system, wich could be intregrated with the future regional one.
31-01-2004, 05:12
Send me a tellegramme of the details of your system. Because I would rather it all be of the same construct and created at the same time so that there will be no huge loophole through the system.
I think the terms stated are solid.
Jedi Revolutionists
02-02-2004, 06:53
I accept these new powers invested in me by the General Estates and for my first action in the use of these powers I hereby propose the creation of the Ministry of Information and Propaganda.
Purpose: The distribution of distributing information regarding Greater Prussia, keeping records of all domestic statistics and information, and any other clause that maybe be added if needed.
I. Recording all statistical figures such as population, elections, percentages, history, etc.
II. Propaganda referring to the use of media such as newspapers, radio, television, and other media for the distribution of information to help unite the region.
III. The Minister of Information and Propaganda shall be chosen by the current Second Consul and will be approved by the First Consul and will be appointed and removed as necessary based on skill, efficiency, and use of power as required by the 3 Consuls.
02-02-2004, 14:20
OOC: Good thought. Rename the Greater Prussian Ministry of Information and Media Affairs. Propaganda is a buzzword these days. Sad isn't it. It looks like the estates General is dead. I will rewrite what i have written accordingly and by decree establish your suggestion.