I want to buy a large cannon.
24-01-2004, 17:42
What is the largest cannon you have for sale? My region is willing to pay top dollar.
24-01-2004, 18:06
OOC: Hey, someone haul out one of the MK-III's! I only have one.(and don't ruin it, we can make money offa him!)
24-01-2004, 18:11
OOC: Hey, someone haul out one of the MK-III's! I only have one.(and don't ruin it, we can make money offa him!)
Could you show me this sir?
Der Angst
24-01-2004, 18:27
I want to buy a large cannon.
I would suggest a swedish 'gun' enlarger rather than a big 'normal' 'gun'...
See, while big 'guns' are nice, better 'technology' will win a 'war'.
Not to mention that buying a 'gun'... it still wont be your 'gun'...
24-01-2004, 18:27
I have one... let me get the pic.
24-01-2004, 18:31
I have one... let me get the pic.
You only have one.....hmmm.. how would you like a contract sir so that you could build more for my region.
24-01-2004, 18:32
I want to buy a large cannon.
I would suggest a swedish 'gun' enlarger rather than a big 'normal' 'gun'...
See, while big 'guns' are nice, better 'technology' will win a 'war'.
Not to mention that buying a 'gun'... it still wont be your 'gun'...
With accurate plotting a large cannon is very effective.
24-01-2004, 18:38
It is an Immoblizing Global Notification Of Renewed Electrobombardment Cannon MK-III
We can always procur another from allies. We will take 100 billion for it and release full plans to build your own.
James Adams
24-01-2004, 18:39
not if someone drop a nuke on it will you are taking such a long time to aim it....
24-01-2004, 18:40
Does that look like a nuke could be "dropped on it" its a space cannon for corn sakes.
24-01-2004, 18:41
Besides with proper protection no nuke would reach its designated target.
James Adams
24-01-2004, 18:41
Does that look like a nuke could be "dropped on it" its a space cannon for corn sakes.
nukes do not need air to work dummie they travel past the o-zone layer before hitting targets...
24-01-2004, 18:43
I did not say it didnt but you were talking of the bomb kind not the missle kind. Also my missle defense would intercept the thing.
24-01-2004, 18:44
Hey! Stop argueing! You're messing ny deal up here. Sufficient to say, nukes would not be able to hit the cannon. I will reveal exactly why when I remember why myself...
24-01-2004, 18:45
It is an Immoblizing Global Notification Of Renewed Electrobombardment Cannon MK-III
We can always procur another from allies. We will take 100 billion for it and release full plans to build your own.
24-01-2004, 18:45
Well Crimmond do we have a contract.
James Adams
24-01-2004, 18:46
Hey! Stop argueing! You're messing ny deal up here. Sufficient to say, nukes would not be able to hit the cannon. I will reveal exactly why when I remember why myself...
fine...ill jnust attack it with my space fleet...i do happen to live on a plannet or hadn't you noticed?
24-01-2004, 18:48
Hey! Stop argueing! You're messing ny deal up here. Sufficient to say, nukes would not be able to hit the cannon. I will reveal exactly why when I remember why myself...
fine...ill jnust attack it with my space fleet...i do happen to live on a plannet or hadn't you noticed?
Why would you attack? I have nothing against you. I just am merely making a simple trade here.
24-01-2004, 18:48
JA, shut up now man. Before I stop liking you. To get to the thing you would have to get through my fleet though...
24-01-2004, 18:49
It is an Immoblizing Global Notification Of Renewed Electrobombardment Cannon MK-III
We can always procur another from allies. We will take 100 billion for it and release full plans to build your own.
Very well the check is in the mail. I expect I will be pleased?
24-01-2004, 18:51
All right, I'll tyransfer control when we recieve the money. No sooner.
24-01-2004, 18:55
With this I will now have two orbital weapons the Zeus and I will dub this one the Apollo.
24-01-2004, 18:57
Okay, to speed things up, just take control this time tomorrow and we'll assume all is said and done.
Again, thank you for the purchase of the Immoblizing Global Notification Of Renewed Electrobombardment Cannon MK-III.
24-01-2004, 19:05
No thankyou.
What are the specs on this cannon? Cause I might be interested in one of my own....
24-01-2004, 19:15
Dont worry Biggs I will give you the plans too once I get them then you can build one too if you want.
24-01-2004, 19:22
Okay, to speed things up, just take control this time tomorrow and we'll assume all is said and done.
Again, thank you for the purchase of the Immoblizing Global Notification Of Renewed Electrobombardment Cannon MK-III.
*transaction wired*
24-01-2004, 19:22
Okay, to speed things up, just take control this time tomorrow and we'll assume all is said and done.
Again, thank you for the purchase of the Immoblizing Global Notification Of Renewed Electrobombardment Cannon MK-III.
*transaction wired*
Aqua Nation Atlantica
24-01-2004, 19:41
Damn.. to late to et a sale in of my
Interphasing, Ground-launched, Noob, Orbital, Ranting, Eradicator.
San Texario
24-01-2004, 20:58
I will pay what your asking price is for a copy of the plans in order to build "my own" (meaning that we are going to offer a contract to a private business).
24-01-2004, 23:53
Damn.. to late to et a sale in of my
Interphasing, Ground-launched, Noob, Orbital, Ranting, Eradicator.
They don't even get it, do they man? It's almost too easy to fleece the newbies nowadays.