NationStates Jolt Archive

Dyelli Beybi hold elections

Dyelli Beybi
21-01-2004, 03:06
Following the recent civil war in Dyelli Beybi, and despite the fact that it is still going on in certain parts of the country, Dyelli Beybi is holding it's first election in years.

Troops at the few hot spots remaining were surprised to find voting forms being distributed with the mid day year. Despite there being a few complaints that some people were recieving forms that were already filled out, most international observers declared that the elections were the most free ever held in the country.

The running in the new MMP system are,

The National Socialist Worker's Party - polling at c. 60% Headed by Herr Himmler. While many International observers are concerned by it's policy of invading Poland, it's actions during the civil ware have assured it a sizeable majority following.

The Communist Party - polling at c. 35%. Headed by Ms D. Laroque. Also active during the civil war. Some people still mistrust the party for the way it behaved the last time it was in power.

The Tzarist Part - polling at 0%. Refuses to disclose name of leader. Policies include outlawing voting and execution of all other party members.

The Monster Raving Looney Party - polling at c. 5%. Headed by Screaming Lord Sutch. Has no policies whatsoever apart from the compulsory wearing of silly hats. Supposed support is probably an anomaly or a practical joke by the polling company.
Dyelli Beybi
21-01-2004, 11:54
well BUMP this. I like cake!
Alcona and Hubris
21-01-2004, 15:29
Well, finally an election in Dyelli Beybi, of course I have a strange suspision that the only votes that will be counted are those for Mr. Himmler.
Landgravine Hubris
Dyelli Beybi
22-01-2004, 10:55
This is ludicrous. For a start we can't risk another civil war so soon after the last. But what is more, we have the utmost respect for the Communist Party.
Spokesman for the NSWP.
22-01-2004, 11:28
Good grief, MMP :cry:
Dyelli Beybi
25-01-2004, 11:46
whats wrong with MMP?
25-01-2004, 23:49
It just allows extremist minority parties to take hold and exert greater influence than they normally would.
26-01-2004, 00:55
Somewhere in Vrak...

Translated from Vrakian.

-The Dyelli Beybians are having elections.
-Elections? What are those?
-It's when the people in a country vote for their leader.
-Oh! We have those. Everyone loves the King.
-Er...but usually elections implies that there is more than one choice.
-Absurd! Why fix something that already works?
-Well, some folks believe that having a choice is a good thing.
-That's crazy talk! Buy Vrakian!
-Huh? Err...
-Get out of my sight you liberal!
Alcona and Hubris
26-01-2004, 05:39
Hmm, I didn't know Vrak was an absolute monarchy. Of course the Dual Duchy is a constitutional monarchy. But anyone who disagrees gets booted off the island, and it's a long swim to the mainland.
Landgravine Hubris
Outer Consul of the FKC
26-01-2004, 05:42
Hattia will lend our support to Ms D. Laroque...
26-01-2004, 05:43
OOC: Indeed. And who knows what sort of beasties live in the oceans of the Klatch. :)
26-01-2004, 06:15
It just allows extremist minority parties to take hold and exert greater influence than they normally would.too true...
Dyelli Beybi
26-01-2004, 12:07
It just allows extremist minority parties to take hold and exert greater influence than they normally would.

OOC: I'm a New Zealander, so actually do know what MMP is :P Being a supporter of a particular 'extremist minority party' I'm all for it. I believe it gives a better idea of the spectrum of political views in a country, much more than a first past the post system would.

OOC: Well when we consider the kind of creatures that live on the land, one would expect the sea creatures to be very large and very carnivorous.
The Most Glorious Hack
26-01-2004, 14:43
Why can we not vote for The Monster Raving Looney Party? The Most Glorious Hack supports The Monster Raving Looney Party!

- Dargan Zaraad, Office of Unofficial Official Statements
The Most Glorious Hack
26-01-2004, 16:10
Iesus AND Dyelli? I may well cry :(
26-01-2004, 16:20
Can't vote for the The Monster Raving Looney Party? We have some nice hats for them too as bribes.
Dyelli Beybi
27-01-2004, 11:15
Ooops. Damn. I messed up the poll. Didn't even notice till now :P

What is Iesus holding elections? Just rememby one that isn't run by ruthless sadistic maniacs.