NationStates Jolt Archive

Californian military intervenes in South African war.

California and Alaska
18-01-2004, 01:50
August 29, 2219

AP Los Angeles Times — Vancouver, BC
After 230 years of unrest and violent civil wars threatening to tear the Republic of South Africa apart the naitons President Adrian Neschevel asked for the forces of the Federated States of Sovereign California to intervene before things get ugly.

With the President's permission the Californian Pacific fleet has set off to rendezvous with the Atlantic and North Sea fleets off the coast of Brazil in preparation for the military exercise. Air Force Bases across California have seen a dramatic increase in activity in the last 72 hours since the order was given to head for South Africa in what has been named "Operation Vigilant Fury".

Updates on the situation will be given when more information arises.

Daphne Ericsson,
Secretary of Defense.
California and Alaska
18-01-2004, 02:12
August 30, 2219

Los Angeles, California — F.S.S.C.
Today in negotiations between the Republic of South Africa the Federated States of Sovereign California entered into an accord by agreeing to relinquish Belgium for the northwest portion of South Africa.

At midnight tonight the Armed Forces of Belgium will be withdrawn from the state and control will be given to South Africa, effectively sealing the deal.

The four provinces plus Swaziland and Lesotho will be united to form the Californian Republic of South Africa.

Eric Roberts,
Director of Foreign Affairs.
18-01-2004, 02:20
OOC note: South Africa is a Belem colony for those who dont know

IC: The Tribunal government of South Africa has agreed to the exchange based on encouragement from the Inquisition and the Emperor.

The Colonial Government has handed over Belgium to the Holy Imperial Empire and Belem will be establishing a Imperial Tribunal to run the nation.