Isles of Wohlstand
18-01-2004, 09:59
Wohlstand jetzt haben 2 billionen Personen, und das is sehr gut! Jetzt wir haben ein Fete, und alles sind Wilkommen. Den Fete werde in New Wohlstand am nachste Woche bist und Polizei werde auch beim Fete gehen fur den Sicherheit. Komm mit, und habe ein gutes Fete mit Wohlstand!
Translation:"Wohlstand now has 2 billion people, and that is very good. Now we will have a party, and all are welcome. The party will be in New Wohlstand(on Earth) next week, and police will be coming for your security. Come and join us, and have a good party with us."
Translation:"Wohlstand now has 2 billion people, and that is very good. Now we will have a party, and all are welcome. The party will be in New Wohlstand(on Earth) next week, and police will be coming for your security. Come and join us, and have a good party with us."