Knootoss to use navies as merchants, spacecabs, rent-a-ships
23-01-2004, 08:45
KNN International News Wire
THE HAGUE – Knootoss today announced that it would divert 90% of its space fleet to civilian tasks in an effort to deal with severe cutbacks on defence. Until spending can be restored, the ships will be used to haul cargo for international trade in an effort to make the fleet more profitable. Knootian military vessels will also be used as ‘international spacecabs’ for VIP’s who need to get around. The fleet will take on any job, inner system and between systems, from both private contractors and governments. Several taskforces of the Knootian (earth) navy will also be used in the same way.
The fleet is to operate especially on the Earth-Mars interplanetary trade routes. Knootoss is the latest signatory to the Martian Free Trade Agreement ( with Sunset, Wazzu, New ArAreBee, Mangala, Menelmacar, Pilon, Sentient Peoples and Knootoss as members. MFTA will mean a shift away from conventional partners to new ones.
Other defence-cutting measures include mothballing all deep-space exploration vessels, layoffs in higher military staff, decreasing military size further and stopping research in radiological weaponry altogether.
Knootoss is ranked 77th in the region and 105,675th in the world for Largest Defense Forces (per capita) *shame* - I’m going to bring it back up a little to 50k or so but this is stopgap.
Due to the compatabilites of the Knootoss space force and the Sunset merchantry several dozen Sunset headquartered corporations have expressed interest in this offer. Many are looking for protection against pirates and privateers on trade routes from Mars to Earth, Titan, Proxima Centauri, and points beyond.
The current proposal is to pay ships 1% of any successful transactions per accompanying ship with a combat bonus of 50% and an ammunition fund of 100m per journey. Interested Captains can enquire further with the Commerce Division of the Senate.
Senator Edwardo Javier Davies,
Commerce Division Head,
Libertarian Paradise of Sunset
23-01-2004, 09:06
Senator Edwardo Javier Davies,
Commerce Division Head,
Libertarian Paradise of Sunset
General de Kaste
Knootian central command
Dutch Democratic Republic of Knootoss
The Sunset offer is very welcome, and we accept it fully, including the suggested pricerange. Contracts with the Commerce Division of the Senate will be handled through central command network for your customer convenience. I have been informed that the department of Economic Affairs is granting a subsidy on using military vessels for merchant duties for the next 3 years. This makes our services extra attractive at a reduced rate.
Yours in friendship,
~General de Kaste
Surpreme Commander
General de Kaste
Knootian central command
Dutch Democratic Republic of Knootoss
The newly formed Incorporated States of Umnali in the middle east would be intrested in a deal regarding your space fleet
Although tiny, and unable to cover the complete purchase of ships, our government would be intrested in a short term lease which we could easily pay for as a result of our recent findings of oil reserves
The ships would be used for exploration and training purposes only
3 Shipis would be plentiful, if you are intrested, do not hesitate to contact me. If a more secure location is needed, embassies of my country are being built around the solar system and i could fly out as soon as possible
Il Had Mockabari
Defense Minister
23-01-2004, 09:27
Il Had Mockabari
Defense Minister
The Incorporated States of Umnali
General de Kaste
Knootian central command
Dutch Democratic Republic of Knootoss
Such a deal would be acceptable, and for a reasonable fee you can lease all the ships you require. I understand that three will be enough for now though. If you want to start small, but have a broad range of scientific abilities we offer the Oberth class science vessel, however we can also offer Miranda's, or the customly designed Cohort class vessels which are more oriented towards tactical purposes. For training missions the Oberth will do fine, but for longer-range exploration you may want to use the Ambassador class vessel KDF Sterrenmix
Because of intelligence concerns, we'd like a (partial) Knootian crew to remain aboard during the lease. We hope this is acceptabe.
General de Kaste
General de Kaste
Knootian central command
Dutch Democratic Republic of Knootoss
We are delighted that you have accepted our proposal, and if a lease plan on each of the ships you mentioned can be sent to us, we can make a decsion quickly. A lease length of 5 years for now would be justify our needs and if longer leases are required we shall request them from you. Do not hesitate ask for your ships to be returned to you in an event of an conflict involving your nation as we would duly return them. And your request of some of your own crewmen being aboard is no problem what so ever. Waiting in response of an lease plan
Il Had Mockabari
Defense Minister
The Incorporated States of Umnali
23-01-2004, 10:56
Lease plan
Lease duration: 5 years
Ships available for lease:
-KDF Sterrenmix, Ambassador class.
-KDF Pasteur, and KDF Einstein, Oberth class science vessels.
- KDF Rembrandt van Rijn, Miranda class
Special conditions:
-A team of Knootian crew will remain onboard for the duration of the lease. They will have the task of overseeing and monitoring.
-Certain restructions may be imposed on the use of the computer systems for intelligence purposes, or in emergencies. (OOC: think mutiny here, or you trying to steal our ships.)
-The vessels should be returned within due time in the event of war, if asked for by the DDR of Knootoss.
-Lease partner will pay all costs for maintenance of the ships for the duration of the lease, and other costs including the salaries of the Knootian crew plus a 5% profit margin.
-The vessels will be returned in good state, external insurance is required.
OOC clauses:
These ships are star-trek based, but they have no transporters (teleportation) or replicators (magically appearing food&such) and a special system that hides all nitpicky specific technical details so as to prevent OOC bitchfight attacks.
An Oberth class vessel, to give you an idea
I hope this is acceptable?
General de Kaste
Knootian central command
Dutch Democratic Republic of Knootoss
I would be glad to aacept the lease offers, one of each ship would be very good.
-KDF Sterrenmix, Ambassador class.
-KDF Pasteur, and KDF Einstein, Oberth class science vessels.
-KDF Rembrandt van Rijn, Miranda class
When can the transfer take place? And which currency and Bank would you prefer
Il Had Mockabari
Defense Minister
The Incorporated States of Umnali
23-01-2004, 14:51
Il Had Mockabari
Defense Minister
The Incorporated States of Umnali
General de Kaste
Knootian central command
Dutch Democratic Republic of Knootoss
Dear Sir,
The Sterrenmix, the Einstein and the Rembrandt van Rijn are at your disposal. A skeleton crew can fly them to any starport you may posess, or you can send your people to the Knootian protectorate of Ale-Yarok. (OOC: which would be somewhere in RL Israels neighborhood.)
We would prefer payment in Menelmacari Credits (M€) or our own Euro's. Other currencies are also acceptable. The Knootian Central Bank is our government account, and they will be happy to take the money. Details have been enclosed with this letter.
Regards ,
General de Kaste
Wombat News
23-01-2004, 15:47
General de Kaste
Knootian Central Command
Dutch Democratic Republic of Knootoss
Pape Razzi
Chief Editor
Wombat News
We understand that certain of your stellar naval vessels are available for lease.
Wombat News has hitherto not had the capability of reporting on events off-Earth directly, and would like the opportunity of expanding our coverage by boldly transporting roving news crew to places no news crews have ever gone before.
We are seeking to lease, on an ad hoc basis, several high speed, low observability, long range scout craft capable of carrying up to 8 persons other than the crew.
Do you have such vessels available, and if so, could you communicate their specifications and your terms of lease to me.
Rest assured that Wombat News is in fine financial fettle, and all contracts would, in all cases, be guaranteed by our government, Australian Marsupials.
Yours faithfully,
Pape Razzi
23-01-2004, 16:57
Pape Razzi
Chief Editor
Wombat News
General de Kaste
Knootian Central Command
Dutch Democratic Republic of Knootoss
We do indeed have such vessels available for lease. Having assessed your requirements we have concluded that your needs require either a very small starship, or a long-range shuttlecraft. There are two types available to you that we deemed most suitable for your use: an ‘economy class’ option and a premium option. Of course our larger or more luxurious vessels are also at your disposal, and a contract can be signed at a short notice should you need them.
The ‘economy’ option would be the so-called warp sled. This is a Long range shuttlecraft that is 55 metres long and 14 metres high with 1 deck. The ship can accommodate for 1 crew plus up to 10 passengers. It has no armament and its only defence is a light Monotanium single hull and a low level Structural Integrity Field. The ship has a normal cruising speed of warp 5.
It is a highly flexible craft that can attach all sorts of pods. For personnel the most common is a twelve person shuttle pod which is intended for relatively short duration flights. A six person unit with small bunk spaces is also available, as well as a single occupant VIP unit. The ships available to you (on rotation) would be the KDF Tolkien and the KDF Dahl
The more expensive choice– but also the option with more potential – is the Raven class which is originally a long-range Research Vessel. It is 91 metres long and 35 metres high with 5 decks. The ships can accommodate several dozen people in reasonable comfort for several months at a time, but the flight and engine systems are highly automated and even one or two people can operate these ships indefinitely. They have no military capability but they do have a standard Duranium/Tritanium single hull which gives it somewhat more protection then the Warp Sled would. It also has a low level Structural Integrity Field. It’s normal cruising speed is warp 5.
The Raven class can carry various modular sensor packages, allowing them to be refitted as needed for individual missions. As a result they have been a popular choice for scientists in various fields.
Yours to lease would be the vessel KDF Wolkenkrabber
Two draft contracts have been attached to this message. (OOC: same leasing conditions as stated in the above contract, with the difference that the lease will be on an ad hoc basis)
General de Kaste
General de Kaste
Knootian central command
Dutch Democratic Republic of Knootoss
We are glad that you have accepted our request, the transfer of the requested funds in Menelmacari Credits to the Knootian Central Bank has just taken place.
We would prefer if your crew would fly the 3 ships to our newly opened starport in the Middle East, Ridyah 9. As we have yet to complete selection of our first intestellar space crew.
Your crew will be accomadated in our spaceport or if they wish they can vist other areas of Umnali at their pleasure. The selection of our new crews in the newly formed Umnali Space Defense Fleet should take no longer then a week.
We also request that the ships be renamed temporarily while they are under lease. The names will be chosen shortly.
My government is also interested in leasing 2 larger ships, maybe some capital ships, what are the largest ships currently in your fleet?
Thankyou for your cooperation regarding this deal,
Il Had Mockabari
Defense Minister
The Incorporated States of Umnali
24-01-2004, 22:51
OOC: consider the ships delivered, and the crew probably transferred via shuttle. I'd like to wait with leasing the bigger ones untill I have seen how you fare with the small ones, ok? Renaming is allowed, as long as the serial numbers do not change.
Understood, larger ships may be more of a possibility in the future
the three ships new names will be (USS = Umnali Space Ship)
-KDF Sterrenmix, Ambassador class - USS Malgoa
-KDF Einstein, Oberth class science vessels - USS Lumina
-KDF Rembrandt van Rijn, Miranda class - USS Kaljana
Understood, larger ships may be more of a possibility in the future
the three ships new names will be (USS = Umnali Space Ship)
-KDF Sterrenmix, Ambassador class - USS Malgoa
-KDF Einstein, Oberth class science vessels - USS Lumina
-KDF Rembrandt van Rijn, Miranda class - USS Kaljana